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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Yeah. I'd be hard pressed to call anything in the show filler.
The whole word "filler" is so mis-characterised anyway. I'm not even sure if most people who use it even know what it actually means in the context of a serialized series.:p


The whole word "filler" is so mis-characterised anyway. I'm not even sure if most people who use it even know what it actually means in the context of a serialized series.:p

During my years at GAF, I've come to notice that 9 times out of 10, Gaffers will call an episode "filler" if the plot doesn't progress. Doesn't matter if said episode has a ton of great character development and interaction, if shit isn't happening story-wise, it gets labelled as filler.

It's beyond comprehension.

Just finished the first season of Suits, you should definitely check it out. Harvey is awesome.


Jesus if you're enjoying season one that much 2 and 3 are going to blow you away and then physically blow you.

That's good to hear, because I just started Fringe Season 2 a couple of night ago. I'm going to get all my shit done first thing in the morning tomorrow, and spend the rest of the afternoon watching Fringe.

And, how 'bout that John Noble, huh? OGM, that guy is simply amazing. Every time he is on the screen the episode becomes a thousand percent better. I'm so blow away by this actor portraying this character.



Currently watching Midas. So far I am liking it a lot.

Currently on episode 6 and it's been picking up in pace. So much stuff going on, and it's all well produced. Don't know if I'd recommend it since I have 15 episodes to go, but if you like shows about greedy people trying to work the system, then it might interest you.

It's Korean, so I don't know if that's a turn off for anyone. If you have Netflix you can give it a watch.


just marathoned breaking bad s2. okay wtf at that ending. i mean, it's supposed to be a realistic tv show, but that was waaaay too coincidental.

do i even bother going on to s3?


Community season 3 showed up on Netflix the other day. It's funny, and has some real gem episodes, but sometimes it goes so far off the wall that it turns me off. I won't stop watching of course, but I hope they dial it down in season 4.
just marathoned breaking bad s2. okay wtf at that ending. i mean, it's supposed to be a realistic tv show, but that was waaaay too coincidental.

do i even bother going on to s3?

Yea but it's still a TV show! Gotta suspend your disbelief otherwise what's the fun in it?
Breaking bad just keeps getting better and better, as well as much more intense!


Just started S2 of Breaking Bad and it's effing amazing. The 2nd to last episode of S1
when he threw the fulminated mercury and blew up Tuco's place
was incredible. The sheer badassery of that scene hooked me good and hard. Also Bryan Cranston is greatest living actor.

Also started watching Star Trek TNG on Netflix. I've seen a number of eps over the years as a kid since my dad's a big fan, but never really paid much attention to it. It's a good show to have on in the bg while I work (I work from home). lol beardless Riker.


formerly nacire
Finished season 3 of The Wire and started Season 4 of Sons of Anarchy. The Wire was pretty good,
Brother Mouzone and Omar finally killing Stringer Bell
, but the further I get into the show the more I think it is a bit overrated. I mean, I really enjoy the show, but most make it sound like it's simply the best tv show there ever was.

Sons of Anarchy looks to be more of the same so far and I'm becoming bored with the series in general.


During my years at GAF, I've come to notice that 9 times out of 10, Gaffers will call an episode "filler" if the plot doesn't progress. Doesn't matter if said episode has a ton of great character development and interaction, if shit isn't happening story-wise, it gets labelled as filler.

It's beyond comprehension.

That's why I only said "mild filler". Season 4 is my favorite season of Breaking Bad, but I could understand if someone said the first few episodes after the premiere are lacking a bit in the plot progression department.
Finished season 3 of The Wire and started Season 4 of Sons of Anarchy. The Wire was pretty good,
Brother Mouzone and Omar finally killing Stringer Bell
, but the further I get into the show the more I think it is a bit overrated. I mean, I really enjoy the show, but most make it sound like it's simply the best tv show there ever was.



Finished Dexter s01. It was alright, I thought it ended poorly. Is it worth going further if I feel this way? (I was told earlier in the thread that season >5 are crap)


Finished season 3 of The Wire and started Season 4 of Sons of Anarchy. The Wire was pretty good,
Brother Mouzone and Omar finally killing Stringer Bell
, but the further I get into the show the more I think it is a bit overrated. I mean, I really enjoy the show, but most make it sound like it's simply the best tv show there ever was.
But it is! (and it's not even my favorite television series).
While flipping channels last night I came across Supernatural. I have heard of it but never watched it. I only stopped because Felica Day was in the episode (yeah, i know gaf hates her). Anyway, looking on netflix there are 5 or 6 seasons is it worth starting at the beginning? I was kinda shocked to see there were so many seasons, I thought it was just a few years old.


While flipping channels last night I came across Supernatural. I have heard of it but never watched it. I only stopped because Felica Day was in the episode (yeah, i know gaf hates her). Anyway, looking on netflix there are 5 or 6 seasons is it worth starting at the beginning? I was kinda shocked to see there were so many seasons, I thought it was just a few years old.

Well, if you're not currently caught in the middle of any other show, it's definitely worth giving it a try from the beginning.


During my years at GAF, I've come to notice that 9 times out of 10, Gaffers will call an episode "filler" if the plot doesn't progress. Doesn't matter if said episode has a ton of great character development and interaction, if shit isn't happening story-wise, it gets labelled as filler.
This is how I've used it, but my view of such "filler" isn't negative. If I'm watching a quality show then I have no problem with it. It's simply a label for that type of episode.

But given the occasionally negative connotations of calling something filler, I guess it's not the best descriptor.


I just finished 4.06 of BB. Man, they love them some Justified cast on this show - first it was Wynn Duffy, and now, Dewy Crowe!


Jesus if you're enjoying season one that much 2 and 3 are going to blow you away and then physically blow you.

Just finished season one. The last two episodes were superb. I'm really glad I stuck with Fringe during the first season. The first half of the season was rocky, excluding a few episodes. After I finish Dr. Who, I'll be jumping back into the second season of Fringe. <3 Amazon Prime.

I just watched two episodes of Homeland, holy fuck this is good.

I am really hyped for this show to return later this month.
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