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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Just finished the Pilot of Big Love.

That was utterly engrossing. The basic premise is incredibly interesting.
gdt5016 said:
Just picked up S1 and S2 of Big Love, and S1 of Arrested Development at Target. $20 each. Tons of stuff on sale there if you're interested.

Also picked up S5 of 24 at a pawn shop the other day. $6. I need to go to pawn shops more often.

I'll crack open Big Love tonight hopefully.

Big Love is amazing. One of my all time favorite shows!


Just finished the extended Pilot of Arrested Development (rewatching the show). Forgot how much I love this show. I gotta pick up S2/3. Maybe this or next weekend.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
gdt5016 said:
Just finished the Pilot of Big Love.

That was utterly engrossing. The basic premise is incredibly interesting.

And it only gets better. Season 3 took it to a whole new level of awesome for the show.
Brian Fellows said:
And it only gets better. Season 3 took it to a whole new level of awesome for the show.

It's one of the only shows that continually outdoes itself.

The only other show that comes to mind is Dexter.


Watched Lost up until Season 3 so far! Amazing!

But I don't like these flash forward things they show
where they are off the island but things are all wrong with Jack and Hurley.. Wtf? I hope that's not what actually happens. I kind of want them to stay on the island, or all of them get off

great show so far. Roth is legendary as usual, also isn't he supposed to be American? He's got a pretty evident English accent


MMaRsu said:
Watched Lost up until Season 3 so far! Amazing!

But I don't like these flash forward things they show
where they are off the island but things are all wrong with Jack and Hurley.. Wtf? I hope that's not what actually happens. I kind of want them to stay on the island, or all of them get off

Just a note, the flashforwards actually happen. They're not dreams or somesuch. They really happen/happened.


We finished up The Wire a few weeks ago. I can see why a lot of people think s5 is the worst. I was pretty let down by the ending.
Omar's death was a huge WTF moment. The one thing I kept looking forward to was Omar taking out Chris and Snoop but nooooooo... I'd have been fine with the kid taking him out after that. After that bullshit, the only thing I wanted to see was McNulty crash and burn but he pretty much has as happy an ending as he can get after all the shit he pulled. I was pretty pissed when they got the scapegoat killer for all those fake murders.

Also finished watching Undeclared. Meh to that show. Didn't like the characters and it was a huge drop in quality from Freaks & Geeks.

About to start Curb Your Entusiam. We've watched some episodes but never seen it from s1.


Jealous Bastard
Ceres said:
We finished up The Wire a few weeks ago. I can see why a lot of people think s5 is the worst. I was pretty let down by the ending.
Omar's death was a huge WTF moment. The one thing I kept looking forward to was Omar taking out Chris and Snoop but nooooooo... I'd have been fine with the kid taking him out after that. After that bullshit, the only thing I wanted to see was McNulty crash and burn but he pretty much has as happy an ending as he can get after all the shit he pulled. I was pretty pissed when they got the scapegoat killer for all those fake murders.

that "wtf moment" you describe is exactly what you'd expect from the show, though. it makes you think it's going to give you the conventional approach, and then it leaves you unsatisfied. . . in a way, it mirrors our expectations for our lives in general, reflecting the oft considerable delta between expectations and reality.

it's because it doesn't always give you what you want that it's as good as it is.


beelzebozo said:
that "wtf moment" you describe is exactly what you'd expect from the show, though. it makes you think it's going to give you the conventional approach, and then it leaves you unsatisfied. . . in a way, it mirrors our expectations for our lives in general, reflecting the oft considerable delta between expectations and reality.

it's because it doesn't always give you what you want that it's as good as it is.

Not to mention the fact that they didn't want to
completely glorify such a wicked person.

Anyways, I've picked up from where I left off in Fringe. I stopped watching after episode 9 for some reason or another, I've managed to watch through episode 12 over the last few days. Having watched these three episodes, I'm even more confused as to why I stopped watching :lol

I've also been watching Deadwood and OZ on a weekly basis on TV101 for direct television, while it sort of sucks waiting weekly to watch an episode, I don't really have the time to blow through episodes atm anyways. I'm a bit behind in Deadwood but I'm completely caught up with the TV101 broadcast of OZ, which just wrapped up Season 2 on Sunday. Awesome stuff so far.

I also had a $25 Best Buy gift certificate that was given to me as a reward for returning an Iphone I found. I bought the Sons of Anarchy Season One Bluray with it.


Anasui Kishibe said:

great show so far. Roth is legendary as usual, also isn't he supposed to be American? He's got a pretty evident English accent
WTF. What is this and what station is it on? I love Roth...though I can't say I'm thrilled he's been downgraded to TV (unless this is an HBO or Showtime show...).


gdt5016 said:
Just a note, the flashforwards actually happen. They're not dreams or somesuch. They really happen/happened.

Damnit. DAMNIT :(.

Oh well.

I hope at least they explain why
Jack is so anxious to get back, and why he thinks that they weren't supposed to leave the Island


MMaRsu said:
Damnit. DAMNIT :(.

Oh well.

I hope at least they explain why
Jack is so anxious to get back, and why he thinks that they weren't supposed to leave the Island

I'm surprised you say so.

That was almost universally praised as a gigantic mindfuck and a great direction to take the show.


gdt5016 said:
I'm surprised you say so.

That was almost universally praised as a gigantic mindfuck and a great direction to take the show.

Well yeah ofcourse it's a gigantic mindfuck. I didn't know what the fuck was going on! We'll see how it pans out, I might change my opinion drastically once I've seen all of it :).

There's a season 6 coming too right?


I've watched my first t.v show since season 3 of House in 2006... it's Melrose Place. Oh god, my eyes are bleeding. I've agreed to watch something with my Fiance' together... and I can't take Project Runway or "her stories" I mean seriously some chic was sentenced to jail time... somehow she's avoided it and now resides inside a secret room in HER OWN HOUSE?

Anyway Melrose Place wasn't as bad as I expected... besides Ashley Simpson. I don't watch t.v ( besides sports ) before House I watched Seinfeld.


MMaRsu said:
Well yeah ofcourse it's a gigantic mindfuck. I didn't know what the fuck was going on! We'll see how it pans out, I might change my opinion drastically once I've seen all of it :).

There's a season 6 coming too right?

S6 is the final season.


Incredibly Naive
I've been watching House again. I tried getting into it before, and while it was OK I didn't love it. 2nd season is more gripping, but some of the things they do in this show are drastic and ridiculous.


I saw Dead Set recently. It was pretty good and i think the reason i found it good is that i had (very) low expectations :lol
It's nothing close to an amazing experience but it's better than all recent movies directed by Romero. In short, a good zombie mini series; i recommend it to fans of zombie movies (and who doesn't like zombie movies? :p )


Mad Men, episode 5 of Season 3 (last episode). This show continues to be great, I'm trying to find youtube clips of the dreams Betty had, such beautiful music.


Jealous Bastard
wow. just finished my rewatch of DEEP SPACE NINE, and i just don't know that i've ever seen a final episode of a series that is more satisfying.

what's brilliant, i think, is that they had this huge ten episode lead-in to the finale in which they dedicated themselves to wrapping up all the characters' storylines. anything you thought needed closure gets closure: bashir and o'brien have their goodbye, we know what happens to quark and to rom, garak and bashir have a wonderful moment to put a cap on their lunches, damar gets his send-off and ends what was a really unexpected bit of character development in the 6th and 7th seasons, odo and nerys. . . that's to say nothing of sisko's relationships with any of these people, or any of the other relationships among the massive entangled web that makes up the character tree on this fantastic show.

you come so far for so long with so many incredible people, and this two hour finale does everything perfect. it closes everything that needs closing without being too definitive; nothing at the end feels absolutely resolute, but everything we need to know, we know.

and the final shot of the show is so heartbreaking and sorrowful and--to overuse a word i've already well-worn where this show is concerned--perfect.


i may never watch a shot i love so much.


NIGHT- said:
Just finished season 2 of Dexter. Show is freaking amazing! How is season 3 and 4?

I'm more than halfway through S3 right now and I think it's my favorite so far, it's really good.

I don't think S4 starts until next weekend.
Roude Leiw said:
veronica mars. started with season 3 today. pretty good series.

I watched season 1 a month ago and it ended up being my favorite season of any television show ever. The GAF hate (well, mixed opinions) for season 2 and 3 has put me off from continuing--for now at least. Should I should bump it up my queue?
reading bozo's DS9 posts inundates my heart with joy

NIGHT- said:
Just finished season 2 of Dexter. Show is freaking amazing! How is season 3 and 4?

I've started watching s3 just yesterday and all I can say is that Episode 1 is all kinds of awesome. How this show keeps getting better each season is beyond me


Anasui Kishibe said:
I've started watching s3 just yesterday and all I can say is that Episode 1 is all kinds of awesome. How this show keeps getting better each season is beyond me

I just finished S3 yesterday and thought it was the best by far. Makes me all the more annoyed that Jimmy Smits didn't win an Emmy for his role.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
_dementia said:
I watched the first episode of True Blood due to a friend's recommendation. It was alright.

It keeps getting better until the last couple episodes of season 2 IMO. But the storyline that was dragging them down is done so hopefully things get back on track in season 3.


Jealous Bastard
i really don't like TRUE BLOOD. does anyone who likes it actually think anna paquin has a believable southern accent? actually, i'd say 90% of the show is rich with bad accents.


Blader5489 said:
I just finished S3 yesterday and thought it was the best by far. Makes me all the more annoyed that Jimmy Smits didn't win an Emmy for his role.

I think so too (I guess we're the only two).
I decided to quit Entourage for good, I just cannot stand it anymore: unfunny, formulaic to the extreme, not enough Ari and I HATE everyone in the show

fired up Chuck instead and pleasantly surprised. Levi is awesome and show is actually pretty funny, can't wait to see more

Blader5489 said:
I just finished S3 yesterday and thought it was the best by far. Makes me all the more annoyed that Jimmy Smits didn't win an Emmy for his role.

glad to hear that, although I'd never doubt Dexter's consistent level of quality. I think Dexter found in Smiths one hella hound :D


beelzebozo said:
i watched the first episode of BABYLON 5 last night guys, and i just. . . i just can't do it.

i'm so, so sorry.


I warned you. I WARNED YOU!

S1 is really, really bad.

Edit: Actually, the second half is ok.


Jealous Bastard
the things that put me off immediately:

- production values. this isn't the show's fault, but it has that bbc sci-fi look (like DR. WHO). there were times on a show like DS9 where i was like, "oh, that looks sort of hokey," but for the most part it all looked stellar. again, i don't blame them, because they probably had to make the most of what they had, but it just looked pretty rough.

- acting. particularly the guy with the massive pointy hair whose race bears strong similarities to ferengi. it was just too hammy for me. . . i donnu.

i just think the time in which i could have enjoyed BABYLON 5 has passed.

Ceres said:
Yeah... well... DS9 sucks!



beelzebozo said:
the things that put me off immediately:

- production values. this isn't the show's fault, but it has that bbc sci-fi look (like DR. WHO). there were times on a show like DS9 where i was like, "oh, that looks sort of hokey," but for the most part it all looked stellar. again, i don't blame them, because they probably had to make the most of what they had, but it just looked pretty rough.

- acting. particularly the guy with the massive pointy hair whose race bears strong similarities to ferengi. it was just too hammy for me. . . i donnu.

i just think the time in which i could have enjoyed BABYLON 5 has passed.


Nah man, all those problems kind of go away from S2 on. Are any of the actors gonna win Emmys? No (well, except maybe G'Kar. Maybe), and the production values get tons better. The CGI too. The writing, dialog, sets, pretty much everything gets tons better from S2 on. And the biggest improvement, it immediately ceases being a episodic show pretty much as soon as S2 starts.

It sucks that the show is fronted with probably the worst season I've ever sat through.

Edit: I wish I could say, "just skip S1", but I can't . Someone more learned than I could probably help you out with a very liberal list of "important" S1 episodes. Though, in the end, I'd say just suck it up like every one else (including me) and slug through S1.


gdt5016 said:
Nah man, all those problems kind of go away from S2 on. Are any of the actors gonna win Emmys? No (well, except maybe G'Kar. Maybe), and the production values get tons better. The CGI too. The writing, dialog, sets, pretty much everything gets tons better from S2 on. And the biggest improvement, it immediately ceases being a episodic show pretty much as soon as S2 starts.

It sucks that the show is fronted with probably the worst season I've ever sat through.

It probably helped that my first viewing started in midway through season 2 when it first started airing on TNT in 1998 (fffffff - this makes me feel old). Knowing how good the show became gave me the drive to make it through S1 when it made it made its way back around.


I need to get the DVD's like, right now.

I can't think of a more epic show. S3/S4 is like, frighteningly tense.


I thought True Blood was good for what it is. I put it up there shows like Dexter because at the end of the day I was still being entertained.

Just started finally catching up the current season of Top Chef. I can't believe I waited this long. There seems to be a very high level of cooking going on from the very start. Good to see the worst chefs get taken out early on. For some reason I didn't even think the jewish guy should have been in the running last year.


Started Lost S5 yesterday, 2 episodes in. Awesooooooooome but I have no clue as to what's going on ( well I do but alot is still kinda weird ) :D .

Season 4 was awesome


Having just finished a Buffy marathon Ive started Angel last week and am now halfway through season 3.
Wow what a great show. Started off pretty bad but it's really hit its stride now. All the characters work well with each other, the storylines are interesting, shocking, funny and really entertaining.
Hopefully it doesn't turn out like Buffy and implode on itself in season 4.

Also, Amy Ackers is beautiful!
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