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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Thanks. I am into the post apocalyptic stuff too so once I heard the plot. I'll start it now. Woo

Edit. Oh fuck. I'm watching the pilot and omg
that fucking pen in the throat

Cancelling Jericho is one of the biggest crimes CBS ever committed.

On the advice of someone else in this topic I went through Falling Skies and I loved it. Noah Wyle does a great job (although I still get ER vibes from him, but that would be logical seeing the time he spent in that show) and his two oldest kids are doing great, especially Connor Jessup despite his lack of experience. I'll certainly return for the third season.
I just recently finished up Breaking Bad after watching all the episodes in about a month or so. Really enjoyed it and can't wait for the final eight next summer.

Also recently watched all of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia over a few months span prior to the new season premiere. Hilarious show. Love all the constant callbacks and recurring characters.

I think my next shows to watch are Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I just got done with a marathon of all 5 seasons of Six Feet Under last night. What an incredible show. I can't believe how drawn I was to all of the characters. I'll admit I wept like a baby at the last 3 episodes.

I've put off watching this for years and years for some reason now I can confidently say that it ranks in my top 5 easily. One of the best Series finale's I've seen. Simply amazing.
Homeland season 1. Vague spoilers.

It was kinda silly how good this show was. It got to the point where the tension in the show was uncomparable to the tension I was feeling before starting each new episode, fully afraid that this is the point where they fuck it up and ruin everything. Meanwhile the show is still excellent right up to the final episode.

And then in the final moments in the final episode the writers decide to collectively shit all over everything and deliver the most pathetic copout of an ending I've seen in the past few years instead of one of the greatest TV seasons ever made, which they were really close to achieving.

From episode one up to the fuckup in the last episode my opinion was that this is amazing and I'm going to watch as many seasons of this as they're going to make. Then the ending made me feel so icky about the whole thing that I'm not going to touch season 2 until it's over and people tell me that it avoided being so utterly crappy as season 1's ending was.

I swear to god, if season 2 has
Brody realize the error of his ways and work with the CIA to help catch Nazir, while pretending to Nazir that he is still on his side
, I'll be waving my fist angrily in the general direction of the writers.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
And then in the final moments in the final episode the writers decide to collectively shit all over everything and deliver the most pathetic copout of an ending I've seen in the past few years instead of one of the greatest TV seasons ever made, which they were really close to achieving.

I fully agree.
The vest malfunctioning, SERIOUSLY?? Then a call from his daughter to talk him down, GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I couldn't wait to watch Shield s5 as it's hyped up to be one of the best tv seasons ever around here, and although it was really good (Whitaker is amazing), I have to say I liked s6 even more. Apart from s3 maybe, this show gets better with each season. Which kinda makes sense seeing
the team has to deal with all the shit they've piled up over the years, and it gets increasingly complicated to unravel another knot. Shane really is something else though. What he's gotten himself into over the course of 6 seasons is just mind-boggling. He keeps finding new ways to top himself, like giving the guys up for the money train. His breakdown in front of Mara is one of my favorite scenes, next to 'this guy... he's just pissing all over us' of course.

Come to think of it, 'your ex-wife's pussy tastes like sweet butter'... that's the best line.

Loved Franka Potente in s6 btw. Now on to the final act. What a great show.


polished off breaking bad s4 last night.
that scene in the crawlspace... where walter white dies and heisenberg is born.

Davey Cakes

I finished Season 4 of Six Feet Under last night. My brother warned me that the show takes a bit of a dip in Seasons 3-4 but I've enjoyed it all the way through. The characters in this show actually seem to go somewhere and their development seems quite natural, given the changing situations.

Looking forward to Season 5 as I've heard that the show ends strongly.

I've also been interspersing episodes of Twin Peaks here and there. Right now I'm five episodes into Season 2. It's a good show but I really need to be in the mood for it in order to watch it.

In terms of shows that are currently airing, I've been keeping up with Dexter, The Walking Dead, Parks and Recreation, The Office, 30 Rock, South Park, and The Big Bang Theory. Plenty on my plate!


Finished Seinfeld S9. Overall I liked the series but definitely did not love it. I didn't care for the finale either. I do love the characters and laughed my ass of a few times during the show.


Seasons I finished recently:
The Walking Dead S1
The Walking Dead S2
Modern Family S1
Modern Family S2

Seasons currently watching:
The Walking Dead S3
Modern Family S3
Bob's Burgers S1

Seasons on deck:
Breaking Bad S1
Dexter S6
Homeland S1

Netflix streaming is a godsend for TV shows.


Caught up on Boardwalk Empire for this season, so I decided to check out a few episodes of The Newsroom on HBO GO.

This is a strange one for me. I really like the premise. I think it's pretty interesting. And I like Jeff Daniels and Emily Mortimer, I think they do a good job. Some of the other characters I like as well, like Sam Waterston and Olivia Munn (yes, I like her). But the characters feel so unnatural sometimes. Everyone is so witty and so quick with some little barb to reply with. Almost every conversation has this rapid-fire flow to it that occasionally sounds a bit ridiculous.

Wasn't enough to discourage me from watching more, but it definitely hurts the show in my eyes. It's just so noticeable at times.


Started watching Damages a few weeks ago. I am really enjoying it so far but I do have a question for things after Season 3. It's not really a spoiler (more a question) but I will put it in spoiler tags just in case. I am afraid to google it because of fear of getting spoiled for looking up such a silly little thing that does not really matter.

What is the reason that season 4 suddenly is full of fucks and more 'nudity'? Don't think I heard one word that is worth being censored in Season 1 to 3. Did the show switch TV channels after 3 seasons or something?

I am not sure if I like it. I don't care about swearing but when you go 3 seasons without it it feels a bit weird. Anyway, if that is the reason (I can only guess, no googling :p) then I hope it doesn't really change the show.

Jay Sosa

Man, just finished Season 5 of The Shield today.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. This show is so gud. Did Forest Whitaker win an emmy for his role? because he should have.

yep I hated and loved him at the same time. But honestly I didn't expect anything less form him. One of the most awesome actors alive.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I havn't posted in here but Sai-Kun and I have been watching Battle star. Two nights ago we finished season one and GOD DAMN. I can't believe that I missed this show. Everything about it is amazing, the music, story and the moral/ethical dilemmas that everyone is in. We rushed through 5 episodes last night, we finished the two part that begins season 2, The Home I think its called. Really liking the show so far. I do have a few minor quibbles about some characters but we'll see how it goes...

SO much of the show reminds me of Lost, the music, characters, themes and the direction. Ah, really great show so far.
I can't wait to see whats coming up.

Oh, for the season one finale
my roommate was quiet the entire time, usually we talk a bit back and forth but he was just deadpan silent, and when Adama got shot I yelled "OH FUCK IT!" and he just flipped out, lol. He didn't want to give it away.

first 2 seasons are probably the best sci-fi tv ever.


Watched all of Sons of Anarchy (well, got up to date) in the past week. Great show, but most of season 3 (basically any of the parts set in
) was really dull.
Watched all of Sons of Anarchy (well, got up to date) in the past week. Great show, but most of season 3 (basically any of the parts set in
) was really dull.

Yeah it's pretty universal opinion that as soon as that happens the show drove off the road, so to speak. But I'm happy to say season 4 picks back up to a great quality.


been watching a lot of louie. i adore it. it's kinda weird because i don't care much for the actual standup portions - which is a shame as people on gaf always recommend his standup - but the dramatic bits (with comedy mixed in) are so good. louie dealing with the struggles of modern life, and showing off his insecurities, dreams and fears, even dealing with his flaws. it's so honest and heartfelt and despite meaning to be a comedy i think it has more to say about being a human than any drama i currently watch except mad men. i also find it speaks to me a lot despite being about a divorced guy in his forties with children.

also started watching twin peaks which i've been meaning to forever. amazing atmosphere. i love kyle mclachan's character and the music is really cool. lots of mysteries and details to keep track of though.

big ander

been watching a lot of louie. i adore it. it's kinda weird because i don't care much for the actual standup portions - which is a shame as people on gaf always recommend his standup - but the dramatic bits (with comedy mixed in) are so good. louie dealing with the struggles of modern life, and showing off his insecurities, dreams and fears, even dealing with his flaws. it's so honest and heartfelt and despite meaning to be a comedy i think it has more to say about being a human than any drama i currently watch except mad men. i also find it speaks to me a lot despite being about a divorced guy in his forties with children.

also started watching twin peaks which i've been meaning to forever. amazing atmosphere. i love kyle mclachan's character and the music is really cool. lots of mysteries and details to keep track of though.

glad you're enjoying Louie! I will say: the stand-up portions in his episodes aren't his best bits ever. not even close. I still think they're great. however, stand-up in general benefits greatly from a long-form presentation, where a performer gets a real rhythm going. The stand-up in Louie has always appeared to simply serve as an entry into a short film, but Louie CK's stand-up is a work of its own. if that distinction makes sense.


American Horror Story Asylum - another great slice of Americana horror. My favourite show of the season.

Walking Dead - greatly improved over boring Season 2.

Red Dwarf X - return to the core of what made the classics so good. Fingers crossed for more.

24 - always resisted, but signing up for Netflix my girlfriend has made me watch...and my god, why did I not buy into Bauer Hour sooner? Season 3 is getting a bit tedious though,
Jack's stone cold execution of Nina notwithstanding!


caught up with louie now. so good, loved s3. interesting how he cut out near all the standup stuff in the second half of that season - but also the amazing louieeeeeeee opening (and even the even more amazing jazz in that one late show episode) which is less cool.

favourite episodes (spoilers)

bully (s1) - maybe a bit too on the nose but i loved the very sympathetic exploration of how far the rabbit hole different problems go, from the son, to the father, all having issues tat makes them that way, and the scene in the diner was very well done.
night out (s1) - oh god i related too much to that awkward nightclub scene with louie being utterly clueless and the journey into feeling out of place into realizing he has solace with his kids is so beautiful
eddie (s2) - so sad and i love that the show was willing to criticize louie's perspective. stanhope is great and it does suicide in such a real, honest way instead of blaring emotional music and having dramatic speeches.
duckling (s2) - obvious one but amazing. the ending made me smile so fucking much and was so beautiful but i also thought it was real powerful how louie and the other entertainers tried to help to the soldiers deal with the situation and relate to them through art, despite the difficulties of distance.
miami (s3) - perfect example of how great this show is at self-contained storytelling. single episode of twenty minutes perfectly establishing his alienation in a miami full of beautiful people, showing the power of a great connection and his desire to be valued, then then pulling back and using it to comment on the nature of relationships these days in a hilarious scene. so well shot and acted.
daddy's girlfriend pt.2 (s3) - super sad but great look at the highs and lows of a certain kind of personality as well as hilariously exposing louie's anxiety at this kind of experience leading him to awkwardly put on a dress and accept the tape recorder. i love how it just takes you through a single night too, big fan of that kind of storytelling.

that list makes it sound like i only care when it's emotional but not really, it's just what stands out most. there's so many amazing jokes like that fucking never kid in his shit bath and ranting about a rug and screaming whoooo are you to his bemused children and his kids joke about the gorilla and the opera and everything between him and pam adlon and the worlds longest bailout.gif.

now i look up when it's returning and it's not till 2014 which sucks :(

glad you're enjoying Louie! I will say: the stand-up portions in his episodes aren't his best bits ever. not even close. I still think they're great. however, stand-up in general benefits greatly from a long-form presentation, where a performer gets a real rhythm going. The stand-up in Louie has always appeared to simply serve as an entry into a short film, but Louie CK's stand-up is a work of its own. if that distinction makes sense.

yeah i'm not going to write off his standup completely based on louie, don't worry. i haven't given it a chance and i definitely appreciate the greatness of a standup performance building upon itself over the course of the show from the very few i've seen. plus it grew on me as i watched it and got used to his character and style.

i was just a bit surprised as he's normally talked about as this super smart comedian yet his stuff is really vulgar. i mean not that you have to talk about social problems and politics all the time to be smart - though i actually liked his rants about "white people/first world/entitled kids problems" most - but lots of masturbation or gross out jokes and children suck from an adults perspective isn't really my thing however well he presents them. especially when he'll do a bit about how annoying children are if you think about it then in the dramatic portions he'll capture the same emotion so much better and with more nuance or wit.

big ander

yeah i'm not going to write off his standup completely based on louie, don't worry. i haven't given it a chance and i definitely appreciate the greatness of a standup performance building upon itself over the course of the show from the very few i've seen. plus it grew on me as i watched it and got used to his character and style.

i was just a bit surprised as he's normally talked about as this super smart comedian yet his stuff is really vulgar. i mean not that you have to talk about social problems and politics all the time to be smart - though i actually liked his rants about "white people/first world/entitled kids problems" most - but lots of masturbation or gross out jokes and children suck from an adults perspective isn't really my thing however well he presents them. especially when he'll do a bit about how annoying children are if you think about it then in the dramatic portions he'll capture the same emotion so much better and with more nuance or wit.

oh yeah definitely, how he's commonly described by people is flat out wrong. CK doesn't do hyper-intelligent comedy. he's dirty as hell. It's just that people for some reason resist describing him as what he is: simply funny. That's it. His stand-up is just human, gross, and hilarious. It's not smart or meaningful, just hysterical. The show is where he puts his depth, and those deep and emotional episodes are my favorites too.


Started watching Damages a few weeks ago. I am really enjoying it so far but I do have a question for things after Season 3. It's not really a spoiler (more a question) but I will put it in spoiler tags just in case. I am afraid to google it because of fear of getting spoiled for looking up such a silly little thing that does not really matter.

What is the reason that season 4 suddenly is full of fucks and more 'nudity'? Don't think I heard one word that is worth being censored in Season 1 to 3. Did the show switch TV channels after 3 seasons or something?

I am not sure if I like it. I don't care about swearing but when you go 3 seasons without it it feels a bit weird. Anyway, if that is the reason (I can only guess, no googling :p) then I hope it doesn't really change the show.

It started airing on DirecTV because FX (was it FX? I can't really remember) had cancelled it.


been binging on homeland since finishing louie. really amazing television for about seven episodes. loved the ambiguity in the central mystery of whether brody had been turned, the quality of its depiction of two very screwed up individuals in its leads and how expertly paced it was.

shame they couldn't quite keep it up, but it was probably inevitable, and i think the last one i watched (s2, episode 2) has finally killed my 'gotta watch the next episode right fucking nowwwwww' feeling with its ridiculousness. though i'll still keep watching it for danes and saul at least and in hoping that it picks up again.

first thing that brought it down was the explicit revelation of brody being clearly turned because of such a flimsy motivation, which hugely undermined a thus far fascinating character for me. in the finale i liked the idea of him not going through with it because of his family, i mean the series was building up to that quite well with all the family scenes and it's interesting for carrie to deal with appearing to be so wrong, but i'd like to have seen it done with fewer silly contrivances like the loose wires then phone call and without the net result being the horrific undercover terrorist politician plot.

i'd have had him not go through at all with it in the bunker after being incredibly conflicted because of spending time with his family and the tom walker being alive stuff eroding his belief in nazir, then get killed at the end of the episode by someone from the terrorist cell as punishment starting a fresh plotline in season 2. but enough of my own fan-fiction


So far this year I've watched the following:

The Sopranos
Men Of A Certain Age
Game Of Thrones
Legend Of The Seeker
Nurse Jackie
Sons Of Anarchy
The Inbetweeners
The IT Crowd (rewatch)
Dexter (Season 07)
Quantum Leap (complete + rewatch with a friend to introduce her to the show)
The Wire
Merlin (complete + rewatch with a friend to introduce her to the show)
Boardwalk Empire
The Tudors

Any other recommendations are welcome

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Just watched the first 2 episodes of season 2 of The Hour. Love it! It's like Mad Men and Rubicon had a baby.

I must say I thought Hannah Tointon was hotter in The Inbetweeners as a brunette. Still hot here too though.

So far this year I've watched the following:

The Sopranos
Men Of A Certain Age
Game Of Thrones
Legend Of The Seeker
Nurse Jackie
Sons Of Anarchy
The Inbetweeners
The IT Crowd (rewatch)
Dexter (Season 07)
Quantum Leap (complete + rewatch with a friend to introduce her to the show)
The Wire
Merlin (complete + rewatch with a friend to introduce her to the show)
Boardwalk Empire
The Tudors

Any other recommendations are welcome

I'd certainly recommend The Hour.

The Hour Trailer

The Hour: Meet HECTOR (Dominic West)

The Hour: Meet FREDDIE (Ben Whishaw)

The Hour: Meet BEL (Romola Garai)

It's kind of a mix of Mad Men's atmosphere and Rubicon's spy shenanigans and McNulty is one of the stars.


Hunky Nostradamus
Gravity (Starz) - I had no idea what this was going in. I didn't know if it was a drama or a comedy or who starred in it or what it was about. Turns out it's a dramedy about a suicide support group starring Krysten Ritter. It's also one of the worst shows that I've ever watched. Just about every aspect of it is awful - the acting, the writing, the way it's shot - and after watching the pilot, I don't know why the people at Starz decided to give this the green light. In one of the opening scenes, a bird poops on a gay man's face and he decides to rub it in because his partner tells him it's good for his skin. Later, a car lands in a swimming pool, creating one of (if not) the worst special effects that I've seen on a modern TV show.

I guess it was supposed to be more of a comedy than a drama (more of an -edy than a dram-
why did I make that joke? :/
) but it really isn't funny at all. Like, in the entire 10 episode series, I only found 2 or 3 scenes to be genuinely funny; everything else fell incredibly flat - like the writers were trying way too hard to be cute, funny, and/or quirky. It's about suicide, but the show makes no attempt to say anything meaningful on the subject.

Krysten Ritter...I don't know what happened. She was fine in Breaking Bad (in terms of dramatic ability) and I watched a few clips of Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23 and she also seemed fine there (in terms of comedic ability), but in Gravity she gives a very plastic-y and strained performance. The show also stars Ivan Sergei who seems like he belongs on some shitty sitcom from the 90s, and Eric Schaeffer, whose character feels especially over the top - in a show filled with over the top characters - and is completely out of place and takes up way too much screen time.

It aired on Starz, so there is a considerable amount of nudity (including one of the few prosthetic
erect dicks
that I've seen on a TV show), which I must say is one of the only things that kept me watching. haha

It does have a certain charm to it, though, despite its myriad flaws. Like, it's trying so hard to be like Party Down that I couldn't help but continue watching just to see how much worse things would get.

It (thankfully) only lasted one season and while it ended on a huge cliffhanger, I'm just glad it's over.


Ink Master is the only thing I am watching on TV these days. Show is nothing special but I like seeing the flash challenges and Tattoo the artists do every week. Season 1 had better artists IMO.

American Horror Story

LOVED IT. Pulled an all-nighter last Friday and watched the entire first season in one sitting on Netflix. Highly recommended if you liked films like Amittyville Horror and Beetlejuice, as it has a nice mix of serious, dark horror and macabre humor.


Awesome cast too.


Alright GAF, I'm thinking about watching Sons of Anarchy. Disc one is arriving tomorrow.

Just started watching this. I hadn't heard of it at all til' the other day. It's really good so far, only 3 episodes in, though.

Bit of a Sopranos vibe to it, I'd say.


I have been watching some of Cheers recently. God tier stuff. I just watched episode 10 and I cried at the end. I did not expect a sitcom to hit me like that. I had never seen any of it prior to checking it out on Netflix (before my time). I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't had more of a comeback on Netflix.


On episode 4 of Jericho. I know this show got cancelled...twice. But do I get a proper ending? Or am I going to be mad? And do they explain the black man?
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