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TV Shows you've watched recently

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What does GAF think about Prison Break ? I almost finished the first season for the second time now and I think this first season is one of the best things I've ever seen on tv. The show is still great after season 1, but it's just not the same.

Yep. It's like TO55 said.

But I still enjoy the hell out of the first half of the second season. After that, it was never the same... (I think the quality decline had something to do with the writers strike).


Working through Burn Notice at the moment, half way through season 4. cant wait to see how things unfold.
Great season, watched it all in one go!

What does GAF think about Prison Break ? I almost finished the first season for the second time now and I think this first season is one of the best things I've ever seen on tv. The show is still great after season 1, but it's just not the same.
Watch all of season one with the exception of the last episode, which is essentially the first episode of season 2. Trust me. Just leave it at that. Then go watch Oz.


So I am in S3 (Episode 3) of The Wire. It was a tough show to get into right at the beginning, but about halfway through S1 it clicked and its been amazing since.

It is really impressive how this show has so many interconnecting story-lines throughout the city and keeps it coherent and engaging.

Oh and Omar, which I haven't even finished the show, and he is already one of the best characters I have seen on a TV show. Such an awesome character.


Oh and Omar, which I haven't even finished the show, and he is already one of the best characters I have seen on a TV show. Such an awesome character.

(Series 1 "was originally meant to happen but didn't" spoiler)
Omar was meant to die in the first season, but the character/actor was so good they kept him on.

Las Vegas

Neo Member
Recently finished watching Girls & Happy Endings.

Currently watching Boardwalk Empire, seems like a show that could very easily reach my tv-show top 3.

Jay Sosa

Audίoboxer;39465660 said:
Oz is great, apart from the
age drug
. Thought that ruined the season it was in a little.

Forgot about that, yeah that was a bit silly.

Started Justified, watched 2 episodes. Fairly good start, seems a little loose right now but I did read the end of season 1/season 2 is where everything really starts to gel.



Just started Friday Night Lights season 4. Still like the show but I don't know how I feel about the new characters. Riggins is still the fucking man though.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Also have been watching Teen Wolf lately. It's sadly turning into another embarassing guilty plessure ala Vampire Diaries. It has what seems to be the trademark MTV campyness - I'm frickin pissed! - but I find Stiles to be adorable and I am really liking how they have a real gay character who is likable, normal, acts like a gay person (actually shown having an interest in guys), and is even best friends with the popular jock kid. I feel that's a nice step in the right direction for tolerance and for it just to be more of a "normal" thing people accept. He's a very minor character, but adds some funny parts to the show.
I just started and caught up with the show within the past week. It really brings me back to the early Buffy seasons with crappy effects and all. I love it.
Just started watching Boss and Suits, really enjoying both. I'm about 5 episodes in on each series

Kathleen Robertson in Boss isn't my usual type but she's really sexy in the show.


On episode 2 of Line of Duty, new BBC2 cop drama. Really tightly scripted and very well acted. I cringed slightly with a reference to the Wire in episode one, but UKers and anyone with iPlayer should check this out. Looks like it would be a State of Play level production. Episode 2 got even better. i've finished all my US shows, even with all the sports on TV, i'm glad BBC is coming out with quality shows before the Olympics. between this and The Hollow Crown BBC2 especially is on fire.

On episode 2 of Line of Duty, new BBC2 cop drama. Really tightly scripted and very well acted. I cringed slightly with a reference to the Wire in episode one, but UKers and anyone with iPlayer should check this out. Looks like it would be a State of Play level production. Episode 2 got even better. i've finished all my US shows, even with all the sports on TV, i'm glad BBC is coming out with quality shows before the Olympics. between this and The Hollow Crown BBC2 especially is on fire.


Just want to post this a good show. Its also moving along at a brisk clip. I thought it would be a slow burn but stuff I thought would be taking like 4 episodes has already started to go down.


When does Red Dwarf get good? I just watched the very first episode and it was absolutely horrible! Should I keep with it? Also I just finished three seasons of Black Books and loved it. There were some annoying small things, like Manny's character, they never really knew what he was all about. Some times he is awkward loser, some times he is confident smart guy and in the next episode dumb as a brick. It didn't really bother me that much but it was bit annoying, yet I loved every episode of the show.
Just watched the first two seasons of Archer on Netflix, on a friends recommendation. Absolutely hilarious, wasn't too sure about the animation style at first but I soon forgot about it thanks to the great writing. The 2 or 3 episodes when Archer
finds out he has cancer, then goes on a revenge spree
were just amazing.
I'm juuuuuust about done with Gilmore Girls so I need to replace it with another light easy simple show that I can easily keep track of without focusing on it 100%. The show can pretty much be any genre. Burn Notice is also that show for me because the stories are all self-contained and light hearted. I would prefer if it wasn't a sitcom though. The sitcom is a totally different category from the light easy simple show for me.


I started up Dawson's Creek for the first time. Also watched the pilot of Boss. Not sure how I feel about either. Also been watching Louie on and off for a while. I just don't like it that much. I know everyone loves it, but it seems kind of hit or miss to me (don't kill me here). I like the standup bits pretty much always, but the little mini-story/episode things sometimes don't do much for me.
I've owned the Blu-Rays of Mad Men Seasons 1-4 for a while now and I've finally got around to watching.

Currently three episodes into season 3. Really good stuff. It's a slow burn, but the setting is just so damned cool. I can see how people might be turned off by the show, but I'm loving it.


I'm in the middle of Season 1 of Deadwood that I picked up in an Amazon sales not too long ago. It's a great series to say the least. I still like Rome more but I like that era of time better.


I'm juuuuuust about done with Gilmore Girls so I need to replace it with another light easy simple show that I can easily keep track of without focusing on it 100%. The show can pretty much be any genre. Burn Notice is also that show for me because the stories are all self-contained and light hearted. I would prefer if it wasn't a sitcom though. The sitcom is a totally different category from the light easy simple show for me.

Just start over :D

I don't really know if there is another show like Gilmore Girls at least I haven't seen one. West Wing might be something you like, it has great character chemistry, drama and comedy. It deals with politics but it's straightforward stuff and doesn't get heavy at any times so it really doesn't need your full attention. Give it a shot, you might like it.


perhaps tomorrow i'll grind more into season 2 of prison break. the only reason im even going on is because im crazy and want everything greyed out as watched netflix


Neo Member
I recently caught up with the wonderful Breaking Bad, and I am beyond hyped for the fifth season (I am going to miss
). It is my second favourite television series, next to Game of Thrones.

Aside from that, I've been watching Tron: Uprising to fill my action cartoon fix, now that DC Nation and Thundercats are apparently on hiatus. The animation was weird at first, but I came to enjoy it as I watched on, much in the same way Green Lantern: TAS's style grew on me.
Finally started Twin Peaks, with a feature-length pilot! I'm definitely hooked, though I wish the dawn section of the story went along a bit quicker. The township itself reeks of concealment and internal feuding, and the way that Dale Cooper complements the police officers and questioned suspects around him is hilarious, and a bit unnerving. Show's definitely going to deal with the collective consciousness of Twin Peaks in addition to the murder mystery itself—can't wait to watch some more.

I've also been getting into Breaking Bad recently, having watched the second ep today. Building up to something fierce, and I honestly feel for Walter and his dire situation.
I watched the first seasons of Teen Wolf and In Plain Sight.

Teen Wolf was actually pretty enjoyable for me. I was expecting a train wreck from what people were saying. What I got was an all-right show with eye candy. Nothing spectacular, but nothing horrible, either. Just... there. And I happened to like it. The eye candy helped :p

In Plain Sight was great! I really love the main character. She's awesome. Every episode was enjoyable and interesting. I really like how the main character is written. She's a flawed badass whom you can't help but like. Her line, "You want to be on top this time?" really says a lot about her, haha. It happens when the guy is backing away from getting down because he wants to talk.

I also finished watching season 6 of Supernatural.


Just blazed through Longmire. After watching the fifth episode I watched it again. This show is special.

I can barely watch it. It's like the show is trying to be Justified while also trying to be CSI or something. Too serial for me. Watching episode 5 right now actually and was searching for a Longmire thread to see if anyone had the same thoughts but there isn't one I can find.

On another note I'm now on S4 of my BSG rewatch. I can't believe people were mad at the end.
The vision of Caprica 6 that Gaius has constantly says shes an angel from God. The religion shit was there from day one. Watching them one right after the other helped me realize that.
The show does however dip in quality towards the end. It's hard to place my finger on it, but I think it happens right after S3 premiers and the events that happen. Changes the characters so much.
My girlfriend and are marathoning How I Met Your Mother. We have 4 episodes to go until we're caught up. This show is wonderful. Season 6 was very emotional. It had a couple of tear jerkers.


I just caught up on Louie. It grew on me a bit toward the end. Really liked the duckling episode. Also jumped back into Luther. Not sure what I will watch next.
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