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TV Shows you've watched recently

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you speak so well
I've been going through Supernatural, now just starting the fourth season. First season started out slowly and I kind of wanted more of an overarching plot/mythology beyond "let's find dad!" but it quickly delivered on that and I was hooked. The two leads have such great chemistry and not only is the mythology interesting and usually pretty compelling, but a lot of standalone/"filler" episodes are absolutely wonderful and there's a decent variety between serious stuff and more humorous episodes. My main complaint so far is about some less than stellar recurring characters (particularly the main recurring females in the third season) but every character can't be a winner!

I'm enjoying my run through the show a lot so far and although I've heard the quality dips considerably later on, I'm still pumped to continue trekking through season four and beyond.


Hunky Nostradamus
Just finished the last episode of United States of Tara. Overall, I highly enjoyed it and Toni Collette is absolutely amazing in the role. I have a few problems with how it ended, but it wasn't completely unsatisfying. Was the series finale filmed as an actual finale or did they not know they were getting canceled quick enough to make it final? It definitely felt like a series finale, but I'm curious.

It was written just as a season finale, I believe. The writers didn't know the show was getting cancelled, but I thought that the season 3 finale worked very well as a series finale. I really have no idea how they could have continued into a fourth season with the way 3 ended anyway and I was pretty darn content with the way they left it. I particularly liked the final shot.


It was written just as a season finale, I believe. The writers didn't know the show was getting cancelled, but I thought that the season 3 finale worked very well as a series finale. I really have no idea how they could have continued into a fourth season with the way 3 ended anyway and I was pretty darn content with the way they left it. I particularly liked the final shot.

Agreed, I really don't know what S4 would have been like. In a way, I'm thankful the show didn't go on for far longer than it should have (like Weeds, which coincidentally had its last great season at S3). I can't say that I dont want more, but I'm content. The finale was probably one of, if not the, best episode in the series too. I'll miss the characters for sure, as they were all interesting, developed, believable, and very well acted.

Not sure what the protocol is in this thread for spoilers, but how did you feel about
the whole Bryce angle and her killing him off?
And regarding a S4, the only setup for it was
her alters still existing, at least the original 3.
But I'm content with the ending. While it wasn't super happy, it was at least pretty hopeful.


I'm currently on the 3rd season of The Wire. So glad the 3rd season is more like the first, because the 2nd pretty much sucked. The 2nd season had some good char moments, but the case and the ultimate result was fucking disappointing. It was nice see Sheriff Andy not acting like an idiot though (sorry, I do not know the actor's name). He was one standout of the 2nd season. Season 1 and so far season 3 have been awesome though.


I've been going through Supernatural, now just starting the fourth season. First season started out slowly and I kind of wanted more of an overarching plot/mythology beyond "let's find dad!" but it quickly delivered on that and I was hooked. The two leads have such great chemistry and not only is the mythology interesting and usually pretty compelling, but a lot of standalone/"filler" episodes are absolutely wonderful and there's a decent variety between serious stuff and more humorous episodes. My main complaint so far is about some less than stellar recurring characters (particularly the main recurring females in the third season) but every character can't be a winner!

I'm enjoying my run through the show a lot so far and although I've heard the quality dips considerably later on, I'm still pumped to continue trekking through season four and beyond.

Season 5 is the best out of the show after that the seasons kind of are not as good the whole show kind of doesn't feel right since it was originaly suppose to stop at season 5. Its suppose to be going to season 10 apparently. Still a good show though.


watched a few things recently.

rewatched party down because someone released a dvd of s1 here in the uk. so good. there was actually an episode in the second series that i don't remember seeing before (the local theater one), not sure if i accidentally skipped it last time or just have a bad memory, which was a nice surprise. martin starr is my hero but it's such a well rounded cast and it uses the episodic formula perfectly.

watched season 4 of californication which was a mixed bag, though certainly a step up from season 3 which i didn't care for much at all. there's a few dud episodes like the weird billionare and his monkey and the daughter relationship was half-baked, some of the film stuff was dumb too, but the court case storyline and hank's emotions around its consequences are handled really well and i still love runkel. in fact i love all the characters, that's always been the shows strength despite poor plotting and there's a great episode where the adult leads have dinner and talk that's one of my favourites they've done. that said i thought the show should have ended after s1 and i think it should have ended again with that excellent s4 ending but there's more to watch and i'm not sure i want to.

started with season 1 of justified. took a while for me to get into it as it starts off with some quite simplistic episodic storylines, the lead characters honourable cowboy stuff seemed kinda ridiculous and i had to adapt to the southern american accents. i'm at episode 11 now and enjoying it though as since about half way through it got a bit more complex, less goofy and more dark and it's weaving in the longer story arcs in an effective way. boyd crowther is excellent, the actor who plays him makes him kinda bewitching despite being scary on paper and i love his conversations with raylan.


Watched all of Freaks and Geeks and all I can say is: SO GOOD

It's a damn shame this show was only given 18 episodes, I got way too attached with the characters :/


Rewatching Community. Had previously stopped watching when season 2 finished. And wow had forgotten how funny and smart this show was. Just so good.

Half way season 3 now which is just as good except for two ok episodes. And it's one of the only shows I can re watch right away unlike most other shows.

Can't wait for season 4.


I've been dabbling a little in a bunch of stuff but not actually making any progress:

Person of Interest Season 1
Damages Season 4
The X-Files Season 1 (rewatching)
Hart of Dixie Season 1

Yeah I'm not sure what I'm doing either.


Hunky Nostradamus
Not sure what the protocol is in this thread for spoilers, but how did you feel about
the whole Bryce angle and her killing him off?
And regarding a S4, the only setup for it was
her alters still existing, at least the original 3.
But I'm content with the ending. While it wasn't super happy, it was at least pretty hopeful.

I thought Bryce was very eerie. A little too similar to Buck, just in the way Toni Collette played him, but overall I thought he was a successful new addition. He was a very hyperbolic character and I don't know how the show would have felt going forward after he had left his mark. If they had just returned to normal after that, it would have felt...less exciting maybe? Either that, or they would have tried to come up with a new, even crazier alter, which wouldn't have been a good idea. Bryce definitely felt like a "final season" type character.

I was really fascinated by his killing of the other alters, particularly with the way he killed Gimme. It was very disturbing. Season 3 often felt to me a bit like a horror film and was definitely darker than the other seasons. (RIP Lionel)

I wasn't so satisfied with the way he killed the original three alters (off screen) though, and I felt like it was a bit of a cop out to keep them around. I mean, Bryce did kill them like he killed the others. If Shoshanna, et al stayed dead then so should've Buck, T, and Alice. On the other had, they were her most attached and familiar alters, which makes their survival plausible.

To me, the survival of the OG alters just exemplifies how unwilling Showtime is to change/alter their shows too much. They're too afraid to let their shows grow and change, so they always have to return to the status quo at the beginning/end of each season.

A season 4 with totally new alters (or maybe just one alter or maybe no alters) would have been interesting. A season 4 with Buck, T, and Alice popping out every so often while Tara continues to struggle with her life would probably still be good, but it would also probably get stale after a time.

I'm glad the show was able to go out while it was still on top so to speak.


Junior Member
Nearing the end of Deadwood Season 3, shit is getting real.
I'm also about to start a rewatch of LOST.

Anyone got any comedy series to recommend? I need a laugh right now.
I really enjoyed Curb Your Enthusiasm & Arrested Development.


About to finish House's last season. The middle of the season was tiresome, but these last couple of episodes have been great. Just saw the one after Wilson's reveal. That was my favorite one in a long time, I think.


Just finished Season 3 of Friday Night Lights, and you guys weren't kidding, damn that was a great season and a great bounce back from Season 2's meh-ness.

Between Smash finally getting a schloarship, Street's exit (man tears everywhere), Riggins' continual awesomeness, Tyra finally getting into Uni, Saracen dealing with so much, etc etc., there were so many great moments.

Kyle Chandler as Coach Taylor is also slowly becoming one of my favorite father figure characters on TV.

No idea where the show is headed next!


I completed the fifth season of Supernatural, I'm not planning to go any further with the series. I enjoyed the series a lot, nothing OMFG amazing, but I had a fun time with it. Now, I am off to finally complete the third and fourth season of Battle Star Galatica.


Just watched the latest Grey's Anatomy, and damn, that was a great episode. Finished up the wedding, the Adele story line of last episode and still had time to move along two relationships and do a touching hospital story. Also keeps the right balance between humor and drama. It is really one of the best shows that are on television right now. I can't say I was surprised by Grey's and Ellen winning at the People's Choice Awards.


Junior Member
Just finished Season 3 of Friday Night Lights, and you guys weren't kidding, damn that was a great season and a great bounce back from Season 2's meh-ness.

Between Smash finally getting a schloarship, Street's exit (man tears everywhere), Riggins' continual awesomeness, Tyra finally getting into Uni, Saracen dealing with so much, etc etc., there were so many great moments.

Kyle Chandler as Coach Taylor is also slowly becoming one of my favorite father figure characters on TV.

No idea where the show is headed next!

Great places! I can't wait to buy all of the seasons on dvd and rewatch them.

I rewatched the pilot of Lost last night, it was still excellent although slightly dated.
Hard to believe this **** came out nearly 9 years ago.


Hunky Nostradamus
Just finished up the British sitcom 'Spy'. It's a very silly comedy that borders on grating, with very little character or plot development. I liked it overall, and the set up for season 3 is sort of fun, but I wouldn't miss it at all if it got cancelled.

Despite being called "Spy", there is actually very little spy stuff in the show. The characters almost never go on spy missions or use spy gadgets; they generally just sit behind desks and talk to each other, so if you're looking for a spy show, this isn't it.

I also watched another British sitcom called 'Whites', which starred the same guy from 'Spy', Darren Boyd, as the sous chef in a country house hotel. It was a pretty decent show that had some heart and was mildly funny, but ultimately wasn't anything special.


Just finished up the British sitcom 'Spy'. It's a very silly comedy that borders on grating, with very little character or plot development. I liked it overall, and the set up for season 3 is sort of fun, but I wouldn't miss it at all if it got cancelled.

Despite being called "Spy", there is actually very little spy stuff in the show. The characters almost never go on spy missions or use spy gadgets; they generally just sit behind desks and talk to each other, so if you're looking for a spy show, this isn't it.

I also watched another British sitcom called 'Whites', which starred the same guy from 'Spy', Darren Boyd, as the sous chef in a country house hotel. It was a pretty decent show that had some heart and was mildly funny, but ultimately wasn't anything special.

Funny that you watched Spy, I watched the first episode. It made me chuckle a few times but nothing spectacular. Since there's not many episodes ill keep watching. First episode reminded me heavily of Chuck, just minus the action. Kind of sucks about the no action.

big ander

Time for a new show.

Mad Men, True Blood or Walking Dead. Help me GAF!

Haven't seen True Blood, by all accounts it's decently fun but very soapy.
between the other two Mad Men is so far superior. I'm still working through Walking Dead season 3 and it's getting better, but seasons 1 and 2 are largely boring (save the pilot).
I'm actually rewatching Mad Men, though it's not a very fresh rewatch. I binged the first three seasons while season 4 was airing, and then never got around to watching four, so when five finally started I missed that too. So it'd been 2 years since I'd seen an episode of Mad Men, and I forgot almost everything due to the small period I first watched it in. Now I'm starting the series up again and taking it slower. Only three episodes in and I'm back in love.


Finally done with House and all caught up with Suits, now time to start Shameless US.

Always wanted to see this show.
I just finished Battlestar Galactica after years of putting it off. I watched the mini series twice and it didn't grab me. Took being unemployed for me to really get into it. A hell of a ride.

Only thing that bugged me coming out of it was
what the heck was Starbuck 2.0.

Also trying to figure out what show or film I am reminded of with the whole
"finding a dead version of yourself"
thing. TV tropes drew a big zero and it has been niggling me as to what it reminds me of.


Going back through Peep Show again. This show is hilarious. Watch it.

I second this. One of my favourite comedy shows.

Currently watching through the Persona 4 anime series then I'm finally going to finish Dragonball GT. Its not as good as DBZ, but the series will feel incomplete if I don't finish it.


I bought Justified seasons 1 and 2 on blu-ray on black friday. Finally sat down and marathoned both seasons in a couple of days. What a fucking awesome show. I want morrrrrrrrrrrrre but the season 3 blu is too expensive right now. :'(


Boardwalk Empire Season 3


I loved how randomly sudden it was.

yup, it's been a slow show but it makes this kind of stuff hit so much harder, I was gobsmacked at the scene

finished vampire diaries season 3, it's a great show with some highly talented writers, any resemblance to twilight was thrown out the window in season one. the ending scene for S3 was beautiful too, sigur ros <3

vampire diaries comes highly recommend. I wanted to put this on my gaf 2012 tv show of the year list instead of dexter but voting is closed now. damn what a shame, dexter gets lucky again
I've been rewatching Parks and Recreation. Been watching weekly since season 3, but had seen a good bit of season 2 and an episode or two of season 1. Halfway through season 4 right now and will probably finish it tonight. Then onto the season 5 episodes again.

Also finished Game of Thrones earlier in the week. Really excited for the new season in March.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished Season 3 of Six Feet Under.

I didn't like Nate turning into an asshole, but god damn at Lisa :(

I really like how they handled the premiere, multiple universes and such. Manly tears multiple times during the season 2 finale and premiere of 3. Hopefully they have a better direction to go with Claire in the future than messed up boyfriends.
The premiere of Continuum on SyFy the other night was intriguing but not spectacular. I'll probably watch a few more and see how it comes together. Has anyone seen all of S1? Care give it a thumbs up or thumbs down?
The premiere of Continuum on SyFy the other night was intriguing but not spectacular. I'll probably watch a few more and see how it comes together. Has anyone seen all of S1? Care give it a thumbs up or thumbs down?

I gave it a thumbs down after the first 2 episodes. IF it actually got better I would like to know too.


I'm about to catch up on Sherlock and I need a new show to start watching. Recommendations please!

Here's a list of shows I've watched or I'm catching up with that I like:

The Walking Dead
Breaking Bad
The Shield
The Wire
Dexter (Up to Season 4. Didn't watch anything beyond this point)

Doctor Who!

If you do this watch in this order:
Season 3: Blink
Season 4: Silence in the Library
Then just start in with Season 5

Is each episode it's own story or does it have continuity?
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