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TV Shows you've watched recently

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TOM f'N CRUISE said:
Thx for the heads up :D bring on the hate...i enjoy this show everytime i watch it

Actually, I thinks it's kind of a meme.

Just bring up that you watch the show in a TV thread and someone will say

-ewww you watch Two And A Half Men.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Finished season 2 of FNL last night. I really enjoyed just about all of it. So, things I didn't like

Meth lab dude threatening big boy Tim's life
the Swede
Julie hating everyone and everything (not so much bad as it was just like "oh come on now, again?")
Lyla being relegated to S1 Tyra Collette's role of "worthwhile filler story" (just because I don't care for all this religious stuff or Lyla really).

That said, Riggins, Saracen, Landry, Tyra, Smash (at the end) their games were on a whole nother level this season. Just great stuff. I liked Santiago's intro to the fold, he fits comfortably.

I wish they would've ended the season on the episode before the last one. That felt more conclusive than the abrupt final episode. Oh well. Gonna start S3 soon, I'm excited for the perfection!


Jealous Bastard
i had totally forgotten about that meth-head guy. that really was sort of a weird moment.

"the ferrets are hungry, tim!" :lol
beelzebozo said:
season 3 lackluster?

you're mad.

the last episode of season 3 is as good as LOST has ever been. if the show had ended there it would have been an emotional punch to the gut, and a horrifying story about what being stranded somewhere can do to a person.

So, I just finished the season finale of season 3 last night. Wow. Thank God I'm behind on episodes and don't have to wait for the next season to start. I can just go to abc.com and watch it lol. This show has to be the best thing on tv.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
beelzebozo said:
i had totally forgotten about that meth-head guy. that really was sort of a weird moment.

"the ferrets are hungry, tim!" :lol
The one thing i loved about it was, after they beat the shit out of Tim and told him they'd shoot him by the end of the week. Then, the rest of the episode, Tim is walking around no sweat. I'm like "wtf? does he not remember he's gonna get blasted with that money, why is he not trying to get it?"

And then later, Lyla answers the door and the Riggins brothers are wielding a bat and a putter and I'm like OMFG YES:lol :lol :lol
You haven't metioned Mrs Coach in any of your FNL posts SpeedingUptoStop. EPIC FAIL! :p
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I realized that in the middle of "there goes the Neighborhood" that FNL pretty much has the best male cast on a TV show. The show deals with relationships often so this doesn't happen much, but whenever all the men are on screen (Saracen, Riggins, Landry, Smash, Street, Taylor, Santiago etc) I just grin from ear to ear. This is how men interact, fluid, perfectly acted. I just love watching these guys interact in any setting.
I agree. I'd also say it of the female cast. Connie Britton, Aimee Teagarden, Adrianne Palicki. All fantastic performances and characters. Then there are excellent minor characters like Smash's and Tyra's mother. The only weak link is Minka Kelly and she actually improved a lot over the course of the show, i think.

Also there is no way Tyra's season 1 arc is filler. No way and no how. Her arc throughout all 3 seasons (aside from the season 2 detour into soapland :/) fits perfectly within the "devil town" theme the show is based around.


hide your water-based mammals
Speaking of TV shows, are people aware youtube is offering them now? The selection is limited but I just noticed that there is an ad on the page pimpin' it.


Jealous Bastard
that's to say nothing of the underrated and underused kyle chandler. he manages to give a performance here that so realistically oscillates between hard-nosed football coach, to caring, sensitive dad/husband/father figure to players, which is not an easy act to pull. you can just watch any football movie and see that other actors struggle with it. given, chandler's been handed a team of writers who obviously are very talented and dedicated to verisimilitude on FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, but to keep with the football metaphor, he takes the ball and runs with it.

every episode there's at least one moment with eric taylor that you can point to as real. the first season scene in which he's playing ping pong with julie and having the discussion about "what boys want" could have been such a rote one, but both the performers and the writers make it something really unique and special.

it makes me want to scope out chandler's other work (EARLY EDITION in particular, which had such a great concept).


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Spotless Mind said:
You haven't metioned Mrs Coach in any of your FNL posts SpeedingUptoStop. EPIC FAIL! :p
I agree. I'd also say it of the female cast. Connie Britton, Aimee Teagarden, Adrianne Palicki. All fantastic performances and characters. Then there are excellent minor characters like Smash's and Tyra's mother. The only weak link is Minka Kelly and she actually improved a lot over the course of the show, i think.

Also there is no way Tyra's season 1 arc is filler. No way and no how. Her arc throughout all 3 seasons (aside from the season 2 detour into soapland :/) fits perfectly within the "devil town" theme the show is based around.
I enjoy ms taylor, and her relationship to her family is fantastic. Unfortunately a lot of Season 2 she was very emotional after having the baby, so she acted out hysterically sometimes, but she always had her reasons. She's a great actor and character, but let's be honest here, any of us would prefer to marry Eric Taylor in a heart beat. :p

I guess I'm one of the few who enjoyed the murder thing. There was no "who done it" or some cheesy shit. It brought Landry & Tyra into the spotlight in a major way. They were both positively changed by the experience. Neither of their actions really felt out of character to me. It is a shame that Landry crushed that Freshman at the end of S2 for Tyra. Too bad for her. :-/


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
beelzebozo said:
that's to say nothing of the underrated and underused kyle chandler. he manages to give a performance here that so realistically oscillates between hard-nosed football coach, to caring, sensitive dad/husband/father figure to players, which is not an easy act to pull. you can just watch any football movie and see that other actors struggle with it. given, chandler's been handed a team of writers who obviously are very talented and dedicated to verisimilitude on FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, but to keep with the football metaphor, he takes the ball and runs with it.

every episode there's at least one moment with eric taylor that you can point to as real. the first season scene in which he's playing ping pong with julie and having the discussion about "what boys want" could have been such a rote one, but both the performers and the writers make it something really unique and special.

it makes me want to scope out chandler's other work (EARLY EDITION in particular, which had such a great concept).
The scene near the end of Season 2 where Saracen is moping around and says "Don't give me another one of your dad/coach speeches because I don't wanna hear it" and then Taylor grabs him by the neck and slams him into the bath tub (banging his head on the bar on the wall in the process), followed by Saracen's confession that "Everyone leaves me." was really an excellent pivotal point in the series and the lives of both of those characters. That was crushing. another reason that ep should have ended the season (with Smash crying about his uncertain future) instead of yet another "we're having a baby!" finale (coincidence? or does this happen in Season 3 too?:lol )

That + Riggins living in Taylor's home were both examples of why I would LOVE Eric Taylor to have a son.
Can you guys please use spoiler tags if you're discussing plot points? :) I'm still a little bit behind on FNL. Thanks.

I caught up on a bunch of Fringe this week. Still about 3 episodes back, but the show has been picking up steam and improving. Fun show.


Jealous Bastard
i think taylor not having a son on the show was likely a very conscious (and probably wise) decision.

one, it opens up the opportunity for him to play the father figure to his players, many of whom lack solid male role models and need him in that capacity (saracen, riggins, smash). uh, hell, that's actually a pattern. most of taylor's most talented players are from homes where the dad is not actively present.

two, having a daughter presents lots of opportunities for us to see his vulnerabilities, and to see him working outside his element as a football coach. it makes him a very multifaceted, complex character.

Cornballer said:
Can you guys please use spoiler tags if you're discussing plot points? :) I'm still a little bit behind on FNL. Thanks.

I caught up on a bunch of Fringe this week. Still about 3 episodes back, but the show has been picking up steam and improving. Fun show.

sorry if i said something revealing. i try to speak in vagaries as far as situations are concerned ("coach talking to julie about boys," etc)
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I wish they would've ended the season on the episode before the last one. That felt more conclusive than the abrupt final episode. Oh well. Gonna start S3 soon, I'm excited for the perfection!
SpeedingUptoStop said:
another reason that ep should have ended the season (with Smash crying about his uncertain future) instead of yet another "we're having a baby!" finale (coincidence? or does this happen in Season 3 too?:lol )
The finale wasn't really a finale. Season 2 was cut short because of the writers strike and that was the last episode they had in the works.

SpeedingUptoStop said:
The scene near the end of Season 2 where Saracen is moping around and says "Don't give me another one of your dad/coach speeches because I don't wanna hear it" and then Taylor grabs him by the neck and slams him into the bath tub (banging his head on the bar on the wall in the process), followed by Saracen's confession that "Everyone leaves me." was really an excellent pivotal point in the series and the lives of both of those characters. That was crushing.
Yeah that scene was definitely the dramatic highlight of the season. Superbly written and acted.
beelzebozo said:
sorry if i said something revealing. i try to speak in vagaries as far as situations are concerned ("coach talking to julie about boys," etc)
It's been fine so far and I'm finished with S2. Speaking in generalities isn't a problem for me, either. I'm just a little concerned about spoilers in general because I'm behind on a number of shows including FNL, Mad Men, etc... I like this thread because it's a great place for sensible people to talk about television on GAF. The discussion is always good, we talk about a lot of different shows, and I don't have to worry having plot points revealed. I didn't want it to regress into some kind of free-for-all where anything goes (but of course that's just my personal preference and I can't speak for everyone here.)


Jealous Bastard
thanks, man. i thought we needed a general "tv discussion" thread, too. i mean, if you watch a great episode of QUANTUM LEAP but just want to talk about that one episode, is that really worth starting an entire thread? or if you see a cool hour-long biopic on harry houdini on the history channel? or even if there's a sports bloopers marathon?

anyway, it's worked out really well. sometimes i think great tv takes a back seat in people's minds to great film, which--in today's creative climate--is completely unfounded and misguided, trapped in the old school of thought and incapable of accepting the beautiful modern age.


I too think the infamous Saracen/Coach shower scene is the highlight of S2, and one of the top moments in the series. Just a wonderful scene that was coming since the S1 finale.


Oh and Kyle Chandler (Coach) is brilliant in his role. Maybe the top actor on TV.


I whirled through all of Scrubs in 2-3 weeks.

The Todd is so fucking cute. I just can't get over it. I mean JD and the Janitor are attractive, but damn. The Todd when he gives an honest-to-god smile could charm mountains <3


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Started watching the S3 FNL opener. Just had to pause and say

I think we're gonna make a beautiful team together.



SpeedingUptoStop said:
Started watching the S3 FNL opener. Just had to pause and say

I think we're gonna make a beautiful team together.


Fuck it, I'm gonna go ahead and say it.

FNL S3 is my favorite season of TV ever. It's goddamn perfect. I could post a more detailed breakdown, but I wont. Just had to get that off my chest. I'm almost done watching it for the 2nd time. Contemplating watching it a third time (as soon as I'm done with the 2nd time), and I know I'll watch again on the 19th when it comes out on DVD.

Fuck it's awesome.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'm a little disappointed about Smash. I would've liked his character to be mentored by the Taylor-esque black coach who's been following him his whole life. Oh well, I'm sure this will work out too.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm a little disappointed about Smash. I would've liked his character to be mentored by the Taylor-esque black coach who's been following him his whole life. Oh well, I'm sure this will work out too.

Smash has a ballbustingly awesome arc. So emotionally satisfying.

Edit: The music is perfect in the final squash (I guess thats the sport they're playing) scene during the premiere.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
It's pretty much a crime against humanity that there is no serious Original Soundtrack cd for this show. I want the delicious instrumentals, goddamit!



That's from the movie but I was under the impression that the music was re-used for the show?

Explosions in the Sky
Finally caught up on Fringe last night. The show has picked up a fair bit after a somewhat slow start. Definitely has an X-Files vibe to it. I don't find the lead to be that compelling, and I find myself more invested in the peripheral characters. The 'mythology' episodes have been a lot better than that standalones, and I'd wish they'd focus more on those. Always tricky for shows like this to balance the viewers who will show up randomly for a procedural one week and those in for the long haul. Obviously, I'd prefer that they cater to the latter, but it's understandable ratings-wise why they'd want some standalones. It does hurt the momentum of the show and makes me think how awesome it'd be on HBO where they can attack the main narrative every week.


Jealous Bastard
that's all predicated on the notion that the main narrative is good, of course. i haven't kept up with FRINGE, but i know going back and watching all of THE X-FILES it strikes me that many of the episodes--though they may seem relatively entertaining on their own terms--are handicapped by the knowledge that the story they're trying to build ultimately comes apart at the seams in the finale. maybe X-FILES would have been able to build a more stable mythology if they didn't split their attention between mythology eps and m.o.t.w. eps, but the m.o.t.w. eps are so strong and entertaining on their own, it's also hard not to wish carter and the team behind the show hadn't just focused solely on making it all stand-alone.

well, stand-alone apart from mulder and scully. these two and their relationship is what, in the end, is the key factor in lifting X-FILES over other sci-fi story shows, even classics like THE TWILIGHT ZONE. they are instantly familiar elements in what may otherwise be totally unfamiliar, and using them as a lens to view the bizarre situations set before the viewer is pretty brilliant.
I agree that if the main narrative blows, there really isn't much point to it.

Some of my favorite X-Files episodes were MotW ones. I don't feel the same way about Fringe, but I do notice that more and more series are trying to blend the two together. Joss Whedon does this a lot (most recently on Dollhouse - just letting out a few hints in some episodes) and Fringe does the same thing. It's interesting to me how much of X-Files relied on the characters (they could be in a lot of silly situations, but it was still entertaining television) whereas Fringe for me is more compelling due to the main story arc.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tyra's speech...my god. Unbelievable. Incredible. I watched it over and over again.

"Two years ago, I was afraid of wanting anything. I figured wanting would lead to trying. And trying would lead to failure. But now I find, I can't stop wanting. I want to fly somewhere in first class. I want to travel to Europe on a business trip. I want to get invited to the White House. I learn about the travel the world. I want to surprise myself. I want to be important. I want to be the best person I can be.I want to define myself, instead of having other define me. I want to win, and have people be happy for me. I want to lose, and get over it. I want to no be afraid of the unknoon. I want to grow to be generous and big hearted, the way people have been to me. I want an interesting and surprising life. It's not that I think I'm going to get all of these things. I just want the possibility of getting them. The possibility that things are going to change. I can't wait."

Just...goddam. This season is perfect. I love how this episode comes around back to the first season, how they still remind us that jason Street's paralyzation put all of these events in motion. It's phenomenal.

One more episode to go after I finish this one.
Kastro said:

That's from the movie but I was under the impression that the music was re-used for the show?

Explosions in the Sky
They reuse some Explosions tracks, but the majority of the intsrumentals are done by W.G. Snuffy Walden, who did The West Wing (i hated that shows score...) among other things. The music, from the song choices to the instrumentals, is just about goddamn perfect.

It really miffs me that they replace a lot of the music in the dvd's. I might be mistaken, but i think they removed a lot of the Explosions in the Sky tracks in season 1. :/


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Tyra's speech...my god. Unbelievable. Incredible. I watched it over and over again.

"Two years ago, I was afraid of wanting anything. I figured wanting would lead to trying. And trying would lead to failure. But now I find, I can't stop wanting. I want to fly somewhere in first class. I want to travel to Europe on a business trip. I want to get invited to the White House. I learn about the travel the world. I want to surprise myself. I want to be important. I want to be the best person I can be.I want to define myself, instead of having other define me. I want to win, and have people be happy for me. I want to lose, and get over it. I want to no be afraid of the unknoon. I want to grow to be generous and big hearted, the way people have been to me. I want an interesting and surprising life. It's not that I think I'm going to get all of these things. I just want the possibility of getting them. The possibility that things are going to change. I can't wait."

Just...goddam. This season is perfect. I love how this episode comes around back to the first season, how they still remind us that jason Street's paralyzation put all of these events in motion. It's phenomenal.

One more episode to go after I finish this one.


Matt and Julie <3<3<3
Finally started digging into Mad Men S2 yesterday. The first two were good, as expected. Sometimes it's a tough show to watch, like Breaking Bad, but the production quality and acting are top notch. It's just a shame to have to watch it in SD because AMC HD isn't carried by many providers these days. I know it looks great in HD, but I'm stuck with a grainy 4:3 image that's letterboxed off of my DVR. :(


Calcaneus said:
Hey guys, guess what I'm not watching? FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!

I'll get to it someday maybe

Lol, I guess there has been a recent wave of FNL.

And I'm riding it! Yeah!

Edit: Cornballer, isn't the Mad Men S2 set coming out soon? Why not just wait for the BD?


I've been watching the Inbetweeners, one of the best shows on UK tv at the moment, it's hillarious. It's on season 2 at the moment but there are only 6 per season.

If you like UK commedy, such as Peep Show, check this out, it's great.
gdt5016 said:
Edit: Cornballer, isn't the Mad Men S2 set coming out soon? Why not just wait for the BD?
I ran out of things to watch this week, so I just started going through it. DVD/BRD aren't out until mid-July, which I assume is right before S3 starts. I'd like to be caught up by then, and I also find it annoying that they typically release DVD sets a week before the new season starts. I also want to catch up on FNL S3 and Dexter True Blood soon when those are out next month.
gdt5016 said:
Dexter S3 is out next month? Or are you referring to the BD sets?
Whoops, I meant True Blood. Been meaning to dig into that, and both FNL S3 and True Blood are out on May 19th. There's no date for Dexter S3 yet. :/


Ahh yes, True Blood. I'll be picking that up with FNL S3 on the 19th as well.

Or, ordering it more likely.
I didn't get around to True Blood in the Fall because there was too much on and the reviews were mediocre, but most of my friends that watched recommended it once the season was over.


TB was fun. Not deep television or lifechanging by any means, but it's fun and entertaining while its on. Has some problems, but nothing major.

It's like the exact opposite of Six Feet Under (also by Alan Ball). Not emotionally draining at all.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
If that is the case, there should be a man who gets pregnant in the next season finale. The plot twistingness would be overwhelming.


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Dax01 said:
If that is the case, there should be a man who gets pregnant in the next season finale. The plot twistingness would be overwhelming.
It's like they saw the srendipity of S2 ending with a pregnancy and they decided to just do it every finale.:lol

I'm getting into spoiler territory here so watch out
When the 13th episode began, I was wondering (with the 5 months later and the intro being every one happy) what the conflict would be. But man, did it ramp up quickly. I can't believe the Panthers picked the money over experience. That was wild
But it sets up a PERFECT rivalry for next season. Seriously, when Tami was like "they offered you the East Dillon" job, I was like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.gif

Smash's arc was perfect. Street's arc was perfect. Lyla's arc surprisingly turned out to be perfect. Tyra/Landry is just amazing, looking at who they were in season 1 is just, WOW.

Billy's speech to Tim about not being their parents, how their kids deserved better was just, wow.

The only thing that unsettled me was Matt. His arc, about becoming a confident man all on his own, it's worked so perfectly. But then he decides he wants to not only stay, but take care of grandma (who has clearly shown that he can't handle her anymore) unsettled me a bit. But I think FNL writers plenty well know how to handle that, so I don't mind the direction. :]

I just love how these 3 seasons have felt so insular. It really feels like they've accomplished what they set out to do from the very beginning. The show could've ended with episode 12 and we'd have ourselves quite the stunning 49 hour movie, but with this final episode, so much more greatness is about to come, with so many fresh faces on the way. It's a bigger leap than any other season for these writers, but I have confidence they'll make it.

Just, wow. Incredible. I may watch Season 1 again soon, just to refresh my memory. Great show.
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