Spotless Mind said:I'm hopeful that next season will deal with Matt coming to terms with moving on. It kind of came across as a weak ploy to keep him on the show on first viewing,If it does, i trust they'll deal with his decision thoughtfully and in a believable manner.but his decision to stay soon sank in as a realistic spur of the moment reaction. I don't think it will stick.
Saracen and the Taylor's have always been the heart of the show imo. I think it is good that they'll keep him around.
Yeah, I too feel that aside from the Taylors Saracen is the central character, as well as his relationship with Julie being #2 to the Taylor's.
I cant bear to see him leave. He's my favorite character for christsakes! Good thing is that they'll film the next 26eps together, so whoever we get next season we'll also get in the fifth (I hope).
And yes, that last line is specifically aimed at Saracen and Julie. <3<3<3<3<3<3