Hunky Nostradamus
Yes it's comaIs it good?
Homeland is arguably the second best show on television.
More like sixth or seventh.
Yes it's comaIs it good?
Homeland is arguably the second best show on television.
I just finished Arrested Development. I found it great, funny and all, but seriously overrated. I don't understand the cult following of that show.
Just started the shield. At first I thought the tone was a little to light for a cop show. Breaking Bad is my number 1 right now and The wire is number 2. Not sure if itll come anywhere near those, but damn, ending of the first episode got me hooked...
Homeland is arguably the second best show on television.
I really need to go back and watch it. Stopped somewhere around mid season 4 or so.
Yes, yes you do. After you watch it come back and tell me that I'm right.
Just started the shield. At first I thought the tone was a little to light for a cop show. Breaking Bad is my number 1 right now and The wire is number 2. Not sure if itll come anywhere near those, but damn, ending of the first episode got me hooked...
I'll get it out of the way before everybody else does: Breaking Bad. I don't care if it doesn't 'click' with you immediately, you clearly have very good taste in television, so you will end up liking it within a few episodes. Many in this thread have raved about it. Go go go.
Well that's very nice of you to say. I have in fact been wanting to watch Breaking Bad for quite a while now, but the gf is turned off by the depressing premise. Will continue trying until she breaks![]()
Hey guys! I need new TV shows to watch. Have there been any good ones the past 2-3 years? If not, I'm open to suggestions from any decade. No super-nerdy stuff like Star Trek, I usually watch with the gf and she has a limit.
Some shows I like so you'll get a better idea of my tastes (a few keywords, even though I'm open for anything: sci-fi, mystery, history, non-corny fantasy, style). I'll put comedy at the bottom in a separate list.
The Shield is one hell of a dark show, keep watching. The best thing about the show is also that it only gets better as it goes on unlike many other shows.
Today is one of those days where I just sit home and watch stuff. Too sick to go out or anything.
Anyways, finished Breaking Bad Season 4..fucking Walt, what an asshole.
Now I'll continue with Top Gear season 2, and after that The Thick of It (probably).
They added The Vampire Diaries Season 3 to Netflix, so I will be back to working on that tonight after football! Pretty excited to see the second half of the season. They skipped some episodes when I was catching up with the summer repeats and had to stop.
You sir are in for a treat, season 4 airs on October 11 if you want to catch up.
I'm a season and a half into Fringe and holy crap. This is the biggest example of wasted potential I can think of. I don't understand how you create an universe as interesting as this and then proceed to do absolutely fuck all with it. I'm told that season 3 is the awesome one. I hope that means an end to the repeating pattern of the show setting up something interesting and then following that up with "Hey look, a person who died in a funky manner, let's go look at that instead!"
Hm this doesn't make much sense to me. It's not wasted potential. It's delayed potential. If you're in the middle of season 2, then you've definitely been building towards bigger stuff (and there's a run of episodes from like the last third of season 2 through half of season 3 that's pretty much all "mythology" stuff), but it hasn't been eliminated. Wasted potential would be if they ignored possible places to go. They don't. It can just take a while to get there. That's the nature of procedural/serial combinations.
I would suggest:
Party Down
Angel (if you like Buffy)
Archer (animated)
The Pacific (if you liked Band of Brothers)
John Adams
Spartacus (first few episodes are SHIT though)
Strike Back (kickass action)
If it takes them 3 seasons to start doing anything with the premise, I find the bolded kind of impossible. At their pace, wouldn't they need like, 83 seasons to take full advantage of what the universe allows?
I didn't say it takes them 3 seasons to do anything with the premise, just that you get it in bursts.
And you say they've done nothing with the premise of "a scientist, former con-man, and scientist investigate seemingly organized scientific anomalies" where you're at? So nothing includes? Because that does not at all sound like nothing to me.a possibly inhuman group of powerful beings observing humanity, a drug that heightens perception in unforeseen ways when given to children, and fundamental changes in the possibilities of science occurring in locations radiating outwards from gateways between universes
Oh so you're through Jacksonville? Because that's the start of the show's killer run. The stakes will soon be what it seems like you want them to be, that's all I'll say.Bad wording on my part. When I whine about the wasted potential of the premise, I specifically mean thepart. You could use the spoilered to create an interesting main storyline and also use it for great monster of the week episodes. That thing wherealternate universewas great. Instead they show me that this hole of endless potential exists in this world but let's ignore it and instead we're going to investigate this dude who died because of science. In the next episode there's a girl who died because of some different science. The show allows for some much better storylines than the supernatural CSI that most of the episodes end up being.A building was about to be erased to restore the balance
(All the while I'm waiting for a scene where)Alter-Walter gets to yell at Walter for stealing his son
I'll also say that I don't think that necessary facet is a necessary evil. Your breakdown of it is pretty reductive, and for some episodes that's appropriate. Some episodes really are nothing more than a murder investigation. Others are excellent. There's an episode you're coming up on called White Tulip that is technically completely separate from the rest of the show, but is also often hailed as one of the best of the show. You saw Snakehead and Midnight and Unleashed, standalone episodes that are pretty gruesomely great I think. There's value in those episodes. They're brief and ultimately inconsequential to the ongoing plot, but they can be a hell of a lot of fun and especially dark.
Oh I will be caught up. I have six more episodes. Will probably watch them over the next week. This show is so awesome!
Great, this show still amazes me, it's the ultimate sleeper hit (for guys at least) because of the unfortunate title choice.
Joseph Morgan is probably one of the best tv show actors I have ever seen.
I could watch this scene over and over again, warning episode 20 spoiler:
Hey guys! I need new TV shows to watch. Have there been any good ones the past 2-3 years?
I finished Season 1 of The Wire. It was a bit rough at first, trying to keep up with all of the characters but once I got the hang of it all I really got into it and it blazed by. I've already started Season 2, one episode in so far. Man the show is good.
You should get into shows like Game of Thrones if you end up enjoying the challenge of the characters. The Wire while it has a largish cast size is childs play in comparison to GoT for instance, which seems to introduce 10 characters for every 1 they kill. Each with their own complex storyline and ties to others.
The Wire is good for sure, but its kind of like the tip of the iceberg for good TV. There are much better show out there, hopefully TW will be your gateway drug.
Haha, what?
I imagine he's talking about The Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire.
S2 of Arrested Development, now it's amazing. I get what all the hype is about.
I don't love or hate Michael Cera, but I will say Arrested Development was where it was easiest to tolerate him. Some genuinely funny moments involved him, too.We were watching that but stopped before season 1 finished I believe. It is really funny but everything Michael Cera...no thanks. :/