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TV Shows you've watched recently

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harSon said:
I'm thinking of starting Star Trek, I've pretty much avoided it like the plague, my experiences being limited to the newest film and Insurrection. Is there any particular order I should watch it in? Do I start from the beginning and steadily plow through it, films included? Do I skip anything?

If you want to do it in release order go like this:

TOS Season 1-2

skip TOS Season 3 as it is total monster-of-the-week garbage with nothing of value

Movies I-VI

TNG 1-7 (the first 2 seasons are laughable but still entertaining unlike say S1 of Babylon 5)

Movies Generation-First Contact

DS9 1-7 (the best series IMO but requires a pretty good grip on the established canon to get into properly)

You could also just start with Movies I-VI or TNG if you want to bypass the original series altogether. It really depends on what you want out of Trek. TOS is very much a product of its era at times so the allegory and effects are a bit obvious nowadays. TNG is far more

Whatever you do I would not go anywhere near Deep Space 9 before you have the majority of The Next Generation under your belt.


harSon said:
I'm thinking of starting Star Trek, I've pretty much avoided it like the plague, my experiences being limited to the newest film and Insurrection. Is there any particular order I should watch it in? Do I start from the beginning and steadily plow through it, films included? Do I skip anything?

I mostly agree with the first guy that responded, but I would strongly urge that you not skip TOS. TOS is the foundation of star trek and without the foundation, everything else loses something. Unless you are very much against old school television, you should watch it. For the most part it's well written and has great characters. All the episodes are basically stand alone, but many of them are excellent examples of that kind of TV.

Outside of the FX, which are very dated, TOS has aged better than most TV programs from that time. The writing and characters are very strong.
Modern Family and Community.
Love 'em both. Will keep them.

I'm done with The Office. It's overstayed it's welcome, imo.
Also done with Big Bang Theory.


Jealous Bastard
harSon said:
Watched the first episode of TNG, are all the episodes going to be this strange and cheesy? :(

effects get better in later seasons, but STAR TREK always carries with it a faint hint of the cheddar, excluding the movies. maybe you should watch a few of those first, then decide if the subject matter really interests you enough to tackle the series?


I went in knowing it wasn't going to be completely serious in tone and execution, but that episode was a bit ridiculous.

This was the plot if you don't recall of the top of your head:
The new starship Enterprise begins its maiden voyage by uncovering the mysteries of an advanced space station. The crew's mission is threatened by an omnipotent being named Q, who puts them (and specifically, Captain Picard) on trial for the crimes of all humanity.


Jealous Bastard
there are episodes that are far less cheesy and more serious than that.

personally, i'm not fond of a whole heck of a lot of TNG. . . i pick episodes here and there and enjoy them on their own. my real love affair as far as serial sci-fi in the star trek universe is DS9, and i think it's the series that did it best.

Show about drinking. Can be seen on Hulu.


Holy shit is this hilarious! You Brits get some awesome shows.


Catching up to the series(friday night lights) in order to be caught up for season 4(starts oct 28). Such a great show. Sucks NBC dropped it.
TNG's first two season are some real cheap CGI mixed with some real cheap stories (not all of em). I can see someone in 2009 being turned off by that. Perhaps TOS woulda been a better choice for newcomers

once the
kick in, it's like someone injects liquid inspiration into the show, although stinkers are always waitin' in ambush

also, what the hell at that Panther girl's legs, ugliest pair I've ever seen
harSon said:
I went in knowing it wasn't going to be completely serious in tone and execution, but that episode was a bit ridiculous.

This was the plot if you don't recall of the top of your head:

The first 2 seasons of TNG are plagued by a revolving door of writers with no clear idea of what direction the show was going to go in. It was not until season 3 when Roddenberry's input lessened (and coincidentally writers like Ron Moore arrived) that the series began to turn into the oft-heralded science fiction series that it is remembered as.

If you want I could come up with an abridged list of episodes that are the standouts/have things that are important later on.


Taking a break from Angel. I watched too much of that show in too little time so I'm burnt out.

Half way through the season of Fringe. This show has been really formulaic and boring so far although episode 10 was pretty good and convinced me to stick with it.


Watched Curb Your Enthusiasm's first season and holy shit this show is funny ! Beloved Aunt is probably my favorite episode from the first season. Just ordered rest of the available seasons. Can't wait to get back watching the show.

harSon said:
Watched the first episode of TNG, are all the episodes going to be this strange and cheesy? :(

Yes. TNG was really great show back in the days but it doesn't hold up that well these days. There are many great episodes with bit more serious tone but overall it is pretty much the same from start to end.

Only Trek series that is watchable these days is DS9 but even DS9 has pretty weak first two seasons. Ditch TNG and start watching DS9... Or better yet ditch Trek and start watching B5. B5 has slow start and the first season is kinda bad on the first view* but the show is gold after the first season. It has more serious tone than any Trek show out there and I can guarantee that you will be fan of the show when the season 2 ends.

* When you have finished the show go back and watch the first season and you will be amazed how important the first season really is.

edit: This is the usual road every B5 newcomer walks ;)


Jealous Bastard
CiSTM said:
Only Trek series that is watchable these days is DS9 but even DS9 has pretty weak first two seasons. Ditch TNG and start watching DS9...

beelzebozo approved.

crazy sunday last night with new episodes of:


i haven't even watched the last two yet. time to brew some coffee and put that tivo to work.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
This new season of Parks and Recreation is awesome. Better than The Office and Community so far for me.

Yeah, looks like it's settling and getting its own identity. It took The Office a season as well to differentiate itself from UK Office so I had no problem giving it a season.


Jealous Bastard
i definitely enjoyed the latest PARKS AND RECREATION more than any episode of THE OFFICE that i've seen in years. i'm not sure if i've just gotten tired of steve carrell's routine, or if--despite their similar tones--THE OFFICE just seems sort of predictable at this point.

the ron swanson b-story from the latest P&R was one of the funniest things i've seen in a while.
WyndhamPrice said:
DS9 1-7 (the best series IMO but requires a pretty good grip on the established canon to get into properly)

If you watch the whole of TNG, TOS and the movies preceding DS9, you should have no problem jumping into DS9.
CiSTM said:
Only Trek series that is watchable these days is DS9 but even DS9 has pretty weak first two seasons.

what? two seasons? I strongly disagree. The Circle, Cardassians, Necessary Evil, Armageddon Game, The Maquis, The Wire, Tribunal, Profit and Loss are all great episodes


single-handedly redeems the season

which is a good season, by the way
Anasui Kishibe said:
single-handedly redeems the season

which is a good season, by the way[/QUOTE]
Actually the last two episodes are quite good, and there are several in the second season that are awesome:
- The first three episodes
- Necessary Evil
- Cardassians
- [B]The Wire[/B]
- Paradise
- The Maquis Parts 1 and 2
- Tribunal
- Rivals (only for what happens between Bashir and O'Brien in this episode)

The episode in bold is the best episode in the season, I think.


Blader5489 said:
One of the best shows ever.

Just be aware, S1 is the worst of the series imo and not even all that representative of the series (in the sense that the drama in S1 just doesn't compare to how completely fucking gripping the later seasons are). If you can get through S1, I promise it'll be worth it.

So I ended up going through Season 1 of The Shield over the weekend, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Granted this post may have tempered my expectations on it, which is a good thing, but I know I would have otherwise liked it. I will say that so far, a lot of it feels like your typical police procedural (albeit with an almost unmatched level of intensity), but some things help to separate it from most of the pack. The main character, for one, is fairly unique in television. I knew going into it that Vic Mackey was a corrupt cop, since that's pretty much the basis of the show, but I didn't think they'd make that so harsh and unambiguous. That's ballsy and awesome.

The only thing that stands out to me as a notable negative so far is that the realism of the show has a very strange and jarring contrast to the almost complete lack of cursing, since it's on FX. It feels like these guys on both sides of the law should be cursing all the time ala The Wire, especially a guy like Vic Mackey, but the characters are constrained by the limits of basic cable television and that's an unfortunate obstacle. I may not have noticed it before watching The Wire, since that show's realism extends from the characters and setting on down to the language and dialogue. It's a bit weird when a character like Vic Mackey or one of the gang members are visibly enraged and yet don't muster up a single swear word.


Water is not wet!
Dax01 said:
If you watch the whole of TNG, TOS and the movies preceding DS9, you should have no problem jumping into DS9.
Is any of that really necessary to get a hold on DS9? i think DS9 can stand alone actually. The main species in the series (Cardassian, Bajoran, Ferengi) didnt seem fully realized or explored until DS9. The enemies of the show are completely new and have no backstory in the other shows. What would the other series give you?

TOS - nothing from here would be necessary.. except maybe Trouble with Tribbles episode for fan service later
TNG - some Cardassian/Bajoran stuff but that doesnt happen until deep in the series. The Ferengi introduced in TNG are pretty much retconned so nothing to see there. Some Klingon stuff that wont pertain for a long time and is not necessary to enjoy the plot
Movies - nothing here to enjoy DS9

The only thing that people need to know about DS9 going in.. the Federation is like the good-guy space UN.. and that Klingons are warlike.

Anything im forgetting?

yes, the last episode is great, but Duet was absolutely mindblowing to me, and I won a lot of "DS9 S1 sucks" arguments by just mentioning it. I'd never seen such a gripping, tight, intense script in a ST before

I believe you need a more canonical ST before sinking into DS9, to fully understand where it comes from and why is a pretty massive departure from the source. Not sure if it's that important though, but I would never start with DS9, since I could end up hating the other series. That's just me though


Jealous Bastard
eh, i donnu. if you're used to playing catch-up and getting to know people in the thick of things with shows like THE WIRE, you shouldn't have any problem understanding DEEP SPACE NINE after a few episodes with absolutely no trek background whatsoever. people with experience in that universe just have a leg-up.


I find it odd that people are having so much trouble enjoying TNG and TOS. Both are very awesome shows for most of their runs. I had no problem at all with either of them and I'm sure i'll rewatch them eventually.

I just really enjoy the Star Trek universe and I can't imagine skipping either show. They are both classic stuff. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Anasui Kishibe said:

yes, the last episode is great, but Duet was absolutely mindblowing to me, and I won a lot of "DS9 S1 sucks" arguments by just mentioning it. I'd never seen such a gripping, tight, intense script in a ST before
Duet is my favorite episode of season one.

To those that say DS9 can stand on its own... I can see where you're coming from. Seeing the first two series does help; maybe you're right.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Bored to Death

Plays on HBO, on Sundays (not sure what time)

Stars Jason Schwartzman (Rushmore, Darjeeling Limited). He's a writer who doesn't needs inspiration for his 2nd novel. He puts an ad in Craigslist saying that he's a Private Detective. He basically lives 2 lives. Also in the show are Zach Galifianakis and Ted Danson. Takes place in NYC. It's a comedy by the way. The second episode aired last night and I've really enjoyed the show so far. Genuinely funny.


Zeliard said:
So I ended up going through Season 1 of The Shield over the weekend, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Granted this post may have tempered my expectations on it, which is a good thing, but I know I would have otherwise liked it. I will say that so far, a lot of it feels like your typical police procedural (albeit with an almost unmatched level of intensity), but some things help to separate it from most of the pack. The main character, for one, is fairly unique in television. I knew going into it that Vic Mackey was a corrupt cop, since that's pretty much the basis of the show, but I didn't think they'd make that so harsh and unambiguous. That's ballsy and awesome.

And that's what makes S1 the weakest, imo. As the show goes on, the procedural aspects fall to the wayside and the show becomes increasingly focused on the Strike Team.

Zeliard said:
The only thing that stands out to me as a notable negative so far is that the realism of the show has a very strange and jarring contrast to the almost complete lack of cursing, since it's on FX. It feels like these guys on both sides of the law should be cursing all the time ala The Wire, especially a guy like Vic Mackey, but the characters are constrained by the limits of basic cable television and that's an unfortunate obstacle. I may not have noticed it before watching The Wire, since that show's realism extends from the characters and setting on down to the language and dialogue. It's a bit weird when a character like Vic Mackey or one of the gang members are visibly enraged and yet don't muster up a single swear word.

I think the only one they don't say is "fuck" of course. I forget what the swearing (or lack thereof) was like in S1, but in later seasons they do say "shit" a lot, if that's any consolation. :lol


I vaguely recall that there was nudity in the first season of The Shield...so FX obviously lets their shows get away with more that the networks do.


Anasui Kishibe said:
what? two seasons? I strongly disagree. The Circle, Cardassians, Necessary Evil, Armageddon Game, The Maquis, The Wire, Tribunal, Profit and Loss are all great episodes

single-handedly redeems the season

which is a good season, by the way[/QUOTE]

Not saying the first two seasons are awful but still they don't have too much to offer for the overall story arc. There is some really great character development episodes like The Wire which is one of my all time favorites... But as I said not much to offer for the arc and too many trivial and useless stand alone episodes.

[QUOTE=Krowley][B]I find it odd that people are having so much trouble enjoying TNG and TOS[/B]. Both are very awesome shows for most of their runs. I had no problem at all with either of them and I'm sure i'll rewatch them eventually.

I just really enjoy the Star Trek universe and I can't imagine skipping either show. They are both classic stuff. Different strokes for different folks I guess.[/QUOTE]

Basically there is nothing wrong with TNG or TOS but they are cheesy as hell. Modern day TV watcher doesn't find those cheesy storys interestig at all. I do like TNG but main reason for me liking it is the fact that I used to love it when I was a kid and I have this strong nostalgia love for it. I tried to get few friends into sci-fi with TNG but I failed every time. DS9 and B5 did the job, mainly because they deal with more interesting and serious issues.


The first season of The Shield is wierd.

Alot of the things that made the series what it was are there, but it doesn't have the flow it eventually comes to have.

Mackey has always been a jerk, but I forgot just how unlikable how he was in the first season.

The episodes are also alot more one shot. Season 2 is where each episode (and season) builds directly on the last.

I like the show season 1. I started loving it first episode season 2.

It's more like season 0 than season 1 almost.
Watching Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy. It's pretty good! Feels sort of like a spiritual successor to The Shield mixed with The Sopranos (except with a biker gang).


Have one episode left of Big Love S2. I'll watch it later.

About to start rewatching Curb Your Enthusiasm S5. Got Babylon 5 S1/2 today (about to start my first rewatch). Waiting on Mad Men S1/2 (won't start it until S3 is over), and Sopranos S1 (I'll start it soon as well).

Also watching Dexter S3, AD S2, LOST S3 (in the rewatch thread), and 24 S5.

All that plus the new fall shows.

Geez, thats more than I thought.



Ive actually cut my TV viewing down substancially this year. All I am watching is Fringe, Californication, and Dexter, with FNL to come next month, and Chuck and LOST in 2010. In other words, 4 shows in 2009, and 4 shows in 2010 (since Californication and Dexter will both end in December).


I'm watching through The Office Season 3 at the moment (not for the first time) and it's simply brilliant, this and season 2 are comedy gold all the way through.


Subconscious Brolonging
Odoul said:
The first season of The Shield is wierd.

Alot of the things that made the series what it was are there, but it doesn't have the flow it eventually comes to have.

Mackey has always been a jerk, but I forgot just how unlikable how he was in the first season.

The episodes are also alot more one shot. Season 2 is where each episode (and season) builds directly on the last.

I like the show season 1. I started loving it first episode season 2.

It's more like season 0 than season 1 almost.

The first four or five episodes of the show you can really see it trying to find it's feet and rhythm. I rewatched the entire series recently and there several things in those early episodes that felt off to me. They use flashbacks, they play music over scenes that don't need it, and some of the characters are a bit off. In the pilot Vic is a grade A asshole, to the point of being completely unlikeable. "Not even on Cinco de Mayo" might be my least favorite line of the show.


Jealous Bastard
Solo said:

Ive actually cut my TV viewing down substancially this year. All I am watching is Fringe, Californication, and Dexter, with FNL to come next month, and Chuck and LOST in 2010. In other words, 4 shows in 2009, and 4 shows in 2010 (since Californication and Dexter will both end in December).

my problem is that i'm kind of a junkie. even if i'm not watching 100% new stuff, i'm actively trying to find old stuff i haven't seen yet that's supposed to be good. not that i should be complaining, really, as it's a thoroughly wonderful way of life always having something great to watch in the evenings.


Solo said:

Ive actually cut my TV viewing down substancially this year. All I am watching is Fringe, Californication, and Dexter, with FNL to come next month, and Chuck and LOST in 2010. In other words, 4 shows in 2009, and 4 shows in 2010 (since Californication and Dexter will both end in December).

I haven't but it sure feels like I have. Outside of How I Met Your Mother and Dollhouse, everything falls on Sunday or Thursday. I usually have at least one show to watch each night but now instead have 6 all falling on Thursday.
Though I have been meaning to watch Glee but haven't had a chance to watch the first episode still.


Heh, Fed Ex just delivered Mad Men S1/2, and The Sopranos S1. Getting new stuff in the mail feels so good.

On a side note, the Mad Men S2 packaging is FANTASTIC. Super cool.


Flashforward episode 1 was awesome
modern families episode 1 was pretty funny

will keep watching both until i have a reason not to

Also finished fringe season 1 and started 2, that show picked up a ton at the end


Spire said:
The first four or five episodes of the show you can really see it trying to find it's feet and rhythm. I rewatched the entire series recently and there several things in those early episodes that felt off to me. They use flashbacks, they play music over scenes that don't need it, and some of the characters are a bit off. In the pilot Vic is a grade A asshole, to the point of being completely unlikeable. "Not even on Cinco de Mayo" might be my least favorite line of the show.

I dunno. One of the things I like the most about The Shield so far (2 episodes into Season 2) is that Vic Mackey is a complete bastard, and the show doesn't really make any effort to hide that, which is hugely rare (and risky) to do with a television show's main protagonist. It'd be one thing for him to be a gangster like Tony Soprano, but Vic is a cop.

Vic does have a few redeeming qualities and there are limits to his corruption, but this isn't a good guy we're talking about here. I assume that they soften him up as the series goes on, but I'd be disappointed if he becomes the hooker with a heart of gold.


Subconscious Brolonging
Zeliard said:
I dunno. One of the things I like the most about The Shield so far (2 episodes into Season 2) is that Vic Mackey is a complete bastard, and the show doesn't really make any effort to hide that, which is hugely rare (and risky) to do with a television show's main protagonist. It'd be one thing for him to be a gangster like Tony Soprano, but Vic is a cop.

Vic does have a few redeeming qualities and there are limits to his corruption, but this isn't a good guy we're talking about here. I assume that they soften him up as the series goes on, but I'd be disappointed if he becomes the hooker with a heart of gold.

They don't soften him, he's definetly a bastard but in the pilot he's an ass. I'm not annoyed with him in the pilot from a moral standpoint, it's just that he comes off as kind of a twat. After that and for the rest of the series, Mackey is a vile human being but has a sort of charm to him. He has his code and the things he tells himself he'll never betray and you can sort of respect that.


Spire said:
They don't soften him, he's definetly a bastard but in the pilot he's an ass. I'm not annoyed with him in the pilot from a moral standpoint, it's just that he comes off as kind of a twat. After that and for the rest of the series, Mackey is a vile human being but has a sort of charm to him. He has his code and the things he tells himself he'll never betray and you can sort of respect that.

Agreed. It is true that when he yells at the Hispanic guy "Not even on Cinco de Mayo" in the pilot, that in retrospect seems quite out of character after you've finished the season.

Vic Mackey's a corrupt asshole but he has some definite limits, and surprisingly, he also doesn't really come off as a guy with any racial biases (at least so far, which actually differentiates him from most corrupt cops, including some of the guys on his own team). I also agree that he's charismatic and can be surprisingly charming, in the style of the greatest anti-heroes.
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