I love both!Anasui Kishibe said:I actually theorize no DS9 fan can enjoy B5. Show really didn't click for me, it was just inferior in every possible way
Stay with it man. It'll be worth it in the end.beelzebozo said:i watched the first episode of BABYLON 5 last night guys, and i just. . . i just can't do it.
i'm so, so sorry.
Anasui Kishibe said:I actually theorize no DS9 fan can enjoy B5. Show really didn't click for me, it was just inferior in every possible way
CiSTM said:I'm a DS9 fan and I even saw it before I saw B5 and yet I think B5 is vastly superior. B5 ruined DS9 actually for me. B5's universe just has so much more depth, imo. Also my current main gripe with the ST universe is the fact that it is "too perfect" at least for the federation people (especially for the humans). DS9 did fine job trying to bring little darkness to the universe like the episode where they declared... Still it had nothing against B5 and it'smartial law in earthepisode .martial law in earth
Other great plus for B5 is the amazing story arc. I did like Dominion war arc too but there were just so many stand alone episodes. While in B5 there is little to non stand alones when things get heated and even the stand alone episodes usually have some small hints and pointers to look for. It's really great feeling when you have finished the show and start rewatching it and you realise how much there is actually going on in the first season already.
Guy who didn't like B5's first season I strongly recommend you will keep watching it. Season 2 is already a lot better than season 1. And you will be hooked on B5 when you finish season 2. This is a promise. Acting and the effects don't get much better but still the show is fucking great. You will be amazed how much the show will change when it goes on.
Sweet, sons of anarchy is the next show I plan on watching. I have the first season and I am dvring the second. I might wait intill the end of the second season to start watching it. That way I can watch them all in a row.Cornballer said:Heh, Tim Goodman decided to start doing TV Power Rankings as weekly debate fodder. It's his rankings of the best current shows on television.
His inaugural top five: Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, Glee, Modern Family, and Bored to Death. The rest of the top fifteen and discussion of why his rankings look like that via the link.
beelzebozo said:john lithgow is on season 4 of dexter? fuuuuuck. that's awesome.
i'm only four or five episodes into season 3 for chrissakes
beelzebozo said:i'm not a huge believer in staying "spoiler-free," but even if i were, i doubt i'd think that was much of a spoiler anyway. no big deal. just thought it was really cool that he was on.
aparisi2274 said:Since I was a huge fan of Scrubs, I tuned in last night to watch Bill Lawrence's new show "Cougartown" with Courtney Cox, and I have to say it was pretty damn funny!
I highly suggest everyone give the show a chance, and watch a few episodes. The premiere ep is up on hulu if anyone cares.
gdt5016 said:We don't take kindly to yur kind 'round here.
Ceres said:Yeah... well... DS9 sucks!
beelzebozo said:i don't try and go around flaunting spoilers for shows i've seen, but i also don't sweat it when i see or hear something that could be construed as one. i value the journey far more than the destination, my friend.
Mifune said:Finished season one of Mad Men. Good shit.
Yeah the show is great. The third season is the best so you're in for a treat. It did kill any fantasy I had of having two or more wivesgdt5016 said:In the middle-ish of Big Love S2. This show is incredible.
Watching these shows too
24 S5
LOST (with the rewatch thread)
Dexter S3
In the mail are
Mad Men S1/2, Sopranos S1, LOST S4.
One of the best tv shows ever.Zeliard said:I'm gonna start Season 1 of The Shield tonight.
What am I in for?
Zeliard said:I'm gonna start Season 1 of The Shield tonight.
What am I in for?
Coop said:One of the best tv shows ever.
gdt5016 said:The Shield is definitely up there. I wouldn't put it over The Wire or The Sopranos (have yet to pick up Deadwood).
Zeliard said:I'm gonna start Season 1 of The Shield tonight.
What am I in for?
I think it's better than all three but I never watch the last couple seasons of the sopranos(besides a couple of episodes here and there). If the last season of the wire wasn't so bad then I'd put it over the shield. The Shield also has the best series finale for any show. It's perfect.Zeliard said:How does it rate alongside HBO's Holy Trinity (The Wire, The Sopranos, Deadwood)?
Coop said:I think it's better than all three but I never watch the last couple seasons of the sopranos(besides a couple of episodes here and there). If the last season of the wire wasn't so bad then I'd put it over the shield. The Shield also has the best series finale for any show. It's perfect.
Zeliard said:Yeah, I've heard that The Shield's final season is something special.
Zeliard said:I'm gonna start Season 1 of The Shield tonight.
What am I in for?
Brian Fellows said:I would but Courtney Cox is in it and she's not funny.
Zeliard said:I'm gonna start Season 1 of The Shield tonight.
What am I in for?
Blader5489 said:One of the best shows ever.
Just be aware, S1 is the worst of the series imo and not even all that representative of the series (in the sense that the drama in S1 just doesn't compare to how completely fucking gripping the later seasons are). If you can get through S1, I promise it'll be worth it.
aparisi2274 said:Just give it a shot, for Bill Lawrence. It really is a funny show..