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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Finishing up Star Trek: Enterprise.

Pretty solid, even though there was a long part of season 2 where the show was just TEEEEEEEEEEERRRIBLE. Seasons 3 and 4 were good, though.
Brian Fellows said:
I just gotta say Lila is FUCKING HOT!

good lord, yes. The
random fridge boob scene
made me sproing

you should see Hustle, a pretty awesome UK show. Her's a big role here, and she's just breathtaking



Just found out we finally got USA, AMC, and Sci Fi all in HD. Finally can start watching all the stuff on those channels.

Edit: Too bad the feeds suck and they keep freezing up. :lol


I've started watching Freaks and Geeks for the first time. I felt as though the first 3 episodes were pretty sluggish and awkward, documenting the different cliques and their high school plights. Episode 4 really ramped it up, with the way they humanised Kim and episode 5, unmasking the real Daniel (probably the best thing I've ever seen Franko in) and the pay off at the very end.
The series is looking really strong at the episode 8 mark.

Jay Sosa

Just watched the season finale of Scrubs,
Man I'm still teary eyed that it's over. Fantastic ending and nice to get a little look behind the scenes at the end


Brian Fellows said:
I just gotta say Lila is FUCKING HOT!

Yep, the crazy chicks always are. See Hot-Crazy scale.

Jay Sosa said:
Just watched the season finale of Scrubs,
Man I'm still teary eyed that it's over. Fantastic ending and nice to get a little look behind the scenes at the end

I teared up too, such a great ending. It's part of the reason why i'm wary about the 9th season.


Watching 1.09 of Babylon 5. These first few episodes are sooooooooooooooooo boooooooooooorrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggggg.

Edit: Seriously, what the fuck happened at the start of S2? Did J Staryyfyasyyvysdc sell his soul or something? It's astounding how bad S1 is, and then incredible how amazing S2 and on are.


Jealous Bastard
gdt5016 said:
Watching 1.09 of Babylon 5. These first few episodes are sooooooooooooooooo boooooooooooorrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggggg.

Edit: Seriously, what the fuck happened at the start of S2? Did J Staryyfyasyyvysdc sell his soul or something? It's astounding how bad S1 is, and then incredible how amazing S2 and on are.

not being familiar with the show i naturally can't answer your questions, but i can confirm that the short time i spent with the first season of BABYLON 5 were shockingly painful considering its good reputation and my affinity for science fiction.
Anasui Kishibe said:
good lord, yes. The
random fridge boob scene
made me sproing

you should see Hustle, a pretty awesome UK show. Her's a big role here, and she's just breathtaking


She always seemed like a rent-a-center version of


Which frustrated me to no end. Lila will always be the reason that season 2 is my least favorite season of Dexter [so far].


beelzebozo said:
not being familiar with the show i naturally can't answer your questions, but i can confirm that the short time i spent with the first season of BABYLON 5 were shockingly painful considering its good reputation and my affinity for science fiction.

See, I'm rewatching the whole thing for the first time. I figured, "oh, I've seen this before. I remember that alot of the things brought up in those episodic S1 episodes to be brought up again. I should enjoy it more than last time!"

I'm not. I want to blaze through these (or at least get to the good stuff in the last half of the season) quickly, but it's painful.

God, S2 (I'll order the rest of the seasons when I get mo'money) is staring me in the face with it's sexiness.

Edit: Though, this episode, "Believers" is pretty good. Interesting stuff.
Watched Seasons 1-6 of The Shield over the past few months. On episode 4 of season 7 right now, can't wait to see how it finished. Absolutely loved the fallout since they
robbed the Armenian money train
. It's been amazing how they've built on everything that's gone before.


Jealous Bastard
i actually watched three episodes of STAR TREK: TNG last night that i enjoyed so much i've decided to watch the entire show. again.

the three i watched, and short summaries:

"WHERE SILENCE HAS LEASE" - this was okay. sort of a variation on the "enterprise crew deals with all-powerful force" theme which we see so often with TOS and TNG. this was the first episode i watched and was at least a nice reintroduction to the crew and the way they get along (or don't).

"ELEMENTARY MY DEAR DATA" - i have a weakness for these sort of offbeat fun episodes of TREK. obviously, this one is a sherlock holmes mystery with data as holmes and leforge as watson. again, pretty enjoyable watching spiner ham it up a little with his holmes deductions.

"MEASURE OF A MAN" - the real winner of the bunch. so much emotion that i didn't remember being present in these early seasons of TNG, and handles the question of sentience in artificial intelligence much better than most other sci-fi i can remember. watch it!

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
WyndhamPrice said:
She always seemed like a rent-a-center version of


Which frustrated me to no end. Lila will always be the reason that season 2 is my least favorite season of Dexter [so far].

I have no idea who that is but she looks like a dude with tits.


gdt5016 said:
So, working my way through Babylon 5 S1.

I forgot how bad cheesy awful these first few episodes are :lol .

And each episode is paired with the preceeding trailer/preview, and those are even worse :lol .

C'mon, it's not that bad. It has some really awesome episodes like:


In this episode we see Mr. Morden for the first time <3

Also Shadows

And hints of Ivanova's sexual orientation ?

And of course And the Sky Full of Stars. These two episodes are above all the others from season one and imo they rank well with rest of the episodes.

Other good/must see episodes from season one are: Babylon Squared, A Voice in the Wilderness (part I/II), Chrysalis and Mind War.


Signs and Portents is pretty good. I just doesn't rank as the best of the season. Though I would say it is the first episode to really kick off the rest of the series.

The best episode of S1 is either Babylon Squared, A Voice...part I/II, or Chrysalis.

And the really, only those three rank with some of the S2/3/4 episodes (barring those few bad ones everyone talks about).
WyndhamPrice said:
She always seemed like a rent-a-center version of


Which frustrated me to no end. Lila will always be the reason that season 2 is my least favorite season of Dexter [so far].

um chap not sure if you want to say she looks actually worse than that trash can or you're just referring to her character's influence


Peep Show S6 - Mmmhhhh not really as good as previous ones. :|

Supernatural S5 - It's Sam. It's Dean. It's awesome!

Heroes S4 - OK start. Need Sylar back and kicking arse pronto though.

Fringe S2 - Most dissapointing so far...just a bit...boring. :| Liked the omnious ending to this weeks one though, but they said the same thing last year - let's hope it's not more J.J cockteasing that he streaches out just a bit too far....did someone say Alias?


Up to 4.14 of Angel where
Faith is out of prison and Angelus is on the loose
The show is still very good. I think part of why it's awesome is because the characters surprise me. A lot of time they are unexpectedly brutal. Especially Wes, what a great devlopment of his character from his wankerish personality in Buffy to badass in Angel. Angel is also brutal and I love him for it. Although he does have his own code like Batman he doesn't really follow it. :lol
Like when
he left all the wolfram and Heart lawyers to get killed by Darla and Dru

One of the most memorable moments of S3 was when
Angel tried to smother Wes with a pillow and started screaming "you're dead Price! Dead!"
I had my mouth open in shock for like, 10 minutes. :lol

Also Angelus is one of the best villains of all time. He's scary, ruthless and I would not want to meet him in real life but he's also very awesome and at times funny.

The only part of this season I don't really like is
Conner and Cordelia. Ew. Conner also has a hairstyle that makes him look really ugly now.


gdt5016 said:
Connor and Cordy is definitely awful.

It's so...icky.

Still think S4 is awesome.

It's so gross :lol
Like Angelus said, she was the closest thing to a mother for him, so he basically banged his mum. :-(

I think every season besides S1 has been awesome. I'm looking forward to S5 because Spike is in it.:D
I will always consider Angel to be Joss Whedon's greatest show because unlike Buffy it only ever gets better as it goes on instead of hitting a plateau halfway through with occasional spikes (lulz).

Season 5 is amazing and the ending is perfect.


It's not even in the same league IMO. Angel is (probably) in my top five, and Buffy is nowhere near that.

And yeah, one of the best series finales ever. Best final line too :D .

Edit: On a side note, the (canon) comic series is pretty good. The arc that starts immediately after the show ends is pretty damn good, a shame it never got on TV :/.
gdt5016 said:
It's not even in the same league IMO. Angel is (probably) in my top five, and Buffy is nowhere near that.

And yeah, one of the best series finales every. Best final line too :D .

Shit man, just thinking of that gives me weird joyous chills. I need to watch that show again.


So glad you guys are talking about Angel and Buffy in this thread. I'm 5 seasons into Buffy and I just started the 2nd season of Angel.

Buffy is definitely not as good as it was Season 2-3 in my opinion, I actually thought the Buffy vs. Dracula season premiere of 5 was terrible, but that could just be me.

Right now I'd have to say that I like Buffy quite a bit better than Angel, even though Buffy seems to be petering out quite a bit (wasn't a big fan of Season 4, except Restless). Everyone seems to like Angel better though. That series gets a lot better as it goes?
Season 1 of Angel is about on par with the first season of Buffy (solid with a glimmer of the greatness to come) but ramps up considerably (just like Buffy) and never stops, which Buffy unfortunately does at about the point you are describing.

I blame Dawn.

I also (less sarcastically) blame WB/UPN for splitting those two shows apart on different networks so the crossover potential was essentially eradicated after the first couple seasons of Angel.

In retropsect, however, it was probably for the best.


Well now I'm going to have to buy the entire Angel series too. Not that I wasn't going to, I'm just more excited to now. For right now I guess I'll have to hope that Season 5 of Buffy gets a little better and The Body is as good as everyone seems to be saying.


Drewsky said:
So glad you guys are talking about Angel and Buffy in this thread. I'm 5 seasons into Buffy and I just started the 2nd season of Angel.

Buffy is definitely not as good as it was Season 2-3 in my opinion, I actually thought the Buffy vs. Dracula season premiere of 5 was terrible, but that could just be me.

Right now I'd have to say that I like Buffy quite a bit better than Angel, even though Buffy seems to be petering out quite a bit (wasn't a big fan of Season 4, except Restless). Everyone seems to like Angel better though. That series gets a lot better as it goes?

Yeah S4 of Buffy was pretty bad. It had a few excellent episodes like Hush but overall the Big Bad was terrible, the Initiative was lame and Buffy turned into a whiny bitch. S5 is a lot better than S4 imo but I do remember the Dracula episode, hilariously bad. The only time it drops again is in S7 but thats only because they introduce a bunch of annoying characters.

Angel S1 was bad but stick with it, it gets so much better.
Oh, I wouldn't worry too much. The Body is most definitely one of the best hours of TV ever. There are some really, really excellent episodes in Buffy's back half. It's the irritating interpersonal "drama" that the characters start to engage in around season 6 that kind of sours it for me. Something about the writing changes (I can't really put my finger on it) that causes the show to get a bit more moody and meandering as it goes on. At least when Angel hits the "dark" period (around season 4) it's tense and engaging and the payoff is superb.


Drewsky said:
Well now I'm going to have to buy the entire Angel series too. Not that I wasn't going to, I'm just more excited to now. For right now I guess I'll have to hope that Season 5 of Buffy gets a little better and The Body is as good as everyone seems to be saying.
I'd say it definitely gets stronger as it goes along. It also has the show's best season finale.

Something about the writing changes (I can't really put my finger on it) that causes the show to get a bit more moody and meandering as it goes along.



I just finished the second season of Avatar:The Last Airbender and its pretty damn good. Might be one of my favorite cartoon shows at this rate. I'm really surprised how serialized this show is... I think there was only like 1 or two stand alone episodes in the second season (which was fucking awesome). Since I hate typing Ill just do some bullet points

*interesting mythology
*great characters/development. Uncle Iroh is the man, but Sokka can be annoying(Though the cactus juice bit was pretty good))
*Love the continuity
*Animation is lovely
*Egg voices one of the main characters

I honestly don't have that many complaints about the show

What's the general consensus on the third season?

btw Appa has to be one of the best characters in the history of entertainment. No hyperbole.
There's a new TV channel here in Aus and they've been showing a lot of Seinfeld so I've been watching it whenever it's on. The classic 'I WAS IN THE POOL' episode was on today. :)

Curb Your Enthusiasm is also on this channel but it's only broadcast once a week I think. :(
They'll be showing Season 7 soon which is good. We're up to the episode after 'Meet the Blacks'.


Scooter said:
Always Sunny in Philadelphia is great comedy. I don't understand why I was avoiding it all this time.

I rewatched the Season 3 episode Dee is Dating A Retarded Person the other day. Hilarious episode, I remembered the Dee storyline being funny, but I had forgotten it was the episode with Nightman too. Definitely one of my top 3 episodes.
Scooter said:
Always Sunny in Philadelphia is great comedy. I don't understand why I was avoiding it all this time.

I might very well join the club, always avoided it for unknown reasons and just need a relaxing comedy among all those hysterical action dramas


Anasui Kishibe said:
I might very well join the club, always avoided it for unknown reasons and just need a relaxing comedy among all those hysterical action dramas

It's very funny. Going to introduce a friend of mine to it tonight :D.


I just watched the first season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and while the beginning was slow(especially the first three episodes). It definitely got better as it got further along. Specifically the last two episodes, which were hilarious.
Season 3 of Battlestar Galactica complete. GREAT ending, and amazing finale song. So hyped to get into season 3.5, and 4 right away. Did I mention the great song in the finale? Epic scenes at the end.

Coop said:
I just finished the second season of Avatar:The Last Airbender and its pretty damn good. Might be one of my favorite cartoon shows at this rate. I'm really surprised how serialized this show is... I think there was only like 1 or two stand alone episodes in the second season (which was fucking awesome). Since I hate typing Ill just do some bullet points

*interesting mythology
*great characters/development. Uncle Iroh is the man, but Sokka can be annoying(Though the cactus juice bit was pretty good))
*Love the continuity
*Animation is lovely
*Egg voices one of the main characters

I honestly don't have that many complaints about the show

What's the general consensus on the third season?

btw Appa has to be one of the best characters in the history of entertainment. No hyperbole.

If I remember correctly, the 3rd season is the best. The animation is AMAZING, characters are fleshed out completely, and everything comes together in a way few series' ever do. It's also one of the few animated shows to ever have me literally lmao (yes literally. I have no ass because of watching AVATAR:lol ). I want to watch it again.


Started and finished OZ season one yesterday. Totally awesome. Schillinger's and Beecher's story line is just great throughout the whole show, same goes for O'Reily's scheming. Gonna start season two today.


Jealous Bastard
CiSTM said:
Started and finished OZ season one yesterday. Totally awesome. Schillinger's and Beecher's story line is just great throughout the whole show, same goes for O'Reily's scheming. Gonna start season two today.

the first episode of this show is very emotionally affecting. dino ortolani is a bit of a tragic figure.


beelzebozo said:
the first episode of this show is very emotionally affecting. dino ortolani is a bit of a tragic figure.

yeah :(

I remember when I saw the first episode for the very first time. I thought Ortolani was cool character and I thought that he would be in the
show till the end. So the ending of the first episode was kinda bummer.

It was also nice to see that Schillinger had some humanity left in him in the first season (
wanted to get paroled so he could take care of his kids. Didn't even want to kill Beecher
). But as I recall he pretty much becomes a monster and some in the later episodes.


Drewsky said:
Well now I'm going to have to buy the entire Angel series too. Not that I wasn't going to, I'm just more excited to now. For right now I guess I'll have to hope that Season 5 of Buffy gets a little better and The Body is as good as everyone seems to be saying.

Season 5 actually ended up being my second favorite season of the show and I also really love season 6, despite the turn to a darker mood. Season 7 has some problems (annoying characters that change the dynamic of the show), but I've enjoyed it more with repeated viewings and I definitely think it's better than season 4. The final ending of the show is totally awesome. It really builds to a nice climax. Hang in there.


beelzebozo said:
okay, that's it. too long have i stood on the sidelines of AVATAR. going to try and find the first season dvd today.

You won't regret it. My wife and I marathon watched it a few months ago, loved it.


Finished Angel Season 5. What a way to finish. Probably my favourite season of the show.
so many characters died!! Sad moments aplenty :(

Now to move on to the Angel comics!
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