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TV Shows you've watched recently

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beelzebozo said:
this is a fun idea. i'm going to try and come up with a list of ten of my favorite episodes of my favorite shows (though i don't think i can order them)
My top 10.
Friday Night Lights S1.17 - I Think we should have sex - Has three of the most heartwarming scenes i've seen in a television show.
Babylon 5 - S4.22 - The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
Six Feet Under - S5.4 - Time Flies - Would put the finale here, but only the last few minutes of that episode are really good.
Futurama - S4.7 - Jurassic bark - You know why.
Arrested Development - S2.1 - The One Where Micheal Leaves
The Sopranos - S3.11 - Pine Barrens
Star Trek DSN - Season 5.26 - Call To Arms
Battlestar galactica - S2.22 - Lay Down your burdens Part 2 - For having the most awesome last 10 minutes of a episode.
The Simpsons - S6.14 - Barts Comet
Angel - S5.22 - Not Fade Away
One episode I know I'd include -- Homer at the Bat -- but that's partially due to my love of baseball and actually watching it again within the past decade.


Ive been getting through so much MacGyver lately :D


I was too young to pay attention to it when i was a kid so its great re-watching it now
CajoleJuice said:
One episode I know I'd include -- Homer at the Bat -- but that's partially due to my love of baseball and actually watching it again within the past decade.
There's an X-Files episode about baseball. Can't recall the name, but it was a damn good episode.


Finally nearing the end of Season Two of Friday Night Lights. One episode to go. This season had some really good moments but overall it's a fucking disaster.


Mifune said:
Finally nearing the end of Season Two of Friday Night Lights. One episode to go. This season had some really good moments but overall it's a fucking disaster.

I wouldn't call it a disaster.

The acting, dialog, cinematography, etc are all still great.

It's the fucking storylines that start off the season. I do feel it's gets much better during the second half of the season. Especially episode 14, it has maybe the best scene of the whole show.

It's still a good season.

Just nowhere near the perfection of S1 and especially S3.


Mifune said:
Finally nearing the end of Season Two of Friday Night Lights. One episode to go. This season had some really good moments but overall it's a fucking disaster.

Yeah pretty much.. I did like the last episode with Peter Berg.

As for the show I'm watching, the X-files. I haven't seen an episode since the movie (i was about 12???) and it's alright, but I figure it will pick up soon. Scully is annoying


Finished Heroes season 1... now I'm 2 episodes deep into season 1 of Dexter. It caught me off guard. I didn't really know what to expect but I like it... a lot! :D
Finished watching Party Down S1 last night. Great show with lots of laughs, and it's well worth a look - only 10 episodes at 30min each. It will be fun to see where they pick things up for S2 given all of the drama in the last episode. I'm bummed that Jane Lynch won't be back because I didn't find her replacement, Jennifer Coolidge, very funny at all.


I think I'll pick up Breaking Bad next. I just finished the first season of Damages, and I've started on the second. It's not a great show, and a lot of the plot twists are predictable. But I think I'll stick with it and finish the second season. Might come back to the third once it's on dvd (if it hasn't been canceled; I haven't paid attention).

Mad Men is starting up again soon though, isn't it? I'm excited about that. Oh, new season of Curb too. Might have to put Breaking Bad off until after the new seasons of my favorite shows end.
S1 of Damages is a fair bit better than S2. Mad Men starts up August 16th. Breaking Bad is great, and you should watch it - just takes a little while to pick up some momentum, so be patient with it.


LM4sure said:
I think I'll pick up Breaking Bad next.

Your in for a treat!

I've been watching Mad Men season 1, i'm three episodes in right now. I can't believe i passed on this show when it premiered, the first time i saw it i though it was dull but thinking back now i think i didn't really see more then 10 minutes of it. Jon Hamm really is amazing in this, he really fits the role. I could not give a damn about Elisabeth Moss though, maby it will change when her story developes a little further. I though this show wasn't really a character study but i've been proven wrong.
The writers really hooked me at episode 2 when Draper gets reluctant to talk about his past to his wife Betty.
HBO news from today....

- True Blood, Hung, and Entourage were all renewed
- Curb Your Enthusiasm returns 9/20 and will be paired with "Bored to Death" w/ Jason Schwartzman
- The Pacific will probably premiere in March 2010
- Treme will mostly likely start up in April 2010 and follow The Pacific
- Big Love will begin its fourth season in early 2010
Just finished up the first season of Mad Men, and I loved it. I enjoy everything about it. The characters, the music, and the actors are all amazing. Pretty sure I have a man crush on Jon Hamm now.

My favorite episode was episode 7, Red in the Face. I loved the whole dynamic between Don and Roger after
Roger hit on Betty. The way Don subtlely gets back at Roger and how it doesn't click for him until the closing shot of the episode. It was hilarious.
The commentary by those two on that episode is pretty damn funny as well.

I really enjoyed the final two episodes of the season too, but jesus they were depressing.
The whole Dick to Don transformation was amazing. Just seeing Don in a different light, not his confident, normal self, was very strange. Then the train pulling away with Don's little brother chasing after it killed me. Every other character's life seems to be going to shit too. Harry living at the office, Betty pleading her heart out to Glen, how Peggy can't even look at her baby, and worst of all is the closing shot of Don on the stairs. How he finally realized he had a loving family all along, but it comes a little too late.

I just ordered season 2 and I'm kind of hoping it gets a little lighter, but I'm sure it will be great regardless.
Cornballer said:
HBO news from today....

- True Blood, Hung, and Entourage were all renewed
- Curb Your Enthusiasm returns 9/20 and will be paired with "Bored to Death" w/ Jason Schwartzman
- Big Love will begin its fourth season in early 2010


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Cornballer said:
HBO news from today....

- True Blood, Hung, and Entourage were all renewed
- Curb Your Enthusiasm returns 9/20 and will be paired with "Bored to Death" w/ Jason Schwartzman
- The Pacific will probably premiere in March 2010
- Treme will mostly likely start up in April 2010 and follow The Pacific
- Big Love will begin its fourth season in early 2010

YAY for True Blood, Entourage, and Big Love!


Just watched

Entourage S1 Ep4
Buffy Season 4
Angel Season 1 Ep12
Dollhouse ep13

About to watch
Band of Brothers
The Sopranos

Anymore similar type of things I should watch? You can probably recommend me anything since I live in Australia and they don't show anything here at decent times.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Watched the miniseries and first episode of Battlestar Galactica. Someone please tell me Starbuck and Apollo shape up into responsible pilots because they keep sitting around ignoring orders while the Cylons approach and it's pissing me off to no end. It's almost unbearable, especially the example in the first episode. Anyone with half a brain could figure out why shooting down that ship was the right thing to do, and the Cylons are quickly closing in, but they sit there questioning the fire order for fucking 60 seconds. I was damned annoyed that Adama didn't chew them the fuck out for not following orders promptly.

I feel like the show wants Starbuck to be endearing or something, but when all ships are ordered back to the docking bays and then the Galactica can't leave because she's still out there having fun shooting a few Cylons, that's not endearing. She's selfish and putting the whole fucking human race in jeopardy.

Show's ok thus far, but some characters are annoyingly thick and I'm not feeling all the religious bullshit at all.
So did you guys watch Michael & Michael Have Issues this week? It was funny, don't you like funny things?

Wednesdays at 10:30 on Comedy Central


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ugh! The second ep of BSG has people questioning their actions from the previous episode. It's wartime and these idiots are questioning decisions where all the damn evidence supports their actions.

Cornballer said:
Is this new? First time I've seen it...

Californication S3 teaser
It's a month or two old, but I don't think it was ever posted here.
Dan said:
Ugh! The second ep of BSG has people questioning their actions from the previous episode. It's wartime and these idiots are questioning decisions where all the damn evidence supports their actions.
Of course they would question their actions. They know the decision was ultimately right, but anyone with the slightest bit of humanity would mull over the possibility that they killed a bunch of innocent people. I don't see a problem.

You've got Starbuck right... she's selfish, cocky and a complete fuck up. There is an endearing side to her, but it's not exactly apparent in these early episodes.


I'm all for knocking down BSG (especially for S4), but I'd be freaking if they didn't talk about the stuff they had to do.

And I didn't like Starbuck all that much either at first. In fact, I fucking hated her.

Edit: What Spotless said.
Dan said:
Oh fuck. Bail out now?
I never liked the religious bullshit either. There is much more to the show than that, though. If you have a problem already, i'd say give it until the end of the season or half way through season 2 (which has some absolutely stunning episodes) and make your decision on whether to continue. The show disappointingly and to its detriment in the end, only gets heavier in that regard, particularly in season 4.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'll at least finish the season since some of the discs have already shipped. We'll see. I tend to at least be morbidly interested in how shows end once I've started them, even if it can be a struggle.

Spotless Mind said:
Of course they would question their actions. They know the decision was ultimately right, but anyone with the slightest bit of humanity would mull over the possibility that they killed a bunch of innocent people. I don't see a problem.
But their questioning isn't posed as regret for collateral damage or wondering if there was another way to solve the situation. Instead the president compares it to a military operation that her predecessor considered a complete mistake. It's posed as possible regret for the whole thing.

I'm sorry, with the fate of the species on the line, I'm not going to worry about destroying the ship that the enemy has been tracking, has infiltrated and has loaded with nukes meant to obliterate my fleet from within :lol They even had - admittedly limited - evidence suggesting the ship wasn't populated.

I'd buy the regret a bit more if there weren't nukes aboard, because then it's not quite as imminent and direct a threat and there might be a way to eliminate only the Cylons and tracking mechanism, but c'mon.


I didn't like BSG at all (only saw the miniseries and s1), but I think it's worth watching/suffering through if only for the ending of the season finale. Also, Passacaglia is one of the best pieces of music I've heard in a tv show.


Finished DS9 season 7 (3th time already). More times I watch the show more I grow to dislike it. I remembered season 7 was action/drama packed season but I was dead wrong. DS9 would probably be one of my favorite shows if it would have been tighter package. I really liked the dominion war story arc but it was ruined with too many pointless stand alone episodes.
Dan said:
I'd buy the regret a bit more if there weren't nukes aboard, because then it's not quite as imminent and direct a threat and there might be a way to eliminate only the Cylons and tracking mechanism, but c'mon.

Dude, youre trivilizing the decision so much, they're the last of humanity, and to have 2 of your pilots faced with the task of shooting down a ship that may or may not have thousands of your people aboard and may or may not be armed with nukes is something that any sane person would have trouble with. If the characters didn't feel guilt and regret about their actions, then it would have dehumanized them.

I suggest bailing out now, If you're complaining about something as easy to understand as this I can tell you're not gonna enjoy the show.

And hating on Starbuck is so not cool.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
a) There was no question that the ship had nukes. That was stated definitively.

b) I'd have no problem with the characters feeling awful about potentially killing 1300 people, but they're going way farther and questioning whether the ship should have been destroyed in the first place. That's just retarded. This was a ship that disappeared for hours, is obviously being used and tracked by the Cylons, is carrying nukes, ceases to answer hails, and is flying straight into the heart of the fleet. Maybe, maybe 2% of the fleet's population is still among the living on that ship (although why would the Cylons keep them alive, they'd only be a threat to the mission), but what's a population loss of 2% compared to losing most of the fleet? It's a shitty decision to have to make, but an incredibly easy one. Feeling terrible about the possible collateral damage would be perfectly acceptable and natural, but when Apollo and the president start talking about whether it was right... well damn, humanity is fucked if these guys have any control over its fate.

c) I'll stop hating on Starbuck once she starts following orders from people smarter than her.


Just watched Chuck Season 2.

Chuck me that was great.

The chemistry between Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski and characters like Captain Awesome, Morgan, and the entire Buy More staff make Chuck a real winner. Chuck also loves to cater of all thing geeky, like hiding secret documents in a Ex machina comic book , to the Tron poster on his bedroom wall and the numorous movie references.

Season 2 continues with Chuck still with the Intersect computer in his head, working for the goverment, whether he liked it or not. The plotline through the season involved attempts to make a new Intersect. The funniest parts for me was when
Big Mike hooked up with Morgan Mom, Chuck being thaught how to seduce, Emmett Milbarge joining buy-more and the weird love triagle between Chuck, Sarah & MI6 Agent :lol

My top 5 favorite episodes of season 2:
1. "Chuck Versus the Seduction" (John Larroquette is great)
2. "Chuck Versus the Broken Heart"
3. "Chuck Versus Santa Claus"
4. "Chuck Versus the Suburbs"
5. "Chuck Versus the Ring"

Can't wait for season 3!
Dan - have you watched any more BSG? Curious how the viewing is coming along...
Solo said:
I posted it a week or two back to little fanfare.
Ah, ok. I completely missed that thread the first time around.
TheOddOne said:
Just watched Chuck Season 2.

Chuck me that was great.
*high five*

All of the broadcast networks are doing their TCA presentations this week, so there should be some info coming out about the upcoming season. I'll post anything interesting that comes up.
Monday: CBS
Tuesday: The CW
Wednesday: NBC
Thursday: Fox
Friday: FX
Saturday: ABC
Blader5489 said:
I didn't like BSG at all (only saw the miniseries and s1), but I think it's worth watching/suffering through if only for the ending of the season finale. Also, Passacaglia is one of the best pieces of music I've heard in a tv show.

Seconded. Although some of the music in Dexter is really good

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Dan said:
c) I'll stop hating on Starbuck once she starts following orders from people smarter than her.

The series concludes with some vague reasoning for this. I liked it; a lot of GAF does not. :)


I'm stalled in the middle of watching BSG all the way through for the first time both because I'm in the middle of season three and because of the first four seasons of Lost going up on Netflix is a huge distraction. Would rather catch up on that in time for the final season.

I like the idea of a top ten list of TV episodes, though it would be hard. Off the top of my head I only know that "Kim Kelly is My Friend" from Freaks and Geeks and "Born Free" from Dexter would both have to go there somewhere for myself.
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