I've been watching Fringe, and I love it. The sci-fi is great. Any recommendations for more sci-fi drama shows?
No Sci-Fci \drama show will be as good as Fringe. It was so well done...
I've been watching Fringe, and I love it. The sci-fi is great. Any recommendations for more sci-fi drama shows?
Will do. It's on Netflix so that's a plus
Anything else?
Just finished the last episode of United States of Tara. Overall, I highly enjoyed it and Toni Collette is absolutely amazing in the role. I have a few problems with how it ended, but it wasn't completely unsatisfying. Was the series finale filmed as an actual finale or did they not know they were getting canceled quick enough to make it final? It definitely felt like a series finale, but I'm curious.
It was written just as a season finale, I believe. The writers didn't know the show was getting cancelled, but I thought that the season 3 finale worked very well as a series finale. I really have no idea how they could have continued into a fourth season with the way 3 ended anyway and I was pretty darn content with the way they left it. I particularly liked the final shot.
I've been going through Supernatural, now just starting the fourth season. First season started out slowly and I kind of wanted more of an overarching plot/mythology beyond "let's find dad!" but it quickly delivered on that and I was hooked. The two leads have such great chemistry and not only is the mythology interesting and usually pretty compelling, but a lot of standalone/"filler" episodes are absolutely wonderful and there's a decent variety between serious stuff and more humorous episodes. My main complaint so far is about some less than stellar recurring characters (particularly the main recurring females in the third season) but every character can't be a winner!
I'm enjoying my run through the show a lot so far and although I've heard the quality dips considerably later on, I'm still pumped to continue trekking through season four and beyond.
Not sure what the protocol is in this thread for spoilers, but how did you feel aboutAnd regarding a S4, the only setup for it wasthe whole Bryce angle and her killing him off?But I'm content with the ending. While it wasn't super happy, it was at least pretty hopeful.her alters still existing, at least the original 3.
Seems you're all set.I'm also about to start a rewatch of LOST.
Anyone got any comedy series to recommend? I need a laugh right now.
Just finished Season 3 of Friday Night Lights, and you guys weren't kidding, damn that was a great season and a great bounce back from Season 2's meh-ness.
Between Smash finally getting a schloarship, Street's exit (man tears everywhere), Riggins' continual awesomeness, Tyra finally getting into Uni, Saracen dealing with so much, etc etc., there were so many great moments.
Kyle Chandler as Coach Taylor is also slowly becoming one of my favorite father figure characters on TV.
No idea where the show is headed next!
Just finished up the British sitcom 'Spy'. It's a very silly comedy that borders on grating, with very little character or plot development. I liked it overall, and the set up for season 3 is sort of fun, but I wouldn't miss it at all if it got cancelled.
Despite being called "Spy", there is actually very little spy stuff in the show. The characters almost never go on spy missions or use spy gadgets; they generally just sit behind desks and talk to each other, so if you're looking for a spy show, this isn't it.
I also watched another British sitcom called 'Whites', which starred the same guy from 'Spy', Darren Boyd, as the sous chef in a country house hotel. It was a pretty decent show that had some heart and was mildly funny, but ultimately wasn't anything special.
Time for a new show.
Mad Men, True Blood or Walking Dead. Help me GAF!
Time for a new show.
Mad Men, True Blood or Walking Dead. Help me GAF!
Time for a new show.
Mad Men, True Blood or Walking Dead. Help me GAF!
Fuck me, ep. 11, season 3 of The Wire. I said DAMN!
Finally done with House and all caught up with Suits, now time to start Shameless US.
Always wanted to see this show.
Time for a new show.
Mad Men, True Blood or Walking Dead. Help me GAF!
Going back through Peep Show again. This show is hilarious. Watch it.
Boardwalk Empire Season 3
I loved how randomly sudden it was.
Boardwalk Empire Season 3
I loved how randomly sudden it was.
The premiere of Continuum on SyFy the other night was intriguing but not spectacular. I'll probably watch a few more and see how it comes together. Has anyone seen all of S1? Care give it a thumbs up or thumbs down?
Finished Dexter S4
in tears.. wtf a tthe ending man..((
Doctor Who!
If you do this watch in this order:
Season 3: Blink
Season 4: Silence in the Library
Then just start in with Season 5