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TV Shows you've watched recently

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I like Party Down well enough but I didn't really find it laugh-out-loud funny.

Anyway I just started watching Soap, it's pretty hilarious.
Just watched the first episode of the second season of Buffy. The season is off to an interesting start, though it seems like bitchy Buffy was only temporary. It's nice to see that Cordelia is starting to become awesome, Angel will have more of a presence, and Xander might stop just being comedic relief. I have some definite qualms with some of the writing, though.
Really? None of them did much of any importance over the summer? Then the whole deal with the Master's bones.
Seeing that the season is 22 episodes long kind of worries me, as far as pacing goes. I hear it gets better as it goes along, though.


Snuggler said:
I have about 5 episodes left of Six Feet Under. It's gotten better and better as the show goes on, which is rare. I have a lot of thoughts on it but overall it's a very emotional show, so sad at times.

I am halfway through S3...So far, I would say this is, by far, the best show I have seen. I love every single character in this show. Great writing and characters.


So tempted to watch Six Feet Under next as I absolutely love Dexter (just saw season 4 - best TV show I've ever seen by far) but will that ruin it for me? Seeing Dexter play another character...?
blizeH said:
So tempted to watch Six Feet Under next as I absolutely love Dexter (just saw season 4 - best TV show I've ever seen by far) but will that ruin it for me? Seeing Dexter play another character...?
No, not at all. He's a totally different character in Six Feet Under. Watch it. :)

I watched three more episodes of Buffy season two. I want to keep watching it, but then I don't. I'm just not in the mood for the pacing, in terms of character development. Does the show stop with the "monster of the week" soon? The episode with Spike was awesome.
The writers killing off the Anointed One that early was commendable.
Some shows like this this seem to suffer from having seasons last longer than 13 or so episodes. I've also been watching more of Friday Night Lights season three, and each episode is much more satisfying than what I have seen from Buffy.
Me and my wife just finished the last episode of Buffy. Overall, we enjoyed it. I even thought seasons 6 and 7 were pretty good. Cheesy at times, but still pretty entertaining.

We also finished season 3 of angel and the end of the season was pretty bad, imo. Just was not feeling it at all. We are going to continue since we want to see season 5. Although from what I have read, season 4 is worse than 3:)


I finished The Wire this week. Great show. Season 3 is definitely my favorite. This one thing in particular in Season 5 bugged me. I get why they did it, but it didn't sit well with me. I would have rather it went differently I guess. It will probably bother me less over time. When I first watched it I was pissed though.

Now I went back to Firefly which I started before The Wire distracted me. Pretty good so far.


TripOpt55 said:
I finished The Wire this week. Great show. Season 3 is definitely my favorite. This one thing in particular in Season 5 bugged me. I get why they did it, but it didn't sit well with me. I would have rather it went differently I guess. It will probably bother me less over time. When I first watched it I was pissed though.

Now I went back to Firefly which I started before The Wire distracted me. Pretty good so far.
So you were pissed at
Omar's death
I'm assuming?



Why did I wait until now to watch The Wire? Such a terrible decision on my part. HBO GO is my savior. The first two seasons were INCREDIBLE. I liked season one a bit more, due to the fact that I didn't find the situation at the docks as interesting as the focus on the Barksdale crew in the first one, but it was still great. Loved Ziggy. Still love Bunk and Freamon and McNulty and Stringer and lots of other characters. And holy fuck @ Omar and Brother Mouzone. Total bad asses.

I can't wait to start season 3 tonight. Shit's going to get good. Especially now that
there's some friction between Avon and Stringer (legendary character)
. So god damn good.

One thing I did like more in season 2 was that they used the Tom Waits version of Down in the Hole for the intro. Perfect fit.


TripOpt55 said:
Yeah. Did you like how that went? Edit: Maybe I should find a Wire thread for this actually.
This thread is still somewhat active if you want to take it there. But yeah, after watching it twice, I warmed up to the way things went.

No matter how you look at it that sucked. I had probably the same reaction you did, I was screaming at the TV, just basically going nuts. But I think that was meant to signify that what goes on on the streets doesn't matter to the everyday folk. Even a legendary character in the context of the show is going to get got in a really anti-climactic way, and no one is gonna give a shit (as shown by the fact that they couldn't even get his name card right in the morgue).

Edit: That thread I linked to is a NO SPOILER THREAD. Don't go there if you haven't finished the whole show.
darkiguana said:
Me and my wife just finished the last episode of Buffy. Overall, we enjoyed it. I even thought seasons 6 and 7 were pretty good. Cheesy at times, but still pretty entertaining.

We also finished season 3 of angel and the end of the season was pretty bad, imo. Just was not feeling it at all. We are going to continue since we want to see season 5. Although from what I have read, season 4 is worse than 3:)
Season four is the worst, but the ending is good. The ending to season 3 made me so mad.


Fjordson said:

Why did I wait until now to watch The Wire? Such a terrible decision on my part. HBO GO is my savior. The first two seasons were INCREDIBLE. I liked season one a bit more, due to the fact that I didn't find the situation at the docks as interesting as the focus on the Barksdale crew in the first one, but it was still great. Loved Ziggy. Still love Bunk and Freamon and McNulty and Stringer and lots of other characters. And holy fuck @ Omar and Brother Mouzone. Total bad asses.

I can't wait to start season 3 tonight. Shit's going to get good. Especially now that
there's some friction between Avon and Stringer (legendary character)
. So god damn good.

One thing I did like more in season 2 was that they used the Tom Waits version of Down in the Hole for the intro. Perfect fit.
If you liked Season 1, you can't even prepare for Season 3. Shit is just too fucking good.


Having a bad case of insomnia tonight, so I started watching Luther. Still watching the first ep now. A little dramatic, but interesting. I'm liking it.

big ander

Gave in to peer pressure and have been watching some Doctor Who. Watched the episodes Blink, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead before jumping in to Series/Season 5, which I finished tonight. While some episodes I found kind of boring, the three main characters are very endearing and the plotting can be quite great when Moffat has the pen. The show was hyped up to me a ton, and most of it is just average or good. But Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead and The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang were both spectacular two-parters.


I'm almost all the way through Season 1 of Treme, and it is amazing television. One of the strongest pilots I've ever seen, followed by some wonderful character development. You get attached to each and every one of the characters, and John Goodman plays one of my favorite characters in any recent drama I've seen. I am really just wowed by this show, but I'll stop gushing now.

Seriously, I would watch a spinoff centered on John Goodman's character's daily life. Alright, now I'm seriously done.


I watched the first couple episodes of Treme and then lost interest in it. I did love John Goodman's character though. Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime.

Fucking Deadwood. I'm about a cunt hair away from finishing this fucking masterpiece. All I've got to fucking say is character development... thy name is fucking Deadwood. The way just and unjust (bordering on evil) characters are forced put aside their fuckin' differences to do what's in the best interest of the camp. Al Swearengen is a fucking poet first off... he has too many amazing quotes to even list. This show fuckin' belongs to Ian McShane.

Although I do have a soft spot for Doc Cochran.

The San Fransisco cocksuckers who canceled the show ought to be shot out of a fucking cannon.


Ducky_McGee said:
Al Swearengen is a fucking poet first off... he has too many amazing quotes to even list. This show fuckin' belongs to Ian McShane.

The San Fransisco cocksuckers who canceled the show out to be shot out of a fucking cannon.

Indeed, best character in the show.
UrbanRats said:
Watched the first episode of Treme the other day.
As The Wire, it has a slow developement, but so far it's looking great.
It's so slow that I'd hesitate to call it a tv show. I have no idea what it is. For the first like 6-7 episodes, I felt like nothing was "happening." Plenty was happening (people's livelihoods were teeter-tottering on a precarious edge), but there was no build up or hint of a climax or anything to grab on to. I though The Wire had no hooks but I was wrong on that count, and Treme showed me what "no hooks" is actually like.

During the last 2-3 episodes of season 1, however, everything fell into place for me and I understood why I was watching, and I wanted more.

I'm 4 episodes into season 2, and I'm having very much the same experience -- I'm waiting for the knockdown blows at the end.


big ander said:
Gave in to peer pressure and have been watching some Doctor Who. Watched the episodes Blink, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead before jumping in to Series/Season 5, which I finished tonight. While some episodes I found kind of boring, the three main characters are very endearing and the plotting can be quite great when Moffat has the pen. The show was hyped up to me a ton, and most of it is just average or good. But Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead and The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang were both spectacular two-parters.

Give Sherlock a watch next, truly stellar writing and performances throughout the 3 part series.

Been watching Men of a Certain Age recently, about to watch the last episode before the season 2 break and I'm enjoying the fuck out of it. I can see why some people don't like Ray Romano but I think he nails the 'awkward nice-guy that tries to avoid conflict whenever possible' role. It's genuinely interesting and doesn't fall into the same old mid-life crisis storylines.
My love of Kyle Chandler led me to watch the pilot of Early Edition. While it has all the tropes of a network show, having Chandler in the midst of it makes it ok. I think I'll keep watching and see where it goes.

I also watched the pilot of Mad Men after watching it a few years ago and not really getting into it. This time I enjoyed it more and I'll keep watching.


big ander said:
Gave in to peer pressure and have been watching some Doctor Who. Watched the episodes Blink, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead before jumping in to Series/Season 5, which I finished tonight. While some episodes I found kind of boring, the three main characters are very endearing and the plotting can be quite great when Moffat has the pen. The show was hyped up to me a ton, and most of it is just average or good. But Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead and The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang were both spectacular two-parters.

Time travelling back to previous few seasons of the new series. You'll definately love these:-

Human Nature / The Family of Blood
The Girl in the Fireplace (best episode of the new Who in my opinion)
The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances

On a personal note -

Game of Thrones - what a great cast HBO assembled for this one. Fantastic.

One question for people who have seen them.

The Borgias and The Tudors. Shows worth watching?


erotic butter maelstrom
blizeH said:
So tempted to watch Six Feet Under next as I absolutely love Dexter (just saw season 4 - best TV show I've ever seen by far) but will that ruin it for me? Seeing Dexter play another character...?

I just finished it recently. It's a great show, the last few episodes were some heavy stuff.

Anyways, now I need to find a new show. I feel like the well is starting to run dry but I'm trying to decide between Twin Peaks and The Shield since I haven't watched either yet. Thoughts?

I might try Twin Peaks first since it's on Netflix streaming but I dunno


The Shield is totally worth it man. I recently watched it too, and it's probably in my top 5 shows all time. I haven't watched Twin Peaks though so I can't be a fair judge.

big ander

The Shield is probably more universally appealing and is the higher quality show, I feel. Amazing character study, adrenaline-filled, gritty. It's a fucking thrill ride.
Twin Peaks is more hit-or-miss. Super quirky, blend of tongue-half-in-cheek soapy melodrama and creative sci-fi/fantasy and well-constructed serial crime drama. If it works for you, you'll never stop thinking about it. If it doesn't, you'll be left feeling empty.
Zoibie said:
Give Sherlock a watch next, truly stellar writing and performances throughout the 3 part series.
I'm going to watch if after I watch Friday Night Lights Season 5.
Raydeen said:
Time travelling back to previous few seasons of the new series. You'll definately love these:-

Human Nature / The Family of Blood
The Girl in the Fireplace (best episode of the new Who in my opinion)
The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
I was planning on watching the bolded already, I'll likely watch those other ones also. I was also told to watch Love and Monsters, Gridlock, Midnight, and Waters of Mars.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
Just finished all 3 season of fringe, frickin love it!! Its like Lost, but with answers!
Sweet. Now, get a friend with a Nielsen box and brainwash them into watching it ever week.


Acid08 said:
If you liked Season 1, you can't even prepare for Season 3. Shit is just too fucking good.
Three episodes in and you're so right. More Barksdale stuff, more of Daniels' unit, Marlo, Omar, added insight into the politicians: so god damn great.
big ander said:
I was planning on watching the bolded already, I'll likely watch those other ones also. I was also told to watch Love and Monsters, Gridlock, Midnight, and Waters of Mars.
Never listen to the person who recommended this ever again.

The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit and Human Nature/Family of Blood 2 parters are essential viewing.

big ander

Spotless Mind said:
Never listen to the person who recommended this ever again.

The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit and Human Nature/Family of Blood 2 parters are essential viewing.
Haha I'll pass that along. And like I said, I'll watch both of those two parters too.


Unconfirmed Member
I've been watching The League and I enjoy it a lot. Every episode and character has been hilarious. I can't wait for the next season to start.


I started Star Trek The Next Generation season 5 a few days ago. I'm moving briskly through the series, usually watching an episode or two (or three) a day. At this rate I should be moving on to Deep Space 9 in a few weeks. Overall, the quality of the show has noticeably improved over the spotty first two seasons. There are the random throwaway ones, but most episodes are solid. And goddamn at the season 4 finale, that was fantastic (I can only imagine the shock for people when that first aired and revealed Sela).


Just finished watching the finale of Six Feet Under...What an ending...That is how you end a TV show.

This is without a doubt my favorite TV series. It's an incredibly sad, depressing and heartbreaking series. But I was so emotionally invested in everything in this show. And then to be completely rewarded with an ending like that. Wow.
Just recently finished season one of Party Down, which has inspired my change in avatars. It's brilliantly written and simply hilarious. Damn shame it was only two seasons, but I cannot wait to dive into the second season myself!


erotic butter maelstrom
psykomyko said:
It's an incredibly sad, depressing and heartbreaking series. But I was so emotionally invested in everything in this show. And then to be completely rewarded with an ending like that. Wow.

Agreed, the ending was amazing but I didn't want to let go. I loved those characters.

Anyways, I'm a couple episodes into Twin Peaks. It's weird, which is good, and pretty intriguing so far. I like the oddball tone and Dale Cooper is awesome. We'll see if it can get me hooked.

Also, is it just me or do all the supposed high school characters look like 10 years older than they're supposed to be? It's kinda funny.

Acting on a nostalgia itch, I started watching Zoids: Chaotic Century. It holds up really, really well and is really good with continuity and has a lot of character development for a kids show. It might be the best animated show I've ever seen. The last ten episodes are just non-stop awesomeness.

While it's good with continuity overall, there's some stuff that gets mixed up in between episodes that can come off as really jarring. Also, as with any kids show, you get your helping of cheesy lines/scenes.

Also, Zoids just might have the best-designed fighting machines ever. There are so many badass designs. It's like the designer(s) took the best parts of the animals they were basing the Zoids on and just ran with that.

And the music. So good.

It's really, really good. I'm still surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

Edit 2: I'll make a thread about this I think. I want to know what other GAFfers think of Zoids: CC.


erotic butter maelstrom
Alright, Twin Peak is fucking awesome. I was sold with the extremely surreal and creepy dream sequence in ep. 3 with the little person who may have been satan. I wasn't sure what to expect but it's a very sharp and intriguing show, and like I said a couple posts up, Dale Cooper is like the coolest lead character ever. Also, it probably has the best theme song of any show.

I know s.2 is supposed to be a little off, but whatever. How many seasons are there?
Snuggler said:
Also, is it just me or do all the supposed high school characters look like 10 years older than they're supposed to be? It's kinda funny.

you have to remember the show is basically a soap.. albiet a damn good one

its 2 seasons.. 29 episodes.. plus a movie thats worth a watch after the series.

im currently rewatching it myself

“I've got good news for you — that chewing gum you like is going to come back in style"


erotic butter maelstrom
Damn, for some reason I thought there were like 5 seasons. Oh well, at least that means it's all on Netflix and I can blaze through the series fast.

I guess I'll start with the Shield when I'm done with Twin Peaks but after that it seems like I'll have watched all the must-watch series.
Snuggler said:
I guess I'll start with the Shield when I'm done with Twin Peaks but after that it seems like I'll have watched all the must-watch series.

haha i know that feeling

i just rewatched sopranos for like the 5th time and was like "damn now what am i gonna watch :("

thats why im rewatchin dis


you speak so well
I just finished up the first season of Fringe and started the first few episodes of the second. As I believe I've already said here when I was about halfway through, there's a surprising increase in quality around episode 10 once the mythology and overarching plot starts to come into focus. The last few episodes, particularly the finale, were incredible though.

Spoilers up until the first two (maybe three?) episode of S2.

Olivia in an alternate universe was an awesome cliffhanger and LEONARD FUCKING NEMOY as William Bell is a casting choice I can get behind. However, I was disappointed that she doesn't remember anything yet. I can't wait to see what's up with (I assume?) alternate universe Charlie and that typewriter.

Quickly becoming one of my favorite shows on TV and I hear it only gets better.


erotic butter maelstrom
I might do a Mad Men rewatch but I dunno. Let's see, in terms of TV dramas I have watched:

Lost, The Wire, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, Mad Men, Dexter, Breaking Bad and I'm in the process of watching Twin Peaks and The Shield. Probably forgetting a few.

Is there anything worthwhile (complete series or at least a few seasons in) that I haven't watched yet? I'm very picky when it comes to TV and I hate most network TV shit.
Snuggler said:
I might do a Mad Men rewatch but I dunno. Let's see, in terms of TV dramas I have watched:

Lost, The Wire, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, Mad Men, Dexter, Breaking Bad and I'm in the process of watching Twin Peaks and The Shield. Probably forgetting a few.

Is there anything worthwhile (complete series or at least a few seasons in) that I haven't watched yet? I'm very picky when it comes to TV and I hate most network TV shit.

Have you seen Freaks and Geeks?
watch Rome and Carnivale for sure if you haven't

and West Wing maybe.. i'm going through that one too and it has some great moments but a lot of filler for my taste

X-Files ? not quite as quality as the other stuff youve listed but i like it.

Oz is a lot of fun


erotic butter maelstrom
I watch the first couple eps of Freaks and Geeks, guess I should give it a real try.

Thanks for the rec's Brian Jones, I haven't watched any of those aside from the odd episode of West Wing and X-Files when I was a kid.

Guess I still have a bit to watch, but I wish I could reset my brain and watch The Wire, Six Feet Under, Deadwood and the Sopranos for the first time again. Home Box Office <3.


3 episodes left of Mad Men Season 4. By far the best season of any show I have ever seen. Mad Men season 4 was made by TV gods!
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