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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Since most of the shows I watch will be winding down within the next few weeks, I plan on starting Deadwood and Rome. I'm probably going to start with Deadwood later today.



As you can see on the above picture I've almost run out of TV shows to watch. Can anyone recommend me something similar to those. I used to watch Lost, Heroes and Prison Break but lost interested after a few seasons...

also, please don't comment on Two and a Half Men


30 Rock.

Im about 6 eps into season 1 - i heard S1 isnt that great and the show gets into its stride later on, but im already enjoying it so far


bjaelke said:

As you can see on the above picture I've almost run out of TV shows to watch. Can anyone recommend me something similar to those. I used to watch Lost, Heroes and Prison Break but lost interested after a few seasons...

also, please don't comment on Two and a Half Men
well, you've got mostly light fare there, so I'd say you'd probably dig Burn Notice. Just a plain fun show.


or Reaper.


If you're in the mood for something heavier, go for Friday Night Lights :D

bjaelke said:

As you can see on the above picture I've almost run out of TV shows to watch. Can anyone recommend me something similar to those. I used to watch Lost, Heroes and Prison Break but lost interested after a few seasons...

also, please don't comment on Two and a Half Men
Curb Your Enthusiasm

It's pretty much the only comedy I can think of not on your list.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Decado said:
Anyone have thoughts on Brotherhood (showtime series)? Worth getting into?

Unquestionably, yes. It's one of the best shows around that almost no one watches (or watched, if it's cancellation status is accurate).


bjaelke said:

As you can see on the above picture I've almost run out of TV shows to watch. Can anyone recommend me something similar to those. I used to watch Lost, Heroes and Prison Break but lost interested after a few seasons...

also, please don't comment on Two and a Half Men


B) I'd also go with Curb Your Enthusiasm.

C) I don't know if Friday Night Lights would gel with your list (maybe LOST wouldn't either, but you mentioned it), but it's my second favorite show, after LOST. If you can get back into LOST, give FNL a shot.


The suggestions doesn't have to be comedy. They are just the easiest genre to digest right now (finishing University and whatnot). I watch the Terminator series from time to time. Bought season 1 on Blu-ray.
Xrenity said:
I'd give Lost a second chance, but otherwise, try 24. Season 1 is awesome :)
When I say "a few seasons" I really mean up until the LaFleur episode :s Maybe I should give that another try. I finished the first season of 24. Not really my kind of show.

My all time favourite show is/was The A-team, but that's not on the list for obvious reason :lol


Watched an episode of 'The Unusuals', was enough to make me realize this is the worst show ever created


bjaelke said:
The suggestions doesn't have to be comedy. They are just the easiest genre to digest right now (finishing University and whatnot). I watch the Terminator series from time to time. Bought season 1 on Blu-ray.

When I say "a few seasons" I really mean up until the LaFleur episode :s Maybe I should give that another try. I finished the first season of 24. Not really my kind of show.

My all time favourite show is/was The A-team, but that's not on the list for obvious reason :lol

Ah, you watched upto LaFluer, ok then.


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I'm going through season 1 of Smallville right now. Its almost laughably cheesy at times but I cant stop watching. Still I prefer Chole's spin off Veronica Mars a bit more. :D


Costanza said:
I thought you were cool, man. :p

Hey you're cool too :p. I'm sorry but after a few views Reaper got kind of old. Just not my cup of tea I guess :(.

Hey Peep Show is great too, that's a cool show to watch :)

*goes back to watching True Lies*


Maybe I'm nuts (I have to give it a rewatch), but I thought the first season of IASIP was it's weakest.

Plus "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis" is the best episode of the series./shrugs

Um, lets see...

Picked up S1 of Californication (to rewatch)...and finished it. 12 1/2hour episodes go by really fast :/.

Hank, as always, is a really engaging character.
Was only introduced to it this year but I'm really digging Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on the Travel Channel. Awesome sights and lols.

Very nice, casual viewing - I've usually caught it at 10 after 8 & 9pm shows but I think the Travel Channel has changed the schedule around. A lot of episodes are on youtube. Makes me really want to travel.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Just started the Friday Night Lights. The Pilot was really good. I'm looking forward to the rest of the show.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'm not a huge fan of the FNL pilot because the Jason twist is the most predictable/cliche thing in the show's history, IMO. I think anybody discouraged by it should continue watching up through Wind Sprints and if you don't want to watch anymore eps after Wind Sprints, you're welcome to kill yourself.


Jealous Bastard
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm not a huge fan of the FNL pilot because the Jason twist is the most predictable/cliche thing in the show's history, IMO. I think anybody discouraged by it should continue watching up through Wind Sprints and if you don't want to watch anymore eps after Wind Sprints, you're welcome to kill yourself.

yes. i watched the pilot and subsequently stopped watching for almost six months. when i finally got back to it and watched episodes 2-4 or so, i realized it took that potentially cliche situation and dealt with it in the most uncliche ways possible.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
beelzebozo said:
yes. i watched the pilot and subsequently stopped watching for almost six months. when i finally got back to it and watched episodes 2-4 or so, i realized it took that potentially cliche situation and dealt with it in the most uncliche ways possible.
Indeed. The first four episodes are really the true introduction to the show IMO.
beelzebozo said:
yes. i watched the pilot and subsequently stopped watching for almost six months. when i finally got back to it and watched episodes 2-4 or so, i realized it took that potentially cliche situation and dealt with it in the most uncliche ways possible.
I was halfway through typing a post, but this about sums it up. That's what FNL does best. Subverting the cliches and tackling them in an honest and realistic way.

experiencing bullying following her sleeping with Riggins (a development that had me barfing)
was one such surprise to me. Her interactions with Tami and Buddy felt so genuine.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm going through all the It's Always Sunny seasons again. God I love that show. There are some episodes that get better when you rewatch them, like Who Pooped the Bed. Artemis is incredible there. 'gonna take off my bra, blast my nips', bleached asshole etc.
The perfect episode probably is Frank sets Sweet Dee on Fire. Showed that to friend yesterday and he was instantly hooked on the show.

Can't wait for season 5.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Spotless Mind said:
experiencing bullying following her sleeping with Riggins (a development that had me barfing)
That plot was the worst of all of S1. "It's Different for Girls" is the most disjointed episode in all of FNL, grasping at a random as fuck balance between playful humor and
holy shit, they made a website this is horrible oh god every start crying now
. Do they not have regular sluts in Texas?
she slept with two fucking guys. TWO. One of which was her BOYFRIEND. I can understand if they'd make of her because she cheated on a cripple, but the focus was entirely on how she slept with omfg two guys. It was annoying and their insults were sooo over the top (albeit clever).
Just about the only thing that brought down S1.


Jealous Bastard
the awesome of buddy garrity can save any weak episode, that one included. the way he acts toward lyla always interests me, because it comes across as so phony and not unlike the way he acts when he's selling cars. fantastic little discovery they made, that actor.


venison crêpe
Little FNL spoiler-esque question. Only for people who have seen up to the end of season 3.

Apparently Lyla and Saracen have never spoken on screen to one another. Is this true? Been trying to figure out if this was right or not. I'm sure they've been in the same shots together, just never spoken.

Also Mr + Mrs Coach = best parents on TV ever.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Wes said:
Little FNL spoiler-esque question. Only for people who have seen up to the end of season 3.

Apparently Lyla and Saracen have never spoken on screen to one another. Is this true? Been trying to figure out if this was right or not. I'm sure they've been in the same shots together, just never spoken.

Also Mr + Mrs Coach = best parents on TV ever.
This is probably true, which is weird, because I love it when characters who don't normally talk to each other gel together for a couple of scenes.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
That plot was the worst of all of S1. "It's Different for Girls" is the most disjointed episode in all of FNL, grasping at a random as fuck balance between playful humor and
holy shit, they made a website this is horrible oh god every start crying now
. Do they not have regular sluts in Texas?
she slept with two fucking guys. TWO. One of which was her BOYFRIEND. I can understand if they'd make of her because she cheated on a cripple, but the focus was entirely on how she slept with omfg two guys. It was annoying and their insults were sooo over the top (albeit clever).
Just about the only thing that brought down S1.
No way. That award could go to any number of season 2 episodes. Of season 1, El Accidente was the only episode i didn't particularly care for. I also saw nothing wrong with the other girls reactions. Teenage girls can be over the top snivelling little bitches.
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency on HBO is pretty good.

Some fantastic on location stuff filmed in Africa, and the characters are mostly sweet and likable. Also, Idris Elba is in the first episode. I definitely recommend the show; it's not gonna blow anyone's socks off, but it's pretty entertaining.


Jealous Bastard
sublime085 said:
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency on HBO is pretty good.

Some fantastic on location stuff filmed in Africa, and the characters are mostly sweet and likable. Also, Idris Elba is in the first episode. I definitely recommend the show; it's not gonna blow anyone's socks off, but it's pretty entertaining.

my mum is in love with it. i still need to give it a chance.
beelzebozo said:
my mum is in love with it. i still need to give it a chance.
Yeah, I can see it being popular with the moms.

The pilot also has the distinction of being the last thing Anthony Minghella ever directed by the way.
We should just change this into the FNL appreciation thread. ;) I can't wait until next week when I can dig into FNL S3.

I'm close to finishing up S2 of Mad Men (just two episodes left), and things are getting craaaaazy.
Don just took off to Palm Springs and passed out. Duck is trying to engineer a takeover at the office. Should be a fun couple of final episodes, and it's always interesting to see where they leave it before the gap.
Captain Nemo said:
Was only introduced to it this year but I'm really digging Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on the Travel Channel. Awesome sights and lols.
I need to start TiVoing that again. It's very entertaining.


I actually didn't see any problems with that S1 Lyla plotline. And yes, Buddy topped it off perfectly under the bleachers.

Cornballer said:
We should just change this into the FNL appreciation thread. ;) I can't wait until next week when I can dig into FNL S3.

Yup yup. I hope the deleted scenes are the stuff they cut from the DTV versions, and hopefully more. I really like the deleted scenes in the S1 and S2 sets.
My dad keeps telling me I really need to get into HOUSE but I have always hated medical drama. He has good taste though and now that FNL is over I need something new.


BruceLeeRoy said:
My dad keeps telling me I really need to get into HOUSE but I have always hated medical drama. He has good taste though and now that FNL is over I need something new.

Yeah, um ... your father is right. House owns.


Don't know, don't care if someone posted the show PEEP SHOW yet, but on season 4 now, absolutely brilliant. Mark's constant historical references are classic. Super Hands scares me. His eyes see into my soul.
Vinci said:
Yeah, um ... your father is right. House owns.

He also said I can pretty much start on Season 4 and still get almost everything that is going on. Is that a good place to start or should I just go back to the first season?


BruceLeeRoy said:
He also said I can pretty much start on Season 4 and still get almost everything that is going on. Is that a good place to start or should I just go back to the first season?

Uh ... you could probably follow it just fine, as it's largely episodic in nature, but I can't fathom telling someone they should skip the first three seasons as they were awesome.


BruceLeeRoy said:
He also said I can pretty much start on Season 4 and still get almost everything that is going on. Is that a good place to start or should I just go back to the first season?

Personally, I think you should go back to Season 1 - maybe feel free to skip through episodes that seem like they're just going to be simple or boring, but the season's penultimate episode is the best thing the show has done ("Three Stories") and says a lot about the title character.


BruceLeeRoy said:
My dad keeps telling me I really need to get into HOUSE but I have always hated medical drama. He has good taste though and now that FNL is over I need something new.

Hugh Laurie makes it worth watching. Guy's a tremendous actor and the role is perfect for him.
Finished up Mad Men S2 tonight. Great season overall - really top notch stuff, and I can't wait to see where they take it.

PS: Whoa, it's Captain Awesome!

So now that most shows are wrapping up, what are people going to watch over the next few months? I'll dig into FNL S3, True Blood, and Dexter S3 starting next week. Should be fun.


Cornballer said:
Finished up Mad Men S2 tonight. Great season overall - really top notch stuff, and I can't wait to see where they take it.

PS: Whoa, it's Captain Awesome!

So now that most shows are wrapping up, what are people going to watch over the next few months? I'll dig into FNL S3, True Blood, and Dexter S3 starting next week. Should be fun.
I have complete sets of Life on Mars (UK), Extras, Deadwood, Six Feet Under and Rome sitting here. Gonna be an awesome summer.

Plus I'll be rewatching LOST in the other thread.

edit: probably checking out some more Supernatural as well


Cornballer said:
Finished up Mad Men S2 tonight. Great season overall - really top notch stuff, and I can't wait to see where they take it.

PS: Whoa, it's Captain Awesome!

So now that most shows are wrapping up, what are people going to watch over the next few months? I'll dig into FNL S3, True Blood, and Dexter S3 starting next week. Should be fun.

Did you see the LOST S5 finale yet?

Personally I want to dig into The Wire, Deadwood, maybe give The Sopranos a rewatch, will be watching LOST again (in the Re-Watch thread), and some other stuff.

Edit: Costanza reminded me, yes, I'll probably give Supernatural a shot.

Edit2: You should totally make a FNL S3 thread. LTTP and all.


Oooh, summer viewing lists.

Personally: Deadwood, The Shield, finishing off rewatches of Gilmore Girls and The O.C. when I don't have the capacity to think about what I'm watching, and The Big Bang Theory.

I'll have the Fall to catch up on some other shows, and The Shield might end up getting bumped depending on my scheduling - I've still got a thesis to finish.
Costanza said:
I have complete sets of Life on Mars (UK), Extras,
Those are on the list for me, too.
gdt5016 said:
Did you see the LOST S5 finale yet?
Of course! :D I just find the official threads to be a bit daunting, so I don't post there much.
Personally I want to dig into The Wire, Deadwood, maybe give The Sopranos a rewatch, will be watching LOST again (in the Re-Watch thread), and some other stuff.
I should watch some Sopranos, too. I've only seen the first season (loved it).
Edit2: You should totally make a FNL S3 thread. LTTP and all.
Yeah, I might do that next week if I have a chance.
Six Feet Under: Only 4 eps into season 1, but I really like what I've seen so far. I heard the quality gets a little inconsistant throughout the series. Any comment?

Rescue Me: 5 eps into season 1, but not sure if I'll continue. Not exactly the most subtle of shows. Does it get better?

Planet Earth: Picked up the blu ray version used for a good price. Really enjoying the show (about half way done), though some episodes are more interesting than others. The fact that the blu ray version doesn't have any of the extras of the standard DVD really pisses me off.

Finished the following series recently and they all come highly recommended.

The Wire
The Shield
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