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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Jealous Bastard
Anasui Kishibe said:
and this, people, is why beelzebozo will always figure in my Neogaf's favourite posters list

DS9 is heavenly. One of my top three shows of all times. It's amazing what they managed to do with the characters, story and fucking titanic plot

hey man, i'm only telling you the obvious. the show kicks ass and deserves all the praise i, or anyone else, can give it.


beelzebozo said:
god, DEEP SPACE NINE is so fucking good.

but the real beauty of it? the really great moments are when they briefly let go of that game, let their guard down and show just how much they really like and respect each other. there's a moment in "crossfire" in odo's room when quark is trying to give him friendly advice that is just excellent. the best part is that it's still fully in quark's character, and is therefore in a way even sweeter: he can't let down the guise of being all about business and profit, but in the subtext he obviously cares a lot about odo and wants him happy.

it's just so so so good.

"The fact that the pool exists says something about you! About who you are. People see you as the guy who always gets his man. Now, you're becoming the guy who tears up his quarters, and sits alone in the rubble. And no-one's gonna wanna place bets on how long someone's gonna sit around in the dark... Well. I've said my piece - sorry for butting in... But I'm just looking out for my business."
"Funny. For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me as a friend."
QUARK: ". . . Nah."

Hmm, that sounds blatantly like Lando and G'Kar on Babylon 5. That must be another thing people say DS9 ripped from B5. I really have to get around to watching DS9.
meh, I tried and let's just say I couldn't get into it thanks to zero charisma characters. Plus, there's a dude who looks like Bruce Willis walking around the station


Anasui Kishibe said:
meh, I tried and let's just say I couldn't get into it thanks to zero charisma characters. Plus, there's a dude who looks like Bruce Willis walking around the station

I'll give the standard response and say that you should keep watching. S1 is absolutely horrible (though it improves on a rewatch because of how well it sets up future seasons). S2/3/4 are some of the best TV ever.

And tons of the characters are awesome.

And Bruce Willis was a sexy, sexy man.


Jealous Bastard
gdt5016 said:
I'll give the standard response and say that you should keep watching. S1 is absolutely horrible (though it improves on a rewatch because of how well it sets up future seasons). S2/3/4 are some of the best TV ever.

And tons of the characters are awesome.

And Bruce Willis was a sexy, sexy man.

added disc one of the show to my netflix queue and bumped it to position one. though i'm sort of reticent, since you say the first season sucks nut.


beelzebozo said:
added disc one of the show to my netflix queue and bumped it to position one. though i'm sort of reticent, since you say the first season sucks nut.

Oh god it was bad. Laughably bad at some parts. You'll die laughing at some of the performances and dialog. I trudged through S1 (though it has a couple of great episodes, and again, sets up tons for the future), but S2 immediately kicks it's ass up and down. Once you get there, you're home free for awesome.

I'll dig up and re-post my impressions of S1 here, they were pretty funny, I think :lol .


Jealous Bastard
then i shall forge on.

sidebar: i just found out that GARAK is played by the guy who played larry in HELLRAISER. what the hell


These are my real time impressions of S1 of B5.

"I've really been wanting to get into this show. But I've heard so many bad things about S1 that it's kinda stopping me.

Well I'm watching The Gathering and...

OH GOD the acting, sets, acting, CGI, and the acting.

Blargh. [The Gathering is the Pilot movie. You don't have to watch, but it's useful.]

Hmm, do the problems present now get better over the course of the series?

Edit: Oh god the argument between Daniel Rossoux (sp?) and that red guy.

Stoney Mason said:
Yes. There is really nothing to say until you watch well into the second season. We've all been where you are and we all had the same exact reaction and evolution of thought.


I'm not attacking the show or anything. It's just I wanted to know if everything else improves along with the writing and plot.

I'm currently up to episode 5.

These stories seem mostly through-awayish, the character's inconsistent (one episode Lando wants to kill G-kar and two episodes later they are having fun in a strip club), and the dialog is sometimes/often cringe worthy. Usually Girabaldy's (sp?) quips and ESPECIALLY this scene between Sinclair and Catherine in episode 5.

"Maybe I wanted you. Maybe I wanted just someone...anyone. Right now I dont care. etc.

Dont touch me if you dont mean it!"


BUT, the universe is very interesting. And it seems like little seeds are being planted all over the place. I'm liking it but it has big problems as of now. I'll definitely keep watching.

I just finished episode 6 "Mind War" and it was easily the best episode so far. Lots of interesting stuff. The telepath's making love speech was good, and all the stuff going on with Michael was really good too.

Just finished episode 8 "And The Sky Full Of Stars" and I really liked it. Cool stuff that points to the future and of course the past.


What was the cause of the Earth vs. Membari (sp) War? If it's a secret or a plot spoiler dont say anything, I just wanted to know if I missed it or something.

Just finished "Believers", and that was a GREAT episode.

Just finished "Signs And Portents" and it was another good episode.

WTF is going with the "shadows?"

Edit: Just venting...NOT inviting spoilers.

Just finished A Voice In The Wilderness (Part 1)...

why does every alien race know English? Even that guy down in the cave...

Oh and what the hell is up with Giribaldi's hair?

Oh ok, penis head was monitoring them.

Really liking this 2-parter.

Just finished it. It was pretty damn good.

I'm hoping that not the last I'll see of whatever's going on down on that planet.

Babylon Squared is rocking even more.

FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK [This was after some major series pushing awesome shit]


I never want to find out what's going on in Lando's pants.

S1 Finale here we go!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, great episode.

It does seem like the start of bigger things to come.

[Just a couple posts on S2, you can tell by the tone the show went into overdrive.]
Wow, just finished 02.01.

An excellent episode.

Edit: Just started the next one, cant wait to see where this season goes. Especially since it's supposed to be so much better.

I'm very impressed that alien medical thing wasn't forgotten. I'm very psyched to see the apparent awesome-ness of B5 come my way.

I'm at 2.19, Divided Loyalties.

Am I detecting a lesbian space love affair?
? If so, HELL YES!

S2 has been 100x's better than S1.

And there you have it. GO WATCH IT.
Nihilism said:
I don't really dig that kind of stuff (that stuff being sci fi I guess?), but you make it kind of tempting. Isn't Deep Space Nine the Star Trek series that everyone here raves about?

Anyway, I might have to check this out at some point. I think I'm starting Generation Kill or Band of Brothers and then moving to BSG (because I've heard good things even though as I mentioned..I'm not really a sci fi guy most of the time).
Yes. Well, at least I do.

gdt5016 said:
Hmm, that sounds blatantly like Lando and G'Kar on Babylon 5. That must be another thing people say DS9 ripped from B5. I really have to get around to watching DS9.
Yes you do.


Just finished watching season 3 of 'the wire' that was incredible. Easily the best season of the wire so far, not a single dull moment. The 'Hamsterdam' arc in particular was very well executed and plotted.
I also liked how compared to the last two seasons, it didn't focus sorely on one aspect of the city, it gave equal exposure to the gangsta, police & political shit, and managed to tie them all together in the overall plot.
The end of episode 11 made me sad though.:(
r.i.p stringer bell
Sadly i'm probably going put this series on hold for abit, since i finally got my hands on season 2 of twin peaks, which i'll probably watch first before i move on to season 4 of the wire.


Pushed off BSG and randomly started watching Surface... Had no expectations and honestly though it would suck; I also had the idea that it was about aliens (maybe it still is) and seemed lame. Really don't know why I hit play on that first disc, but I'm so glad I did!

The depths of the ocean and the mysteries they could contain is one of my favorite concepts, so I'm loving the crap out of this show. :D The shot with the girl scientist face to face with one of the huge bastards underwater is now one of my favorite TV shots ever... It has also had several shots so epic that I can't believe nobody talked about this show when it aired. The beginning of episode 3 (with the tourists on a boat getting sucked down in a vortex) is what I'll use to hook people to this show; awesome scene. :D

It's a little confused and sorta-stupid; the line about how the US government have kept the introduction of an incredibly predatory new species which outsizes whales in general a secret from the entire rest of the world for 4 years was really hard to swallow... But fuck it, it's a fun adventure show as far as I'm concerned. :D
One of the biggest things about Babylon 5 season 1 is there are a lot of episodes that seem like they are filler or throw aways but aren't. JMS pretty much remembers everything he touched upon and it comes up again later so what seems meaningless early on might be important later.
Solo said:
Ive long since resigned myself to realizing they wont reach S1 again. I guess that says something for the approach of adaptations vs. making up original stuff.
Yeah, I'm ok with Dexter being like that. It's still pretty entertaining - I'm towards the end of S3 now (just two episodes to go) and things are getting tense. Jimmy Smits has been a good addition to the cast.


Jealous Bastard
Cornballer said:
Yeah, I'm ok with Dexter being like that. It's still pretty entertaining - I'm towards the end of S3 now (just two episodes to go) and things are getting tense. Jimmy Smits has been a good addition to the cast.

as good as keith carradine? i was shocked at how great a character lundy was.


Last night I watched the first episode of Mad Men Season 2. God damn this show is good.

But so many questions!
What happened to Peggy's baby? Who did Don send that book to? (My guess is Mankin or whatever her name was, but it could be someone else.) How can Joan be so stunningly beautiful?!? Etc. Etc.
The girlfriend wanted me to watch The Secret Life of an American Teenager with her since her friend she usually watches it with went off to College. Pure girl show and nothing more. Drama infested show.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
beelzebozo said:
god, DEEP SPACE NINE is so fucking good.

another aspect of the show that i'd forgotten: just how truly fantastic armin shimerman is as quark. coupled with rene auberjonois is as odo, they've got this incredible adversarial but playful relationship. the tone is just perfect. watching quark play the mouse and odo play the cat, trying to catch him in his petty little schemes.

but the real beauty of it? the really great moments are when they briefly let go of that game, let their guard down and show just how much they really like and respect each other. there's a moment in "crossfire" in odo's room when quark is trying to give him friendly advice that is just excellent. the best part is that it's still fully in quark's character, and is therefore in a way even sweeter: he can't let down the guise of being all about business and profit, but in the subtext he obviously cares a lot about odo and wants him happy.

it's just so so so good.

"The fact that the pool exists says something about you! About who you are. People see you as the guy who always gets his man. Now, you're becoming the guy who tears up his quarters, and sits alone in the rubble. And no-one's gonna wanna place bets on how long someone's gonna sit around in the dark... Well. I've said my piece - sorry for butting in... But I'm just looking out for my business."
"Funny. For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me as a friend."
QUARK: ". . . Nah."

Season 5's "The Ascent" and their last scene in the finale are both fantastic stuff for their relationship.
I did a quick search for Leverage and all I saw were a few posts including mine from months ago. It's in Season 2 right now and still as awesome as it gets. New episode on tomorrow night on TNT. Make sure you watch it. Best show on TV currently. Plus, you can pretty much jump in from any episode as they are almost always self contained. And it's coming back for another season, so get watching now.


Quick clip I found on YouTube if anyone's interested.


Costanza said:

Figures Bright House does something good for once after I switched to DirectTV a few months ago.


Jealous Bastard
BorkBork said:
Season 5's "The Ascent" and their last scene in the finale are both fantastic stuff for their relationship.

quark & odo
o'brien & doctor bashir
bashir & garak
sisko & dax

the friendships on this show are fucking insanely entertaining.


I’m 5 episodes in to Sons of Anarchy. So far I can definitely draw some parallels with the shield, with Sam Crow imposing their brand of vigilante justice, ducking and weaving the guise of the law. Ron Pearlman must have been a biker in another life, as he embodies the role so well. Katey Sagal as the headstrong matriarch is also pretty good.


BIVIANO! said:
I’m 5 episodes in to Sons of Anarchy. So far I can definitely draw some parallels with the shield, with Sam Crow imposing their brand of vigilante justice, ducking and weaving the guise of the law.

Hmm, I might have to watch it, but I have a couple of other shows I need to catch up on so it'll have to wait... though I might stop watching the X-files since it's pretty damn boring most of the time.


I just watched the first two seasons of Mad Men and caught up to the current episode in season 3. I cant help but thinking that season 1 was the only season i have enjoyed so far. It just seems they go farther and farther away from what i liked in season 1.

Cornballer said:
Are S4 & S5 of Weeds worth my time? It started to drag a bit towards the end of S3.

It doesnt get better if thats what your asking.
Coop said:
Hmm, I might have to watch it, but I have a couple of other shows I need to catch up on so it'll have to wait... though I might stop watching the X-files since it's pretty damn boring most of the time.
Do it! The show is great and S2 starts on Tuesday. Takes a little while to get going, so be patient with it.
ReconYoda said:
It doesnt get better if thats what your asking.
Ah, thanks for the heads up. Guess I'll label it as a low priority for now.


Well, just finished up Lost Season Four. Really great finale, especially
Ben and the frozen donkey wheel.
Now I guess I'm gonna wait until December for the Season Five Blu-rays (the only way to fly).

Should I go for Mad Men next?


Mifune said:
Well, just finished up Lost Season Four. Really great finale, especially
Ben and the frozen donkey wheel.
Now I guess I'm gonna wait until December for the Season Five Blu-rays (the only way to fly).
Does that mean you intend to wait for the season six bluray release till you watch that? Because that's crazy talk.


just watched a series and a half of Friday Night Lights since sunday. Love it. Each episode leaves you fulfilled and with an emotional response.


beelzebozo said:
ooh, hey mifune, did you like the season 3 finale?

Oh yes. Unfortunately,
I had been spoiled on the whole flashforward thing, so the mind-bending twist at the end didn't have the intended effect on me. If I had been watching as it aired, my world would have been rocked.

If I've enjoyed the series so far, is Season Five worth a blind buy? At this point, I can't see myself not picking it up. But it's good to have a little warning, I guess.

By the way, I watched a pretty awesome behind-the-scenes featurette on Michael Giacchino and the show's score. Kind of amazing the amount of work and imagination that goes into the music.

stuburns - Hell no. I assume there will be enough time between the release of Five and the start of Six, right? Regardless, I'll be watching Six when it airs.


Neo Member
Just finished season 5 of the x-files. The main story line is brilliant but the filler episodes are starting to become repetitive. The whole 5 seasons would have been better if condensed to 2 or 3.

I guess the movie is next up.


Mifune said:
stuburns - Hell no. I assume there will be enough time between the release of Five and the start of Six, right? Regardless, I'll be watching Six when it airs.
Yeah, there's enough time between them. I just wondered, because you'd never be able to avoid the end show spoilers for six months waiting for those blurays.
Almost finished up with Dexter season 3. I've really enjoyed this season so far, not as much as season 1 though but it's still pretty good.
started Entourage, must admit I'm definitely disappointed. Characters are unlikeable assholes and Turtle is one irritating buffoon. Jokes are pretty poor as well

Ari is great, but still, show really doesn't do it for me. Will keep watching and hope things get better..a lot


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Netflix'd the entire DS9 series so I can watch them all again. It's been so long, i'm in heaven.


Just picked up S1 and S2 of Big Love, and S1 of Arrested Development at Target. $20 each. Tons of stuff on sale there if you're interested.

Also picked up S5 of 24 at a pawn shop the other day. $6. I need to go to pawn shops more often.

I'll crack open Big Love tonight hopefully.


Finished season 2 of Dexter last weekend. I enjoyed it, even though it wasn't as tightly structured as s1 and the last episode was kind of anti-climactic (especially compared to the HOLY SHIT episodes that preceded it). Problems aside, I still liked it, and there were parts where I thought it far surpassed S1--the biggest example being the core plot of the season, as well as the dynamic between Dexter and Lundy.

I'm going through season 3 now, and I'm already enjoying it more than the other two.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Blader5489 said:
Finished season 2 of Dexter last weekend. I enjoyed it, even though it wasn't as tightly structured as s1 and the last episode was kind of anti-climactic (especially compared to the HOLY SHIT episodes that preceded it). Problems aside, I still liked it, and there were parts where I thought it far surpassed S1--the biggest example being the core plot of the season, as well as the dynamic between Dexter and Lundy.

I'm going through season 3 now, and I'm already enjoying it more than the other two.

Yeah season 3 is pretty great, mostly because Miguel is such an interesting character. s2 started out great, but Pardon my tits pretty much ruined it in the second half. Best thing that came out of s2 was the
death of Doakes. Nothing against the character, but I hated King's performance most of the time.
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