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TV Shows you've watched recently

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beelzebozo said:
so i've been playing catch-up with the second season of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. just watched "home part 1":
I don't want to hype it up too much but in just 3 more episodes you will see some of the the most OMG AMAZING and memorable episodes ever. I look forward to hearing how you react to some stuff that goes down. :D

one, the religious themes in the show are really tiresome. i'm not sure how responsible ronald moore is for this stuff, but i thought it was also one of the weaker aspects of DS9; once again, great character relationships are the strengths, and the slips into religious prophecy and spiritual claptrap just makes me roll my eyes. i worry that it's going to be a huge aspect of the show, too.
I kind of felt the same way, but it never really distracted from the shows real strengths early on. Unfortunately the religious elements become a bigger part of the show in season 3 and 4 and i think to its detriment in the end.
I'm playing catchup on Lost. I stopped watching after season 2 finished because the show felt like it was about to lose it's luster to me. I didn't want to ruin a good thing. So, a few years pass, and I decided to give it another go. This show is still freaking awesome, and I've somehow managed to not have the plot spoiled for me. I'm about 8 episodes deep into season 3, and I'm going to try a Lost marathon to catch up before the season 5 finale hits in a couple weeks. Exciting!


mosammey said:
I'm playing catchup on Lost. I stopped watching after season 2 finished because the show felt like it was about to lose it's luster to me. I didn't want to ruin a good thing. So, a few years pass, and I decided to give it another go. This show is still freaking awesome, and I've somehow managed to not have the plot spoiled for me. I'm about 8 episodes deep into season 3, and I'm going to try a Lost marathon to catch up before the season 5 finale hits in a couple weeks. Exciting!

You're gonna wanna do two things:

1) Stay far, far away from anything that might feature anything about Lost. There is a rather enormous revelation in Season 4 that you don't want to know at this point, and one that is incredibly easy to find out about. I'm honestly surprised you don't know about it yet.

2) Ignore anything that Spotless Mind says. ;)

Seasons 4 and 5 of Lost are a heavy improvement over the lackluster Seasons 2 and 3. Season 2 almost "lost" me as well, but I'm glad I stuck with it.


Jealous Bastard
season 3 lackluster?

you're mad.

the last episode of season 3 is as good as LOST has ever been. if the show had ended there it would have been an emotional punch to the gut, and a horrifying story about what being stranded somewhere can do to a person.


beelzebozo said:
season 3 lackluster?

you're mad.

the last episode of season 3 is as good as LOST has ever been. if the show had ended there it would have been an emotional punch to the gut, and a horrifying story about what being stranded somewhere can do to a person.

I say it's lackluster due to the first half, which featured a bunch of meandering episodes that didn't go anywhere and weren't particularly entertaining. The second half of Season 3, post-break, redeems it but I still can't hold it in high regard as an overall season.

One thing I will say is that I've only watched Seasons 2 and 3 of Lost once, and that's while they were currently running. It's possible that my opinion on them could change if I watched the episodes straight through, which I'll probably do after the series is over, since that should help to mediate the problems with filler episodes, crappy new characters, etc. Plus the tie-ins to Seasons 4, 5 and 6 should offer more context to the earlier seasons.


Jealous Bastard
oh man, definitely rewatch season 3. i really think the last episode of that season is just gut-wrenching, or, at least, was for me, as someone who relates (or related, i guess) to jack more than any other character.

season 3 spoilers:
when i watched "through the looking glass," i took jack's final plaintive proclamation to kate that they "had to go back" as an indication that his life was totally fucked, unimportant, and aimless now that he's back from the island. it seems kate has moved on, and gotten it together, but jack can't. on the island, he was a leader, and someone important, with purpose; returning to shore, he's just a drug addict with a shitty beard.

that's emotionally powerful. much more emotionally powerful than anything in the show since, imo.


beelzebozo said:
season 3 lackluster?

you're mad.

the last episode of season 3 is as good as LOST has ever been. if the show had ended there it would have been an emotional punch to the gut, and a horrifying story about what being stranded somewhere can do to a person.

I've never seen any weakness at all in S3 (except for the obvious one or two episodes in the first block, and of course SIASL), and the S3 premiere is one of my favorite episodes. Such an awesome flashback and a cathartic ending ("Is she happy?" T_T).

And, of course, the S3 finale is quite possibly the greatest episode of television ever.

But overall, S4 and S5 are better. With S5 being my favorite so far.


(Re)Finished FNL S2, which more or less pulled itself together at the end. The scene in the shower with Saracen and Coach still makes my eyes watery.

A couple episodes into S3. My god what a wonderful season. Perfection.


Jealous Bastard
gdt5016 said:
A couple episodes into S3. My god what a wonderful season. Perfection.

it really, really is. that it starts off so akimbo as far as where season 2 left off, but so quickly recovers is testament to how talented the people pulling the strings of FNL are. it doesn't matter who leaves the show or comes on, they'll make them interesting, sympathetic, but also make you want to punch them in their stupid faces sometimes (see j.d. for evidence)


beelzebozo said:
it really, really is. that it starts off so akimbo as far as where season 2 left off, but so quickly recovers is testament to how talented the people pulling the strings of FNL are. it doesn't matter who leaves the show or comes on, they'll make them interesting, sympathetic, but also make you want to punch them in their stupid faces sometimes (see j.d. for evidence)

Overall, I like JD, but he's no Matty Saracen. I cant wait to see what happens next season (for obvious reasons) with everyone involved. (Obligatory) Matt and Julie <3<3<3

Right now, I'm thinking FNL S3 is my favorite season of TV.


We've heard that the DVD set will have the shorter versions (i.e. the NBC cuts) of the S3 episodes. Does anyone know if the extra stuff will be included as deleted scenes? That would be satisfactory to me.


Jealous Bastard
that's what i mean about j.d. though: even though i don't 100% like him, he's an interesting and well-developed character by the second episode of the third season. that is some impressive ability on the writers' part, especially considering how many shows go their entire runs without having someone so interesting and conflicted, who inspires so much debate in me as to whether i really like them or not.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
In the middle of S2 FNL (just finished Pantherama). just loved everything short of The Swede so far (Voodoo displayed how FNL could write a douchebag to be likeable in his asshole-ity. The Swede is an asshole I just don't want to watch and I want him off my screen ASAP). I supposed I'm heading into the weak point of the show? Because, unless I'm missing some plot holes that are supposed to make me like S2 less, S2 still continues strongly from S1.

Also, given that I work at a Dairy Queen, I was disappointed they convrte the in-show dairy queen to a "Alamo Freeze". :[


beelzebozo said:
that's what i mean about j.d. though: even though i don't 100% like him, he's an interesting and well-developed character by the second episode of the third season. that is some impressive ability on the writers' part, especially considering how many shows go their entire runs without having someone so interesting and conflicted, who inspires so much debate in me as to whether i really like them or not.

Well, yes. He's definitely an interesting addition to the cast. I'll definitely be waiting to see what he does in S4.

Maybe I resent him a little for what he did to my main man. He bitched out at the end though :D .


Jealous Bastard
the first few episodes of season 2 are a little off from what i was used to with FNL, but it ends very strong. i felt the same way about season 2 of LOST, which typically gets a lot of hate. watching it on dvd straight through the flaws were much less obvious, as i took the season as a whole and not piecemeal.

gdt5016 said:
Well, yes. He's definitely an interesting addition to the cast. I'll definitely be waiting to see what he does in S4.

Maybe I resent him a little for what he did to my main man. He bitched out at the end though :D .

hard to hate him too much when
his dad beats him
S2 is fine. They hit the implausible plotlines a little too hard towards the beginning of the season, but it turns around towards the end. Well worth watching, and I enjoyed it. It just wasn't up to snuff with the first season.


you speak so well
Just plowed through FNL S1/2 in the past two weeks. Loved the first season, second season hit a bit of a lull in the beginning but picked up again and was just as good as the first by the end.

Looking forward to this next season, I hear it's fantastic.


Friends, FNL S2 has it's problems (for me). I pretty much 100% agree with Solo on this.

Mexican Shark blood.


Julie turning into a gigantic douchebag.

The Swede.


Wierd comic-ly unreal skeevy Meth guy.


The Christian girl. Ugh.

I think thats about it. Most of this is in the early part, though. The season gets much better towards the end. Definitely worth watching.

Oh and course, the absolute worst scene in the entire show, one which I had to fast-forward to avoid that horrible feeling in my stomach.

The kiss between Lyla and Jason, then immediately after Lyla and Tim.

It basically just shits on the entire S1 stuff that happened to these character.

Oh yeah and Murder.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Cornballer said:
S2 is fine. They hit the implausible plotlines a little too hard towards the beginning of the season, but it turns around towards the end. Well worth watching, and I enjoyed it. It just wasn't up to snuff with the first season.
What's really so implausible? I could see Landry easily losing his head. The stem cell thing was a funny pipe dream. The Swede was an asshole and julie has been acting irrationally most of the season, but she easily explains her frustrations. Same goes for Ms. Taylor. IDK, I'm not really seeing the problem, aside from these plots being less about football than any other sections of the FNL storyline.
beelzebozo said:
welcome everyone to the "FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS You've Watched Recently" thread :lol
Maybe I'll make a LTTP thread when I get around to S3 in May. Sounds like there might be a few of us watching at the same time when the dvd's are out, and I'm sure a few of you would like to discuss again.


Jealous Bastard
it does have problems. they're just not so egregious that i was ever not enjoying the show.

and yeah, lyla i want to punch 90% of the time she's on screen. buddy is the real star of the garrity clan.


Cornballer said:
Maybe I'll make a LTTP thread when I get around to S3 in May. Sounds like there might be a few of us watching at the same time when the dvd's are out, and I'm sure a few of you would like to discuss again.

didn't mean to sound like i was bitching. i never get tired of talking about it. just thought it was funny and awesome how many gaffers seem to be keeping up with FNL. it deserves it.


beelzebozo said:
it does have problems. they're just not so egregious that i was ever not enjoying the show.

and yeah, lyla i want to punch 90% of the time she's on screen. buddy is the real star of the garrity clan.


Well, I never said I didn't enjoy it. I enjoyed it alot. Just listing my criticisms, which are (again) mostly in the early part of the season.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
IDK, I'm not really seeing the problem, aside from these plots being less about football than any other sections of the FNL storyline.
Perhaps 'implausible' is a poor choice of words on my part. I just felt that in S1 they never had to pump up the story itself to artificially create the drama and move the character arcs along, whereas in S2 they went for a few things that seemed a little cliche and obvious(?) There were a few moments where I rolled my eyes because I saw it coming and thought to myself "Oh, they wouldn't do that, would they?" and then they did. Just my opinion. Like most other people on here, I enjoyed S2 - I just felt like it fell short of the high bar set by S1.
beelzebozo said:
didn't mean to sound like i was bitching. i never get tired of talking about it. just thought it was funny and awesome how many gaffers seem to be keeping up with FNL. it deserves it.
I didn't take it that way. It's more a way to enjoy watching as a group and get more of GAF watching the show. :)


beelzebozo said:
didn't mean to sound like i was bitching. i never get tired of talking about it. just thought it was funny and awesome how many gaffers seem to be keeping up with FNL. it deserves it.

Just did a quick search and saw only one LTTP thread for FNL here, and it was created back in June '07.

Strange that there's been so few. It does get some decent discussion on GAF in various threads.


Zeliard said:
Seasons 4 and 5 of Lost are a heavy improvement over the lackluster Seasons 2 and 3. Season 2 almost "lost" me as well, but I'm glad I stuck with it.

wat x 1000

Season 3 rocks the house, and Season 5 is the worst season yet.


He's great when they decide to wheel him out (pun intended) every 3-4 episodes. Doesn't fix the whole mess of issues I have with the season though. Who knows whats going to happen in S6, but I have a feeling that I may look back on LOST when all is said and done and say that when they decided to go full tilt into time travel is when they lost my previously unwavering trust/belief in what they were doing with the show.


It boggles the mind how anyone can think anything is worse than season 2. Season 5 may be a lot of things, but it certainly isn't as fucking pointless as S2 was.

Solo, I can't wait for you to watch the whole season again on dvd. The amount of preplanning that has gone into this season's writing is insane, it's hard to believe anyone would look at this season (of all seasons) as an example of making things up. And Locke hasn't been absent as much as you think. He's only been in one episode (two, if you count the ending of Whatever Happened Happened), but he was in the whole first half of the season and played a pretty big role.


That's just it though, and really what I've been getting at all season - just because its meticulously planned doesn't make it good. Of course, good/bad is purely opinion-based, so its kind of a pointless argument in the first place. But S4 AND S5 were both planned out fully, but the difference is that S4 was a fantastic example of introducing the elements, setting up conflict and following thru on the season's arc, while S5 feels like an epic clusterfuck to me.


Solo said:
That's just it though, and really what I've been getting at all season - just because its meticulously planned doesn't make it good. Of course, good/bad is purely opinion-based, so its kind of a pointless argument in the first place. But S4 AND S5 were both planned out fully, but the difference is that S4 was a fantastic example of introducing the elements, setting up conflict and following thru on the season's arc, while S5 feels like an epic clusterfuck to me.

Maybe you should wait until the season is over before making a call like that. Regardless, almost all of the things set up in the early half of the season (
the statue, Widmore and Ellie being part of the Others, Faraday/Miles/Charlotte's pasts ties to the island, Ajira, smoke monster, temple, etc.
) have already started become integrated into the main plot, and there's still some more that I bet will come into play in the next few weeks (like jughead, or the people shooting from the boat). There's been a lot of set-up so far; if there was no payoff to it, I'd agree that it's a clusterfuck, but I find it hard to believe there won't be any payoff since we've already gotten a lot so far.


Hey USA, why don't you play House in chronological order? Why do I watch your blocks of House and see a 13 episode followed by a Cameron episode?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
beelzebozo said:
eh, meticulously planned?
little ben's post-healing amnesia?

that just felt like a cop-out to me. . .
I'll wait until the issue is addressed by present day losties before I make that call.


Add another member who will happily defend Season 2/3 in the face of latest season. From the very first episode with islanders
skipping time
I had some huge reservations, given what occurred in Season 4 finale, there was no doubt we were heading down uncharted waters but while it may sound like an ingenious plot device on paper, the execution has been all over the shop and has even cheapened some moments set up in earlier seasons.

Perhaps my feeling will somewhat change once I watch it as a complete season but never has the show felt so disjointed. Perils of having so many stories go on co-currently and while Season 4 had it's fair share of similar issues, it kept an end goal in mind and largely pulled it off.

So many plot devices and story arcs feel incredibly cheap this season which is something I haven't felt before. Even the Locke episode in retrospect annoyed me in several ways.

I am kinda worried about Season 6 at this stage :(


Will Eat Your Children
Breaking Bad, saw the pilot. Pretty good, Hal is a good actor. I think I'll give it a shot.


master15 said:
Add another member who will happily defend Season 2/3 in the face of latest season. From the very first episode with islanders
skipping time
I had some huge reservations, given what occurred in Season 4 finale, there was no doubt we were heading down uncharted waters but while it may sound like an ingenious plot device on paper, the execution has been all over the shop and has even cheapened some moments set up in earlier seasons.

Perhaps my feeling will somewhat change once I watch it as a complete season but never has the show felt so disjointed. Perils of having so many stories go on co-currently and while Season 4 had it's fair share of similar issues, it kept an end goal in mind and largely pulled it off.

So many plot devices and story arcs feel incredibly cheap this season which is something I haven't felt before. Even the Locke episode in retrospect annoyed me in several ways.

I am kinda worried about Season 6 at this stage :(

But, like I said before, at least season 5 isn't pointless. Most of Season 2 and a lot of Season 3 added nothing to the show and, in many cases, ended up proving to be a total waste of time. Season 5 could end up as a total clusterfuck and disappointment when everything's said and done, but at least it's moving the main story along.

Spotless Mind said:
It only gets better and better. Season 2 is absolutely brilliant thus far.

Yeah, I just watch the first episode of S2 yesterday and it's already better than the first season. :lol So good. Any word on if there's going to be a season 3?



I forgot to mention restarting The Wire again after stopping at Season 3 a while back. God just blazed through Season 1 and 2 and man it's easily one of the best programs I've seen, period. Everything from the characters, authenticity to the story and good story telling which rarely relies on gimmicky plot-twists.

Can't wait to keep plugging on.


Jealous Bastard
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'll wait until the issue is addressed by present day losties before I make that call.

good point, actually. if they're going all meta on me and doing the completely obvious, stupid plot mechanic to fool me, and there's actually something much more interesting going on, i'll give them double cool points when that becomes apparent. i like surprises. predictability and contrivance on the other hand i have no patience for whatsoever.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I realized that in the middle of "there goes the Neighborhood" that FNL pretty much has the best male cast on a TV show. The show deals with relationships often so this doesn't happen much, but whenever all the men are on screen (Saracen, Riggins, Landry, Smash, Street, Taylor, Santiago etc) I just grin from ear to ear. This is how men interact, fluid, perfectly acted. I just love watching these guys interact in any setting.

Like in S1, when Smash, Street, Saracen and Riggins went to the football field to get drunk late at night, it was just so awesome, maybe even my favorite scene of the show.

also, the brawl in this episode is hilarious.

And man, Riggins getting "caught" with julie is sad. :-/ FNL's constant "too good to last" cycle continues to tumble on.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I realized that in the middle of "there goes the Neighborhood" that FNL pretty much has the best male cast on a TV show. The show deals with relationships often so this doesn't happen much, but whenever all the men are on screen (Saracen, Riggins, Landry, Smash, Street, Taylor, Santiago etc) I just grin from ear to ear. This is how men interact, fluid, perfectly acted. I just love watching these guys interact in any setting.

Like in S1, when Smash, Street, Saracen and Riggins went to the football field to get drunk late at night, it was just so awesome, maybe even my favorite scene of the show.

also, the brawl in this episode is hilarious.

And man, Riggins getting "caught" with julie is sad. :-/ FNL's constant "too good to last" cycle continues to tumble on.

You're still in S2? S3 will blow you away. It's probably my favorite season of TV ever.

I cant say enough good things about FNL S3.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
gdt5016 said:
You're still in S2? S3 will blow you away. It's probably my favorite season of TV ever.

I cant say enough good things about FNL S3.
Yea, I'm blowing through S2 now though. Outside of Lost, there really isn't another TV show that keeps me gripped to the screen the whole time it's on. There really is no filler (well, I consider S1 Tyra to be filler given she had no bearing on the central plot 90% of the time, but it was entertaining filler). I can't wait to get to S3. I mean, shit, people said S2 was a weak link and I've enjoyed just about all of it except The Swede and the creepy Meth Lab roomie.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yea, I'm blowing through S2 now though. Outside of Lost, there really isn't another TV show that keeps me gripped to the screen the whole time it's on. There really is no filler (well, I consider S1 Tyra to be filler given she had no bearing on the central plot 90% of the time, but it was entertaining filler). I can't wait to get to S3. I mean, shit, people said S2 was a weak link and I've enjoyed just about all of it except The Swede and the creepy Meth Lab roomie.

Sheesh, that guy was way skeevy---and not in an entertaining or interesting way.

Oh and yes, the male cast is fantastic. There is not a weak link. Especially The Coach, easily one of the top actors on TV. He's brilliant in the role.
iv never seen this show when it started but iv been catching up with it on channal 5.
2 and a half men

this show is prity funny and they even had Megan Fox on it before. :D


^^^The hate hammer is about to hit you very hard.

Personally I think it's an ok, stupid, kinda funny in a dont really think about it kinda way show. I sometimes have it on.
gdt5016 said:
^^^The hate hammer is about to hit you very hard.

Personally I think it's an ok, stupid, kinda funny in a dont really think about it kinda way show. I sometimes have it on.
Thx for the heads up :D bring on the hate...i enjoy this show everytime i watch it
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