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TV Shows you've watched recently

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beelzebozo said:
in a surprise twist, season three finds our hero don draper starting a utopian advertising agency under the ocean. that's before the experiment goes horribly wrong after he takes up a hobby bringing back dinosaurs with advanced cloning techniques to market kraft macaroni in the blue box.

i call it "donald and the cloneasaurus"

Recently finished Chuck Season 1.

Fantastic cast and good storylines, pretty hilarious with characters like Casey, Captain Awesome, and BIG MIKE !

Thanks to the person with the Avatar with Adam Baldwin winking at the President Reagan Picture. If it wasnt for that id never have gotten into the show :lol

now onto season 2.
I've been watching Warehouse 13 which is resoundingly mediocre but occasionally amusing. The HBO Sunday night block is fun. Still need to polish off Party Down and the UK version of Life on Mars. Otherwise, I'm just holding out for Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, and the rest of the Fall tv to start up.
Rabid Wolverine said:
Recently finished Chuck Season 1.

Fantastic cast and good storylines, pretty hilarious with characters like Casey, Captain Awesome, and BIG MIKE !

Thanks to the person with the Avatar with Adam Baldwin winking at the President Reagan Picture. If it wasnt for that id never have gotten into the show :lol

now onto season 2.
I think it's birdman with that avatar. Season 2 is great - enjoy!


When I was at my friend's house, she turned most days and nights into a Dex-a-thon so after four days and three seasons, I became a huge Dexter fan. Other than that, watching Bones and House reruns


Only thing I watch on TV anymore is Big Brother 11, Family Guy, American Dad, and King of the Hill. Just waiting on the next season of Lost D:


Still Alive
Currently watching Stargate SG-1, on Hulu mind you. :D They just added season 5 the other day, the show is such a good time waster, also some cool plots and ideas in there every once in a while.


Just finished The Wire S3.

It was INCREDIBLE. Stringer Bell is wonderful. Definitely the best season so far.
I've been watching more of Party Down - great show with tons of laughs. I'm bummed that Jane Lynch won't be back for S2 since she's doing Glee.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Spaced is on Hulu. I'm 3 episodes in and it gets better with each episode. Mike is so great. :lol It's nice how short the series is. I'll be over in no time.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Spaced is on Hulu. I'm 3 episodes in and it gets better with each episode. Mike is so great. :lol It's nice how short the series is. I'll be over in no time.

The whole thing is on Hulu?

If so, I'll start it after The Wire.


Sentry said:
Currently watching Stargate SG-1, on Hulu mind you. :D They just added season 5 the other day, the show is such a good time waster, also some cool plots and ideas in there every once in a while.

Been watching it also on streams. Really like the show. Richard Dean Anderson really makes the show and Don S Davis had a great presence. On season 8 now and Don S Davis left the show and Anderson is now a secondary character which makes the show lose part of what made it so good originally. Still good show to watch.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Spaced is on Hulu. I'm 3 episodes in and it gets better with each episode. Mike is so great. :lol It's nice how short the series is. I'll be over in no time.
Thanks for this heads-up, dude.


Just finished Californication S1 and Dexter S1 & S2. I liked Dexter a lot more. Californication was good but it didn't have enough twists and turn to make me wonder what the hell is going to happen next and give me that feeling that I just have to watch the next episode. Dexter started off slow but season 2 really shined for me. I just could not stop watching it wondering how Dexter was going to get out of all those situations he was in.


Just finished Mad Men Season 2.. good stuff, although not as interesting as Season 1. It felt a little aimless and lacking in direction at times.

Don is really the only character I can get behind, even though he's quite an ass. They've tried to build up Peggy's character but I just find her so dull.
Why don't you assholes watch Michael & Michael Have Issues? IT'S FUNNY! WATCH IT.

Who am I kidding, it'll get cancelled just like Stella did.

EDIT: for boldness

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Watching lots of Lost, up to mid-Season 3 so far. Main arc is losing me a bit with the Others in Season 3(just can't stand anymore off-and-on imprisoning), but altogether its an engaging show.

Next week I'm all about Galactica on Blu-Ray. Have been holding off on watching any Season 4 stuff until the High def hit. Been a long wait since I finished Season 3 on DVD earlier this year, love the show!

Also have slowly been pecking away at Angel for what seems like an eternity. I'm starting season 4, but its really losing me. The Connor storyline is not doing it for me, and not the whole Cordelia thing is losing me further. I hear the season gets crazy awesome though. Really loved S1, liked S2, S3 was just ok. So far I disagree that this is a superior show to Buffy, but I will admit that its highs are VERY good.


Brandon F said:
Also have slowly been pecking away at Angel for what seems like an eternity. I'm starting season 4, but its really losing me. The Connor storyline is not doing it for me, and not the whole Cordelia thing is losing me further. I hear the season gets crazy awesome though. Really loved S1, liked S2, S3 was just ok. So far I disagree that this is a superior show to Buffy, but I will admit that its highs are VERY good.

I can't even bring myself to finish Season 1 of Angel.. it's so boring :\

needs a good story arc


Kastro said:
I can't even bring myself to finish Season 1 of Angel.. it's so boring :\

needs a good story arc

S2, 3, and 4 are one long arc. It rocks.

S1 is the weakest season by far.


Kastro said:
I can't even bring myself to finish Season 1 of Angel.. it's so boring :\

needs a good story arc
Keep watching, the last 4 episodes of that season are really good, and the second season is a big improvement over the first in pretty much every way, and as the above poster said has a solid story arc.


Cornballer said:
Trailer for S2 of Sons of Anarchy is up on youtube. There are some spoilers for S1, if you haven't seen it. I'd highly recommend the show - it starts off a little bit slow but picks up a massive head of steam by the end of the season. DVD/BRD aren't out until mid-August, so I guess I'll just remind everyone again around then.
thanks for this


Just about to watch the last episode of The Wire S4.

This season has been incredible. Even with little to no McNulty. Even better than S3. Maybe my favorite season of TV ever. S3 is on that list too.

Edit: Not to say that McNulty sucks this season. Every scene with New McNulty is great.
gdt5016 said:
Just about to watch the last episode of The Wire S4.

This season has been incredible. Even with little to no McNulty. Even better than S3. Maybe my favorite season of TV ever. S3 is on that list too.

Edit: Not to say that McNulty sucks this season. Every scene with New McNulty is great.
It's pretty amazing how the first time through -- at least for me -- every season was better than the one before it.

Until Season 5.


My mom got me Dynastia season 1 :lol Half-jokingly I started to watch it and suddenly I realised that I had finished the first season in no time and I want to know how it continues.


CajoleJuice said:
It's pretty amazing how the first time through -- at least for me -- every season was better than the one before it.

Until Season 5.

So far I agree with your assessment.

Hopefully I can still dig S5.
S5 is still great and worth watching. It just feels a little rushed (smaller episode order) and some of the plot lines rubbed people the wrong way.


i dunno why people are so intent on picking favorite seasons of the wire.

to me it's just one big storyline. it's like picking a favorite chapter of a book.. why bother.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Spaced is on Hulu. I'm 3 episodes in and it gets better with each episode. Mike is so great. :lol It's nice how short the series is. I'll be over in no time.
No it's not :(

Britain knows how to end their shows on a high note instead of running it into the ground (The Office, Life On Mars, Spaced etc.), but sometimes I just want MORE. Spaced especially felt like a show that could have easily gone on a few more seasons. So damn funny. All the Phantom Menace jokes had me in tears.
Just started on True Blood here in the UK. Not bad. I'm fairly selective when it comes to TV and this has successfully penetrated my cynicism barrier so far (hello inuendo).

Any opinions on how it progresses (no spoilers!) as i'm only on ep. 2?



Such an intriguing show. It reminds me of "X-Files" except that it has a more science bent about it. I'm only 3 episodes down to the finale.


I'm currently finishing up the fourth season of 24. Its not as bad as I've heard but the plot throughout the whole season seemed a little silly. The whole
"train attack was to distract from the kidnapping and execution of the Secretary of Defense which was secretly a way to get control of a bunch of Nuclear reactors to meltdown which was to cover up the attack on air force one which was really a way to get their hands on a nuclear bomb.

I still liked it though and can't wait to start the fifth season.
Replicant said:

Such an intriguing show. It reminds me of "X-Files" except that it has a more science bent about it. I'm only 3 episodes down to the finale.

I know it shouldn't, but the closing shot at the end of the series tickles me. :D


I just started watching a little TV show about a specific address in New York that I avoided for three seasons that I will probably create a LTTP for tomorrow if one does not exist recently.

It's better than I ever imagined.


Jasoco said:
I just started watching a little TV show about a specific address in New York that I avoided for three seasons that I will probably create a LTTP for tomorrow if one does not exist recently.

It's better than I ever imagined.

I have 3 episodes left in the first season of Mad Men. I've really enjoyed it so far and will probably be picking up season 2 once I'm done with this season.
I'm watching some godawful show on *sigh* TruTV about three "psychics" who are trying to solve cold cases. Right now they're actually taking on the Zodiac Killer case :lol

"Not Reality, Actuality! Also, catch the completely scripted Operation Repo Sundays on TruTV."

If they didn't show ridiculous marathons of Forensic Files and the like, I would skip right over the channel. Ugh.


Jasoco said:
I just started watching a little TV show about a specific address in New York that I avoided for three seasons that I will probably create a LTTP for tomorrow if one does not exist recently.

It's better than I ever imagined.

No seriously what show? My curiosity is piqued.
Finished up Entourage Season 5 last night. The ending was a little convenient but the last few episodes showed the show is still alright. I don't know if it can ever get back to Season 2-3 quality, but it is still watchable. I wonder if the show has gotten a little too comfortable, too afraid to change. This was sort of brought up when
Ari doesn't take the exec job and Lloyd says that "everything is back to normal, just the way it has always been" or something like that
It was still enjoyable, I guess Season 6 has already started? I usually just do my television watching on DVD anyways, though.
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