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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Neo Member
Spotless Mind said:
I never liked the religious bullshit either. There is much more to the show than that, though. If you have a problem already, i'd say give it until the end of the season or half way through season 2 (which has some absolutely stunning episodes) and make your decision on whether to continue. The show disappointingly and to its detriment in the end, only gets heavier in that regard, particularly in season 4.

Yeah everyone who loves good television should stick with it atleast till the half-finale of season 2. The
reveal of the blackbird.
and the scene with 'Prelude to War' are to fucking good to miss. But you need the whole backstory to fully appreciate them. But, thinking about it, you really should finish season two and watch the first 4 episodes of S3 to get more of the best televison I've seen.


Just watched the first disk of supposedly the greatest tv show ever made 'THE WIRE' not that impressed so far, it's good, but not 'OMGBESTTVSHOWEVER' material yet. But i'll assume it will pick up, once i start getting into the characters like other HBO series such as deadwood & SFU.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Cornballer said:
Dan - have you watched any more BSG? Curious how the viewing is coming along...
I just finished the third episode of season 2, so all this prophecy nonsense is driving me bonkers. Oh, and this
stuff... whoo boy.

There have been a few more moments where characters act stupidly, especially in relation to military tactics, in order to allow new conflicts to occur for future episodes. There's
Helo and Starbuck letting a known Cylon out of their sights only for her to steal their ship
(and maybe that gets reversed down the line in some way) and I was annoyed with
no one being sent to check out the never-before-seen Cylon ship that crashed landed in the Galactica in one piece
. Like, seriously, no one thought that was worth looking into right away? And I was cracking up when the
Kobol crash survivors saw the missile launcher being set up and initially thought it was to destroy the forest. These guys are pretty slow on the uptake.

The religion stuff is... impossible to relate with. This is a civilization that has created FTL drives and super intelligent self-evolving machines and they've got their noses in some ancient texts and they're praying to all these lords. Sometimes I kinda think they deserve to be wiped out. There isn't even a real religion behind it. It's more like they've got the Gettysburg Address and they're praying to Abraham Lincoln. There's a point where I don't even care about the journey from A to B within these episodes because I know the process is going to come down to some variation of 'God wills it'. I'm a guy who loved John from Cincinnati, and there's a show dominated with themes of faith, but at least the characters in that show were intelligent, skeptical, inquisitive and their faith was shaped by crazy baffling miracles that numerous people experienced and couldn't explain.

But above all, prophecies just don't make for good storytelling.

I have a couple questions, I don't really want spoilers, but I wouldn't mind knowing whether or not these things are ever addressed.

Why did Gauis not reveal the results of Ellen's Cylon test? The thing works, but he suddenly decided not to do anything with any results. Likewise, he never really did anything about Sharon. I figured once he had a working test he had no reason not to report Cylons since he had legitimate ways of knowing, but nope, the whole thing is dropped as soon as it's functional.

b) Do we ever learn how No. 6 operates within Gauis? I can write some of her advice and thoughts down as interpreting the world around Gauis differently than he does, but sometimes she just flatout predicts the future or knows about things Gauis has had no contact with.

Lastly, it pains me to watch Grace Park act. Part of it is the character, but part of it is her. No matter what she's doing, saying, yelling, etc. she looks scared to death. Dualla's a similarly annoying weak-willed character seemingly perpetually petrified. I know this is some volunteer military during peace time, but damn. Starbuck saves the day for women in the military on this show. I've still got problems with her character, but at least she's got balls. On the male actors side, I'm rethinking my assumption that it was just Tahmoh Penikett's voice on Dollhouse that I didn't like. It's toned down here, but I still have a very hard time taking him seriously and believing that he's not only a soldier but a survivor. I sense that he's acting.

So... yeah, those are some more of my thoughts.


I just finished watching all 9 seasons of Seinfeld, and all 6 of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Took me a while (got them in January) but it was worth it.

I've also been watching season 4 of Daria, and next I think I may start the entire series of Dr. Katz

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
blame space said:
Still no one watching Michael & Michael Have Issues? Tonight's episode was hilarious. I guess next week's might be our last.


I've seen bits and pieces. I really don't like Michael Ian Black.


Water is not wet!
i just polished off a rewatch of The Ray Bradbury Theater. Going through some random episodes of The Hitchhiker and Freddys Nightmares that i can find on Youtube/Google/etc since there still are no complete boxsets for them :(
Been watching season 8 of Seinfeld. There are some really funny episodes, but some of them aren't that great. Still funny, but I am not dying of laughter like the previous ones.

Also watched like 12 episodes of Supernatural season 1. Wondering when this show becomes OMG awesome.


Neo Member
I just bought the complete west wing series 1-7. I'm half way through season 2 and I absofuckinlutly love it.

Best TV series I've seen in ages.


The religion stuff is... impossible to relate with. This is a civilization that has created FTL drives and super intelligent self-evolving machines and they've got their noses in some ancient texts and they're praying to all these lords. Sometimes I kinda think they deserve to be wiped out. There isn't even a real religion behind it. It's more like they've got the Gettysburg Address and they're praying to Abraham Lincoln. There's a point where I don't even care about the journey from A to B within these episodes because I know the process is going to come down to some variation of 'God wills it'. I'm a guy who loved John from Cincinnati, and there's a show dominated with themes of faith, but at least the characters in that show were intelligent, skeptical, inquisitive and their faith was shaped by crazy baffling miracles that numerous people experienced and couldn't explain.

Adama claims in the miniseries that he knows the way to Earth, no? Earth itself is tied directly to those religious beliefs. You really can't relate to how they would grasp onto to those beliefs in order to cope with their situation?


Jealous Bastard
the incongruity between the highly advanced technical, scientific society and the obsession with prophets and soothsaying bothered me in what i watched of BSG too (made it a few episodes into the second season).

i should note, though, that i never minded starbuck's character. i actually think she's one of the few "strong female who doesn't listen to superiors and gets shit done" characters i've ever seen that i found endearing and rooted for. i can't even count how many times i've prayed to watch michelle rodriguez crash and burn.


the incongruity between the highly advanced technical, scientific society and the obsession with prophets and soothsaying bothered me in what i watched of BSG too (made it a few episodes into the second season).

Now I'm not entirely up to date with S1 but is there not quite a few characters that make it clear they don't believe in it prior and even after the colonies are nuked?

I don't know. The colony's religion is something that never really bothered me. It was the (at times) very blatant focus on it that did.


Jealous Bastard
oh yeah, there are several characters who contend--rather vehemently, i would say--that the spirituality is dangerous kookery. the show definitely seems to lean toward the "no no no they're right" side of the argument, i guess, and people having religious visions and following a prophet really isn't what i want from my science fiction.

i don't find that battle between science and religion quite so interesting as ronald moore seems to. i've noted earlier in the thread when i reacted this way to BSG that i see the same issues in probably my favorite sci-fi show, DEEP SPACE NINE, but i found them to be less of a focus there.
Cornballer said:
HBO news from today....

- True Blood, Hung, and Entourage were all renewed
- Curb Your Enthusiasm returns 9/20 and will be paired with "Bored to Death" w/ Jason Schwartzman
- The Pacific will probably premiere in March 2010
- Treme will mostly likely start up in April 2010 and follow The Pacific
- Big Love will begin its fourth season in early 2010
Excellent, Treme is being done by some of the people behind The Wire isn't it? Looking forward to it if that is the case
even if I wasn't crazy for Generation Kill
I finished up Mad Men Season 2, and wow what a show. The writing/acting combination puts 99% of television shows to shame. It didn't have a specific scene as memorable as "The Wheel" from Season 1, but it was still great. Interested in seeing what happens next season, but I never have the time to see shows on TV, I just pick them up when they get released on DVD, which is a shame because this year's Mad Men Thread needs more participation; I just read through the second season's thread, and it was pretty pitiful.
Lafiel said:
Just watched the first disk of supposedly the greatest tv show ever made 'THE WIRE' not that impressed so far, it's good, but not 'OMGBESTTVSHOWEVER' material yet.

im watching the entire series right now. ill be done with season 4 today. its a good police drama but its way over hyped.


Watched the first episode of Hung today. It was pretty funny and I like the actor so I'll watch the rest soon.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Watched the entire series of Rome and I was blown away. I had avoided it because of the criticisms it had received, but being a fan of ancient history, I should have known better. Loved it.

Also finally had Entourage season 5 arrive. Watched it all in one night and now comes the painful waiting game for season 6 to end and come out on DVD.


AlternativeUlster said:
I just finished Heroes Season 3. I think I am in the minority but Chapter 3>Chapter 4.

Chapter 3 is Villians, right?
While I finally gave up during C4 (missed a few episodes of C3), I'd say they were about equal in shittyness from what I saw.
beelzebozo said:
the incongruity between the highly advanced technical, scientific society and the obsession with prophets and soothsaying bothered me in what i watched of BSG too (made it a few episodes into the second season).

You mean the show creators imagined a society that actually could exist rather than the standard athiestic dishsoap culture regular SciFi shows cop into? Craaaaaaaaaazy. ;)

I just finished season one of Sons of Anarchy. I am impressed. Love the Shakespearean undertones and the realistic depiction of the characters.

I'm about to start 'Taken', the mini-series from SciFi (I refuse to use the stupid phonetic spelling) that aired about 6 years ago. Anyone catch this one?

missbreedsiddx said:
Watched the entire series of Rome and I was blown away. I had avoided it because of the criticisms it had received, but being a fan of ancient history, I should have known better. Loved it.

Yup, this was my experience with Rome as well. It's an excellent show, far better in my opinion than The Sopranos and Deadwood (although I never really gave the latter a chance).


missbreedsiddx said:
Watched the entire series of Rome and I was blown away. I had avoided it because of the criticisms it had received, but being a fan of ancient history, I should have known better. Loved it.

Also finally had Entourage season 5 arrive. Watched it all in one night and now comes the painful waiting game for season 6 to end and come out on DVD.

I need to watch Rome as well. Thanks for reminding me.
mcmonkeyplc said:
I just bought the complete west wing series 1-7. I'm half way through season 2 and I absofuckinlutly love it.

Best TV series I've seen in ages.
:D One of my favorite shows.

Wish I had bought the complete series instead of one season at a time.


Started watching Entourage last month. I'm almost done with S4 and will move onto S5 from there. I really hope S5 is better than S4...it's been a pretty big letdown thus far.


Dan said:
The religion stuff is... impossible to relate with. This is a civilization that has created FTL drives and super intelligent self-evolving machines and they've got their noses in some ancient texts and they're praying to all these lords. Sometimes I kinda think they deserve to be wiped out. There isn't even a real religion behind it. It's more like they've got the Gettysburg Address and they're praying to Abraham Lincoln. There's a point where I don't even care about the journey from A to B within these episodes because I know the process is going to come down to some variation of 'God wills it'. I'm a guy who loved John from Cincinnati, and there's a show dominated with themes of faith, but at least the characters in that show were intelligent, skeptical, inquisitive and their faith was shaped by crazy baffling miracles that numerous people experienced and couldn't explain.

Personally, I find the religion side of things fascinating, but I can say this much - it doesn't go away. And in the third season starts to get a bit monotonous.

I have a couple questions, I don't really want spoilers, but I wouldn't mind knowing whether or not these things are ever addressed.

Why did Gauis not reveal the results of Ellen's Cylon test? The thing works, but he suddenly decided not to do anything with any results. Likewise, he never really did anything about Sharon. I figured once he had a working test he had no reason not to report Cylons since he had legitimate ways of knowing, but nope, the whole thing is dropped as soon as it's functional.

Gaius' motivations are never ENTIRELY clear,
but I thought it was consistent with his character to feel (once the technology is working) that he needs to protect it, that he is now in a position of power to withhold information. He's a scattered guy, and he will make numerous such decisions as the show goes on that worked for me, personally.

b) Do we ever learn how No. 6 operates within Gauis? I can write some of her advice and thoughts down as interpreting the world around Gauis differently than he does, but sometimes she just flatout predicts the future or knows about things Gauis has had no contact with.

You'll be waiting until the finale. You will be disappointed. Me, I thought it was okay.


I've just been turned on to Hell's Kitchen. Gordon Ramsay is the man. Gotta find a gif for his "Holy Crap!" moment at the end of the last episode.


I just finished Band of Brothers for the first time.

Incredible stuff. It kept me so engaged and interested throughout the entire series. I'm pretty pumped for The Pacific now!
bonesmccoy said:
I'm about to start 'Taken', the mini-series from SciFi (I refuse to use the stupid phonetic spelling) that aired about 6 years ago. Anyone catch this one?
I saw it, and loved the first four episodes. The rest were kind of meh.
To me, Owen Crawford was pretty much the best character on the show, so when he died, although it was bound to happen due to the show's frequent jumps forward, the series went down in quality; I felt the first generation of people "taken" were better actors and more interesting than the second generation that is focussed on for the rest of the series.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
anaron said:
Adama claims in the miniseries that he knows the way to Earth, no? Earth itself is tied directly to those religious beliefs. You really can't relate to how they would grasp onto to those beliefs in order to cope with their situation?
It's just that the religion seems to have no substance. It seems to be just the prophecy and history. It's like the Bible without all the moral stuff and just Genesis and Revelations. It doesn't feel developed or that it even exists beyond the immediate relation to finding Kobol and Earth. Rather, it's a plot device .


Finished Mad Men recently and I enjoyed it a lot. I love the style and the characters. However, the stories of the characters were not hugely interesting to me, especially the whole Donald Draper
stolen identity
thing which threw me a bit and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Also done with Firefly. I can't believe it took me so long to watch this even though I'm not really a fan of sci-fi TV shows. However, it was well worth it as it had some great characters like Jayne and Malcolm and it was also funnier than I expected too. It is such a shame that there was only one season. I will have to watch Serenity soon.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Battlestar Galactica update:

Just finished "Flight of the Phoenix" and it was by far the best episode of the series. If every episode could be even close to this good, that'd be amazing, but at least for these 42 minutes the show put all its tools and development to work for a great story.

Now for another question. Is it explained how the varying Cylon copies have memories of each other?
I get that the memories are retained when one dies and is reborn elsewhere, and while I don't think it's been stated, that could also be an opportunity for the Cylons to spread those memories to all future copies. How does pregnant Sharon remember all this stuff that Galactica Sharon did, even before the latter died and went wherever the Cylons are reborn? They've made a convincing case that they're not in any constant contact with Cylon forces, like any sort of internal telepathy or whatnot, so does this stuff get reconciled somehow? I feel like there's a lot of contradictions going on about whether, for instance, the various Sharons are individuals of a certain model type or if they're some sort of hivemind kind of thing.
Dan said:
Battlestar Galactica update:

Just finished "Flight of the Phoenix" and it was by far the best episode of the series. If every episode could be even close to this good, that'd be amazing, but at least for these 42 minutes the show put all its tools and development to work for a great story.

Now for another question. Is it explained how the varying Cylon copies have memories of each other?
I get that the memories are retained when one dies and is reborn elsewhere, and while I don't think it's been stated, that could also be an opportunity for the Cylons to spread those memories to all future copies. How does pregnant Sharon remember all this stuff that Galactica Sharon did, even before the latter died and went wherever the Cylons are reborn? They've made a convincing case that they're not in any constant contact with Cylon forces, like any sort of internal telepathy or whatnot, so does this stuff get reconciled somehow? I feel like there's a lot of contradictions going on about whether, for instance, the various Sharons are individuals of a certain model type or if they're some sort of hivemind kind of thing.

To answer your question (it's not a huge deal)

It's basically a hivemind but each Sharon can sort of pick and choose memories it wants to explore and stuff. I believe there's a small scene in season 4 about it. I don't think it ever becomes an important plot point.
Dan said:
Battlestar Galactica update:

Just finished "Flight of the Phoenix" and it was by far the best episode of the series. If every episode could be even close to this good, that'd be amazing, but at least for these 42 minutes the show put all its tools and development to work for a great story.
You're just about to my favorite part of the show - the 2.0 to 2.5 transition.

Ken Tucker @ EW.com said:
The first terrific show of 2010? Timothy Olyphant's 'Lawman' looks like a possibility
by Ken Tucker

I think I just may have seen one of the best shows of 2010: Lawman, a new FX series starring Timothy Olyphant.

I know that may seem a foolish claim to make based on a four-minute clip shown today at the Television Critics Association gathering in Los Angeles, but… man, this looked good, and consider the folks involved. Deadwood and Damages‘ Timothy Olyphant stars as a modern-day U.S. Marshal. The show is based on a character created by Elmore Leonard in a short story, “Fire in the Hole.” The pilot was directed by Michael Dinner, who worked on the underrated Leonard-based series Karen Sisco. It’s produced by Graham Yost, who oversaw Boomtown and was a producer on Band Of Brothers.

And the first villain for Olyphant’s lawman to track down? The Shield’s Walton Goggins.

I’m telling you, from Olyphant’s easy drawl to the laconic, very Elmore Leonardesque dialogue, this looked like a humdinger. Look for it in March on FX.
Trying to not get overhyped about this.


watched Breaking Bad. amazing show. despite the foreshadowing to the lame ending of season 2, i think it's the best show on TV. The acting is just phenomenal.


I want to prep up for another run of the X Files, i usually watch it once every year. I have so many other shows waiting to be seen though.


Been watching the first few episodes of Terminator: TSCC S2. It think it's a pretty good show (especially as I seem to remember a fair amount of hate from the internet when it was first coming on air) but I'm slightly disappointed by the new villain so far. I hope she gets more interesting. Cromartie is a complete badass, but she really isn't.
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