pringles said:I'm about 5 or 6 episodes into True Blood and really liking it. It's funnier than I expected and the characters are great.
I almost feel like it's a bit aimless though, but maybe that will change as the season progresses.
I would be all for that. After I watched the series I read about it online and didn't realize that Jason Segel and the girl that played Lindsey dated for 4 or 5 years after the show. Supposedly it wasn't a good break-up (it's hard to say because in all the interviews with Jason Segel it is hard to tell if he is bitter about it or merely joking).Ceres said:I kind of hope that one day Apatow will get the entire gang back together for one movie even if it's not a true sequel to the tv show.
Right now I can almost see Jason Segel's character in I Love You Man being the future Nick.
I'm two episodes into the second season of Mad Men, and loved The Wire, Rome, and Band of Brothers. Entourage is really just a guilty pleasure of sorts. Breaking Bad is definitely on my radar, but I recently picked up the first seasons of The West Wing and The Sopranos.Spire said:Not nearly enough people in this thread watching The Shield or Breaking Bad. Come on people! These are the essentials, stop pissing around with Entourage and shit and get to the quality.
:Obeelzebozo said:now this looks like me.
Olyphant stars in the lead role of U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens. Givens is a modern day 19th century-style lawman, enforcing his brand of justice in a way that puts a target on his back with criminals and places him at odds with his bosses in the Marshal service. That conflict results in a reassignment for Givens to the U.S. District covering the town where he grew up. He is an anachronism - a tough, soft spoken gentleman who finds his quarry fascinating, but never gives an inch. Dig under his placid skin and you'll find an angry man who grew up hard in rural Kentucky, with an outlaw father, who knows a lot more about who he doesn't want to be than who he really is.
Nice.beelzebozo said:now this looks like me.
Darunia said:Finished the first season of Mad Men. Incredible. Well, apart fromPeggy's pregnancy reveal. How could she not have known? Okay, she's very naive when it comes to certain aspects of life, but still. The only plausible explanation is that she knew, but was in extreme denial and just wouldn't accept it. Still, the whole reveal was kinda clunky.
That's been my only real issue so far. Going to start season 2 now
LOL... I am 2 episodes deep into season 2.RadioHeadAche said:I wouldn't bother with the following seasons. They made me hate the show, and I really enjoyed the first season.
Are you sure I won't miss anything important story wise? I feel that they set the bar so high with the first season of Heroes that it would be tough to outdo. I guess I'll skip straight into season 3.mosaic said:If you skip Season 2, you'll probably segue into 3 without missing too much and continuing thinking it's mega-awesome stuff.
If you watch Season 2. . . just keep the faith...
Bishman said:LOL... I am 2 episodes deep into season 2.
Are you sure I won't miss anything important story wise? I feel that they set the bar so high with the first season of Heroes that it would be tough to outdo. I guess I'll skip straight into season 3.
GAF recommend me some good shows. I like Heroes, Nip / Tuck, and Smallville.
Memles said:As for TV I've been watching, recently went through Band of Brothers for the first time. Although I don't have a real affinity for war stories, it was mighty compelling.
darkiguana said:Me and my wife have been watching Bones. Pretty enjoyable.
Acid08 said:Martin Starr will forever be the best part of Freaks and Geeks.
Spotless Mind said:I'm onto season 4 of The Wire... goddamn fucking incredible. Best character writing in a TV show bar none. Best TV show ever? Yeah, i think so.
I also got my mum, dad and brother hooked and watching it due to my incessant praise. Most of our conversations have been The Wire related for the last few weeks. :lol Hopefully i can get my sister watching it at a later date.
Brian Fellows said:Have you seen Party Down? He's hilarious in that too.
Cabaratier said:Watched Rome S1 and S2, Band of Brothers, all of the Sopranos, Veronica Mars, Scrubs, Entourage, The Wire S1&2, Battlestar Galactica, FNL and Chuck over the last year. (With the sopranos over the last few years)
What should I watch next? I know most of you will recommend the rest of the Wire but though I could see it's brilliance (like the fuck, fuck, fuck me scene) I constanly found myself not giving a shit what happend to the characters and being annoyed by some of them.
Dan said:I'm starting Battlestar Galactica tomorrow. That's my new project.
beelzebozo said:i don't know what's up with me and this show. i finished the first season and loved it, but i stalled in season 2 when the spiritual themes became much more prevalent. i guess i just have an aversion to that sort of thing.
so to sum up my feelings on bsg: it was awesome, then it wasn't
Heh i didn't think it became prevalent in the second season at all, it undeniably does in the third and forth season though. So you'll probably dislike those seasons.beelzebozo said:i don't know what's up with me and this show. i finished the first season and loved it, but i stalled in season 2 when the spiritual themes became much more prevalent. i guess i just have an aversion to that sort of thing.
so to sum up my feelings on bsg: it was awesome, then it wasn't
Brian Fellows said:I lost interest with the Scar episode. Shit just got all random and stupid all of sudden. Thats what happens when you take a tightly paced show and try to stretch it out.
Near said:Just finished the second season of LOST, and oh my God, I've been missing out big time! Starting season 3 tonight, and hopefully get through season 4 & 5 before the series finale airs.![]()
beelzebozo said:it has its critics, but i think season 3 is so ACE. the finale is some of the most affecting television i've ever seen.
beelzebozo said:it has its critics, but i think season 3 is so ACE. the finale is some of the most affecting television i've ever seen.
gdt5016 said:And of course, the finale is on the short list for greatest episode of TV ever.
beelzebozo said:this is a fun idea. i'm going to try and come up with a list of ten of my favorite episodes of my favorite shows (though i don't think i can order them)
beelzebozo said:this is a fun idea. i'm going to try and come up with a list of ten of my favorite episodes of my favorite shows (though i don't think i can order them)
beelzebozo said:my top ten: (unless i forgot something)
necessary evil DEEP SPACE NINE. odo has always been one of my favorite characters on ds9, and getting the opportunity to see a lot of his back story was really great. any favorite ep of ds9 must also include gul dukat, and he's definitely here. had a little trouble choosing between this and the garak-centric episode "the wire."
through the looking glass, pts. 1 & 2 LOST.'nuff said."we have to go back, kate. we have to go back!"
adelle coffin NIP/TUCK. most emotionally affecting portrayal of suicide ever, and the best use of rocket man
final grades THE WIRE. finale of season 4. so many things come to a head here, and the resolution of the storylines of all the kids just kills me. season finales of THE WIRE always invoke mixed emotions, but this one tears me apart.
the wheel MAD MEN season 1 finale. includes the scene in which betty confides in the young boy from next door, and also dons realization through his description of the carousel slide projector how much his family really means to him.
bad blood X-FILES meets rashomon. luke wilson and the fat red headed kid from the sandlot guest star, and the episode is hilarious. mulder tells his side; scully tells hers; hilarity ensues. the opening alone will crack you up and immediately endear it to you.
barts friend falls in love SIMPSONS. the third season is my favorite, and this is my favorite from that season. the good morning burger and homers subliminal weight loss tape alone put it over the top.
fear of a bot planet FUTURAMA. which of the following would you most prefer: a, a puppy, b, a flower from your sweety, or c, a large properly formatted data file?
is the puppy robotic?
no. it is the bad kind.
then well go with that data file.
the flower would also have been acceptable.
husky bobby - KING OF THE HILL. the moment when hank drags bobby away from the catwalk of the fashion show. pay attention to that. YES. everything that's funny about KING OF THE HILL in one ten second sequence.
pier pressure - ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. and that's why you always leave a note.
Not for me. I can AGREE with ones that people post, but most television shows just blend together for me. That, or I could pick arbitrarily from a multitude of episodes as the best. And I don't remember episode names anyway.Solo said:Its actually easier than you think.
Definitely. My favorite bit was him talking to Cramsey at the Porno Awards about sci-fi and fantasy. He just pauses for a second and thinks about it before losing his shit. Hilarious.Brian Fellows said:Have you seen Party Down? He's hilarious in that too.
Just wait for S2. Season 1 is a little uneven and cut short by the writer's strike, but S2 is top notch television.beelzebozo said:i'd also recommend BREAKING BAD. i'm four episodes deep in the second season and it's extremely compelling television. don't let the pilot dissuade you--i stalled there for about six months before giving the next two episodes a chance and loving the shit out of it.
Same for me. There are a few here and there that I could list, but in general it'd be easier to identify overall arcs that I like rather than individual episodes. Nonetheless, I might take a crack at it if I have a chance. Great picks by beelze and Solo, btw.CajoleJuice said:Not for me. I can AGREE with ones that people post, but most television shows just blend together for me. That, or I could pick arbitrarily from a multitude of episodes as the best.
Such an odd little show with some great acting and memorable moments, but I end up scratching my head when examining it as a whole. I love the cast, but it reminds me of experimental theater or something like that. It's just so far out there.Dan said:John from Cincinnati - I loved this way too much. So of course, like Carnivale before it, HBO canned it. The second half of the season got a little clumsy, and it was disappointing when Bruce Greenwood disappeared for a while, but all in all, great little series. Thankfully it can kinda stand on its own, even though there was obviously much more story to tell, there was open-ended temporary closure.
Great miniseries and highly recommended. I never watched the Hollywood film version.State of Play miniseries - Holy crap, this was amazing. So tense, dense, and completely respectful of audience intelligence. 1000 times more than the Hollywood movie seemed to be, from the trailers at least, with all those corny one-liners. I love the way they drop details and expect you to be as smart as the smart journalists to figure out when you've heard something key.
Cornballer said:Definitely. My favorite bit was him talking to Cramsey at the Porno Awards about sci-fi and fantasy. He just pauses for a second and thinks about it before losing his shit. Hilarious.
Cornballer said:Definitely. My favorite bit was him talking to Cramsey at the Porno Awards about sci-fi and fantasy. He just pauses for a second and thinks about it before losing his shit. Hilarious.
Lafiel said:you really should pick up the show again, that is one of the WORST episodes of BSG, but the episodes that follow after that are pretty awesome.
You could've chosen better, I think. Yeah, Necessary Evil was a good episode, but it was no "The Wire," "Duet," "The Visitor," "Far Beyond the Stars," "In the Pale Moonlight," "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges," "Hard Time," etc.beelzebozo said:my top ten: (unless i forgot something)
necessary evil DEEP SPACE NINE. odo has always been one of my favorite characters on ds9, and getting the opportunity to see a lot of his back story was really great. any favorite ep of ds9 must also include gul dukat, and he's definitely here. had a little trouble choosing between this and the garak-centric episode "the wire."