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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Man, I gotta get some Shield seasons.

S7 was a bit convoluted and muddled (in that Vic had so many schemes going it was a bit hard to keep track), but boy, was it tense.

The last couple of episodes were insane. And a perfect finale too.


I'm still in very early Season 2 of The Shield, and this is a very minor criticism, but I will say that it is sort of hard to believe that a guy like Vic Mackey can go on doing his thing for seven seasons - particularly when the police captain pretty much knows how corrupt Vic Mackey is within like the first four episodes of the show. Then again, he isn't completely clean himself.

Again, a very minor criticism (in fact it isn't even really one), since I realize it's just a tv show that they didn't want to end early when they didn't really have to. If they're slick about the way that Vic weasels his way out of the things he does, or add some twists, it's all good. I just hope it doesn't start getting too unrealistic to believe he can keep getting away with it.


I just started Freaks and Geeks and am on Ep. 13 already. The Casting is perfect and it's just so real. I'm totally in love with this show. How did this get canceled???


Solo said:

Ive actually cut my TV viewing down substancially this year. All I am watching is Fringe, Californication, and Dexter, with FNL to come next month, and Chuck and LOST in 2010. In other words, 4 shows in 2009, and 4 shows in 2010 (since Californication and Dexter will both end in December).
I pretty much only follow a minimum of two-three shows a year. I usually watch everything i miss on DVD.


Jealous Bastard
gdt5016 said:
When they have those going on, does Amazon price match?

i'm not sure, man. i really should do more of this sort of checking on prices, making businesses match shit, and that sort of price maven activity, but the truth is, i'm the idiot who just ultimately says fuck it at some point and plunks down the cash for something he really wants and just chooses not to look back. regardless, around 200 for all those dvds feels perfectly justified after rewatching it all again.

you know that experience when you've been doing something for so long, and it's finally over, but you're just not ready to let it go, so you sit around watching all the bonus materials and reading all you can about it online and obsess just a little? yeah. that was me, about a week ago.

Lafiel said:
I pretty much only follow a minimum of two-three shows a year. I usually watch everything i miss on DVD.

that's still tv viewing! that still counts.


I started watching Glee and Community. They're both... okay. I also saw FlashForward's first episode which I enjoyed quite a bit.

Oh, and I started watching Curb Your Enthusiasm because of the Seinfeld reunion and it's awesome. I put the first season in my Netflix queue immediately.


I just started Babylon 5 S1.

Did they re-do the special effect for the DVD releases? It looks a lot better (IIRC) than what I remember from watching it on Hulu.
gdt5016 said:
People keep yammering about DS9, and seeing as I'd put B5 in my top 5 shows ever, I decided to see how much for the whole thing.

Jesus christ.


That's insane.

I'd rather this


but I've never heard of that shop and dont want to blindly plunk down that load. But I've been FOAMING at this box since I found it. Seems sold out anyways..


gdt5016 said:
I just started Babylon 5 S1.

Did they re-do the special effect for the DVD releases? It looks a lot better (IIRC) than what I remember from watching it on Hulu.

Nope, still same effects with some tweaking. I'm tempted to start B5 myself too ;) If my Curb Your Enthusiasm seasons won't arrive tomorrow I will start B5 marathon.
Zeliard said:
I'm still in very early Season 2 of The Shield, and this is a very minor criticism, but I will say that it is sort of hard to believe that a guy like Vic Mackey can go on doing his thing for seven seasons - particularly when the police captain pretty much knows how corrupt Vic Mackey is within like the first four episodes of the show. Then again, he isn't completely clean himself.

Again, a very minor criticism (in fact it isn't even really one), since I realize it's just a tv show that they didn't want to end early when they didn't really have to. If they're slick about the way that Vic weasels his way out of the things he does, or add some twists, it's all good. I just hope it doesn't start getting too unrealistic to believe he can keep getting away with it.

eventhough the show lasted for 7 seasons the actual timeline during the show is 3 years.
Finished off the Sarah Connor Chronicles (season 2) the other night. Season three would have been so amazing. I got all teary eyed at the end. Great great show. So much better than Salvation and probably whatever sequels they eventually push out. I hope the straight-to-dvd movie rumors play out so we can get a proper ending to this fuck awesome show.


Jealous Bastard
am i the only person here who just really loves THE TODAY SHOW?


i know it's fluff news, but that early in the morning, fluff news is exactly what i want. i want my horrible floods that killed thousands set side-by-side with the newest fashions for your pets. i want al roker screaming about sunday football games and giada de laurentis cooking something--surprise!--italian. and where in the fucking world is matt lauer?

seriously, i watch THE TODAY SHOW every morning while i'm using the elliptical, and it's as vital as morning coffee. it's charming as hell in how disposable it is.
I currently watch Bones and CSI regularly. I will be watching 24 once it comes back in January. I am also catching up on Lost through Netflix instant streaming, <3 Netflix:). I am on season 2 and am enjoying it so far. Although it is getting a little weird
pressing a button every 108 minutes?!?!? WTF?!?!?
. Also watched the Flash Forward premiere. It is an interesting concept, but I wonder how long they can keep it interesting.


Jealous Bastard
my mom loves BONES, and i'll admit, what i've watched of it is pretty good. it would be just another police procedural if it didn't have such an awesome sense of humor. the two leads are fantastic.

i just kind of wish it were a supernatural show with those two.


Glee and Modern Family.
Glee kinda lost some flair with the Single Ladies crap. Modern Family had a great pilot. I cant' wait to see the rest.


Just caught up on the second season of Fringe, not bad so far.
Sucks about Charlie though.

I also watched the new episodes of Heroes, definitely better then last season. I was about to give up on the show, but I ended up getting back into it. Hopefully this season will at least be on par with the first few episodes so far.
Brian Fellows said:
Just watched the first 2 eps of Dexter season 2. Good stuff. Its pick right up where season 1 left off in terms of quality.

becomes much better than S1, you're in for a treat. And S3...man, this show is like fine wine

still watching Chuck s1, episode 11..there are not enough words to describe how much I love this show

watching Lie to me. Awesome sauce as well. Tim Roth is guaranteed quality, as always

rewatched a Voyager episode by mistake, I kept hearing voices but there was noone on screen, then someone shouted "Chakotay" and I realized the truth
3 and 1/2 seasons into Battlestar Galactica, and I'm REALLY enjoying it. I don't know what the general consensus is on this show, but it's definitely NOT what I was expecting in the best way possible. Great stuff.


Net_Wrecker said:
3 and 1/2 seasons into Battlestar Galactica, and I'm REALLY enjoying it. I don't know what the general consensus is on this show, but it's definitely NOT what I was expecting in the best way possible. Great stuff.
I only got to like season 2 before starting Lost season 1 last year. I love it. I'm gonna by the blu-ray set and finally watch it all eventually. Right now I'm on some other series'. Backlogs. etcetc

Check out the Caprica Pilot if you haven't.


Man, the other day I had like this 10 minute conversation with my brother about BSG S4.

Boy, do I hate that season. Dragged the show down immensely, IMO. Though, I do like the series finale (unlike most of GAF I guess...).

I'll still pick the complete set up soon. Maybe I'll have a slightly different opinion on S4 when I rewatch it.


gdt5016 said:
Yeah, those were good.

I loved the atmosphere they created, with the constant gun shoots, screaming etc when the characters are just walking down a coridor, made it realy seem like the shit hit the fan


So, working my way through Babylon 5 S1.

I forgot how bad cheesy awful these first few episodes are :lol .

And each episode is paired with the preceeding trailer/preview, and those are even worse :lol .


I want to get into BSG. Only two things have held me back from doing so much sooner:

1) I tried going through the mini-series a few years back and I honestly just couldn't. I thought the pacing/editing was off and I just didn't care about any of the characters. It all felt very dull and uninteresting. Having said that, knowing how good the show apparently ends up being might temper that if I watched the mini-series again now. I may have also simply not been in the right frame of mind when I originally tried to watch it.

2) Some asshat on GAF posted a spoiler gif showing a certain presumably major character
killing herself
. I'm going to assume that it's probably a big deal and not something you'd want spoiled.

I've heard the show picks up greatly once the actual first season starts, though, so I'm definitely looking to delve into it pretty soon.


Here's Lenier! Lenier is one of my favorites. (B5)

eggybob said:
Any reason why?


The useless flashbacks
The God angle
Chief and his wife/Caprica
plus more.

I don't agree with all those, thats just more or less the concensus IIRC.
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