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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Jet Grind Radio! said:
Watching Lost right now. So far it's pretty good, only at episode 2. Ilove how they kinda setup Vincent the dog as being evil in the first episode. They just need a close up on his eyes being shifty and it'll be complete. :lol

:lol :lol :lol
Jet Grind Radio! said:
Watching Lost right now. So far it's pretty good, only at episode 2. Ilove how they kinda setup Vincent the dog as being evil in the first episode. They just need a close up on his eyes being shifty and it'll be complete. :lol

Damn ur a LOST virgin, its a great show.

Dexter is pretty good but Breaking Bad is awesome.


i watched United States of Tara like a week ago. It was great! has anyone else seen this? Toni Collette is amazing in it and Buck is just hilarious :lol no wonder she got nominated for an Emmy this year.

I did look for an official gaf thread but couldn't find one.



give it some love gaf!

jax (old)

Futurama. Watching this now an up to episode 6 of the final season. didn't get into this when it was on the telly as I thought it was some sort
of bizarro simpsons clone. It's not and I'd say it was so so so much better. Funny as hell and really witty. Loved the trek episode... Really is just genius. Love all the characters.

Very happy to hear that it's making a comeback on comedy central. Those are some talented Korean caryonist


Jax said:
Futurama. Watching this now an up to episode 6 of the final season. didn't get into this when it was on the telly as I thought it was some sort
of bizarro simpsons clone. It's not and I'd say it was so so so much better. Funny as hell and really witty. Loved the trek episode... Really is just genius. Love all the characters.

Very happy to hear that it's making a comeback on comedy central. Those are some talented Korean caryonist
make sure you watch the 4 movies after you finish the last season. they're not as good as the main series but still worth watching.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
i_am_ben said:
i watched United States of Tara like a week ago. It was great! has anyone else seen this? Toni Collette is amazing in it and Buck is just hilarious :lol no wonder she got nominated for an Emmy this year.
give it some love gaf!

It might be good but I really cannot stomach Toni Collette.


I've been watching Kings... Incredibly corny show filled to the brim with cheese and it has the highest amount of deus ex machina's per episode of any non-soap TV show ever. It might even give some soaps a run for their money; pretty much every 2nd conflict is resolved by some miracle.

The rest of the writing, though, is so damn good that it completely overpowers the cheese and lame resolutions. And it's so amazingly dramatic that it's almost comedic. My roommate walked past during episode 10 and while making some sammiches had to remark on how ridiculously dramatic and tense the scene was, and all I could do was laugh and say that's how the last 35 minutes have been! I'm digging it. :D

Planning to finally marathon the last season of BSG after putting it off since it aired this weekend, if it arrives in time. Kind of can't wait, but I'm also feeling like I don't want to see the end of one of my favorite shows... Oh well, just man up and watch it. :lol


Jet Grind Radio! said:
Watching Lost right now. So far it's pretty good, only at episode 2. Ilove how they kinda setup Vincent the dog as being evil in the first episode. They just need a close up on his eyes being shifty and it'll be complete. :lol

Alright, that made me chuckle :lol .

jax (old)

I've returned to Curb Your Enthusiam... on season2 - episode 4..



Laughing my head off. Heeeeelarrrrious as all hell.

:lol :lol :lol


Cornballer said:
4 episodes into Dexter S3. Pretty good so far - not sure it'll reach the heights of the first season, but I'm enjoying it.

Ive long since resigned myself to realizing they wont reach S1 again. I guess that says something for the approach of adaptations vs. making up original stuff.



Finished it a week ago. The ending felt a bit rushed, but, overall, I really enjoyed it. The cast was excellent from the beginning to the end.

I started season 2 two days ago. It would be on par with season 1, if only Kim would stop making stupid decisions.

Crime Novel (Romanzo Criminale), Italian miniserie. Production value is amazing, direction, performances, editing, all superb. I was really surprised at how truly good this serie is, and hope it sees the light in the Us and UK some day.
One of the best series I've ever seen, no kidding
Solo said:
Ive long since resigned myself to realizing they wont reach S1 again. I guess that says something for the approach of adaptations vs. making up original stuff.

Be happy that they didn't follow the books after season 1 as they get progressively awful and weird.


Recently finished season 3 of Friday Night Lights. Fucking excellent, my explanation why can be found here.

Right now watching season 2 of Dexter. I've always felt so divisive about this show. On the one hand, you've got Michael C. Hall who is just totally fucking brilliant. And on the other hand, you've got... the rest of cast. Even the writing seems really cheesy at times, though Hall makes it work for his part.


So addicted to Lost at the moment. I'm up to near the end of Season Four, which might be my favorite season so far.

What do you guys consider the best season to be?


Mifune said:
So addicted to Lost at the moment. I'm up to near the end of Season Four, which might be my favorite season so far.

What do you guys consider the best season to be?

For me, I'd rank them: 4>3>5>1>2

Season 2 is the only one I really dislike though.


Mifune said:
So addicted to Lost at the moment. I'm up to near the end of Season Four, which might be my favorite season so far.

What do you guys consider the best season to be?

Oh boy.

I hate doing this. The show is like a long book divided into 5 (and soon 6) parts, and then further each episode is like a chapter. So dividing it is ehhhhhhh.

But I'd have to go with S5. But each and every season is fucking awesome. S2 is least greatest.


erotic butter maelstrom
I've been trying to catch up on a few old favorites, so I just re-watched the Dog Bites Man series. Its sort of a hidden camera show, similar to Ali G, where a fake news teams reports on stories in the real world. Very underrated, has some hilarious moments as well as the great Zach Galifianakis as producer Alan Finger.

Kevin Beekin: May I ask why you brought a razor to this meeting?
Alan Finger: I thought we were here to talk about facial sensitivity.

Alan Finger: Personally, sometimes I feel like I'm the black guy.
David Dalke: Say more.
Alan Finger: I'm just a really good freestyle dancer.


Anasui Kishibe said:

season two, easily

I originally stopped watching the show in season two. It got really tedious. But if I would have just stuck it out a little while longer, I would have met the BEST CHARACTER EVER, and probably never quit.

And no, I don't mean Mr. Eko.
Mifune said:
I originally stopped watching the show in season two. It got really tedious. But if I would have just stuck it out a little while longer, I would have met the BEST CHARACTER EVER, and probably never quit.

And no, I don't mean Mr. Eko.

ah no, I loved the whole
"zomg theres a bunker11!", Desmond, and all the weird stuff. Plus, enter Ben Linus!
Is he your fav?

plus, Sayid started to become the most badassest badass ever here


Anasui Kishibe said:
ah no, I loved the whole "zomg theres a bunker11!", Desmond, and all the weird stuff. Plus, enter Ben Linus! Is he your fav?

plus, Sayid started to become the most badassest badass ever here

I can't exactly put my finger on what struck me as tedious. I wasn't crazy about the whole
thing. I think it was that and just the wait between episodes that got to me. And

Yep, he's the one. The last eight or so episodes of that season were definitely awesome.

Apologies for any spoilers.
LOST, S3 is my fav. Sawyer, Locke, Juliet, Richard Alpert, Ben Linus. All these characters had their intro or best development during this season. The rules of the game were clearly established by the end of it.

S4 unfortunately was filler imo. S5 is too soon to call.


I don't think filler means what you think it means. :lol

Filler is, like, Sawyer and Hurley hunting for tree frogs. Most everything (if not everything) in S4 contributed either plot or character development.
I just finished the second season of Gossip Girl, which was great.

I started Firefly, and I don't think it's that good so far. But I'm only on the second episode still.

Mad Men this week was kind of weak :lol

My favourite show at the moment is easily Defying Gravity. Terrific lite sci-fi. I can't stop watching it.


Mifune said:
So addicted to Lost at the moment. I'm up to near the end of Season Four, which might be my favorite season so far.

What do you guys consider the best season to be?
Season 1 is the most consistest and best season overall. Season 3 has the best moments of the show.
Blader5489 said:
I don't think filler means what you think it means. :lol

Filler is, like, Sawyer and Hurley hunting for tree frogs. Most everything (if not everything) in S4 contributed either plot or character development.

Too harsh a word. I guess i just thought S3 had more mythology and established the rest of the series, therefore it was the most memorable. Eps like S3/20/3/7/13/19/16 all contributed to my opinion.


I need to catch up on Mad Men. It just sucks that there's no fucking way to watch it in anything even approaching HD this season without buying on iTunes.


Costanza said:
I need to catch up on Mad Men. It just sucks that there's no fucking way to watch it in anything even approaching HD this season without buying on iTunes.


What about AMC HD?


Since we are on the topic of Lost, I decided last week Sunday to check it out since I had never seen an episode. Needless to say, yesterday I finished S5. I'm kinda pissed I watched it all so fast.

There's something about Juliet that makes her so damn sexy. I'm torn between her and Kate. Also, for some reason, her and Sawyer together while in the 70's working for DHARMA just didn't sit well with me.


you speak so well
I just started Mad Men up, four episodes in now. I remember watching it last summer and quickly losing interest, but I have no idea why. The setting and characters are very interesting, and I'm quickly falling in love with the show.
eclipze said:
Since we are on the topic of Lost, I decided last week Sunday to check it out since I had never seen an episode. Needless to say, yesterday I finished S5. I'm kinda pissed I watched it all so fast.

There's something about Juliet that makes her so damn sexy. I'm torn between her and Kate. Also, for some reason, her and Sawyer together while in the 70's working for DHARMA just didn't sit well with me.

Having to wait is worse. Juliet is another reason why i think S3 is superior.


Jealous Bastard
god, DEEP SPACE NINE is so fucking good.


another aspect of the show that i'd forgotten: just how truly fantastic armin shimerman is as quark. coupled with rene auberjonois is as odo, they've got this incredible adversarial but playful relationship. the tone is just perfect. watching quark play the mouse and odo play the cat, trying to catch him in his petty little schemes.


but the real beauty of it? the really great moments are when they briefly let go of that game, let their guard down and show just how much they really like and respect each other. there's a moment in "crossfire" in odo's room when quark is trying to give him friendly advice that is just excellent. the best part is that it's still fully in quark's character, and is therefore in a way even sweeter: he can't let down the guise of being all about business and profit, but in the subtext he obviously cares a lot about odo and wants him happy.

it's just so so so good.

"The fact that the pool exists says something about you! About who you are. People see you as the guy who always gets his man. Now, you're becoming the guy who tears up his quarters, and sits alone in the rubble. And no-one's gonna wanna place bets on how long someone's gonna sit around in the dark... Well. I've said my piece - sorry for butting in... But I'm just looking out for my business."
"Funny. For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me as a friend."
QUARK: ". . . Nah."


beelzebozo said:
god, DEEP SPACE NINE is so fucking good.

another aspect of the show that i'd forgotten: just how truly fantastic armin shimerman is as quark. coupled with rene auberjonois is as odo, they've got this incredible adversarial but playful relationship. the tone is just perfect. watching quark play the mouse and odo play the cat, trying to catch him in his petty little schemes.

but the real beauty of it? the really great moments are when they briefly let go of that game, let their guard down and show just how much they really like and respect each other. there's a moment in "crossfire" in odo's room when quark is trying to give him friendly advice that is just excellent. the best part is that it's still fully in quark's character, and is therefore in a way even sweeter: he can't let down the guise of being all about business and profit, but in the subtext he obviously cares a lot about odo and wants him happy.

it's just so so so good.

"The fact that the pool exists says something about you! About who you are. People see you as the guy who always gets his man. Now, you're becoming the guy who tears up his quarters, and sits alone in the rubble. And no-one's gonna wanna place bets on how long someone's gonna sit around in the dark... Well. I've said my piece - sorry for butting in... But I'm just looking out for my business."
"Funny. For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me as a friend."
QUARK: ". . . Nah."

I don't really dig that kind of stuff (that stuff being sci fi I guess?), but you make it kind of tempting. Isn't Deep Space Nine the Star Trek series that everyone here raves about?

Anyway, I might have to check this out at some point. I think I'm starting Generation Kill or Band of Brothers and then moving to BSG (because I've heard good things even though as I mentioned..I'm not really a sci fi guy most of the time).


Jealous Bastard
Nihilism said:
I don't really dig that kind of stuff (that stuff being sci fi I guess?), but you make it kind of tempting. Isn't Deep Space Nine the Star Trek series that everyone here raves about?

Anyway, I might have to check this out at some point. I think I'm starting Generation Kill or Band of Brothers and then moving to BSG (because I've heard good things even though as I mentioned..I'm not really a sci fi guy most of the time).

DS9 has its share of fans here, true. i'm not going to lie to you and say that if you don't like sci-fi, you'll like it. but i would argue that at its heart, regardless of whether you're talking about cops or soldiers or aliens, it's the interactions between the personalities which are at the heart of these shows. as you can tell from what i described there, it's ultimately a very universal relationship that you can recognize from real life, or that you've seen mirrored in other shows. it's the masterful performances and the excellent writing that make it so great.
beelzebozo said:
god, DEEP SPACE NINE is so fucking good.

and this, people, is why beelzebozo will always figure in my Neogaf's favourite posters list

DS9 is heavenly. One of my top three shows of all times. It's amazing what they managed to do with the characters, story and fucking titanic plot
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