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TV Shows you've watched recently

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As some here may have noticed, I tend to watch a lot of older shows/sitcoms, but I'll list everything I have sitting here to watch through. All of it legit and no boot legs.

Just finishing Season 4 of Diff'rent Strokes.
After that will watch first 2 seasons of Benson
Season 1 of My Little Pony: FIM. It just looks like a good old fashioned cartoon the way they used to make them
First 2 seasons of The Middle.
Seasons 2-11 of Frasier. Season 1 sold me so asked for the rest for Christmas and got it.
Seasons 1-5 of Big Bang Theory
Seasons 1-5 and 7 of How I Met Your Mother..missing season 6 and at this point I may wait till those shows are finished to watch those two.
Complete Series box for Friends
Complete Series Box for The Dick Van Dyke Show
Seasons 1 and 2 of Friday Night Lights..should give me a good idea if I want to go further or not.
Seasons 1-10 of Smallville..That one could take a while because it's an hour long show.
Seasons 1-5 of Saved By The Bell..partway through season 1 but need to figure out where I left off.
Seasons 1-4 of Saturday Night Live..partway through season 1 but that one could take time too. They have more seasons on Netflix so I'll mostly deal with the Eddie Murphy years later. Loved "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood".
Have half of Stargate SG-1..been buying them on sale, have a few seasons left to buy
Seasons 2.5, 3, 4, and 4.5 of Battlestar Galactica..NEED to get 2.5 before I can go further.

As you can see I have quite a bit sitting here and it will take a lot of this year to get through all that.
I just finished all the seasons of Big Bang Theory and most of Season 6 (What was available to stream/dl)

Now, I feel as though there's a gaping hole in my life, because watching BBT was one of the few enjoyable things I have going on for myself now :/

I'll thumb through this thread for recommendations.

Camp Lo

Just got caught up in Scandal and holy shit is it awesome. I'm surprised since it's on ABC but it's pretty good in a Law&Order: SVU sort of way.

Vert boil

Gave the pilot of The Following a free pass because they had to setup the flaky show but I'm out after the second ep. Not even Zea is enough for me to put up with a show that is going to be endlessly disappointing.

Started watching Strike Back after people talked about it in the Banshee thread. Such dreadful acting.

First ep of Jo (the Jean Reno series) aired last week. I'll give it a few more eps, first one was just okay. Some of the fake accents are dodgy but the police chief/Reno's boss is hot Hot HOT!

Vert boil

The UK first or the US/UK first? I didn't watch the UK season with Porter. I've only seen the Stonebridge/Scott years, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

The UK first one with Porter. It starts off with a naff raid then it's just been sub-soap opera crap. It's only six episodes so if it stays poor I can just scoff at it then move on to the second season.


Just finished Sherlock and loved every ounce of it. My current queue of shows I'm going to watch in the upcoming weeks:

1. The Wire
2. Dr. Who (Going to start watching with the new Dr)
3. Deadwood
4. SuperNatural (Currently watching)
5. The Walking Dead (Season 3 Part)

I'll take any recommendations.


Hunky Nostradamus
The UK first one with Porter. It starts off with a naff raid then it's just been sub-soap opera crap. It's only six episodes so if it stays poor I can just scoff at it then move on to the second season.

Wha? The first season is great. Outside of Porter's shitty daughter being shitty, there's nothing especially bad about it. I seriously don't get any of your complaints.
Just finished Sherlock and loved every ounce of it. My current queue of shows I'm going to watch in the upcoming weeks:

1. The Wire
2. Dr. Who (Going to start watching with the new Dr)
3. Deadwood
4. SuperNatural (Currently watching)
5. The Walking Dead (Season 3 Part)

I'll take any recommendations.



Someone should have told you to skip season 1 like I did (at my brother's recommendation). Strike Back is all about Stonebridge and Scott.

Personally, I thought the UK one was a better show...but S1 of the Cinemax version has very impressive nudity and a really annoying american character, so it's a bit of a wash :p


Hunky Nostradamus
Someone should have told you to skip season 1 like I did (at my brother's recommendation). Strike Back is all about Stonebridge and Scott.

What the fuck?

I cannot understand the hate season 1 is getting. Season 1 is really good. It's different from seasons 2 and 3 for sure - mainly due to the lack of gratuitous sex and buddy cop dynamics - but it's still a really fun action show.

I think the general consensus (I haven't seen the show btw, so I'm sort of talking out of my ass here) is that the first two seasons are good fun, the third is really great, and the fourth is total shit.


Been watching the Wire, the Office, Death Note, Code Geass, and Homeland. Got a lot of other shows that I'm catching up on too (Regular Show, Parks and Rec, Archer).
Just finished Sherlock and loved every ounce of it. My current queue of shows I'm going to watch in the upcoming weeks:

1. The Wire
2. Dr. Who (Going to start watching with the new Dr)
3. Deadwood
4. SuperNatural (Currently watching)
5. The Walking Dead (Season 3 Part)

I'll take any recommendations.



Shows I've watched recently:

-Suits: really love the dialogue in this show, got turned onto it by a friend and just piled through the episodes.
-How I met your mother: the quality has declined greatly in terms of the comedy but it's hard to give up on a show you've invested a lot of time into. Kind of watching it out of habit now.
-Walking dead: almost gave up on it 4 or 5 episodes into series 2 but have plowed right through to the end. Can't wait for it to start again.
-Parks and Recreation - just funny stuff, there isn't a single weak character and that's rare for a comedy with a fairly large cast.
-Watched Sherlock all the way through for the third time. Best show on TV.
-Downton Abbey: Sensational program, beautifully made TV. Ordered the Xmas special of amazon for myself and the family to watch
Curb your enthusiasm - watched up until season 4 after enjoying the first couple of seasons, but I'm finding the show so repetitive at this stage and I'm barely laughing at all. Is it worth continuing with? I feel like it's already worn out its welcome as a concept.

Currently lined up:
-Mad Men
-A rewatch of the Wire

Shows that I gave up on:

-The Killing: I thought Lost led the viewer round in circles, this show is like one cocktease after the next
-Doctor Who: as someone who grew up on Old School doctor who this new version has none of the innocent charm, is far too self aware and smug and has lost most of what made it unique in the first place. I'm of the unpopular view that the show hasn't had anything going for it after Caves of Androzani.
-Boardwalk empire: for a gangster program it has to be one of the most dull, mundane and emotionless shows on TV. The production is immense and the cast top notch but the show lacks real feeling, it's so damn dry.


What the fuck?

I cannot understand the hate season 1 is getting. Season 1 is really good. It's different from seasons 2 and 3 for sure - mainly due to the lack of gratuitous sex and buddy cop dynamics - but it's still a really fun action show.

Well at least I don't hate it, since I haven't seen it. :p

I admit that my brother's advice could be wrong of course!
Curb your enthusiasm - watched up until season 4 after enjoying the first couple of seasons, but I'm finding the show so repetitive at this stage and I'm barely laughing at all. Is it worth continuing with? I feel like it's already worn out its welcome as a concept.

Feel free to skip Seasons 4 and 5 as they are the low point of the show, but 6 and on are amazing.


I think the general consensus [Torchwood] (I haven't seen the show btw, so I'm sort of talking out of my ass here) is that the first two seasons are good fun, the third is really great, and the fourth is total shit.
Season 1 is kinda meh, season 2 picks it up a lot IMO, season 3 aka the 5-episode miniseries knocks it out the park (some say minus the ending, which is sorta true), season 4 the latest one was kinda sour since it had a ton of buildup and then just fell flat.

If you've watched Doctor Who you'll recognize the main character, but it stands on its own and has some good moments.


Just got up to date with Hawaii five-o, wasn't even on my radar till the crossover episode with NCIS LA. I was a bit skeptical during the 1st few episodes but it defiantly grown on me.

Vert boil

Wha? The first season is great. Outside of Porter's shitty daughter being shitty, there's nothing especially bad about it. I seriously don't get any of your complaints.

It could turn around in the remaining three episodes but I doubt it will for me. The main story between Collinson and Porter is just so laughably bad.

I'm probably being a little hypocritical because I might excuse some aspects if it was a foreign show but it's just been to sort of trash you'd expect from a Sky or ITV produced show. Ross Kemp would fit in perfectly with it so far.


Once Upon a Time, Shameless, House of Lies, Girls, Revenge, Deception, Glee, Arrow, and The Vampire Diaries and the Real Housewives of Atlanta.


My mother has no idea what our username or password is for our cable provider, so I am unable to watch The Wire. I completed BSG, and I am about to finish an anime, so I want something to occupy my time, and I am hungry for a meaty drama.

Vert boil

Burnt through the last three episodes of Season 1 of Strike Back, and the first two of the second.

They should remove the first four episode of Season 1 from existence and rename the final two episodes as 'Spud's adventures with the Taliban'. Whatever happened with the production they started sorting the show out in the fourth episode. The story in the last two episodes is so absurd that it's glorious.

The first ep of season two was a step up from the first season but the second was really good. Looking forward to the rest.


Girls - All caught up. I gotta say, I was one of those people that unfairly judged the show before viewing due to the many factually wrong citicisms thrown at it by people who also had not watched it. But it's a good show.

Enlightened - A show I knew nothing about going in, but I watched since I got HBO GO and it's a newer show with few episodes. Again, all caught up. Show is great, managing to be both awkwardly funny and at times heart reding. It's very hard to watch at times. Performances are great, but I'm most impressed with Luke Wilson. I don't believe that I've ever seen him in a dramatic role before, and he does exceedingly well here.

The Newsroom - a show I wanted to watch from its inception, mainly due to being an Sorkin fan and ranking The Social Network as one of my favorite films. Only on episode 5 this far, and I quite enjoy it. I have noticed some of the criticisms thrown at the show, but it hasn't hampered my enjoyment yet.

Kitchen Confidential - Started watching this show due to being a big Bradley Cooper fan and wanting more of him after seeing Silver Linings Playbook. Only finished episode 3 but it's an enjoyable and quite funny show. Shame it got canceled, though given that its cancellation probably helped Cooper in becoming a film star (more quickly anyway) I can't be that upset.


Hunky Nostradamus
Just finished watching the Starz series Crash, which is loosely based off the Best Picture Oscar winning film Crash.

The acting and writing were a pretty mixed bag - some of the actors did a pretty good job (Nick Tarabay ftw!) while others were downright awful. The writing for Dennis Hopper's character was too poetic and overwrought and distracted me during his scenes (in season 1; they adjusted it season 2, thank goodness).

The show was cancelled after two seasons, apparently due to the death of Dennis Hopper, though I don't necessarily buy that excuse because his story was totally wrapped up at the end of season 2 and it wasn't like he was "the main character". The show had an ensemble cast and the powers that be had no problem with getting rid of almost all of the characters from season 1 (only about four of the dozen or so season 1 characters returned for season 2) when transitioning into season 2 anyway, so they could have easily written him off the show.

Speaking of dropping the characters between seasons, I actually didn't know that that was the case when I started watching season 2, so I was really confused when only a handful of the season 1 characters showed up. It's weird because while watching the season 1 finale, I didn't get the sense that it was the end for any of the characters; I expected all of them to return for season 2. In hindsight some of the departures made sense, but most of the storylines were left sort of open ended and one of them was even left on a cliffhanger (with a character that they dropped in season 2, so the cliff is still hanging :/).

With the season 1 characters that did transition into season 2, their storylines pick up at a totally different place than when we last saw them at the end of season 1, with no explanation offered as to how they got there. It really felt like "...Err, forget about those storylines, here are some new shiny ones!". Most of the storylines in Season 2 ended pretty conclusively, though, so I was pretty satisfied in that respect.

Overall it was a pretty decent show, though not particularly compelling in any area.


I finally finished Season 1 of Homeland after starting it a month ago, it was a chore for me to burn through the final 4 episodes. I seriously don't get how much praise this show has gotten and for some reason I want to watch Season 2 which I heard is bad.

I don't know if this is a spoiler but they could of wrapped up the series in the last episode fine, it would have worked good as a mini-series.
I'm really enjoying Burn Notice aka Grand Theft Auto the TV Show. On season 3 and the show really feels like it's comfortable in its skin now. Fun editing and great guest stars every ep.

Also burning through Dexter season 6 with the Doomsday Killer...and as always, loving the shit out of Justified as it airs.

Hoping to check out House of Cards in a couple weeks when I have the bandwidth.


Ok, done with Dexter season 5.

Beginning was very good, the first four episodes until Lumen comes into play. It's such a shame that they messed up the story like that, because it could have been great. The writing was sometimes very weird, like why would you do that, introduce sort of comic relief moments in tense situations or whatever? wth?

and the actress who played Lumen never did the character any justice. I know Lumen could have been a great character with a better actress but that woman was NEVER convincing. such a shame. mid season was terrible. the last couple of episodes got better though.
I've been watching the original 1970's Upstairs Downstairs. Im about half way through the second series and Im loving it. If you like Dowton Abbey or other similar period pieces, its worth a look.

I also just finished up a full series run of Chuck. While Im still not completely happy with the ending. I did find myself enjoying it alot more this time. Still season 2 is pretty much my definition of tv nirvana. Everything about that season is perfect.

Also as a cartoon/anime guilty pleasure, Im slowly going through the Japanese language/English subs of Sailor Moon.
I'm into the third season of The West Wing.

The finale of S2 (Two Cathedrals) has probably become my favourite season finale of any show ever. That shit was incredible.


Hunky Nostradamus
Is the new Transporter series any good?

Not a big fan of the films but I like Chris Vance so figured I'd ask.

It doesn't premiere in the US until the summer so I don't think very many people here have seen it yet. The reviews from Canada and Europe don't seem too hot though.

Vert boil

Is the new Transporter series any good?

Not a big fan of the films but I like Chris Vance so figured I'd ask.

It's good if you only want dumb fun with some boobies.

Just finished House of Cards.
Good good. It's a step up from Boss but not A+.

Started watching Oz again for the third or fourth time.


And god damn it strafer, your current avatar is too smokin'.
Is the new Transporter series any good?

Not a big fan of the films but I like Chris Vance so figured I'd ask.

Transporter is pretty bland, I watched a couple of episodes while waiting for Banshee at 11 but have not been very impressed. If you want a good action show better just stick to Banshee and Strike Back when it returns in August.


finished house of cards. it was good, spacey is great and the finale left me very excited for season 2.

started watching wonderfalls. omgggg. how did i not watch this before. the quirky premise and inventive storylines, the sense of humour, the flawed but relatable lead, the early 20s aimless fuckup milleu. i love it.
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