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TV Shows you've watched recently

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Just got done with season 2 of Entourage. I fucking love Ari gold :lol.
gdt5016 said:
Pshh, S2 is when it started to get awesome.

Though that line might be a top fiver.
I started watching both Angel and Buffy right towards the end of Angel's S3, so I'm attached to the tail end of the series (S5 in particular.) I should rewatch the first few seasons sometime because I've just watched them all out of order over the years.


Cornballer said:
I started watching both Angel and Buffy right towards the end of Angel's S3, so I'm attached to the tail end of the series (S5 in particular.) I should rewatch the first few seasons sometime because I've just watched them all out of order over the years.

Oh, Angel S2,3, and 4 are basically one long arc with the occasional slightly episodic (as in a case being solved within an episode) hour.

I've always been conflicted about S5 (I only saw it once, and am about to watch it again seeing as I just got the set in). On one hand it's alot of fun, and tons of awesome episodes.

On the other hand, it's largely episodic (as much as Post S1 Angel can be). Angel had already shown that the show shines with long story arc.

Though I kind of remember parts of S4 getting bogged down by the weight of the whole thing (again, just about to watch it for the second time).

Especially the creepy Cordelia/Connor sex. Though we eventually found out why that was


Finally got around to watching the series finale of Scrubs and I was pretty blown away by it. It's the last 5-10 minutes that really nails it.

I also watched the pilot for Friday Night Lights today and I have to say...I was kind of disappointed. Not to say it was bad (it was actually really well directed), but it didn't impress me all that much, which wasn't what I was expecting given all the praise it gets here. I like how the relationships between the Coach and the players are written, it reminds me a lot of the relationship I had with my high school coach (though it wasn't for football), but at the same time it might be too similar for me. It kind of blurs the border between fiction and reality for me. :lol


Blader5489 said:
Finally got around to watching the series finale of Scrubs and I was pretty blown away by it. It's the last 5-10 minutes that really nails it.

I also watched the pilot for Friday Night Lights today and I have to say...I was kind of disappointed. Not to say it was bad (it was actually really well directed), but it didn't impress me all that much, which wasn't what I was expecting given all the praise it gets here. I like how the relationships between the Coach and the players are written, it reminds me a lot of the relationship I had with my high school coach (though it wasn't for football), but at the same time it might be too similar for me. It kind of blurs the border between fiction and reality for me. :lol

The Pilot, while great, just sets up the characters and the town. Since the show is 100% focused on it's characters, the more you know them, the better the show gets. It's also kind of predictable, but the fallout from you-know-what is great. For Matt, Jason, and the team/Coach. I would say watch another couple of episodes until it grabs you, and it will.

Edit: Put it like this, the Pilot just gives you a taste of all the characters. Nothing actually happens to any of them.

Except for of course the 2/3 central to the game.


I just finished watching Supernatural. It started off kind of slow but once the show reached the thirdd season it took off. Good writing, good acting (great chemistry between the brothers), funny, and compelling.

It's one of the few shows were I prefer the stand alone episodes to the mythology episodes. Im not saying the mythology episodes are bad but the stand alone episodes are that damn good. Ghostfacers, Monster Movie, Groundhog's Day, Criss Angel is a Douchebag :)lol) are are some of my favorites.

My only complaint is Dean's tough guy voice when he's trying to be serious. I can't be the only one that has notices this right? I only know one person that watches this show and they don't know what Im talking about.

I was intentionally very wary of the show because it was on the CW but ultimately it turned out to be one of my favorite shows. I highly recommend this show to anybody looking for something new to watch.

btw spoilers from the season 4 finale

The new Ruby sucked, thank god she died. Why did they replace the original one?

I also watched the pilot for Friday Night Lights today and I have to say...I was kind of disappointed. Not to say it was bad (it was actually really well directed), but it didn't impress me all that much, which wasn't what I was expecting given all the praise it gets here. I like how the relationships between the Coach and the players are written, it reminds me a lot of the relationship I had with my high school coach (though it wasn't for football), but at the same time it might be too similar for me. It kind of blurs the border between fiction and reality for me.

the pilot is alright but the show gets a lot better as it goes along. give it a couple more episodes.
gdt5016 said:
I've always been conflicted about S5 (I only saw it once, and am about to watch it again seeing as I just got the set in). On one hand it's a lot of fun, and tons of awesome episodes. On the other hand, it's largely episodic (as much as Post S1 Angel can be). Angel had already shown that the show shines with long story arc.
The episodic nature of it left a little to be desired, but it still had so many high points that I can overlook it. They made the best of a bad situation and got to end the show in style.


I just finished Season 3 of Friday Night Lights. The set up for next season is so perfect it reminds me alot of where the show's main character started in S1.

For me at least Friday Night Lights is up there with LOST and The Wire for me and all for completely different reasons.
Cornballer said:
The episodic nature of it left a little to be desired, but it still had so many high points that I can overlook it. They made the best of a bad situation and got to end the show in style.

Honestly Season 5 is probably my favorite season of Angel when I think about it. Season 3 might be a little higher depending on the mood I'm in, but most of my favorite episodes are probably in S5.

Also puppets. Never forget about the puppets.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Blader5489 said:
Finally got around to watching the series finale of Scrubs and I was pretty blown away by it. It's the last 5-10 minutes that really nails it.

I also watched the pilot for Friday Night Lights today and I have to say...I was kind of disappointed. Not to say it was bad (it was actually really well directed), but it didn't impress me all that much, which wasn't what I was expecting given all the praise it gets here. I like how the relationships between the Coach and the players are written, it reminds me a lot of the relationship I had with my high school coach (though it wasn't for football), but at the same time it might be too similar for me. It kind of blurs the border between fiction and reality for me. :lol
Pilot is one of the more cliche episodes there is. Watch two ir 3 more eps and come back to us. ;]


Not an asshole.
Seeing Star Trek has gotten me into watching the original series and next generation for the first time. Saw TNG when my dad watched it as a kid but I thought it was so boring, I don't remember much from it. But it's so fucking good! And it blows my mind how ahead of their time both shows are. Dealing with really complex themes and handling them with a fantastic sense of pacing and depth. LOVE IT.

Also, just started Season 5 of the wire and it couldn't be better! I fucking love it, but you guys all probably already know how great it is. It's great to see the innerworkings of a news room that is just in a "minor" city rather than dealing with sweeping historical themes like Goodnight and Goodluck or A Few Good Men. It's fucking awesome.

Also, daytime cartoon network is the channel of choice while me and my roomates work on projects. Ben Ten, Chowder, Flapjack. What more could we want??


I finally finished the first season of BSG last night. Overall, I really didn't like the show for just about every reason possible, although the ending to the finale was FUCK awesome. And kind of ironic too, since I had written in an earlier post that the only thing that this show could do to elicit a reaction out of me was (big spoiler)
if someone just randomly shot a main character.

Also, while I didn't like (or even really notice) most of the music that Bear McCreary composed for the show, I loved Passacaglia, which played during the end of the finale. I'm not really interested in continuing with the show, but can any BSG fans point me to some other McCreary tracks that sound like Passacaglia?
Kodiak said:
Seeing Star Trek has gotten me into watching the original series and next generation for the first time.
When you're done with those two, make sure you move on to Deep Space Nine. It's better than both of them.
Blader5489 said:
I finally finished the first season of BSG last night. Overall, I really didn't like the show for just about every reason possible, although the ending to the finale was FUCK awesome. And kind of ironic too, since I had written in an earlier post that the only thing that this show could do to elicit a reaction out of me was (big spoiler)
if someone just randomly shot a main character.

Also, while I didn't like (or even really notice) most of the music that Bear McCreary composed for the show, I loved Passacaglia, which played during the end of the finale. I'm not really interested in continuing with the show, but can any BSG fans point me to some other McCreary tracks that sound like Passacaglia?
Season 2 is all kinds of epic.

Must listen tracks: Prelude to War, Roslin and Adama Theme, Shape of Things To Come, Violence and Variations, Something Dark is Coming, Pegasus, A Promise to Return and shitloads more.
Just got disc 2 of FNL and disc 1 of True Blood from Netflix. *air guitars the FNL theme song*
Spotless Mind said:
Season 2 is all kinds of epic.
I think the Pegasus bridge between 2.0 and 2.5 is my favorite part of the show.


I watched the pilot episode of the short lived HBO show, Tell Me You Love Me, and really liked it. Doesn't seem to be a very uplifting show and is rather depressing, but I thought it was pretty engrossing.

I'll probably continue watching it.


Blader5489 said:
I just watched the first episode of Dexter. It was fantastic, felt a lot like American Psycho.

I second this. Amazing show. Just started. I finished the fourth episode, Give the Boy a Hand, last week. Probably my favorite of the season thus far. The acting is exquisite. My favorite character is Debra. I find her and I are quite similar for obvious reasons. :lol
Got up through Episode 7 of FNL S3 tonight.
Hooray for Saracen and Julie. Glad Saracen has something going for him now. The stuff with Buddy Garrity and his kids was rough, but that worked out ok, too. Tyra's still getting played by Cash. Train wreck for Landry with the lesbian. JD is sort of coming around, but there will be some big holes for the show to fill with Street taking off and Smash gone already. Tim's tour of Dillon was pretty cool. Just a few episodes to go for me, then the waiting for S4 starts. Just about everything has reached a convenient stopping point at the moment, so I'm curious where they take the rest of the season.

Oh, the deleted scenes have been good so far and important, too. Shame they aren't included in the flow of the episode.


Seeing as how I posted my FNL thoughts in here intially, I'll continue so by just copy+pasting what I posted in the rewatch thread. :p

Ok so I finished season 2....

A frustrating season to say the least.
It was horrible to see my Tami Taylor treated so horribly by the demonic entity that is Julie. Seriously what the shit happened to her? :( Now Tyra and Landry were something I thought was totally adorable in the first season and I love both characters respectively so I was looking forward to seeing how it would develop but, I just couldn't shake the murder stuff. I felt better about it towards the end of the season(as I did many other things) but it's definitely my most substancial complaint.

Other things that bugged were Matt/Carletta and the complete dissapearance of Waverly.

While the season was as I already mentioned frustrating, the show remains stronger than most with some wonderful scenes in the midst of some of the lacking storylines. I did really enjoy anything Eric/Tami. Also Tim who I found myself growing quite attached to.


So I wanted to catch up on Lost and see where the show was heading. I watched 4 episodes last night. The show almost redeemed it self.
Blader5489 said:
I also watched the pilot for Friday Night Lights today and I have to say...I was kind of disappointed. Not to say it was bad (it was actually really well directed), but it didn't impress me all that much, which wasn't what I was expecting given all the praise it gets here. I like how the relationships between the Coach and the players are written, it reminds me a lot of the relationship I had with my high school coach (though it wasn't for football), but at the same time it might be too similar for me. It kind of blurs the border between fiction and reality for me. :lol
I kinda felt the same after watching the pilot. Not sure what to make of it but I will give it another chance.
Just finished the wire season 5. probably my favorite show ever. it didnt really go out with a bang though. Still, nothing compares to six feet unders season finale.

Ive got most of the BIG shows down
-six feet under
-breaking bad
-the wire
-prison break(to season 3 and lost interst)

tried out fringe the other night but not sure i liked it that much

apparently Battlestar is pretty badass???


I finished the second episode of Tell Me You Love Me. I imagine that most here wouldn't be interested in this show, but I actually really like it. It's difficult to watch at times, though, as you watch the couples struggle with their relationships.

And to the above poster, I agree. Six Feet Under's finale remains my favorite. And it also is my favorite show as of right now.

I think many people here will recommend Friday Night Lights. You could try that, I guess. I haven't seen BSG, so I can't recommend that.

this show is pretty good, anybody who hasn't seen this show needs to see it
(only seen the first episode) :D


TrAcEr_x90 said:
Just finished the wire season 5. probably my favorite show ever. it didnt really go out with a bang though. Still, nothing compares to six feet unders season finale.

Ive got most of the BIG shows down
-six feet under
-breaking bad
-the wire
-prison break(to season 3 and lost interst)

tried out fringe the other night but not sure i liked it that much

apparently Battlestar is pretty badass???
The Shield just finished a pretty amazing run.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
Just finished the wire season 5. probably my favorite show ever. it didnt really go out with a bang though. Still, nothing compares to six feet unders season finale.

Ive got most of the BIG shows down
-six feet under
-breaking bad
-the wire
-prison break(to season 3 and lost interst)

tried out fringe the other night but not sure i liked it that much

apparently Battlestar is pretty badass???

If you want a cop drama that goes out with a bang, watch The Shield.

Hell, just watch The Shield regardless of the reason. One of the best tv dramas of all time.


On disc 2 of S4 of Angel; man, this show is so good with giving you an episode that might appear to be more standalone :).


Neo Member
TrAcEr_x90 said:
Just finished the wire season 5. probably my favorite show ever. it didnt really go out with a bang though. Still, nothing compares to six feet unders season finale.

I too recently finished The Wire, though a good show, it just seemed that nothing much happened...

You are so right about Six Feet Under, what a show, and what a finale, I was a bluthering idiot for a good while after seeing that.

Im watching True Blood right now, up to episode 10, I really do think its a great show, nothing extremely shocking about it, or in your face... But its good.

Also watching 30 Rock as my current comedy, im liking it, especially the lack of a laugh track!


you speak so well
Going through Breaking Bad now - on the fourth episode of the second season. It's really, really good - slightly reminiscent of Weeds, but much darker. I'm loving the show a lot. I remember watching the pilot when it aired but never anything after that, glad I gave the show a second shot.


Jealous Bastard
i've been watching a whole lot of nothing lately, apart from some episodes of I LOVE THE NEW MILLENIUM on vh1 in between activities while on a little weekend trip :lol

Dax01 said:
I got the complete series of "The Wire" on DVD yesterday. I'll start it once I'm done with the school year (which is a week after this Tuesday).

really interested to see how you react to it, considering your love of the rich character work in ds9.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
Just finished the wire season 5. probably my favorite show ever. it didnt really go out with a bang though. Still, nothing compares to six feet unders season finale.

Ive got most of the BIG shows down
-six feet under
-breaking bad
-the wire
-prison break(to season 3 and lost interst)

tried out fringe the other night but not sure i liked it that much

apparently Battlestar is pretty badass???
I'm going to third THE SHIELD



So, (re) watching Angel S4 and man! The comment I made earlier about it was dead wrong, this shit is epic beyond words.
Watched the first two episodes of True Blood today. Fun show - doesn't take it self too seriously, interesting characters, well acted, some good action, loads of sex, and is pretty well produced. Nice to have something a little more campy and lightweight to watch these days. I'm going to keep watching and try to catch up before the new season starts.


Cornballer said:
Watched the first two episodes of True Blood today. Fun show - doesn't take it self too seriously, interesting characters, well acted, some good action, loads of sex, and is pretty well produced. Nice to have something a little more campy and lightweight to watch these days. I'm going to keep watching and try to catch up before the new season starts.

small spoiler, but not really.

can you tell me the episode where you see
Dawn nude
once you get to it =)
Ashhong said:
can you tell me the episode where you see
Dawn nude
once you get to it =)

Episode 2 she's
getting freaky with Sookie's brother, and I assume that's the scene you're talking about? It was basically softcore. She's hawt.


Cornballer said:

Episode 2 she's
getting freaky with Sookie's brother, and I assume that's the scene you're talking about? It was basically softcore. She's hawt.

Yeah, True Blood is loads of fun.

Did you finish FNL S3?

Man, Angel needs to come back is some (not comics; though they're ok) form. The real apocalypse hasn't happened yet!

Angel seems to play a much bigger part than even Buffy does.

This show is so awesome. Makes my top 5 (3?) without a doubt. I wouldn't put Buffy in my top ten.
gdt5016 said:
Did you finish FNL S3?
Nope - still waiting on dvd's from Netflix. Should be done in a week or so.
Man, Angel needs to come back is some (not comics; though they're ok) form. The real apocalypse hasn't happened yet!
Yeah, comics have been ok. I really enjoyed the first major arc, but the latest one is kind of dull. I should rewatch the show at some point when I have time.


Subconscious Brolonging
TrAcEr_x90 said:
Just finished the wire season 5. probably my favorite show ever. it didnt really go out with a bang though. Still, nothing compares to six feet unders season finale.

Ive got most of the BIG shows down
-six feet under
-breaking bad
-the wire
-prison break(to season 3 and lost interst)

tried out fringe the other night but not sure i liked it that much

apparently Battlestar is pretty badass???

And I'll fourth The Shield. One of the best tv shows ever, each season is better than the last. Just an amazing, amazing show.
Got through another couple episodes of FNL S3 tonight.
Saracen doing the "10 plays" with coach was rad. The end of Street's time of the show was great. I like how the show focuses on a lot of different relationships whether it's couples, parents and their kids, or friendships (Riggins and Street in this case.) Good stuff. Not much left for me, but I'm enjoying it thoroughly.


Wrapping up Disc 2 of Angel S5.

The writing/humor is the best it's ever been. And its funnier than ever to boot.

Kinda-cons are that it's mostly episodic and not as dark as the previous seasons.

The second isn't really a negative though, while the first certainly can be.

Edit: And it's episodic in terms of plot/cases but not writing. There's numerous callbacks, references, jokes, etc.
- ABC announced their Fall Premiere dates today. Don't think there's anything there I'll be watching aside from perhaps giving Flash Forward a try.
- I finally finished up FNL S3. Excellent stuff. I think I still might prefer S1, but it's a close race.
- I'm trying to finish up True Blood S1 before the new season starts. It's highly entertaining so far.
- The last few episodes of Pushing Daisies are on this month. Only one to go for me. :(
- We've been doing a Chuck rewatch on Monday nights over on the Chuck thread, and that's been fun so far.
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