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TV Shows you've watched recently

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"I won."

Just finished BB S4. While I thought S3 had a better finale, I think S4 was probably the best season overall so far. The only thing I didn't like about the finale was
the shot of Gus walking out and straightening his tie with his face half blown off. That shit was cartoony
. Otherwise though, great cap off to an amazing season. Almost felt like it could have been a series finale. And that final
shot was fucking disturbing, as we see that Walt is really no better or moral than Gus was. In fact, he may be worse
I think they made it as a possible series finale just in case they weren't picked up for a 5th.


Finished the second episode of Dr. Smith.
You wouldn't see a person be willing to continue to work after centuries of being a slave and constantly tortured. Space whales!...Oh, I mean "whale." :-(

My main problem with Dr. Who atm is the overpowering music. I can barely comprehend what some of the characters are saying because of the blaring music overpowering the dialog parts. Though, the music is pretty awesome.
Started watching homeland on the recommendation of a few Gaffers. I'm 2 episodes in and I'm not sure if I dig it.

The female lead's acting is really turning me off. Nearly Dexter level bad.

Does it get better GAF? Should I keep watching?

To me the first season is just setting up the jokes to come later. AD does a great job of the 'call back' and foreshadowing itself. Keep watching.

Yes starts slow it picks ups about halfway of the season anyway i like it a lot, will be substitute for me in till Breaking Bad returns
Started watching homeland on the recommendation of a few Gaffers. I'm 2 episodes in and I'm not sure if I dig it.

The female lead's acting is really turning me off. Nearly Dexter level bad.

Does it get better GAF? Should I keep watching?

You don't mean Claire Danes do you? She won a Golden Globe for that and is pretty likely to win the Emmy too.


Hunky Nostradamus
The only thing I didn't like about the finale was
the shot of Gus walking out and straightening his tie with his face half blown off. That shit was cartoony

Agreed. It felt a little too
inappropriate and fan service-y.

And that final
shot was fucking disturbing, as we see that Walt is really no better or moral than Gus was. In fact, he may be worse

Yeah, though I didn't like Walt doing all of that off screen. It felt a little deceitful on the writer's part.


Done up through 5.03. Done for the day, but after tomorrow, or Tuesday at latest, I'll be done 5.08 and be all caught up.


I've been watching The West Wing. I think a lot of it is going over my head but it's entertaining enough if you can get past how preachy it can be. Half way through season 3 and I'm glad Josh is finally getting laid, it was a long time coming.

big ander

Indeed. Why did they break S5 up in this dumb fashion?

gilligan's claiming now that it was his idea, and it's likely it partly was, but it's more likely that it was a compromise for getting to have an end date. BB is a big thing for AMC, so they didn't want to let it end too quickly. So they're dragging out the expanded final season to make money for longer. Gilligan says he's cool with it because it gives them a lot more time to write each episode and they got a nice production break in between it all.


Hunky Nostradamus
gilligan's claiming now that it was his idea, and it's likely it partly was, but it's more likely that it was a compromise for getting to have an end date. BB is a big thing for AMC, so they didn't want to let it end too quickly. So they're dragging out the expanded final season to make money for longer. Gilligan says he's cool with it because it gives them a lot more time to write each episode and they got a nice production break in between it all.

That, and they didn't want to give the actors a higher salary for a 6th season.
I'm rewatching Dexter right now, in season 3. Something that always bugged me about it is how Miguel never suspects that Dexter might have been the Bay Harbor Butcher. It such an obvious connection for him to make, but he never does. Pisses me off.
I'm rewatching Dexter right now, in season 3. Something that always bugged me about it is how Miguel never suspects that Dexter might have been the Bay Harbor Butcher. It such an obvious connection for him to make, but he never does. Pisses me off.


How many times does he say that in that show.....


Watched the first few episodes of Chuck. Why am I only watching this show now?

Also, <3 Yvonne (and coincidentally I'm playing ME3 right now too).
The League - Season 2

We get a proper (for FX) season of 13 episodes and it never felt like they were struggling to fill out the schedule. Normal situations take outrageous turns throughout this season. Paul Scheer as Andre/Dre. makes for the perfect punching bag. Whether it be the attire he wears or the out of date catch phrases that he drops effortlessly. He got the biggest laugh out of me during "The Expert Witness." That was classic.

Many of these episodes couldn't have aired like they were presented on the Blu-ray could they? All were fully uncensored because there was full frontal nudity in the Las Vegas opener and f-bombs being dropped throughout, except for the Christmas episodes where an epic meltdown got bleeped, humorously.

Bring on season 3, then season 4 next month. This and Sunny will be a great "group comedy" block of programming.

T Dollarz

The League - Season 2

We get a proper (for FX) season of 13 episodes and it never felt like they were struggling to fill out the schedule. Normal situations take outrageous turns throughout this season. Paul Scheer as Andre/Dre. makes for the perfect punching bag. Whether it be the attire he wears or the out of date catch phrases that he drops effortlessly. He got the biggest laugh out of me during "The Expert Witness." That was classic.

Many of these episodes couldn't have aired like they were presented on the Blu-ray could they? All were fully uncensored because there was full frontal nudity in the Las Vegas opener and f-bombs being dropped throughout, except for the Christmas episodes where an epic meltdown got bleeped, humorously.

Bring on season 3, then season 4 next month. This and Sunny will be a great "group comedy" block of programming.

Yeah, season 1 and 2 are fucking great. Love the show. Haven't moved on to season 3 yet.


gilligan's claiming now that it was his idea, and it's likely it partly was, but it's more likely that it was a compromise for getting to have an end date. BB is a big thing for AMC, so they didn't want to let it end too quickly. So they're dragging out the expanded final season to make money for longer. Gilligan says he's cool with it because it gives them a lot more time to write each episode and they got a nice production break in between it all.

The production values also seem significantly higher in Season 5, and the pace is much faster, so I think they wanted 2 high budget, low episode seasons instead of 1 lower budget season with many episodes.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The League - Season 2

We get a proper (for FX) season of 13 episodes and it never felt like they were struggling to fill out the schedule. Normal situations take outrageous turns throughout this season. Paul Scheer as Andre/Dre. makes for the perfect punching bag. Whether it be the attire he wears or the out of date catch phrases that he drops effortlessly. He got the biggest laugh out of me during "The Expert Witness." That was classic.

Many of these episodes couldn't have aired like they were presented on the Blu-ray could they? All were fully uncensored because there was full frontal nudity in the Las Vegas opener and f-bombs being dropped throughout, except for the Christmas episodes where an epic meltdown got bleeped, humorously.

Bring on season 3, then season 4 next month. This and Sunny will be a great "group comedy" block of programming.

Raphi made season 2 a bit of a step back for me but it still had its moments whenever he wasn't around. Love everyone in the main cast. Jenny might be the coolest chick on television.

And the shows airs with bleeps and black bars. Nice to know the Blu-Ray is uncensored.


gilligan's claiming now that it was his idea, and it's likely it partly was, but it's more likely that it was a compromise for getting to have an end date. BB is a big thing for AMC, so they didn't want to let it end too quickly. So they're dragging out the expanded final season to make money for longer. Gilligan says he's cool with it because it gives them a lot more time to write each episode and they got a nice production break in between it all.

That's (the bolded) really surprising to me - I would have guessed for sure that they would have produced all the episodes at one time and just sat on half of them for a year. But if what you're saying is true, then what's with this 5 Part 1 and 5 Part 2 nonsense, AMC? This is S5 and S6.
I just finished Arrested Development. I found it great, funny and all, but seriously overrated. I don't understand the cult following of that show.
I just finished Arrested Development. I found it great, funny and all, but seriously overrated. I don't understand the cult following of that show.

Time to watch it all the way through for a second time, and marvel at the jokes you missed the first time round. People are still discovering new jokes to this very day, which says everything you need to know! :)
I've been watching Community non-stop recently, fantastic show. The KFC spaceship episode felt a little weak, however, I'm interested to see if anything happens between Troy and Britta.

Since it just went up on UK Netflix I've been watching Modern Family. Watched the first season in about 3 days. Wonderfully sweet and very funny show, really enjoying it.

Also started Breaking Bad, only watched the first 2 eps. Aside from the HORRIBLE portrayal of the internet in the second episode it seems interesting, will watch a bit more at least.
That's (the bolded) really surprising to me - I would have guessed for sure that they would have produced all the episodes at one time and just sat on half of them for a year. But if what you're saying is true, then what's with this 5 Part 1 and 5 Part 2 nonsense, AMC? This is S5 and S6.
Like Ratsky said, it's a contract issue where the cast/crew are apparently due certain risers if it's a 6th season but they don't have to pay them as much if it's all season 5. The negotiations got a little ugly towards the end, so the final contract was similarly a little messy. That being said, the episode count isn't too far off from what Gilligan ultimately wanted and he more or less gets to end the show on his own terms, and that's the most important thing in my mind.


Hmmm....thats pretty fucking stingey for AMC given that this is one of 2 (w/ Mad Men) shows that basically BUILT their original show capabilities.
Hmmm....thats pretty fucking stingey for AMC given that this is one of 2 (w/ Mad Men) shows that basically BUILT their original show capabilities.
Ever since AMC converted over to a public company a few years ago, they've been pretty tight on the purse strings. The Mad Men, BB, and TWD negotiations were tense and showed that they're not willing to spend money unless they absolutely have to. There's a THR article from last year that explains a bit of it if you're interested.
Hmmm....thats pretty fucking stingey for AMC given that this is one of 2 (w/ Mad Men) shows that basically BUILT their original show capabilities.

AMC seems to be pretty damn stingey. Isn't The Walking Dead the most successful cable show of all time, and they cut the budget for season 2.
I just finished Arrested Development. I found it great, funny and all, but seriously overrated. I don't understand the cult following of that show.

I enjoyed it but didn't love it my first time around. It gets better with repeat viewings.

AMC seems to be pretty damn stingey. Isn't The Walking Dead the most successful cable show of all time, and they cut the budget for season 2.

Just like One Piece over in Japan. If it's doing good already a slightly higher budget probably wouldn't get a bigger crowd watching it.


Hunky Nostradamus
Good good. Though looking at all the sets they had to build and the apparent none stop action of season 3, it seems like a necessity given that Season 2 stretched their budget and it was mostly on a farm.

Season 2 did largely take place in one location, and I'm wondering if that was due to the budget cuts, or perhaps that was how it was planned out all along? I'm curious to know what the first half of season 2 would have looked like with a bigger budget. (maybe they would have gone ahead and filmed their scrapped idea of following the soldier in Atlanta?)

I'm really glad they increased the budget for season 3 though, given the material that they're covering. "We're gonna need a bigger budget!"/Jaws


5.04 of BB was fucking brutal (meant not in the "episode sucked" way, but in the "man, this shit is rough" way).
Skylar is a hot mess and Jesse is closer to being family at this point than she is.


Hunky Nostradamus
5.04 of BB was fucking brutal (meant not in the "episode sucked" way, but in the "man, this shit is rough" way).
Skylar is a hot mess and Jesse is closer to being family at this point than she is.

The conversation that occurs near the end of that episode between
Skyler and Walt
was simply fantastic.
5.04 of BB was fucking brutal (meant not in the "episode sucked" way, but in the "man, this shit is rough" way).
Skylar is a hot mess and Jesse is closer to being family at this point than she is.

Almost every episode after it is fucking brutal too, in a variety of ways. I think Season 5 is perhaps the most consistent run of episodes for me (so far). It's the perfect balance between the fantastic tense/awkward dialogue the show does so well, and the edge of your seat action. Great pace and almost no filler. It doesn't necessarily have the best episode, but definitely a fantastic run.


Wow. You're blasting through it. Try and savor it, man! The wait between "seasons" is going to be excruciating.

Did you have a chuckle at what Landry has been up to since leaving Dillon?

Can't wait man, I'm too far down the track now :lol I'll be caught up tonight.

Man, this show has been a smorgasbord of Deadwood/Justified/FNL actors so far. It's great!
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