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TV Shows you've watched recently

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beelzebozo said:
just a stab in the dark here, but my educated guess is that the answer is no, there's no difference. the hulu versions are probably the versions that aired on nbc, and i doubt--beyond some deleted scenes--that these were extended or cut in any meaningful way.

No, I meant the music selections. On the box it says "music different from aired version," so I'm asking if the music is the same as the Hulu versions.

Ford Prefect

beelzebozo said:
i love KIDS IN THE HALL, but generally i find it to be extremely spotty with the funny. one segment will have me rolling, and i'll quote it for years, but then the next is so unbearable i almost have to look away. i wonder how canadians react to it; are they playing to some particular canadian humor sensibilities (much like the notorious "dry" british humor, or some canadian equivalent) that i'm just not tuned into?
To a lesser extent, I also find them a little bit inconsistent. When they're on, though (which, considering they ran for 100+ episodes, is a hell of a lot), they bring the funny like no one else. I could go on and on about their unique, cinematic brand of comedy (many of the pre-taped segments [and I'm not just talking about Sausages] could be mistaken for short little art films, they're so intricate, subtle, and precise), their dark and subversive jokes that still shock today, etc., etc.

This is why they're my favorite sketch comedy group, and why the show is in my top 5 of TV comedies. (I'm not Canadian, btw)
beelzebozo said:
thinking broadly about LOST, i have to say that it's easy for me to forget just how far the show has come conceptually since i first began watching it. the shift into complete sci-fi time-traveling island-moving insanity was so gradual over the seasons as new supernatural elements were introduced that i look back what i thought the show was all about prior to actually watching it--a television serial version of CAST AWAY--and what it has actually become, and it's just baffling.

baffling in a very awesome way, but baffling.
I've been thinking the same thing. I'm really, really psyched by how this season has been going. I haven't been able to keep up with the mammoth episode threads, but whereas the past couple of seasons I've never been able to shake the idea that the writers had no idea where they were going, I finally can see that they know exactly what the fuck they're doing, and the feeling of all the separate threads over the past several years of this gigantic adventure finally coming together and meshing so beautifully is so exciting and awesome.

Cornballer said:
What's the verdict on "Sit Down, Shut Up"? I taped it last night, but I haven't watched it yet.
argh, forgot to set the DVR...

To the torrents!
The verdict is that it sucks pretty badly.

I watched about 10 minutes of it last night and found myself agreeing with the bad reviews completely. It just wasn't funny, which is a shame considering the talent involved. This is no replacement for Arrested Development, that's for sure.

But with only one episode down, it could theoretically get better. My guess is it gets canned before it has a chance to do that though. But then again, FOX animated shows tend to have longer legs than others.


Just finished rewatching S1 of Dexter. So, so good. Even better the second time around, mainly because (after watching all 3 seasons) I know Dexter much better.

I need a date on the S3 set. Cant wait to start up S2, Lyla was so fucking hot.



Popped in FNL to watch the a couple of episode and then go to finish Dexter.

The chapter system is wonky. It starts with "previously on FNL," then an opening segment, the the title theme, and then the rest of the show.

But when you try to chapter-through it, it goes straight to the "rest" of the episode, skipping the opening segment. UGH. Just put a marker between the previously and the opening segment; and then another between the opening segment and the title.


So I've continued on with Buffy into Season 2.. I really have a love/hate relationship with this show. For every good episode there's like 2-3 really bad filler episodes.


I'm pretty sure you stopped watching Chuck somewhere around min-S1, beelzebozo. I can't implore you to keep watching enough. We've just had the penultimate S2 episode this week, and I honestly think I might prefer Chuck S2 to the amazing FNL S3.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I've watched In Treatment recently as well as The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency on HBO. Also watched a few episodes of The Sopranos available onDemand. Then Oz, which I'm a few episodes from finishing.


Been watching season 2 of The Inbetweeners, really funny british comedy. If you like Peep Show, think you might like this. It's about 4 typical college guys with one very geeky friend. It's brilliant! Try watch from Season 1 if you can.


Been rewatching S1 on FNL. I've already said stuff about FNL in this thread, and yes, its just as good as I remember.

The set has GREAT deleted scenes. One scene especially I cant figure out why they didn't put it in. It's the Smash/Saracen scene where they work (something Freeze?).


Maybe my research skills are sucking, but am I right in thinking there is no date for Dexter S3 DVDs yet?


I've been watching The Unusuals as it airs, and I like it quite a bit. Pilot was about 50/50, but most pilots typically are, and the subsequent three episodes have been good.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I came back to the second episode because I liked Perrineau in Lost, though. Glad I stuck with it.

(Also, on Sit Down, Shut Up: I think it's unfair for people to keep comparing it to Arrested Development... people should take it as a separate entity, and let it stand or fall on its own, without taking the looming epic-sized shadow that Arrested Development casts into account. That said: even without comparing it to Arrested Development, it's a bad show. Which I think is even worse than just being a bad show compared to a fantastic one.)
Kastro said:
So I've continued on with Buffy into Season 2.. I really have a love/hate relationship with this show. For every good episode there's like 2-3 really bad filler episodes.

Buffy Season 1 was pretty mediocre in general. Seasons 2 and 3 are where the show really shines before going downhill again so if you dislike season 2 as well you might wanna give it up. Although if you make it to Season 4 you can switch over to Angel instead which is awesome.


Just finished (for the 2nd time) FNL S1. Such a great season. I have to recommend the deleted scenes once again which are (apparently) all canon. Some of them are really great (if unneeded in a 42 min episode).

I'll start FNL S2 tomorrow. At least I know that shit changes towards the end this time. My heart will break for
Matt and Julie
all over again T.T . I cant wait for my S3 set to come in. I need to watch it again, but it's quite possibly my favorite season of ANY show EVER.

Also finished Dexter S2 earlier today, and it too was better upon second viewing. I don't know if I would put it higher than 1, but still, a great season.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I just finished The Sopranos: Season 3.

My question is: does Meadow ever grow the fuck up? She's been acting like a 15 year old since day one through her first year of college. I can't take it.


catching up on Southpark S5. Cripple fight, sex ed, radiohead, and the towel that gets high are some of the highlights so far!


Alpha_eX said:
Been watching season 2 of The Inbetweeners, really funny british comedy. If you like Peep Show, think you might like this. It's about 4 typical college guys with one very geeky friend. It's brilliant! Try watch from Season 1 if you can.

I found this week's Inbetweeners a bit depressing actually. It's still funny, but Simon seems like a nice bloke who can never catch a break, Will is a bit annoying and Neil is getting too dumb at points. Jay is still good, I like how his insecurities shows now and then, like how he looked genuinely worried for a split second that Simon might really be angry at him when they were in the car.

Ford Prefect

Solo said:
I'm pretty sure you stopped watching Chuck somewhere around min-S1, beelzebozo. I can't implore you to keep watching enough. We've just had the penultimate S2 episode this week, and I honestly think I might prefer Chuck S2 to the amazing FNL S3.
Just finished Season 1 (also just noticed your avatar, haha), and is it just me, or is the finale atrocious? I understand it's probably because of the writer's strike, but I'm just wondering if this is widely recognized or not. The already often tenuous spy plot-lines are stretched to their very most absurd and nonsensical with the marlin and what the characters do/don't do and ask/don't ask in their efforts to locate it.

However, while the series so far has left me more or less apathetic, mine ears have not been deaf to all the lavish praise that has been directed towards the next season, and I can definitely see how areas that are lacking could be ironed out (much of the spy stuff, Chuck's nauseating relationship with his sister), and the show's strengths could still be improved (Buy More segments, etc.). I'll definitely rent it when it hits DVD.


Still in middle of Buck Rogers. I also bought second season of Love Boat (vol.1) and I'm gonna start watching it today.



Ford Prefect said:
Just finished Season 1 (also just noticed your avatar, haha), and is it just me, or is the finale atrocious? I understand it's probably because of the writer's strike, but I'm just wondering if this is widely recognized or not.

Well, you've sort of already said it: the writers strike happened, and we never got a really finale. The S1 "finale" is supposed to just be another standalone episode that would have aired mid-S1, had we gotten the full 22 episodes. S2 definitely rectifies this. Hell, just last week we got an amazing episode that would function brilliantly as a series finale, if the show gets cancelled. And theres still another episode left, setting up S3, which we may or may not ever get.


evilpigking said:
So I started renting Supernatural. First season was kinda slow for me until the end but season two has been a lot more interesting, looks like the show is starting to gain momentum with a more clear season long arc.

Season 3 loses steam until the end, but season 4 has been killer so far.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
CiSTM said:
I also bought second season of Love Boat (vol.1) and I'm gonna start watching it today.

Had you seen any of this beforehand? I've been thinking about adding this to my "eventual" pile because I liked Gavin Mcleod on Mary Tyler Moore, and there are a number of other great bit players that show up through the series' run, but the concept (and the show's unfortunate association with the early '80s) seem somewhat camp/cheese to me and I'm not really sure if I'll like it. Maybe I'll see if there's an episode on Hulu or something.


Jealous Bastard
Solo said:
I'm pretty sure you stopped watching Chuck somewhere around min-S1, beelzebozo. I can't implore you to keep watching enough. We've just had the penultimate S2 episode this week, and I honestly think I might prefer Chuck S2 to the amazing FNL S3.

man, i just don't know. for some reason i just wasn't very compelled to finish that first season. i mean, the show is entertaining enough while i'm watching it, but it's just so fluffy. after i would finish watching an episode, i'd never really feel like i just had had had HAD to watch the next one. i'll eventually finish it, but it's just not at the top of my priority list.

i just finished season 2 of MAD MEN a few days ago, and honestly, i haven't been watching much of anything besides my regular cooking shows (JAMIE AT HOME, TYLER'S ULTIMATE, etc.)

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
El Chavo del Ocho was an amazingly incredible 70s show that, despite being the very definition of formulaic, featured some of the best performances I've ever seen in any TV programme.


beelzebozo said:
man, i just don't know. for some reason i just wasn't very compelled to finish that first season. i mean, the show is entertaining enough while i'm watching it, but it's just so fluffy. after i would finish watching an episode, i'd never really feel like i just had had had HAD to watch the next one. i'll eventually finish it, but it's just not at the top of my priority list.

Well, I can hardly force it on you, lolz, but I will say a hearty "your loss!" if you skip the second season.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Regulus Tera said:
El Chavo del Ocho was an amazingly incredible 70s show that, despite being the very definition of formulaic, featured some of the best performances I've ever seen in any TV programme.

:lol i grew up watching that show (repeats i guess.. )


Cosmic Bus said:
Had you seen any of this beforehand? I've been thinking about adding this to my "eventual" pile because I liked Gavin Mcleod on Mary Tyler Moore, and there are a number of other great bit players that show up through the series' run, but the concept (and the show's unfortunate association with the early '80s) seem somewhat camp/cheese to me and I'm not really sure if I'll like it. Maybe I'll see if there's an episode on Hulu or something.

Loveboat certainly has it own campy feel in it but it is still really good comedy show with some great actors. And it has awesome line up of guest stars. I loved the show when I was a kid and it still holds up and now I get the dirty jokes too :) Season one is dirty cheap so I would say go for it.


So, I'm watching the premiere of FNL S2. It's going fine so far. But I might have to throw something at the screen when crazy/whore/spoiled girl comes out or when pipes meet skull :lol .

Edit: Oh, I forgot about the crazy christian! How nice...

Edit2: But that is a fantastic scene between Coach and Saracen in the supermarket. Really hammers home how the coach feels about him.


What the fuck does that even mean Julie. He's fucking perfect-whats the problem?!? He's goddamn Matty Saracen! He's QB1!

She needs to get tackled. Good thing Matt emotionally tackles her for a good portion of the season.
With a lot of the network programs winding down, I'm looking forward to digging into FNL S3, Mad Men S2, and True Blood when those dvds are out next month.
Solo said:
Well, I can hardly force it on you, lolz, but I will say a hearty "your loss!" if you skip the second season.
Hydrogen Bluebird said:
I just started watching season 2 of Chuck, which is looking a lot better than the start of the 1st season.
They made some changes with the second season and corrected a couple of the minor problems with S1. There's much more mythology coupled with a longer story arc, fewer standalone episodes, and a couple of the characters that tend to grate in S1 are more sympathetic. The writers really stepped up their game in S2, and the guest stars are all a lot of fun. S2 >> S1.



finished s1 two days ago and i loved it. every character has its own story that i'm actually interested. i mean, normally when you have that many characters lying and misleading each other, it gets lame after a while, but this didn't.

also, kyle mclachan is excellent. i love his acting.

i hope s2 isn't too bad after all i've read about it.


I've never seen Chuck, but I'm surprised at all the praise it gets. Maybe NBC just does a really shitty job marketing the show, because the commercials I've seen always make the show look like a typical nerd fantasy.


Blader5489 said:
I've never seen Chuck, but I'm surprised at all the praise it gets. Maybe NBC just does a really shitty job marketing the show, because the commercials I've seen always make the show look like a typical nerd fantasy.
I guess they are just shitty at marketing it because the show is fucking amazing. <3 Chuck.


I've been told several times to watch BSG, so I picked up the first season for £15. Will get started on it soon. I started watching the Mini-series movie, just need to finish it off.


Cornballer said:
With a lot of the network programs winding down, I'm looking forward to digging into FNL S3, Mad Men S2, and True Blood when those dvds are out next month.

They made some changes with the second season and corrected a couple of the minor problems with S1. There's much more mythology coupled with a longer story arc, fewer standalone episodes, and a couple of the characters that tend to grate in S1 are more sympathetic. The writers really stepped up their game in S2, and the guest stars are all a lot of fun. S2 >> S1.

True Blood was quite good and fun. Not deep television by any means, but still good. Mad Men S2 was better that S1. Really fantastic television.

The more I think about FNL S3 the more I think it's probably my favorite season of television EVER. Every single episode is a gift to my heart. Mulie (I just made that up) <3<3<3. Oh man I cant wait to rewatch it.

I liked Chuck S1. I adore Chuck S2. So, for me it's Chuck S2>>>>>>>>>>>>Chuck S1. And thats not a slight against S1.
Now watching Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. The writing in this show was sheer genius. I wish the creators would make something new already.

Ford Prefect

bud said:

finished s1 two days ago and i loved it. every character has its own story that i'm actually interested. i mean, normally when you have that many characters lying and misleading each other, it gets lame after a while, but this didn't.

also, kyle mclachan is excellent. i love his acting.

i hope s2 isn't too bad after all i've read about it.
It stays good for quite a while, IMO. Only one episode (directed by Diane Keaton, lol) is truly bad, while a few surrounding it are also quite subpar (this is all towards the end of the series).


bud said:
finished s1 two days ago and i loved it. every character has its own story that i'm actually interested. i mean, normally when you have that many characters lying and misleading each other, it gets lame after a while, but this didn't.

also, kyle mclachan is excellent. i love his acting.

i hope s2 isn't too bad after all i've read about it.

ahh.. you're making me wanna rewatch it.

Season 2 starts out good.. gets mediocre for a while (when Lynch leaves the show) and finishes great. There's a long stretch in season 2 where it really misses the Lynchian weirdness and gets a little too soap opera.
Ford Prefect said:
It stays good for quite a while, IMO. Only one episode (directed by Diane Keaton, lol) is truly bad, while a few surrounding it are also quite subpar (this is all towards the end of the series).
Would that be the
"James at the Mansion"
story arc?

Ford Prefect

Danne-Danger said:
Would that be the
"James at the Mansion"
story arc?
Yeah, I believe that was one of the main events of Keaton's episode. I just remember this attempt at Twin Peaks-y weirdness with all these soldiers randomly marching in some bar and it was godawful.


Jealous Bastard
so i've been playing catch-up with the second season of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. just watched "home part 1" last night and a couple of things i thought i'd mention/complain about:

one, the religious themes in the show are really tiresome. i'm not sure how responsible ronald moore is for this stuff, but i thought it was also one of the weaker aspects of DS9; once again, great character relationships are the strengths, and the slips into religious prophecy and spiritual claptrap just makes me roll my eyes. i worry that it's going to be a huge aspect of the show, too.

two, are there still newspapers or television stations in this situation? who are the journalists reporting to? the entire human race is in this fleet, correct? so where are the newspaper facilities? how are these distributed? maybe i've misunderstood the way this all works, but it doesn't seem very natural when everyone's on the run from cylons but journalists are still in a rabble in press conferences.

all that said, i want to add that i think kara thrace is a wonderful character, and the actress playing that part is immensely talented. i am typically very put off by "tough girl" characters, but she has such a perfect balance of callousness and vulnerability that it just works. for comparison--and this is coming from a huge DS9 fan--i think she's played much better than kira nerys.
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