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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Am I the only one who loves The Office still? I find it almost just as funny as when Carrel was on. I was expecting it to be horrible after all the hate i've seen for it, but it's still entertaining and funny imo.

Anyway, I finally got into The Wire, S01 and i'm on episode 5. Good show, but I don't see how people compare it to Breaking Bad. This seems more slow and monotonous, very realistic, but not too packed.

I don't want to ask if it gets better since that would insinuate I don't like it, but.... does it get better?

I don't like how it's going but I don't think losing Carrel was the problem. I didn't like the character since Season 4. But I know a lot of people here like gross out humor. If we lost S1-S3 Michael then sure, but we didn't.

Jay Sosa

Am I the only one who loves The Office still? I find it almost just as funny as when Carrel was on. I was expecting it to be horrible after all the hate i've seen for it, but it's still entertaining and funny imo.

Yes you are..I'm actually one of the few who kinda liked the last few seasons until Carell left.

Now it's just painful to watch. It's a weekly soap with awfully boring and unfunny characters (or let's say they focus on the boring ones) and they actually managed to write people in that are even worse than Andy. First that new boss and then that british lady.

But since the ratings are really good there must be others like you, I sure as hell am not one of them.

It's almost like all the good writers are working on Parks and Rec now..

Anyway, I finally got into The Wire, S01 and i'm on episode 5. Good show, but I don't see how people compare it to Breaking Bad. This seems more slow and monotonous, very realistic, but not too packed.

I don't want to ask if it gets better since that would insinuate I don't like it, but.... does it get better?

People will probably tell you to keep watching but I guess the show just isn't for you. Plus I never get the BB comparison. They are completely different shows*, The Wire is if anything more like the Sopranos but even that is a bit of a reach.

*both of the highest quality but this is where the similarities end.

I started catching up on Archer after really liking SE3 and boy that is one great show.

Also finished SE5 of OZ, not as compelling as the previous ones but still very entertaining.


Watched Amy Sherman-Palladino's new ABC Family pilot today. Being a huge Gilmore Girls fan I was optimistic, but the dumb name and subject matter made me think it probably wasn't for me. How wrong I was!

-It's really fun
-Sutton Foster is great
-Kelly Bishop is just as great
-ASP's writing is as witty as ever
-Takes place in a weird small town
-Has Sam Phillips music and "la,la,la's"
-In short, I loved it

Definitely watching this.

TVLine is offering a passcode to watch it early (show premieres on June 11). You can watch it here, with the passcode TVLineBunheads.


8-episodes into Treme S2. Weirdly enough, I kind of feel like it's one of the best television shows I've ever seen, it's got it all - great cinematography, great characters, great direction, great atmosphere, great music, great storytelling. It blows my mind, that this is even hated on or bores people, because so far I haven't been this enamoured with a television series since Friday Night Light, looking forward to getting all caught up for season 3!

Jay Sosa

just laughed my ass off at probably the best fight scene in TV history..if you don't knwo what I'm talking about watch the latest FG episode...yeah, I know, FG is awful.


Just started season 8 of Curb your Euthasiam. I regret waiting so long to get into this show. It's pretty, pretty, pretty good. Can't get enough of Larry David.


Watched Amy Sherman-Palladino's new ABC Family pilot today. Being a huge Gilmore Girls fan I was optimistic, but the dumb name and subject matter made me think it probably wasn't for me. How wrong I was!

-It's really fun
-Sutton Foster is great
-Kelly Bishop is just as great
-ASP's writing is as witty as ever
-Takes place in a weird small town
-Has Sam Phillips music and "la,la,la's"
-In short, I loved it

Definitely watching this.

TVLine is offering a passcode to watch it early (show premieres on June 11). You can watch it here, with the passcode TVLineBunheads.

"Geez, who died?"

"Your fashion sense."

"Yeah well, take that tragic face back inside. I got guests coming over and that is gonna spoil the party."

"As long as my face doesn't look like Chris Hanson, your guests will be fine."

I've missed this woman's writing.


Junior Member
8-episodes into Treme S2. Weirdly enough, I kind of feel like it's one of the best television shows I've ever seen, it's got it all - great cinematography, great characters, great direction, great atmosphere, great music, great storytelling. It blows my mind, that this is even hated on or bores people, because so far I haven't been this enamoured with a television series since Friday Night Light, looking forward to getting all caught up for season 3!

Some glowing impressions there Lafiel, especially comparing it to Friday Night Lights.
I absolutely loved The Wire (one of my top 3 shows ever), so i think I'll give this show a chance as well.

You haven't failed me yet when it comes to recommendations. =P
Wasn't sure where to post this, and this is as good a place as any:

- GQ.com: The Men Behind the Curtain: A GQ TV Roundtable
The creators of Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Deadwood are this generation's auteurs. Brett Martin sits them down to discuss the future of television

In TV, as nowhere else, the writer is king—none more so than those emperors of the air that control every aspect of an ambitious, ongoing cable drama. The show-runner is this era's version of the Creative Titan, and few have done more with the power than the three GQ recently convened in the Olympian heights of a room at the Soho House in West Hollywood, to talk deeply about their craft.

The men speak in voices as different as their shows: Matthew Weiner, the man behind Mad Men, is a high-speed stream of sparkling copy; Vince Gilligan, who created Breaking Bad, has the straightforward, gracious drawl of a geeky southern gentleman; and David Milch—who wrote Deadwood, the misbegotten John from Cincinnati, and Luck, which met an equally early end this spring after the deaths of three equine cast members—has the baroque gnomic gravity of an archdruid. But each of these giants expresses, in his distinct way, just how ambitious and deep the new breed of TV drama has grown.
Some spoilers for a few different shows, but I haven't read the entire thing yet and don't know how significant they are.
The Killing:

Goddamit. I was watching through Season 1 on Netflix, and was loving the shit out of the first six episodes or so. I started reading through the Season 1 thread on GAF chronologically while watching the show and watching the slow fall off. I dismissed it at first, and then around episode nine I was like "Fuck they are right". Now I've read the plot synopsis of the rest of the show on Wikipedia and I'm pissed off.

This show had huge potential, but due to horrible mishandling, has lost all hope I think.


Watched Amy Sherman-Palladino's new ABC Family pilot today. Being a huge Gilmore Girls fan I was optimistic, but the dumb name and subject matter made me think it probably wasn't for me. How wrong I was!

-It's really fun
-Sutton Foster is great
-Kelly Bishop is just as great
-ASP's writing is as witty as ever
-Takes place in a weird small town
-Has Sam Phillips music and "la,la,la's"
-In short, I loved it

Definitely watching this.

TVLine is offering a passcode to watch it early (show premieres on June 11). You can watch it here, with the passcode TVLineBunheads.

I just watched this on a whim, and damn are you ever right. That was fantastic.


Been re-watching Angel Season 5 for the first time since it aired.

Gotta say, it's even better than I remembered. It really rejuvenated the series. A terrible shame to have it cancelled at that point. It had at least one (maybe two) more seasons in it.

The chemistry between Angel and Spike is fantastic, Harmony is a lot of fun, Wesley has always been the secret star of the show and Illyria brings a great new dynamic.

Ach, I miss it!
Started watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. I like westerns but never watched this back when it aired. I'm getting some conflicting vibes because it seems heavily skewed towards a female audience. The fact that the male love interest looks like he's Fabio knock-off ripped straight out of a Danielle Steel cover doesn't help either...


Finished watching Season 2 of Modern Family.

Started off practically hating every character, but they've grown on me.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Finished watching Season 2 of Modern Family.

Started off practically hating every character, but they've grown on me.

The new Lily is terrible. :( Should have kept her a wordless, but cute baby character.

Everything else is awesome.

Can't wait for the Awake finale tonight. It will scar me like Rubicon, I am sure, but it will be a pain I will enjoy. :(


Dexter - Season 3

Why do people keep saying that it all goes down after S2? I thought this was a brilliant season, thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait for S4!

big ander

Dexter - Season 3

Why do people keep saying that it all goes down after S2? I thought this was a brilliant season, thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait for S4!

People don't that much. most tend to agree that seasons 1-4 are on one tier, sometimes hating one of the four, while seasons 5 and 6 are on a much, much, much, much, much, MUCH lower tier.


Got a month of Hulu+ and am going to try and catch up on some stuff I missed this season. I started Parks and Rec Season 4 and am hoping to finish Once Upon a Time while I have +. I would really like to watch Parenthood Season 3 as well and be all caught up, but I am only halfway through S2 on Netflix. So we shall see.

Also recorded repeats of the first two S3 episodes of The Vampire Diaries and watched them. Going to catch as much as I can this summer in repeats (unless they start skipping episodes) and then wait for the season to show up on Netflix or maybe just pick up the blu-ray when it comes out to catch up. Wish I could watch it all now though!

Jay Sosa

Slowly making my way through SE3 of Doctor Who. Easily the worst season so far. Not only is the new companion pretty shitty but also most of the episodes. Blood Family was absolutely horrible, thank god it seems to pick up now. Blink was much much better.

Dexter - Season 3

Why do people keep saying that it all goes down after S2? I thought this was a brilliant season, thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait for S4!

Cause it does get worse, not nearly as bad as people on the Internet say though..but what else is new. It's either thA BeST EVaRRR! or OMG THE Show totally Jumped the SharK CAAANCELL IT ASAP!
Dexter season 3 is pretty good. It shares some similar problems with the end of season 2 though.

Season 4 is just fantastic. Season 5 is a story of two halves (bad then good).
Its season 6 for me where its just...not good...some real dreadful stuff in there.

Recently watched all of Community - fantastic show, so many great episodes.


'Episodes' is consistently brilliant, but the opening scene in S2, 4/9
with Merc on the toilet
(just shown on BBC2 in the UK) was possibly the funniest thing I've seen on TV. Just perfect.


Slowly making my way through SE3 of Doctor Who. Easily the worst season so far. Not only is the new companion pretty shitty but also most of the episodes. Blood Family was absolutely horrible, thank god it seems to pick up now. Blink was much much better.

Cause it does get worse, not nearly as bad as people on the Internet say though..but what else is new. It's either thA BeST EVaRRR! or OMG THE Show totally Jumped the SharK CAAANCELL IT ASAP!

What what?! Martha is an awesome companion and there's some really good episodes toward the end. Of course the best companion is yet to come...

Jay Sosa

What what?! Martha is an awesome companion and there's some really good episodes toward the end

Well compared to Rose she sucks. Maybe I'm just hating on her cause the episodes so far haven't been very compelling.
I really liked Martha to begin with but shes so poorly written for (and acted to be fair) - the idea of a Doctor in the TARDIS was great. But her entire medical skills get thrown out the window (the finale has good reason to make a big thing of them - it simply doesn't).

I think half way through they kind of realised Freema couldn't really act that great, but generally its just poor writing. No writers stepped up to the plate for her - not one. RTD was probably even the worst with her!

Series 3 is saved by an impressive second half but generally its not great (I'd say better than 2 though). Love Gridlock though. The Dalek story is such a drag on the season though.

The 'I love The Doctor' stuff is ridiculous though so much so that (not spoiling things for them so no one reply with more info) another writer down the line has to take the rip out of it and its generally soppy poor writing for female characters that it is.


RTD didn't do a good job on Martha. She had the potential, but RTD killed it with unrequited love. I actually liked her, but I feel like she wasn't handled properly overall.


Neo Member
Just finished watching Terriers, and honestly can't see where the poor ratings are coming from. Enjoyed every bit of it. Currently watching Fawlty Towers, just watched the pilot and it had more laugh-out-loud moments than that in a whole season of any modern comedy show.


Watched the first episode of Luther. I liked it a lot. Idris Elba is just incredible.

The last show I watched with cops/law enforcement was The Wire, so parts of this feel sort of...over the top for lack of a better term, but still good stuff overall.
Just finished watching Terriers, and honestly can't see where the poor ratings are coming from. Enjoyed every bit of it. Currently watching Fawlty Towers, just watched the pilot and it had more laugh-out-loud moments than that in a whole season of any modern comedy show.

It did poorly because of the terrible title and marketing. Before I knew it was a Shawn Ryan joint, I was 100% convinced it was a dog cleaning reality show or something. I'm sure most people who saw the commercials and ads thought the same. Too bad because it was a great show.


I just finished watching the three seasons of Parenthood. I really like it. Some of the storylines are kind of stupid sometimes, but overall I really enjoy it.


Hunky Nostradamus
I just finished watching all three seasons of HBO's Bored to Death. I liked it a lot. Third season was the weakest of the three, (but still quite good) with the first being the best. I really liked the first season's intense focus on the detective cases, which seemed to diminish as the series went on. The third season got a little too outrageous in parts, but I still liked it.

I'm disappointed that the show was cancelled, but I understand why it was. I'm comfortable with where they left the third season anyway, and I thought it made for a good series finale.
Though it was a little odd that Jonathan ended up continuing on with the romantic relationship with his sister and that Ray was dumped (for good?) by Leah. Also, Elder Love.

I recently read an interview with Ted Danson where he said that HBO was talking about doing a 90-minute movie (though, I think I've heard the "HBO is considering a movie" thing for about 10 different shows now) to close things up. I hope they do.


Just finished Parks and Rec Season 4. Was very good though not quite as good as Season 3 to me. Though I have only watched them once a piece, so just going off of memory.

Also been trying to watch Once Upon a Time. My friend really likes this, but it doesn't do a lot for me. It seems like it might be fun to talk about with him so I will keep going for now.

Also trying out Life Unexpected now. Anyone ever watch this? Is it worth checking out?


Just finished Parks and Rec Season 4. Was very good though not quite as good as Season 3 to me. Though I have only watched them once a piece, so just going off of memory.

Also been trying to watch Once Upon a Time. My friend really likes this, but it doesn't do a lot for me. It seems like it might be fun to talk about with him so I will keep going for now.

Also trying out Life Unexpected now. Anyone ever watch this? Is it worth checking out?

Enjoyable pilot, but then quickly devolves into every cliche possible and has maybe the worst sophomore season storyline I've ever seen.


Blue mountain state is still pretty hilarious if any of you haven't seen it. It's predictable, unrealistic, and sometimes a bit stupid, but I still am usually laughing pretty hard. I think it's a good show if you can get past some of the broness involved.


Also have been watching Teen Wolf lately. It's sadly turning into another embarassing guilty plessure ala Vampire Diaries. It has what seems to be the trademark MTV campyness - I'm frickin pissed! - but I find Stiles to be adorable and I am really liking how they have a real gay character who is likable, normal, acts like a gay person (actually shown having an interest in guys), and is even best friends with the popular jock kid. I feel that's a nice step in the right direction for tolerance and for it just to be more of a "normal" thing people accept. He's a very minor character, but adds some funny parts to the show.


"Geez, who died?"

"Your fashion sense."

"Yeah well, take that tragic face back inside. I got guests coming over and that is gonna spoil the party."

"As long as my face doesn't look like Chris Hanson, your guests will be fine."

I've missed this woman's writing.

Does Gilmore Girls get better later on? I'm watching season 2 and I had just about enough of the show's mother-daughter dynamic. It was charming and somewhat funny in the beginning, now it's just ... I don't know, the show just goes nowhere.


Finished House weeks ago, will miss that show.

Watched Game of Thrones for the first time finally two weeks ago and caught up. One of my favorites now.

Started Breaking Bad yesterday and I really enjoyed the first episode. I'm interested to see how things develop with the main character. I was told though that the show starts out very slow and the 1st season is nothing compared to the others. I guess that the series takes a little bit of time to start warming up?


Hunky Nostradamus
Started Breaking Bad yesterday and I really enjoyed the first episode. I'm interested to see how things develop with the main character. I was told though that the show starts out very slow and the 1st season is nothing compared to the others. I guess that the series takes a little bit of time to start warming up?

Yeah, it's a bit of a slow burn. Be sure to stick with it though.
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