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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Edit: Also watched the first episode of Firefly with a friend earlier. It was... well, it was pretty much what I expected: a kinda generic space opera type show with that annoying Joss Whedon dialogue. My friend assures me that it gets better from the second episode on, and I WILL give it a chance at some point. But, well, Whedon strikes me as a guy with plenty of clever ideas for genre cliche subversion but no real sense for storytelling or characterization.

Whedon when he wants it can be easily put among the best storytellers in TV (see The Body in Buffy or the series finale of Angel), it's just that more often than not his dialogue gets in the way of the story and he's a goddamn awful director in the strictest sense, he has no sense of camerawork and all his shots look really cheap.

Also obviously you need to stick with The Wire.


Netflix needs to add back Veronica Mars. I'm really feeling a rewatch. Wish there was a way to request things.

I have the DVDs, but NF actually had it on HD!


Oh and I've been watching Laguna Beach. It was a guilty pleasure of me and my friends back in high school. So bad and yet I can't stop watching.
I really like Girls on HBO. Awkwardly funny show.
I watched the first 2 episodes.

I'm not against watching a show without ANY sympathetic characters, but it is definitely tough. I'll stick it out and see where it goes. And I heard on her Fresh Air interview that Dunham will try to diversify the cast in season 2, so hopefully I find someone I can relate to.
Second episode of The Wire was pretty damn good as well! Kind of excited to actually be excited about a television show for once. After this show, it'll be The Prisoner, which the people that I trust most deeply tell me is pretty much the greatest show of all time. Gonna be a good summer.


Watched the first episode of The Wire. Was pretty good, though there were a couple of maybe heavy-handed moments that mark it as a "first episode," if that makes any sense. Am interested to see if it lives up to the "best show of all time" billing.
If you are referring to what I think you are; you probably won't see those elements in the later episodes, or the rest of the series maybe.

You are definitely in for a trip, looking forward to hearing more of your impressions as you progress!
I finally got around to watching Dexter. Just near the end of Season 2 now, and it is freakin' awesome, just as good as everyone said it was.


Been watching a lot of Doctor Who (2005) lately. So far I've finished season 5, watched the first 4 episodes of season 6, and currently working my way through the older seasons with 4-episodes watched of S1, and 5 episodes of S2.

The show is weird.. in a good way, it's low-budget and occasionally chessy, but it has so much charm in the characterization and humor, and there is SOME genuinely well-done science-fiction storytelling in a number of the episodes. Plus it's super-atmospheric and has some excellent visuals in certain episodes, despite the low-budget feel, definitely one show that really takes advantage of it's limited budget.

Talking strictly seasons - Season 5 was an EXCELLENT season of television, with only a few weak episodes, Season 1 & 2 feel like a step-down in quality and consistency but the character interactions and the occasional quality episodes like (girl in the fireplace) keep it enjoyable.

Looking forward to catching up on the rest of it, to prepare for S7 when it airs.


Been persevering with Mad Men the last couple of days. Its taken a while (8 episodes), but I think its finally clicked for me. I just have to be in the right mood for it. Looking forward to watching some more later.
Just finished The Shield, up there with The Wire for me. Forest Whitaker pretty much outshone everyone though in series 5, made everyone look like amateurs.


Talking strictly seasons - Season 5 was an EXCELLENT season of television, with only a few weak episodes, Season 1 & 2 feel like a step-down in quality and consistency but the character interactions and the occasional quality episodes like (girl in the fireplace) keep it enjoyable.

Looking forward to catching up on the rest of it, to prepare for S7 when it airs.

I felt the same way...and also started with 5. 5 was great, but seasons 3 & 4 get really good too! I'm glad I went back because there were some great episodes and Tennant was fantastic. I didn't like S1 much at all though.

And girl in the fireplace was an amazing episode. One of my favorites.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Watching weeds, realy love the cool stoner uncle dude in it. Him and crazy botwin make the show. Also awesome sex scenes are amazing. Really digging this show.


Watching Downton Abbey, currently at the end of season 2. I like everything about this show, except the writing as far as plot advancement is concerned. S2 SPOILERS:
The wheelchair miracle? The return of a presumed dead family member, who had amnesia no less? Really? Some soap-opera shit right there.
Finished the seventh season of House today. I'm glad there is only one season left, because that ending was awful. I know I'm going to roll my eyes when I see how they return to the status quo. -_- The episode before it was quite good, but the finale wasn't up to par. The season overall was a mixed bag, more so than the previous season.


Hunky Nostradamus
Just finished my run of Arrested Development. Love it. Is the movie thing still in the works?

They're doing a fourth season on Netflix, and then supposedly a film.

Finished the seventh season of House today. I'm glad there is only one season left, because that ending was awful. I know I'm going to roll my eyes when I see how they return to the status quo. -_- The episode before it was quite good, but the finale wasn't up to par. The season overall was a mixed bag, more so than the previous season.

Season 8 is the best season since season 4.


A friend recommended Shameless (US) to me, so I decided to check it out. First episode a lead character's handbag gets stolen, leading to a short chase. The robber gets away but the victim completely ignores that fact, instead paying attention to the failed hero. This is where I stopped watching.


Junior Member
Completed Deadwood season 1
I'm really enjoying it now now that the characters are becoming more developed.
Al and Bullock are great characters.


Arrested Development - brilliant. It does get repetetive towards the end I suppose, but I watched it at my own pace so it didn't really bother me. Next up: Scrubs! I've never watched even a single episode of it, true story.

big ander

A friend recommended Shameless (US) to me, so I decided to check it out. First episode a lead character's handbag gets stolen, leading to a short chase. The robber gets away but the victim completely ignores that fact, instead paying attention to the failed hero. This is where I stopped watching.

...huh what? I would get not liking the show but I physically don't comprehend what your current issue is
Just finished Episode 7 of Season 1 of The Wire, "One Arrest." I might place it as the weakest episode thus far, but the show really is damned good. It's the rare show that actually pretty much lives up to its reputation. There's still a... broadness (for lack of a better term) to some (only some, mind, as some of the writing is really excellent) of the writing that simply can't compare to the tight scripting of the best movies, novels, etc., but I'm starting to accept that that's just inherent to the nature of a more populist medium like television. One wonders if there'll ever be a popular TV series completely shorn of cliches, genre conventions, etc. (for there are some "cop show" things that happen in The Wire, even as it does them well - and does subvert them often, as well), but perhaps that's simply too great of an expectation for the present market (though it's why I'm looking forward to The Prisoner later this summer, for everything that I've heard about that show sounds extremely unconventional). Still, I'm really enjoying the ride of The Wire, so far, and I'm kinda excited that there are still 55 episodes left.


Breaking Bad - Season 3

OH GOD! How can they end the season at that point? bullshit man! And Netflix UK doesn't even have season 4 :(

edit: Oh, S4 only came out last year. Guess it's going ot take a while till netflix gets it..

big ander

Completed The Wire Season 2 last night. Not quite as arrestingly and tragically beautiful as the first season. Still blindingly brilliant. Looking forward to season 3, though I had a big moment near the end of it spoiled for me by a textbook. Oh well.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I'm watching Sons of Anarchy right now. It's an alright show but the 'acting' is pretty terrible at times.


About halfway through Lost season 4. I plowed through the first 3 seasons so my viewing as considerably slowed, but I'm still watching. Not really liking this season tbh.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Awake. :( I will be sour about that one for a while. I can tell the season finale is going to be one hell of a way to end a series that never got its due from Murica.

That episode on Thursday was one of the best on network television I can remember in years. Great stuff all the way around.


Still Alive
Am I the only one who loves The Office still? I find it almost just as funny as when Carrel was on. I was expecting it to be horrible after all the hate i've seen for it, but it's still entertaining and funny imo.

Anyway, I finally got into The Wire, S01 and i'm on episode 5. Good show, but I don't see how people compare it to Breaking Bad. This seems more slow and monotonous, very realistic, but not too packed.

I don't want to ask if it gets better since that would insinuate I don't like it, but.... does it get better?

big ander

Am I the only one who loves The Office still? I find it almost just as funny as when Carrel was on. I was expecting it to be horrible after all the hate i've seen for it, but it's still entertaining and funny imo.

Anyway, I finally got into The Wire, S01 and i'm on episode 5. Good show, but I don't see how people compare it to Breaking Bad. This seems more slow and monotonous, very realistic, but not too packed.

I don't want to ask if it gets better since that would insinuate I don't like it, but.... does it get better?
yeah, you're probably the only one that still loves the office. It's absolutely terrible in every way now, beyond the cast I guess

Wire gets better and better through season one, yes. Every episode raises the stakes.

People do not at all compare it to Breaking Bad with respect to show content. Never have. The compare the shows' quality. Each gets "best show ever" accolades.
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