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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Cornballer said:
I'm a huge fan of that finale and S5 in general. So good.


Remember how before I (re)started it I was down on the episodic-ness of it? Well it didn't really bug me. The writing was incredibly strong, and the acting, dialog, humor, etc was at it's height.

Like I said, I'm very conflicted about the fact that the "story" continues after this perfect season/ending.
gdt5016 said:
Like I said, I'm very conflicted about the fact that the "story" continues after this perfect season/ending.
Same here, though I liked the first "After the Fall" arc that was in comic book form. After that, not-so-much. I should really cancel the series as it's been off for a while.


Cornballer said:
Same here, though I liked the first "After the Fall" arc that was in comic book form. After that, not-so-much. I should really cancel the series as it's been off for a while.

I stopped pretty much after this first arc was done, around when
Angel goes to the hospital to visit non-vampire Gunn
. I figured I start up again when the current arc get rolling more and more.

I guess I'll have to dig in soon.


just finished watching Tremors the Series. Nobody beats


i cant decide if i should watch the wire or the sopranos first. ive watched the first 4-5 episodes of the wire a while back and it didnt grip me, and sopranos is very tempting...
I'm watching Frisky Dingo, and loving it. Wasn't a big fan when I saw it on television, but now that I'm sitting here with the DVD, it has won me over.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Ashhong said:
i cant decide if i should watch the wire or the sopranos first. ive watched the first 4-5 episodes of the wire a while back and it didnt grip me, and sopranos is very tempting...

I'd say stick with The Wire. Then again I really didnt like the Sopranos so I'd recommend just about any other HBO series over it.
Just got finished with the first season of True Blood, not sure how I feel about it. I like almost everything outside of the romantic love-triangle(s) crap, which unfortunately is very very predominant throughout the entire season. It felt like every time I was starting to really get into the show and I had to put up with more of the romantic garbage, which wouldn't be so bad if any of the characters were reasonable and not flipping out every second episode and changing their mind. It's like I'm watching melodrama aimed at whiny teenage girls.

I liked it enough though to at least give the second season a chance. I think everything surrounding the romantic stuff is awesome and certainly worth watching.


Brian Fellows said:
I just watched the first two seasons of 30 Rock. Great show. It will be part of my weekly viewing come the fall.

Just finished season 3. Not a patch on the first two, which I loved (still very good though, but less laugh out loud moments). Its daft and playful and just fun to watch.

I hope they are back on form for season 4.


eznark said:
I just started watching Stargate SG-1. I'm on the 16th episode. Show is pretty damn good, despite the relative cheese. The production values and effects remind me of Smallville.

Good acting though, and I'm definitely going to watch the rest of the series. Good enough acting, mostly decent stories and MacGyver adds an great sense of humor. Hopefully it doesn't start taking itself too seriously (damn you Smallville).

I also watched the Stargate: Atlantis pilot...man the acting is terrible.

Love SG-1. It does flag a little in later seasons, but its still easy to watch, and very enjoyable.

Atlantis is more difficult to watch - so many annoying main characters. The local woman, the macho brute guy thing, and the head of Atlantis with her whiny voice.

But its worth it for Rodney IMO - fantastic character. And my wife fancies John Shephard.


Subconscious Brolonging
Ashhong said:
i cant decide if i should watch the wire or the sopranos first. ive watched the first 4-5 episodes of the wire a while back and it didnt grip me, and sopranos is very tempting...

The Sopranos is the better show but they're both worth watching.
Did anyone else watch the premiere of "Hung"? Thought it was decent, but doesn't have a great hook yet. Most HBO shows take a little while to pick up steam, so I'll watch a few more and see where it goes.
The Tudors (Season 1&2) - Second season finale is tough to watch.
Bones (Season 1) - I love it, it's one of the few shows that I think has something for absolutely every one.
The Dr. Who reboot (Series 1) - It's ok but it wasn't as good as was I expecting. Does it get better with Tennant?
The Sopranos (Season 2) - I'm so glad
was killed. That guy was soooo annoying. Furio is awesome and I wish he was featured more.


BarrelMakingPenguin said:
The Dr. Who reboot (Series 1) - It's ok but it wasn't as good as I expecting. Does it get better with Tennant?

Absolutely. Tennant is pretty much the only reason I watch the show.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Cornballer said:
Did anyone else watch the premiere of "Hung"? Thought it was decent, but doesn't have a great hook yet. Most HBO shows take a little while to pick up steam, so I'll watch a few more and see where it goes.

It was really boring.


Cornballer said:
Did anyone else watch the premiere of "Hung"? Thought it was decent, but doesn't have a great hook yet. Most HBO shows take a little while to pick up steam, so I'll watch a few more and see where it goes.
'I didn't care for it. I might tune in later if it gets better impressions. btw, how can you have a show like this and not show any t&a?


Reaper has the potential to become the next Buffy or Angel. I love this show. Sock & Sam are always funny. Ben has his moments. From the first episode when Sock slammed the door into the barking dog i was hooked. Everything seems fresh and not cliched.


TiVo said:
Reaper has the potential to become the next Buffy or Angel. I love this show. Sock & Sam are always funny. Ben has his moments. From the first episode when Sock slammed the door into the barking dog i was hooked. Everything seems fresh and not cliched.

dude...it was cancelled =/ no more potential


I've been watching 24 for the first time, my brother lent me the first two seasons of 24 last week and I'm already half through the second season. I can't believe how long I ignored this show, its so good.

I'm going to try to catch up on the series this summer before the new season starts.
I finished "Voyage of the Damned" from Doctor Who Season 4. :\ It feels like the Christmas specials are getting progressively worse, though I only really liked the first one. I was already disappointed with Davies after somewhat dropping the ball with the season three finale, so this has me even more convinced that it's a good thing he won't be the head writer anymore. Though, maybe I need to shift the blame to directors, since Davies does come up with some really good concepts.

Speaking more of Doctor Who, "Blink" was a damn good episode that could have been even better, had it been a two parter. It really should have been, which was surprising. I am so glad Steven Moffat is going to be head writer now, I think he deserves it.
The Dr. Who reboot (Series 1) - It's ok but it wasn't as good as I expecting. Does it get better with Tennant?
I actually really liked the first series, but the second series is even better. Tennant does a fantastic job.


Weird issue regarding subtitles

i noticed that the Sopranos Season 1 set has no options for subtitles, and my PS3 and DVD player say there are no subtitles.

However if i load it onto my PC, i can see an option for "Closed Captioning" instead of the usual "English". choosing this option gives me this ugly subtitle that have this outline around the words. its like some kind of work in progress stuff.

am i missing something here? why cant i access even these "subtitles" in my dvd player or ps3? and why is it not an option in the menu for the show when its clearly there?


Just finished How I Met Your Mother S4 and cannot wait for S5 of HIMYM.

They really need to start wrapping things up though. When the
yellow umbre-STELLA
punch was pulled I was a bit annoyed. I actually hope this is the last season planned, to be honest.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
soultron said:
They really need to start wrapping things up though. When the
yellow umbre-STELLA
punch was pulled I was a bit annoyed. I actually hope this is the last season planned, to be honest.

Yeah end one of the funniest shows on TV because some people are hung up on such an insignificant part of the show. Piss off.


Brian Fellows said:
Yeah end one of the funniest shows on TV because some people are hung up on such an insignificant part of the show. Piss off.

:lol this again. i remember you yelling at people in the official thread too, and i agree.

but still...noone else bugged by the subtitle issue i have?


Brian Fellows said:
Yeah end one of the funniest shows on TV because some people are hung up on such an insignificant part of the show. Piss off.

As someone said in the other thread, think of it as "The Awesome Adventures of Barney and Marshall". I never want the damn show to end. Barney brings me too much enjoyment.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Petrie said:
As someone said in the other thread, think of it as "The Awesome Adventures of Barney and Marshall". I never want the damn show to end. Barney brings me too much enjoyment.

Yeah exactly. Except I'd throw Robin's name into the title too though. I loves me some Robin Sparkles.


I just rewatched Season 6 of Spooks. It's easily my favourite UK tv show.

I watched both seasons on Breaking Bad in less than a week. It was absoloutely incredible.

My American flatmate got me to watch It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and even though I don't usually like US comedies, I thought this one was very funny.

I've just started watching Twin Peaks for the first time but I'm only on the 3rd episode at the moment.

I've also been rewatching my DVD's of The Wire and at the same time rewatching it on BBC2. So it's the 3rd and 4th time that I've watched every season of The Wire.


I've been watching Ghost Adventures on Travel channel. Has a sort of Blair Witch vibe in that it's only three guys with no extra camera crew locking themselves in a supposedly haunted location overnight.

It can be pretty funny sometimes in their approach to their investigation. Ghost Hunters: International's new season also starts tomorrow so I'll probably catch that too.

I'm a sucker for these paranormal investigation shows. *shrug*
I just watched the first episode of the current Torchwood miniseries. I am shocked. It was really good. Like a more adult themed Doctor Who episode that i've been craving. It felt like they did more character fleshing out than the entirety of the last 2 seasons. I'm actually liking them now... :O

The line on the rate of suicides doubling since aliens started appearing and making themselves more widely known was fantastic. Really jams home the darker edge of the show, that it should have had from the beginning, but squandered in endless "mature" pandering and terrible plotlines. I hope the next few are good, because this is exactly the type of thing i wanted out of the show to begin with.
Sanctuary (SciFi show). Available on Netflix Streaming.

Interesting show. But while looking up information on the show I happened to read the end of Season spoiler and now I have no drive in watching all the episodes.


Jealous Bastard

- holy shit. i waited a long time to check this out (at least, long time by my standards) because the concept of the show didn't appeal to me that much; i love VERONICA MARS, but i just didn't expect PARTY DOWN to be able to tickle my funny bone. but hell, did it ever. i won't waste time giving you plot synopses or anything, but just know that each episode is a different party which this company is catering and organizing, and shit just inevitably goes wrong in hilarious but totally natural ways each time. the cast is incredible. the sleazy detective from VERONICA MARS is just totally ace as the boss of the company.

watch this show. it will have you rolling.
Ack, I keep on forgetting to watch Party Down. I'll get on that soon.

I taped Warehouse 13 last night, but with the lackluster reviews it's tough motivating myself to sit through a two hour premiere.
Just finished Buffy s7 and Angel s4. Both were pretty good, Buffy was better than season 6 by quite a bit, started strong then it had some slow downs then when she got preachy but picked up again towards the end. Angel...Conner is just so unlikable the season really slowed down a lot for me on the episodes where he had a large role (especially near the end) glad he is out of the way for s5, looking forward to a strong finish.


i watched the pilot for Glee and a few episodes of Dead Like Me. Neither are really that good but it's easy to have it playing in another tab for when the internet slows down
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