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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Just finished it today. Unbelievable. Not just one of the best war stories on film/TV, but probably one of the best things to come out of television period.

I think my favorite episode may have been "The Breaking Point," but I hesitate to say that since those were a lot of real soldiers who were killed or injured there. Favorite character is harder to say, since I found so many of them compelling (which is incredible since few films and tv shows can hardly manage one compelling character, let alone a dozen). But I will say that Captain Speirs is one of the most badass soldiers ever; when he starts
running through Foy, ignoring all the bullets whizzing past him
, I was laughing the entire time :lol

Great mini-series, and despite the tone and subject matter, it still managed to have an (appropriately) nice and uplifting ending. Can't wait for The Pacific.


ive said it before that the Wire was just not grabbing me. everyone talks about how great the writing is etc etc and i just didnt see it. the beginning just felt like a more complex police drama.

but i just finished episode 8 of season 1, and now im really warming up to it. its getting more interesting and the characters are really opening up. i think i owe it all to Omar. dude is awesome. that scene where he
kills stinkum was great. not sure why he didnt go and kill the other guy too though? did he want word to get out about him?

good stuff, will watch faster now.
I'm a little less than half-way through season three of The Wire, and it started off slow like season two. Now it's finally starting to get interesting with
Barksdale's release from prison
AlexMogil said:
Arrested Development. Never watched it, bought the DVD set from Amazon based on recommendation from everyone here.

Love it.

Watching like four episodes a night.

Up to this day, that show is probably the only one I have ever watched that is without flaw. There isn't one fluke in that series, even when the third season had some quickly written endings. Seriously, love the hell out of it, cause when its gone, you will wish there is more.

Anyway, I stay watching Scrubs. I watch the series over a lot. I got into Entourage in the past month or two, its really good. The characters work pretty well, you could believe that they're really friends IMO. Its Always Sunny is a favorite, and while S1 was great, Danny also made the show for me. S2 has some great episodes, and S3 is just unbelievable and hilarious :lol

Ford Prefect

beelzebozo said:

- holy shit. i waited a long time to check this out (at least, long time by my standards) because the concept of the show didn't appeal to me that much; i love VERONICA MARS, but i just didn't expect PARTY DOWN to be able to tickle my funny bone. but hell, did it ever. i won't waste time giving you plot synopses or anything, but just know that each episode is a different party which this company is catering and organizing, and shit just inevitably goes wrong in hilarious but totally natural ways each time. the cast is incredible. the sleazy detective from VERONICA MARS is just totally ace as the boss of the company.

watch this show. it will have you rolling.
I'm surprised you only know Ken Marino from Veronica Mars. Definitely check out some of David Wain's projects like Wet Hot American Summer and The Ten if you get a chance.


Jealous Bastard
love WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER, but apparently not enough to recognize marino. regardless, he's comedic gold in PARTY DOWN. as for david wain's projects, i am the world's biggest fan of STELLA, so i guess i should really watch THE TEN at some point.


We just finished up Freaks and Geeks. Such a wonderful show. I'm tempted to buy the DVD since it recently price dropped on Amazon even though we just watched it. Paul Feig is going to be at Austin Film Festival and I'd love to have a copy for him to sign.


Almost done with S1 of Friday Night Lights. It's good, but not nearly as good as what I was expecting based on the praise it's gotten around here.

It's pretty much The OC with football. Ok that's maybe a bit harsh, but it has many of the same teen-melodrama clichés. The over-protective but at the same time kinda cool parents; the single, alcoholic mother; the unfaithful husband; and the handsome, quiet and mysterious tough-guy with a sensitive side. And all the awkward 16 year olds are of course played by people who look atleast 20+.

I'll keep watching, but if they don't change it up a bit in Season 2 to make it feel more fresh I might give up on it.


Jealous Bastard
but THE OC was a good show. FNL is better, but calling it THE OC with football really isn't much of an insult.

that said, all of the cliches you touch upon there may be present, but they're only used as the starting point for what turn into otherwise unique situations, or in the case of characters, interesting, three-dimensional people who don't always react to those cliches the way you expect them to. for example, "the unfaithful husband": you really think buddy garrity is that typical? he's at times a sleazeball, but others a really supportive and wonderful dad. these people aren't cardboard. FNL does a wonderful job of making real people. the overconfident, cocky athlete (smash) has his weaknesses, too, despite the off-putting impression of the pilot.

anyway, sorry you're not digging it as much as others, but that first season is some of the most perfect television ever made.


I thought Smash's racial arc in the middle of S1 asked and Street's continual story asked some more serious questions at points where a series like OC wouldn't, although mostly it is just a teen drama done well. I also liked that it is not set in California or New York.


Jealous Bastard
Timbuktu said:
I thought Smash's racial arc in the middle of S1 asked and Street's continual story asked some more serious questions at points where a series like OC wouldn't, although mostly it is just a teen drama done well. I also liked that it is not set in California or New York.

yes especially to that last part. the world of texas high school football is extremely well-realized.


beelzebozo said:
but THE OC was a good show. FNL is better, but calling it THE OC with football really isn't much of an insult.

that said, all of the cliches you touch upon there may be present, but they're only used as the starting point for what turn into otherwise unique situations, or in the case of characters, interesting, three-dimensional people who don't always react to those cliches the way you expect them to. for example, "the unfaithful husband": you really think buddy garrity is that typical? he's at times a sleazeball, but others a really supportive and wonderful dad. these people aren't cardboard. FNL does a wonderful job of making real people. the overconfident, cocky athlete (smash) has his weaknesses, too, despite the off-putting impression of the pilot.

anyway, sorry you're not digging it as much as others, but that first season is some of the most perfect television ever made.

Pretty much this. Smash is awesome. Much deeper and multifaceted than you would think from the pilot.


I watched the Primeval series and I wish I didn't. What a fucking horrible show. Bad acting, retarded character traits (hey, this bloodthirsty monster is loose in our world so we should split up and not take anything to protect ourselves with), horrible cliches.

I really do hope there is an American movie or TV version because I like the general idea behind the show. It just needs some better writers.
Dax01 said:
I'm a little less than half-way through season three of The Wire, and it started of slow like season two. Now it's finally starting to get interesting with
Barksdale's release from prison

Season Four is the highlight of the show imo. Season three is good, but four is amazing.

I'm thinking about going down to pick up Dexter on Blu Ray today at some point.


beelzebozo said:
that said, all of the cliches you touch upon there may be present, but they're only used as the starting point for what turn into otherwise unique situations, or in the case of characters, interesting, three-dimensional people who don't always react to those cliches the way you expect them to. for example, "the unfaithful husband": you really think buddy garrity is that typical? he's at times a sleazeball, but others a really supportive and wonderful dad. these people aren't cardboard. FNL does a wonderful job of making real people. the overconfident, cocky athlete (smash) has his weaknesses, too, despite the off-putting impression of the pilot.

anyway, sorry you're not digging it as much as others, but that first season is some of the most perfect television ever made.
I was pleasantly surprised when Buddy broke the mold a bit and turned out to be a decent parent, and I agree most characters are somewhat three-dimensional (well, more so than in certain other teen-dramas atleast).
I still think there are many cliches though. Even Smash, whom I like, feels like a character I've seen many times before. The cocky athlete who secretly doubts himself. Yeah, real original.
And often it's so very predictable. Like when the hot single-mom moves in right next to Riggins. It took exactly 2 seconds to realize they were going to hook up.
Pretty much the same in the beginning of the show, with Lila and Riggins, which couldn't have been surprising to anyone (that's what girls do in these kinds of shows, sleep with their bf's best friend).

Like I said, I think it's good and I'm certainly not ready to give up on it just yet. But just like I lost interest in The OC about halfway through the 2nd season I could see myself losing interest in FNL if it just keeps on chugging along with love-triangles and people breaking up and getting back together only to break up again.

Timbuktu said:
I thought Smash's racial arc in the middle of S1 asked and Street's continual story asked some more serious questions at points where a series like OC wouldn't, although mostly it is just a teen drama done well. I also liked that it is not set in California or New York.
Definitely like it the best when they tackle issues like the racial thing, Smash's substance abuse etc and also when they keep the focus on the football.

I guess I like the fact that it's set in Texas instead of Cali or NY, but I don't feel like that really changes it up all that much. Almost everyone looks like they'd fit right in in The OC. Maybe they are all that attractive in Texas, I've never been there.

Ever since I watched Freaks & Geeks (which feels like an actually believable representation of what High School is like) my standards have gone up when it comes to shows like this so that might be the problem I have with it.


Watched Warehouse 13 last night, it was ok, but seemed incredibly formulaic, you could basically tell within the first 30 minutes where the series was heading.



i finally finished watching season 5 of peep show. basically, this is the funniest thing i've seen since seinfeld. it's very, very constistent with the laughs--probably because each season's only 6 episodes long. i can totally recommend this.

season 6 starts later this year. :D
Ford Prefect said:
All of Six Feet Under, and though the much-hurrahed final moments of the show were typical Six Feet maudlin bullshit (I went through most of the series with a kind of barely-like/hate thing... I must admit, though, I was attached to the characters, no matter how fucking stupid and whiney they were most of the time), they were still satisfying in a way. More important than the actual finale were the couple of episodes leading up to it, which FINALLY said some interesting things about mourning and death with
Nate's story arc
, whereas most of the series was just incredibly banal and mawkish when it came to the subject.
thank god someone else didn't get into this

i can't stand HBO programming ;p each new god damn show thinks it's going to reinvent tv and ends up face down in a pool of undergraduate overacting and a forced attempt at moving the audience in any way


No, Ziggy is fucking awesome.

Anyway, I finished season 3 just now.

Absolutely don't read if you're watching the show right now:

It really kinda broke my heart when Stringer was killed. Omar and Brother Mouzone as a duo is pretty fucking awesome, though. Avon being arrested by Jimmy and the look on his face, knowing that Stringer was right all along had me kinda upset, too. Jimmy being upset that he couldn't arrest Stringer, sigh..

The stuff that Major Colvin does with the whole ignoring drugs was really interesting to me. But all of the politics and Mayor Royce wanting it shut down after really giving it some thought about it working in Baltimore was interesting, too.

I assume that Carcetti is gonna have an even bigger role in season 4 when he's going against Royce for the role of mayor. Carcetti gave that awesome speech and made Rawls and Burrell look like idiots..that was awesome. lol speaking of Rawls..it was hilarious to see him in a gay bar since no one would expect it of him.

I admit that I was initially skeptical of some of the comments that would float around in this thread and others about how good the show was...like verbal masturbation really..

But yeah, I get it now. I fucking adore every single fucking thing about it. And then you wanna tell me that season 4 could possibly be the pinnacle of the show? Or at least that's how it is for some..that's pretty incredible. I'm really looking forward to the last two seasons.

Oh, and by the way, Six Feet Under is awesome. Fuck the haters.


Finished watching the first season of mad men. It was really interesting and Drapper's story was so beautifully set up throughout the season. Also loved how everything wrecked together at the end! The songs on the show always intrigued me even though I generally dont enjoy music from the 60s. The kodak presentation was so beautiful, and has to be the moment of the show so far for me.


Jealous Bastard
Mr. Spinnington said:
thank god someone else didn't get into this

i can't stand HBO programming ;p each new god damn show thinks it's going to reinvent tv and ends up face down in a pool of undergraduate overacting and a forced attempt at moving the audience in any way

perhaps never before has my agreement with two parts of a post been split by such a massive chasm


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
DieH@rd said:
I started watching Burn Notice. Its OK for now.

I just finished the season 2 DVD's and have all of the season 3 episodes shown so far on my DVR. I really like the show. Need a good spy show for when Chuck is out of season. My main complaint, and I think this is probably the first time I have ever said this about a TV show, is that I wish they would have the main actress wear more clothes, not less. I don't know if the actress just needs to put on some weight or if she just has a weird body structure, but she looks kind of creepy. Now if the producers of Chuck on the other hand want to come up with even more reasons to have Yvonne Strahovski wear less clothes I am all for that.
Finished season three last night.
I didn't see Stringer's death coming
, and it seems that
Avon Barksdale is finally out of power
. This season was good, but it had the same problem as season two: the beginning (first couple of episodes) was a bit slow compared to what happened with the rest of the season.

Can't wait to start season four.
Watched some of Life on Mars (UK) last night after realizing that it's been sitting around for a while and I never finished it. Good stuff!

Mad Men S2 dvd's are out today, btw.
Fuck. The Wire spoilers. I'm on season 3 right now as well. :( Can you say what show you're talkin bout next time? I knew i shouldn't have highlighted. I don't know why i did. :/

Show is brilliant.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Just finished Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 1 loved it, Watched the first episode of Breaking Bad - will get the rest eventually, onto 24 Season 2 now.

Was previously watching Stargate Atlantis Season 3 again, need to go back to 2 though as someone was borrowing that.

Macgyver Season 7 was also just bought and need to watch that.
Spotless Mind said:
Fuck. The Wire spoilers. I'm on season 3 right now as well. :( Can you say what show you're talkin bout next time? I knew i shouldn't have highlighted. I don't know why i did. :/

Show is brilliant.
Holy fuck. Sorry, and this is after venturing it to the "LTTP: The Wire" thread on the front page and this guy named Meier not using spoiler tags and well, yeah.

What goes around comes around I guess. I though I mentioned the show before I hit "submit reply." Sorry again.


Finished The Wire season 1. It definitely got off to a slow start, to the point where I wasn't even sure I was liking it, but halfway through shit started coming together and paying off. Great finish to a good season.

I started season 2, and I already don't like the change in setting, but I'm sure it'll end up working out in the end like s1 did.

I also started watching the first season of Chuck. I've only watched the first two episodes so far, so this is probably premature, but I think it's a little disappointing so far. It just seems too silly and too forced, and I can already tell that they're going to turn Chuck and Sarah's relationship into this "will they or won't they" plot. :lol


Darkness no more
Bought first three seasons of How I Met Your Mother and watched them.

Working through 30 Rock now. On season 2.
Finally started watching Burn Notice about two weeks ago, ended up watching every episode up until now. So I am caught up. Also i started re-watching Alias with my cousin recently.
gdt5016 said:

Started The Wire S1. Just finished 103. Definitely slow, but good stuff so far.
Takes a little while to get rolling, but once you get the hang of it they payoff is huge. Yes, 104 is epic for that one scene. :lol
Blader5489 said:
I started season 2, and I already don't like the change in setting, but I'm sure it'll end up working out in the end like s1 did.
S2 is very polarizing - lots of people were frustrated with the change in setting, but I thought it was great and added a different perspective on things. Most of the seasons have a particular focus, but the core characters remain the same.
I also started watching the first season of Chuck. I've only watched the first two episodes so far, so this is probably premature, but I think it's a little disappointing so far. It just seems too silly and too forced.
I recently been rewatching S1 and there are a couple of eipsodes that don't hold up as well as I remembered. Ep 3 is good, so you should enjoy that, and things really pick up midseason with episodes 7-10. S2 is fantastic.
HenryGale said:
Finally started watching Burn Notice about two weeks ago, ended up watching every episode up until now. So I am caught up.=
This will be me in a couple of weeks. Already pretty addicted, five episodes in.


Recently finished Friday Night Lights and loved every minute of it.

Giving Kings a whirl at the moment along with the weekly Weeds and Entourage.


you speak so well
Started up the newer Doctor Who, due to recommendations from a friend. I'm only five episodes in, but it's decent so far - special effects and the show in general are cheesy as hell, but it's enjoyable sci fi stuff. The Doctor's an interesting character, I know the actor switches for the second season, and is apparently better? Rose is kind of annoying.


Finished watching Garth Merenghi's Darkplace, and just got bargain-priced DVDs of Snuff Box and Man to Man With Dean Lerner.
Ok what with the deepdiscount sale going on now, any recommendations for someone on a budget to consider beyond the already widely acclaimed shows in this thread (FNL, Chuck, True blood, etc)?

Budget defined as looking to spend no more than $150.


Tucah said:
Started up the newer Doctor Who, due to recommendations from a friend. I'm only five episodes in, but it's decent so far - special effects and the show in general are cheesy as hell, but it's enjoyable sci fi stuff. The Doctor's an interesting character, I know the actor switches for the second season, and is apparently better? Rose is kind of annoying.

Tennant is a much better doctor than Eccleston (imo), but Rose becomes even more annoying in s2.


evilpigking said:
Ok what with the deepdiscount sale going on now, any recommendations for someone on a budget to consider beyond the already widely acclaimed shows in this thread (FNL, Chuck, True blood, etc)?

Budget defined as looking to spend no more than $150.
Big Love! The first 2 seasons are $25 each before discount on DD right now :)
Just started watching Dexter. I'm 4 episodes into season 2. I'm enjoying season 2 but not quite as much as I did season 1.

I thought the whole Ice Truck Killer reveal was pretty obvious, but I still shit my pants during the finale when they revealed Dexter and Rudy were brothers. Didn't see that coming in the slightest.

I think the reason I like it so much is because it's such a change of pace from the last show I watched, The Wire. In The Wire, you had to wait a long time for the payoff, but in Dexter, there are small payoffs in each episode as well as the over arching main storyline. I love both, but both have different things to offer.
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