Spotless Mind
So much word to this. Perfect casting and performance. Most of his lines are just brilliant.Spire said:Best fake jewish lawyer ever?
So much word to this. Perfect casting and performance. Most of his lines are just brilliant.Spire said:Best fake jewish lawyer ever?
Dax01 said:But what do they have to make him so damn annoying?Fine. No more FF.
eznark said:Why not? I watched the pilot, I wasn't lost. Gates connect worlds, not the most complicated premise in the world. I also watched Police Academy 3 first. Somehow, I was able to pick it up.
The point of his character is to be annoying as hell? Why? Please don't reply with "you'll find out..." Please?BorkBork said:That's the point of his character.There will be characters in the show that you cannot stand. He is one of them.
Yes. Well mostly.Dax01 said:The point of his character is to be annoying as hell?
Dax01 said:Why?
There are two more people in the series I hate more than Ziggy, but they're not really annoying.Dax01 said:How many more characters will I see that are like him?
evilpigking said:Because Timeline wise Atlantis starts around season 8 if I recall of SG-1 and while there is not too much crossover action there is some.
This show is so legendary. Going to high school the day after an episode aired was nuts, everyone was quoting it.gdt5016 said:I picked up entire collection of the Chappelle Show (for $8 BTW), and going through S1 right now. I forgot how funny this show is. I do remember that the show really hit it's groove in S2.
SpeedingUptoStop said:This show is so legendary. Going to high school the day after an episode aired was nuts, everyone was quoting it.
Ashhong said:i just bought the complete Wire and Sopranos set. good choices? mmmhmmm starting the wire now.
Nice work. I still need to catch up on all of the Sopranos some day. Only watched S1.Ashhong said:i just bought the complete Wire and Sopranos set. good choices? mmmhmmm starting the wire now.
kbear said:I'm trying to get into a new show but don't know which.
Shows I've watched:
The Wire, Rome, Dexter, LOST, 24, Chuck, Family Guy, Amer. Dad, Battlestar, True Blood
Anything left? I'm into more serious, scripted dramas with long, epic story arcs (save for Chuck, Fox cartoons).
Here's some shows I haven't seen yet along with a reason why:
Avatar The Last Air Bender -- it's a cartoon, but I hear it's mature
The Shield -- it's got a lot of seasons, Idk if I can make that commitment. I feel like I missed the boat and would have to swim thousands of miles to reach it
kbear said:I'm trying to get into a new show but don't know which.
Shows I've watched:
The Wire, Rome, Dexter, LOST, 24, Chuck, Family Guy, Amer. Dad, Battlestar, True Blood
Anything left? I'm into more serious, scripted dramas with long, epic story arcs (save for Chuck, Fox cartoons).
Here's some shows I haven't seen yet along with a reason why:
Avatar The Last Air Bender -- it's a cartoon, but I hear it's mature
The Shield -- it's got a lot of seasons, Idk if I can make that commitment. I feel like I missed the boat and would have to swim thousands of miles to reach it
kbear said:Is Friday Night Lights really that good? From the commercials, it just seemed like a corny high school football drama...but it's really good, though? Tbh, I thought it would be canceled by now
kbear said:Is Friday Night Lights really that good? From the commercials, it just seemed like a corny high school football drama...but it's really good, though? Tbh, I thought it would be canceled by now
Good stuff. FNL will surprise you. I thought the same thing (cheesy high school drama) before I saw it, but it lives up to its billing as one of the best shows on television.kbear said:Alright, good lookin out. I'll give both FNL and The Shield a shot this week. Thanks
Stopsign said:Been watching Friday Night Lights for the last week or so, and just got up to the first episode of Season 3. I truly loved the first season, thought the second season was okay besides for anything with Landry and Tyra.
From the first episode of the third season, I didn't really like how they quickly skimmed on how the other season ended, and I don't really like where any of the characters are right now. I hope it gets better as you all say, because I had high hopes going into this season. I just want to get to see more of my boy Saracen... and less Wriggins, that would be great.
kbear said:I'm trying to get into a new show but don't know which.
Shows I've watched:
The Wire, Rome, Dexter, LOST, 24, Chuck, Family Guy, Amer. Dad, Battlestar, True Blood
Anything left? I'm into more serious, scripted dramas with long, epic story arcs (save for Chuck, Fox cartoons).
Here's some shows I haven't seen yet along with a reason why:
Avatar The Last Air Bender -- it's a cartoon, but I hear it's mature
The Shield -- it's got a lot of seasons, Idk if I can make that commitment. I feel like I missed the boat and would have to swim thousands of miles to reach it
gdt5016 said:Wow. S3 is the best season (IMO, of course). I really dug the opening. They were forced to jump drastically into the future (because of the writer's strike, and the 1 season=1 year rule), and I really dug where everyone was at. And S3 is the season where Riggins finally becomes a (much more) likable and adult character.
Saracen is my favorite character BTW, and he has (pretty much) more storylines and issues in S3 than anyone, bar maybe the Coach.
Edit: Forgot to mention that FNL S3 is my favorite season of TV, so yeah, I really dig it.
I was about to post that episode 2 gets the season into gear with fantastic character interactions but i see you discovered that already.Stopsign said:Just watched the second episode, and that was a big improvement over the first one. A lot of good things happened, the destined couple in Saracen and Julie are finally getting along again, and I don't think anyone can resist smiling when Smash is happy. Plus Wriggins did funny and stupid shit like always, but this time I liked it for some reason.
Dax01 said:Done with season two of The Wire.
From what I can tell, this season gets a lot of negativity from the majority of GAF, or, at least, not as much love as compared to the other seasons.
It's definitely not better than season one, but I'm a fan of it. It really started to get good when.everyone from season one got back together on the same detail and the FBI joined them
From the season finale, it seems that season three will shift focus back to.Stringer and Barksdale, and the deal they have going with Proposition Joe (is that his name?)
My favorite part of the season would have to have been when:lol :lolOmar testified in court! The tie he was wearing!
I'll probably begin season three sometime this weekend.
Ford Prefect said:All of Six Feet Under, and though the much-hurrahed final moments of the show were typical Six Feet maudlin bullshit (I went through most of the series with a kind of barely-like/hate thing... I must admit, though, I was attached to the characters, no matter how fucking stupid and whiney they were most of the time), they were still satisfying in a way. More important than the actual finale were the couple of episodes leading up to it, which FINALLY said some interesting things about mourning and death with, whereas most of the series was just incredibly banal and mawkish when it came to the subject.Nate's story arc
beelzebozo said:i'm so glad you feel the same way about this. this show, in my few episodes spent with it, was so melodramatic, dwelling on this theme of "people who seem normal are actually quite dark" bullshit that always rang so false. maybe i'm just anti-alan ball or something. but i love AMERICAN BEAUTY, so i'm not sure what to make of it.
finished the first season of CALIFORNICATION, and i have to ask: did anyone else who is/was a big fan of it think the last twenty seconds were a huge cop-out?