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TV Shows you've watched recently

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whytemyke said:
:lol duuudeee

FNL is awesome. My advice though is to just ignore Season 2 and wait for season 3 to come out on DVD. There's like maybe 4 storylines that go on in all of season 2 that aren't just immediately forgotten in S3, and it's totally for the better. Plus you'll fill in the blanks pretty quickly.

Don't listen to this guy.

S2 starts off all wrong (I have numerous posts bitching about it in this very thread, search for them), but it gets better and better towards the end. And it has a couple of scenes that really are some of the most powerful in the entire show.

Oh and S3 is the best season in the history of television (for me).

Edit: What Cornballer said.
Another on board the FNL train. :D

Do NOT skip season 2. Most stupid recommendation i have ever heard.

Kastro said:
I gave up on Pushing Daises after 3 episodes. It was cute and looked great visually but it was really repetitive. Every episode was like the same thing.
It is formulaic in that it has a mystery each week, but that's where the repetitiveness ends. All the stories differ so greatly and develop this strange and wonderful world in such bizzare ways. The character interactions are a delight and some of the story/character threads that develop by the end of season 1 and especially season 2 are brilliant.

I also don't know how you could give up after episode 3. Fantastic episode.


From what I've heard about season 2... while I'am certainly apprehensive about it and some of the storylines, I just wouldn't be able to skip it.

whytemyke said:
:lol duuuudee
Just clarifying (if that's even what you thought) that I did not purchase FNL like a day ago and watch all 19 episodes. :lol Hulu'd the first 8 and bought it over the weekend.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Nihilism said:
It is a very formulaic show; I'll give you that. That really doesn't matter to me, though. The Chuck/Ned stuff is totally endearing to me. And I like the narrator a lot. And the rapid dialogue. And pretty much everything else.

Chuck/Ned dynamics are great because it's not another "will they/won't they" romance, they're already together. It's watching them work things out as an unconventional couple that makes it work.

Also, Emerson is awesome. But Olive is even more awesome.


Been going in on The Wire like I promised myself I would, last 6 days and Im approaching the end of season 2, not nearly as good as season one, but still good tv.


I finally bought The Wire, complete series on DVD. Better be good GAF, this cost a lot of money and I bought it based on the word of mouth it gets here. :lol


Honorary Canadian.
Spotless Mind said:
Another on board the FNL train. :D

Do NOT skip season 2. Most stupid recommendation i have ever heard.
Obviously said by someone who likes bad television. Go back to CBS, you hack, and recommend a few seasons of King of Queens.

(kidding :D)

I guess you guys just have a higher pain tolerance than I do. I watched every episode of FNL S2 and I seriously have no will to ever watch them again. Meanwhile, I own FNL S1 and will own S3 the day it comes out and I can't get enough of 'em. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks and all that, I suppose, but when you come crawling back in here going "WTF" don't say I didn't warn you.
whytemyke said:
I guess you guys just have a higher pain tolerance than I do. I watched every episode of FNL S2 and I seriously have no will to ever watch them again. Meanwhile, I own FNL S1 and will own S3 the day it comes out and I can't get enough of 'em. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks and all that, I suppose, but when you come crawling back in here going "WTF" don't say I didn't warn you.
I hated the same things about season 2 as you, but there was still a heap of worthwhile character interactions and stories. There is no way i would want to miss any of the stuff that happened to Eric and Tami. Everything relating to them was perfect and that is a big chunk of the season right there.


but when you come crawling back in here going "WTF" don't say I didn't warn you

That'll likely not be the case for me. I'm sure I'll be dissapointed by aspects of the second season but when there is still worthy character development and (as Spotless pointed out) memorable moments with Tami and Eric(who are amongst my very favourite) I wouldn't dare miss out.
Kings - Just waiting till June

The Unusuals - Only one of the detectives make this show worth watching.

I usually wait till the show is online, then watch.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I guess I'm the weird guy who puts FNL like this:

And the
murder plot
never became much of a problem for me, yet everyone else seems to go nuts over it. Oh well. I really enjoyed S2. not a whole lot felt out of place for me.


Jealous Bastard
didn't really bother me that much either, speeding. from the talk in this thread about it, i expected much worse, but ended up loving it.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
beelzebozo said:
didn't really bother me that much either, speeding. from the talk in this thread about it, i expected much worse, but ended up loving it.
*fist pound* now that's what I'm talking about, brother.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I guess I'm the weird guy who puts FNL like this:

And the
murder plot
never became much of a problem for me, yet everyone else seems to go nuts over it. Oh well. I really enjoyed S2. not a whole lot felt out of place for me.
Well, it does play out better on dvd, i have to say. Can you really say, though, that
Landry and Tyra deciding to DUMP THE MOTHERFUCKING BODY OVER A FUCKING BRIDGE instead of reporting it straight away didn't bother you? Holy hell was it frustrating and COMPLETELY MORONIC, especially when having to watch the bullshit play out each week. Then, of course, we have Aaron Pierce joining in on the cover-up fun by burning the evidence!
*eyeroll* It was a plotline that never should have happened and it went against the realism the show so deftly portrayed in season 1.

Still... lots to like about the season. :)

In the end, i'd put season 1 and 3 on the same level. Season 3 never quite matches season 1's story momentum due the strong build up to State, but the character interactions are on par, if not better.

Season 1: 10
Season 2: 7
Season 3: 10


Jealous Bastard
i've mentioned it before, but i really liked the way they developed j.d. in the third season. compare the work they did with him to the bullshit in season 2 with santiago, which was sort of hokey. j.d. can be a douchebag sometimes, but you can also tell he's a pretty good guy deep down, conflicted about a lot of things, and socially under developed for reasons beyond his control. there are a ton of layers there, and he acts in ways you perhaps wouldn't expect several times.


You all need to imagine watching the first season, waiting months for the show to come back...and then watching that premiere. And only that premiere.

You can't blame us for overreacting a bit.


Jealous Bastard
Memles said:
You all need to imagine watching the first season, waiting months for the show to come back...and then watching that premiere. And only that premiere.

You can't blame us for overreacting a bit.


touche, memles. touche.

i'm tackling this strictly from the perspective of someone who has watched the show on dvd/dvr. pampered and spoiled by the speed and consecutive nature in which i watched one, two, and three. this may be why i almost consciously seem to choose to be perpetually late to the party with television shows, choosing to let them have their trial-by-fire on the air before scooping up the cream of the crop in box sets. it's just more emotionally satisfying to me to be able to consume these things whole, as total packages.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Spotless Mind said:
Well, it does play out better on dvd, i have to say. Can you really say, though, that
Landry and Tyra deciding to DUMP THE MOTHERFUCKING BODY OVER A FUCKING BRIDGE instead of reporting it straight away didn't bother you? Holy hell was it frustrating and COMPLETELY MORONIC, especially when having to watch the bullshit play out each week. Then, of course, we have Aaron Pierce joining in on the cover-up fun by burning the evidence!
*eyeroll* It was a plotline that never should have happened and it went against the realism the show so deftly portrayed in season 1.
I guess, yea. I mean, they were panicking and they're both not the brightest people (well,
Tyra isn't and Landry
was doing what ever she said). I still felt the following actions by both people were compelling & in character and not was usually is seen on a TV show when a

S2's biggest problem ,it seems to me, is introducing new "bad" characters.
in S1 was an EXCELLENT bad guy. However, S2, you got
The Swede
- douchebag.
Meth dealer
- way out there. The
gang banger
- the best of the bunch, but still a ridiculous foil when put next to the other people in the town.

I see S2 has "things getting worse before they get better" season for all the characters. They all went through some dark, hevy shit that season. I got a feeling S4 is gonna be a return to that darkness.


Watched a recent episode of Prison Break yesterday on Hulu. Always liked that show even if the past couple seasons have completely changed the show and it's just about bringing the company down and all that. Still a very entertaining show there with good characters, good action, and good actors.

Haven't watched it recently because it's in between seasons, but Sons of Anarchy definitely deserves a mention on here. Love the characters on there and the way that the characters and family are all doing things that most people would find distasteful, but how the writers can make you connect with them despite that. Kind of like the Sopranos in that they're doing bad things, but they still have a tight knit family and seem to be "normal."

Also watch Burn Notice, 24, The Office, and Parks and Recreation.
Fringe was excellent this week, and the finale should be a lot of fun. Definitely looking forward to that. They've definitely picked up a head of steam in the latter half of this season.

Reaper's had a couple good episodes in a row, too. I'm going to miss it when it's canceled.

In my opinion, Breaking Bad continues to be the best show on TV right now.

Memles said:
You all need to imagine watching the first season, waiting months for the show to come back...and then watching that premiere. And only that premiere.

You can't blame us for overreacting a bit.
There have been a few shows/seasons recently that flow a lot better when you just tear through them on dvd/dvr. Damages S2 holds up a lot better if you just marathon it. I didn't have too many problems with FNL S2 because I watched the dvd's in rapid succession.

Question du jour: Do people pay different amounts of attention to different shows that they watch? There are a few shows that I watch in a darkened room without any distractions (Lost, Breaking Bad, Chuck), whereas others that I'll end up doing other things (surfing the web, cleaning up) while I'm watching (Reaper, Fringe on MotW episodes). Just curious if that's similar to other people's habits.
Just finished S3 of FNL and now I am having panic attacks waiting for the next season to start.
I also watched the first episode of Breaking Bad and think that might be my new obsession for a while.
Watched another couple episodes of Mad Men S2 last night: "Maidenform" and "The Gold Violin"

Lots of craziness here. Draper kicks Bobbie Barrett to the curb. Peggy dresses like a lady. Pete messes around with a model that lives with her mom. Duck kicks his dog out of the building. :( Also strange to hear them use The Decemberists on the soundtrack. Just didn't fit for some reason.

Then Betty finds out about Draper's affair and Jimmy calls him out about it, too. Things are going to get ugly (well, uglier) from here on out. Salvatore is hitting on Ken (awkward) and Joan/Jane are feuding in the office.

Great couple of episodes, but it's sort of like watching a slow-motion train wreck at times.


Blader5489 said:
I finally bought The Wire, complete series on DVD. Better be good GAF, this cost a lot of money and I bought it based on the word of mouth it gets here. :lol


You have chosen.... wisely.


Jealous Bastard
Cornballer said:
Question du jour: Do people pay different amounts of attention to different shows that they watch? There are a few shows that I watch in a darkened room without any distractions (Lost, Breaking Bad, Chuck), whereas others that I'll end up doing other things (surfing the web, cleaning up) while I'm watching (Reaper, Fringe on MotW episodes). Just curious if that's similar to other people's habits.

totally jibes with the way i run things. typically, like you, when i watch MAD MEN, LOST, THE WIRE, DEADWOOD, or anything that rewards your undivided attention by displaying a great deal of story depth, i'm in the dark (most of the time lying in bed, capping off the day with some great television). conversely, my "casual viewing shows" are mostly cooking stuff that has no plot, but that i like to keep on in the background of general activity so i can pick up on new ideas or techniques in the periphery. you'd be surprised how much such a little thing like having that constant but nearly imperceptible influx of cooking knowledge will make your food better; you don't realize you're listening, but you always are.
Cooking shows are probably good for "passive viewing." I have to rewind dramas/comedies sometimes when I miss something.

Which cooking shows are you watching these days? I have some old America's Test Kitchen saved, but I haven't checked out anything else in a long time.


TOTALLY agree with you Cornballer on Mad Men. It's such an incredible show but can be really uncomfortable to watch.


Jealous Bastard
Cornballer said:
Cooking shows are probably good for "passive viewing." I have to rewind dramas/comedies sometimes when I miss something.

Which cooking shows are you watching these days? I have some old America's Test Kitchen saved, but I haven't checked out anything else in a long time.

i always catch:

- jamie at home
- tyler's ultimate
- good eats
- boy meets grill (bobby flay)
- america's test kitchen

jamie at home, in particular, is really sort of a new standout and is, i think, the best that jamie oliver has ever been on television or as a chef. he cooks food that isn't too fancy, isn't too grubby, but falls right into that awesome home cooking sphere that just makes you want to eat. he's always been so good about encouraging you to get in the kitchen and just mess around.

i wish my pbs channel didn't suck and actually got some of the awesome cooking shows on there. i've heard great things about rick bayless's show, for example, but unfortunately i've no access to it. i also love mark bittman's MINIMALIST videos on the ny times website.
Cornballer said:
In my opinion, Breaking Bad continues to be the best show on TV right now.
Yep. And then when Mad Men comes back it will most likely be the class of dramatic television. AMC came out of nowhere to own every other network.


Season 1 Millennium

I really didn't remember that the first season of Millennium was so good. It is kinda sad that they tried to mold Millennium to another X-files.

Still season 1 & 2 are great.


CajoleJuice said:
Yep. And then when Mad Men comes back it will most likely be the class of dramatic television. AMC came out of nowhere to own every other network.

Passing on Mad Men was probably HBO biggest mistake in recent years. You feel with every season it's getting closer to Ice Storm's territory, eventually the kids will grow up in the 70s and that's where I feel the show might end. I wonder if there would be a another time skip between seasons. What historical moment might season 3 end on? JFK's death?
beelzebozo said:
i always catch:

Thanks. I should add Jamie at Home again. I watched a few episodes at my sister's place and really liked it. Oh, the Minimalist is great, too.
gdt5016 said:
TOTALLY agree with you Cornballer on Mad Men. It's such an incredible show but can be really uncomfortable to watch.
I end up thinking about my parents and the time when they were young adults when watching Mad Men. Might be part of what makes it so uncomfortable for me. Wasn't that long ago, and things were so very different. Similarly, FNL makes me introspective about when I was in high school. I think that most of the other shows I watch are pretty far detached from reality (or at least my life), that they're thrilling escapism, but I don't end up thinking about them as much on a personal level.

Ford Prefect

I'm starting to see in Season 3 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia what people are saying about inconsistency. Some of the stuff like
the McPoyle's holding the bar hostage
is just a little too wacky. Plus, all the main characters are getting close to being TOO unlikeable... they're really pushing it sometimes :lol


Just saw the season 2 finale of The Inbetweeners. A bit meh like the rest of the season. Especially when compared to the first season.


So, I just finished watching the FNL S3 finale again (I delayed watching because I got busy, and wanted to hold off on it) and I have some thoughts about that final scene/season 4.

Don't read unless you've finished FNL S3 (thats you Cornballer).

Well, after some time for it to sink in, I'm fucking ecstatic with that cliffhanger (even more so than when I saw if for the first time). The Coach is going to have a whole new team (the poor part of town, so we should have more minorities) , staff, school, field etc etc.

As an aside, now that Matt is (maybe?) staying, couldn't he work for the Coach's new team until he figures out what his plan is?

Anywho, after Coach puts his team together and starts winning some games, the entire town of Dillon is going to come down like the hammer of god upon him and his wife. My god, the run-up till State will be more exciting in S4 that ever before. Will he EVER coach the Panthers again? Maybe in S5? Will he take his new team and exact vengeance and crush the Dillon Panthers?

The football part of FNL is about to be more interesting than ever.

I'm also reaaaaaaaaaaallly curious as to what they do with the Matt/Julie relationship.

I can't wait for the next season.



Will Coach's new job pay the same? Are we going to see some more financial trouble ahead for the Taylors?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
gdt5016 said:
So, I just finished watching the FNL S3 finale again (I delayed watching because I got busy, and wanted to hold off on it) and I have some thoughts about that final scene/season 4.

Don't read unless you've finished FNL S3 (thats you Cornballer).

Well, after some time for it to sink in, I'm fucking ecstatic with that cliffhanger (even more so than when I saw if for the first time). The Coach is going to have a whole new team (the poor part of town, so we should have more minorities) , staff, school, field etc etc.

As an aside, now that Matt is (maybe?) staying, couldn't he work for the Coach's new team until he figures out what his plan is?

Anywho, after Coach puts his team together and starts winning some games, the entire town of Dillon is going to come down like the hammer of god upon him and his wife. My god, the run-up till State will be more exciting in S4 that ever before. Will he EVER coach the Panthers again? Maybe in S5? Will he take his new team and exact vengeance and crush the Dillon Panthers?

The football part of FNL is about to be more interesting than ever.

I'm also reaaaaaaaaaaallly curious as to what they do with the Matt/Julie relationship.

I can't wait for the next season.



Will Coach's new job pay the same? Are we going to see some more financial trouble ahead for the Taylors?
I'm most excited about new characters. FNL guys are The Best.

And now
Taylor has to be father-figure to guys on both teams! fuck man. fuck yes.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm most excited about new characters. FNL guys are The Best.

And now
Taylor has to be father-figure to guys on both teams! fuck man. fuck yes.

Like I said, we should be getting some new (and more diverse) characters. Hell yeah.

As long as they don't break up Matt and Julie, me and the FNL writers will be cool.

Though I seriously doubt that would happen. I could see them struggling a bit though.


Just finished watching through the entire first season of Fresh Prince. Oh man that show is so entertaining.


Finished first season of Millennium and going to start second season later today. Before that I'm gonna watch X-files Millennium episode so I can see Frank Black and Mulder in action.
Timbuktu said:
Passing on Mad Men was probably HBO biggest mistake in recent years.
Ford Prefect said:
I'm starting to see in Season 3 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia what people are saying about inconsistency.
Some of the stuff like the McPoyle's holding the bar hostage is just a little too wacky.
Plus, all the main characters are getting close to being TOO unlikeable... they're really pushing it sometimes
Unfortunately, it only gets worse in the 4th season.
Too bad the season in between those two episodes was pretty weak and inconsistent.

But I'm one of the people that likes the 1st season the most.
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