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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Totally agree with you Speeding(though I think you should have used spoiler tags).

Except for your hesitations about
. I trust the writers want to tell the non-college/non-football/non-child story. We'll where they go with that.

Though I may just be overzealous because
is by far my favorite character (aside from maybe the Coach). And his relationship is my favorite (again, aside from maybe the Coach/Tami).

To Blader, you have to give Mad Men a chance to develop.
Stopped watching Heroes middle of season three because it was just too painful with serious-bizness-cheerleader, but kept hearing good things about the latter half, so caught up this weekend since I'm sick and can't do much else. What a turnaround! I mean, the last few eps were pretty predictable, but not necessarily in a bad way, and I think there were some really great moments. It's like it was a completely different show from what I saw early in the season.


Jealous Bastard
bladerhate of MAD MEN?

urge to kill rising

CajoleJuice said:
Yes, sir -- just as I was getting sick of Twitter.

I apologize that my first post in here was chastising you. :p

finally, thank christ
Went through a few more episodes of Mad Men S2 today (2.3 & 2.4)
Don grabbing Bobbie Barrett by the crotch in the washroom. :O

His relationship with Peggy is fascinating and tragic at the same time. I love how they weave history into the show (American Airlines crash, The Defenders show about abortion). There's a greater focus on some of the peripheral characters this season, and much like Breaking Bad S2, I think the show is stronger for it.


:lol I didn't say I hated it or that it was bad, it just doesn't seem like the kind of show I might like. I didn't really like any of the actors except for Hamm; but then again, I didn't like anyone but Cranston when I first started watching Breaking Bad. Maybe I'll give it another shot at some point.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I haven't decided which to go after next, Mad men or The Wire. I think Mad men so I can watch it live with gaf in the future.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I haven't decided which to go after next, Mad men or The Wire. I think Mad men so I can watch it live with gaf in the future.

I think I'm going to (finally) start watching The Wire sometime this week.

Quick question (to anyone): I haven't seen it on Blu-Ray anywhere, does The Wire only come on DVD?
Blader5489 said:
I think I'm going to (finally) start watching The Wire sometime this week.

Quick question (to anyone): I haven't seen it on Blu-Ray anywhere, does The Wire only come on DVD?
Yeah, only DVD.

I think the only HBO show on Blu-ray is Band of Brothers and one season of The Sopranos. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Some of the newer stuff (Generation Kill, True Blood) is out soon on BRD from HBO, but I don't think they've released many of the older titles.
Blader5489 said:
does The Wire only come on DVD?
It's all 4:3, as well.


Jealous Bastard
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I haven't decided which to go after next, Mad men or The Wire. I think Mad men so I can watch it live with gaf in the future.

you have so much to look forward to. the idea of someone watching these shows back-to-back as a newbie is just earth-shatteringly awesome. god speed, my friend.


Uh, just caved in and started re-watching Dexter S3 (the best, I felt). Showtime needs to get off it's ass and at least give me a date for the next set.

On top of that, I noticed Dexter S1 and S2 had NOTHING in the way of valuable extras. S1 had like one commentary, and some weird 15min real life forensics doc. Totally in contrast to the stupendous deleted scenes in the FNL sets.

Soon I'll be ordering Mad Men S1 and S2 (to rewatch) before Mad Men S3 starts. And I have to watch The Wire (for the first time).

And I'll be re-watching FNL S3 (for the 3rd time total, after just having finished my second viewing) when that set gets released. Hopefully chock full of the deleted scenes from the NBC versions of the episodes.

Edit: Also waiting on Californication S1 and S2. Really wanna re-watch those.


Jealous Bastard
uh, so, anyone intimately familiar with 30 ROCK, help me on something:

i just watched the second season episode "MILF ISLAND" last night. it was decent, but the whole episode i couldn't help but notice that something was really off about the lower half of tina fey's face. it almost looked like she was wearing a chin prosthetic or something. did anyone else see this shit?
Maybe they just screwed up the makeup? She has a scar there.

And I thought that episode was totally awesome. Maybe because the MILF Island idea reminded me of Fuck Mountain.
I was watching this clone of The Mentalist on ABC the other night......think it was called Castle or something like that. The acting was soooooooooooooo bad.


Jealous Bastard
i didn't know she had a scar. the makeup in the episodes prior to this must have been so good that it hid it, but i finally picked up on it. still a lovely lady and very funny, but it was definitely a bit noticeably off.

it's funny, talking more generally about 30 ROCK, i find that i don't really remember particular episodes--only that i enjoy the general humor of the show, and find the cast extremely charming. that's quite a bit different from other comedy shows i like where there's typically standout episodes that jump at me, and big stinkers, too. i will admit the episode in which paul rubens played the crippled prince had me rolling. just thinking about it. . . :lol
I can agree with that for the most part, but that's a reason why I wouldn't put it in my upper-echelon of comedy shows (Seinfeld, Arrested Development, Curb...)

On the other hand, in general I feel like I don't remember specific episodes of television shows as much as some other people on here.


Jealous Bastard
yeah, i agree with that. it never blows you away with how brilliant the writing is, but it's so consistent and can really catch you off guard with something, which i appreciate. the first thing that comes to mind is when liz's ex-boyfriend (played by the dude from OZ) uses the analogy for the dog who won't lick his feet to explain playing hard to get to jack. good god.


On SouthPark S6 now. So far this season isn't as funny but Butters has easily became my favorite SP character. PROFESSOR CHOAS! :lol


Jealous Bastard
y2dvd said:
On SouthPark S6 now. So far this season isn't as funny but Butters has easily became my favorite SP character. PROFESSOR CHOAS! :lol

i remember watching this episode ("simpsons already did it") in a hotel with my parents on the way to the beach. the "yep, suck it right out of a hose" line is one of the funniest, best delivered lines in the show's entire run.

seamen + seapeople = seaciety

Watched one more episode of Mad Men S2 last night.
Draper and Peggy Olson's relationship is interesting - I'm never sure where they're going with it. Just got through the car crash where Peggy helped him out. Draper's new secretary is quite the looker, too.


I've also been watching Firefly again. Such a good show. Looks great on BRD aside from some of the effects here and there that don't hold up as well.


Jealous Bastard
that aspect you mention is really puzzling to me too, cornballer. on further reflection it may just be another aspect of the show that's very true to life, emphasizing the complex nature of some work relationships and the inability to fully categorize them as innocent or questionable.


Final Mad Men season 2 episode on BBC tomorrow night, I enjoyed this season as much as the first, although I've always found the characters interesting, but I never get emotionally attached to any of them the way I do with other series. I guess it's just because everyone is always so guarded with one another.
Peggy, Joan and Betty's are probably the central arcs of the season, with Joan coming out as the most sympathetic character of the lot, which I didn't see coming. And about Peggy and Don, I thought that Peggy was the only one Don would trust in the office at that point, since his secretary in new.

So, with summer coming, I'm looking for a new series to watch, perhaps a completed series that I can get in a boxset. I was thinking about Six Feet Under or Battlestar Gallatica. Any recommendations? my favorites are FNL and The Wire, followed by the likes of Rome, Mad Men, West Wing and Sopranos, in that order.


Jealous Bastard
Timbuktu said:
So, with summer coming, I'm looking for a new series to watch, perhaps a completed series that I can get in a boxset. I was thinking about Six Feet Under or Battlestar Gallatica. Any recommendations? my favorites are FNL and The Wire, followed by the likes of Rome, Mad Men, West Wing and Sopranos, in that order.

i'd personally recommend DEADWOOD. great characters, high production values, and all the excellent writing you'd expect from an h.b.o. series.


beelzebozo said:
i'd personally recommend DEADWOOD. great characters, high production values, and all the excellent writing you'd expect from an h.b.o. series.

I've heard about Deadwood, but I heard that it was cancelled prematurely like Carnivale so it doesn't have a proper ending to the series?
I'd second the recommendation for Deadwood. Breaking Bad would be good if you want something short. First season is only 7 episodes.
beelzebozo said:
that aspect you mention is really puzzling to me too, cornballer. on further reflection it may just be another aspect of the show that's very true to life, emphasizing the complex nature of some work relationships and the inability to fully categorize them as innocent or questionable.
True, and I don't necessarily think there's anything shady about it. Just find it interesting how involved in each other's lives and secrets they're becoming.


Jealous Bastard
Timbuktu said:
I've heard about Deadwood, but I heard that it was cancelled prematurely like Carnivale so it doesn't have a proper ending to the series?

it depends on what you mean by proper ending, really. i thought it came to an emotionally satisfying conclusion each season, and so i felt that the third season--and series--finale left me in a place that felt resolute. it's not a wholly conventional place to end a show, but i think if you keep your mind open and think thematically, you'll dig it.


you speak so well
SpeedingUptoStop said:
thoughts on s3

I also just finished the season and these are pretty much my thoughts on the season/finale. Every character arc was pretty much perfect, except for Matt's ending, which I really didn't like but have faith that the writers will make it work next season. The goodbyes of
Smash and Street
were pulled off perfectly as well.

I can't believe I blew through the whole show in like a week and a half :lol :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tucah said:
I also just finished the season and these are pretty much my thoughts on the season/finale. Every character arc was pretty much perfect, except for Matt's ending, which I really didn't like but have faith that the writers will make it work next season. The goodbyes of
Smash and Street
were pulled off perfectly as well.

I can't believe I blew through the whole show in like a week and a half :lol :lol
Dude, me too.:lol I have nothing to do atm.

Man, Smash's face in his final scene...gotta be the greatest smile I've ever seen.


The only weaker point of S3 is the one episode (not the whole episode) where a major focus was JaMarcus (I think thats his name), though he might play a bigger part in S4/S5.

The Matt thing at the end...hmm... I think it could play out very interesting. And I dont think the FNL writers wanted to lose Matt. Neither do I.


you speak so well
I definitely think the Matt ending was chosen because they didn't want to get rid of Matt, I can't imagine the show without Matt.

Something I just thought of, whatever happened to Santiago?


Tucah said:
I definitely think the Matt ending was chosen because they didn't want to get rid of Matt, I can't imagine the show without Matt.

Something I just thought of, whatever happened to Santiago?

I thought about that too. I liked him alot.

He's never even mentioned in S3 :lol .

Edit: I think it's a case of the writers (mostly) re-booting after a mixed S2. I just don't feel that Santiago had to be re-booted (like the Christian, Guatemala, the murder storyline being mentioned like once, etc etc).


I started watching the Mentalist. It is alright. A little predictable at times, but still entertaining.
I'm on episode 5, season 2 of Chuck and I love it. It's made me smile and lol way more than I have watching TV recently. The charm of the show is ridiculous.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
gdt5016 said:
I thought about that too. I liked him alot.

He's never even mentioned in S3 :lol .

Edit: I think it's a case of the writers (mostly) re-booting after a mixed S2. I just don't feel that Santiago had to be re-booted (like the Christian, Guatemala, the murder storyline being mentioned like once, etc etc).
Yea, Santiago :-/ he looked cool with all the guys. Oh well. 8 months is a long time for him to get killed in a gang drive by. D:


Nihilism said:
I've been watching Pushing Daisies. I really dig it. Finished the first season, so we'll see how the 2nd goes.
Such a great show.

I have the last episode sitting here and I can't bring myself to watch it because I don't want it to end :(


Costanza said:
Such a great show.

I have the last episode sitting here and I can't bring myself to watch it because I don't want it to end :(

Yeah, I don't know. I really like it a lot. I don't think of myself as a sappy, sentimental type guy, but when I'm watching that show, I just don't know.

It helps that I enjoy every main character on the show. All the guest stars seem cool, too.


I gave up on Pushing Daises after 3 episodes. It was cute and looked great visually but it was really repetitive. Every episode was like the same thing.


It is a very formulaic show; I'll give you that. That really doesn't matter to me, though. The Chuck/Ned stuff is totally endearing to me. And I like the narrator a lot. And the rapid dialogue. And pretty much everything else.


Honorary Canadian.
anaron said:
So I went out and bought season one of FNL and am now going onto episode 19....

I love this show. :)
:lol duuudeee

FNL is awesome. My advice though is to just ignore Season 2 and wait for season 3 to come out on DVD. There's like maybe 4 storylines that go on in all of season 2 that aren't just immediately forgotten in S3, and it's totally for the better. Plus you'll fill in the blanks pretty quickly.
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