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TV Shows you've watched recently

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I've just started watching The Sopranos for the first time. Loving it. The cast are strong, the storylines are interesting and the pacing is excellent. I've ended up watching a whole season in just over a week.


Finished 'Season 2' of the 'Wire'
While i'm disappointed the story didn't tie into the main plot that much, i was still really impressed with the season overall. The dock story was fantastic and well-plotted, had a incredible conclusion, and i loved how sympathetic they made frank sobotka character towards the end of the season, very moving stuff.
One thing i'm surprised is the amount of humor the show has, i expected from what i read of the show that it would be completely devoid of any humor. But surprisingly it has alot of LOL moments like mcnulty and the
.:lol herc and ellis while i mostly find them annoying, have their moments aswell.
Cant wait to start season 3 soon. (since i heard both it and S4 are the best seasons of the show).


Started watching Nodame Cantabile - I know the predictible 12/13 episode formula by now, so I don't go into these Japanese series wanting to like them, but by the end of the first episode the familiar romantic comedy of errors plot has usually got me. I'm sure I wouldn't watch such dribble if it was in my native language/culture of reference, but there is a certain manga-inspired visual charm used in these series that we simply don't get over here, and I just enjoy soaking up the cultural difference more than anything I guess. :)


I have the Wire sitting here but I just can't force myself to start watching it. Saw the first 10 minutes of an episode but eh, couldn't get drawn in. I know, little too early to make a call.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Core407 said:
I have the Wire sitting here but I just can't force myself to start watching it. Saw the first 10 minutes of an episode but eh, couldn't get drawn in. I know, little too early to make a call.

Way too fucking early to make a call.


Darunia said:
Finished the first 2 seasons of Friday Night Lights, now watching the third. First season was amazing television, but the second was a huge step down imo.



BitchTits said:
Started watching Nodame Cantabile - I know the predictible 12/13 episode formula by now, so I don't go into these Japanese series wanting to like them, but by the end of the first episode the familiar romantic comedy of errors plot has usually got me. I'm sure I wouldn't watch such dribble if it was in my native language/culture of reference, but there is a certain manga-inspired visual charm used in these series that we simply don't get over here, and I just enjoy soaking up the cultural difference more than anything I guess. :)
Heh i feel the same way about most slice of life anime shows. If they made a equivalent show in america, i'd never watch it. But because of the anime style, they have a quirky charm.:lol
Just a note that Sons of Anarchy is out on dvd/brd today if anyone wants to pick it up or rent it before the new season starts on September 8th.


I just finished watching Jericho Seasons 1 & 2. I watched them in a little under a week. What a bummer that show was cancelled (although I guess people like me not watching it while it was on is the reason). I really enjoyed it and almost all of the characters. Hawkins alone made the show.


I watched that Hoarders show on A&E last night. Holy shit those people are all sorts of crazy.

It had some 60 year old lady who lived in a house that was wall-to-wall rotted food and she still ate most of it.


Does anyone know the name of the new HBO show that is starting in September? I want to look it up and see if it is something I'm interested in. HBO can do awesome stuff, but if the premise is boring, even HBO quality doesn't help.
pringles said:
I'm halfway through Season 2 of The Wire. I thought S1 was fantastic, but so far S2 isn't really doing it for me.

Yeah, Season 2 is most peoples least favorite. Keep going though, season 3 is great and season 4 is the best of the series imo.
Decado said:
Does anyone know the name of the new HBO show that is starting in September? I want to look it up and see if it is something I'm interested in. HBO can do awesome stuff, but if the premise is boring, even HBO quality doesn't help.
Bored to Death with Jason Schwartzman?


Cornballer said:
Bored to Death with Jason Schwartzman?
Yes! Thank you.

Doesn't look nearly as interesting as some of HBO's other shows, but I'll give it a shot since HBO rarely airs a flop. Still, along with Hung, their most recent shows are not exactly hyping me up like when Carnivalle, Deadwood etc. were airing.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Decado said:
Still, along with Hung, their most recent shows are not exactly hyping me up like when Carnivalle, Deadwood etc. were airing.
Wait for Treme, The Pacific, Boardwalk Empire and A Song of Ice and Fire next year (assuming the latter two get pickups). None of HBO's new '09 stuff interests me much at all.


Jealous Bastard
been doing a rewatch of STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE since i got my full series in the mail from the deep discount sale. halfway through season 2, and a couple of things that stick out:

- i remember now why this is my favorite STAR TREK, and why it was such a revelation to me when i first watched: they're not afraid to let stories end on unhappy or unsure notes. i watched the miles o'brien-centric episode "whispers" a couple of days ago, and when i got to the end, i just exclaimed, "well THAT was dark." i'm sure other modern sci-fi is more than up to the task of doing this, too, but at the time i watched it my metric was based on NEXT GENERATION, which i feel generally leaves situations more pat and everything-in-its-place. also, the formula holds up even to more modern stuff because it's less dedicated to a central story (though certainly the dominion storyline plays heavily in much of the series). they're not afraid to have great one-off episodes, and for those one-offs to be disturbing and to permanently alter the characters.

- characters like miles o'brien--little more than a footnote on NG--are given multiple episodes to shine, and that's speaking solely from the perspective of someone taking the series in again who's partway through season 2. we have "whispers" and "paradise" back-to-back, both of which feature o'brien as a central character. his relationship with bashir in "armageddon game," which--i'll be damned--is right before "whispers" on the set is just so complex and awesome. i don't know if they realized once he started acting that they had a real gem of an actor on their hands, but someone clearly got o'brien fever and ran with it. good for them.

that's to say nothing of the levels of complexity added to alien races like the ferengi and the cardassians, here given voice and color by quark, rom, nog, gul dukat, garak, and a litany of characters who are just unforgettable and always get a chance to show their shit.


i love this fucking show. i think you might, too.
My favorite comment by Ron Moore about writing/producing DS9 was when he said that every time they had some trouble coming up with episodes they would always default to "let's torture O'Brien!" which is why it happens every season at least once.


Has problems recognising girls
Currently going through Band of Brothers on Blu-ray atm, and it's more glorious than anticipated. Up to Bastogne next, should be excellent.


Jealous Bastard
WyndhamPrice said:
My favorite comment by Ron Moore about writing/producing DS9 was when he said that every time they had some trouble coming up with episodes they would always default to "let's torture O'Brien!" which is why it happens every season at least once.


that's fantastic.


Dan said:
Wait for Treme, The Pacific, Boardwalk Empire and A Song of Ice and Fire next year (assuming the latter two get pickups). None of HBO's new '09 stuff interests me much at all.
lol. I practically have money set aside for the blu-ray release of The Pacific. Not sure what of ASoIaF. One of my favourite fantasy series', but it is long running and HBO has a tendency to cancel my favourite shows.

I will have to look up Treme and Boardwalk Empire. Never heard of either.

Also, I'm still disappointed that they shelved Preacher just when it was getting going. Totally have a love/hate relationship w/ HBO.


Brian Fellows said:
Treme looks lame. Sucks that Simon is wasting his time on that crap.

Considering how little is known about the show (and the great cast we do know about), this seems like a particularly stupid thing to say.


Yeah, Season 2 is most peoples least favorite. Keep going though, season 3 is great and season 4 is the best of the series imo.

I think Season 2 has a couple of fantastic episodes towards the finale...so keep with it.

Four is glorious though!


Finished Dexter Season 3 a few weeks ago, got really good near the end. Don't really know why, but I kinda stopped watching around when the third episode aired, and didn't feel like coming back to it until now. But it was good, really liked Jimmy Smits on the show, probably my favorite part of the season other than Dexter.


Treme doesn't sound very interesting. But again, HBO tends to make great shows, so I may give it a chance.

BTW, I looked at the upcoming show schedule, and I don't see the two sci-fi shows two of the big networks were planning on airing. Were they set for Winter or something?

Boardwalk Empire could be interesting, but I can't find much info on it. I can pin down the setting (time period) or the plot.


you speak so well
Finished S4 of Doctor Who a little while ago, along with the specials. Last two episodes weren't great (the ending with Rose was :lol), but I liked a lot of the rest of it. Donna really became a much better character in the second half, I ended up liking her.

Now Torchwood - I moved straight to Children of Earth after watching the pilot. Two episodes in and it's really great stuff, I'll definitely blow through the last three tonight.
just finished the first two seasons of breaking bad. like someone else said in this thread it took a few episodes to get into it and i liked the second season more then the first.

about to start playmakers the tv show espn did about a fictional pro football league but then canceled it due to pressure from the NFL


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Decado said:
BTW, I looked at the upcoming show schedule, and I don't see the two sci-fi shows two of the big networks were planning on airing. Were they set for Winter or something?
V starts up in November. FlashForward starts September 24th.

Boardwalk Empire could be interesting, but I can't find much info on it. I can pin down the setting (time period) or the plot.
I compiled a lot of the info.
Tucah said:
Finished S4 of Doctor Who a little while ago, along with the specials. Last two episodes weren't great (the ending with Rose was :lol), but I liked a lot of the rest of it. Donna really became a much better character in the second half, I ended up liking her.

Now Torchwood - I moved straight to Children of Earth after watching the pilot. Two episodes in and it's really great stuff, I'll definitely blow through the last three tonight.

Probably the best way to watch Torchwood, the seasons are pretty bad.

Tucah said:
So far, the episode with the statues and DVD messages is my favorite despite minimal appearances from the Doctor.

Blink is one of my favourite TV episodes ever.


I'm about midway through Season Three of LOST. I originally stopped watching the show mid-season-two. But now through the magic of Netflix Instant Watch, I'm able to catch up.

It's funny, if I would have just stuck it out one more episode and made it to "Maternity Leave," there's a good chance I never would have stopped watching. Oh well. It's really a great show and mainlining one after the other after the other is truly the best way to enjoy it.


Dan said:
V starts up in November. FlashForward starts September 24th.

I compiled a lot of the info.
Wow. Thanks, that sounds kick ass. Love the time period and Martin directing a pilot for HBO? Orgasmic.

V was definitely one of the sci-fi shows I was thinking about. I'm not sure if Flash Forward was the other. Maybe it was a cable show? Anyhoo, I think V is the one I was most interested in, anyway (chick from Firefly, yay!).
Speaking of DS9.... I tried to watch Babylon 5 a while back, and the first season is sooooo fucking bad it put me off. I really should get back into it soon as I heard and know the rest is better.

Maybe I'll try and watch Farcape all the way through too , as I watched it via airings on TV in the past, and got parts of it out of order and missed loads of episodes.


Keyser Soze said:
Speaking of DS9.... I tried to watch Babylon 5 a while back, and the first season is sooooo fucking bad it put me off. I really should get back into it soonas I heard and know the rest is better.

Maybe I'll try and watch Farcape all the way through too, as I watched it via airings on TV, and got parts of it out of order and missed loads of episodes.

Oh yes. The other seasons of Babylon 5 are some of the best ever. It's astonishing the jump between S1 and S2. Incredible gap in quality.


Keyser Soze said:
Speaking of DS9.... I tried to watch Babylon 5 a while back, and the first season is sooooo fucking bad it put me off. I really should get back into it soon as I heard and know the rest is better.

Maybe I'll try and watch Farcape all the way through too , as I watched it via airings on TV in the past, and got parts of it out of order and missed loads of episodes.
I have a soft spot for Farscape. I think the overall story was good, but the filler was just plan crap. I spent far too much time fast forwarding through pointless episodes (better than watching them, of course!). The production values were also quite good once you got used to some of the FX decisions.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
BSG question: Do I watch Razor or the Razor Flashbacks webisodes first?
Dan said:
BSG question: Do I watch Razor or the Razor Flashbacks webisodes first?
Not 100% sure, but I think if you have the "extended cut" or whatever the longer dvd version of Razor is called, it includes the webisodes. I believe they were cut from the original broadcast but reintegrated for the dvd.
Decado said:
I have a soft spot for Farscape. I think the overall story was good, but the filler was just plan crap. I spent far too much time fast forwarding through pointless episodes (better than watching them, of course!). The production values were also quite good once you got used to some of the FX decisions.

Farscape is probably a better show than I remember but I started it right after finishing Babylon 5 and the very different attitudes of the shows threw me off for Farscape.
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