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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Blader5489 said:
I don't think I've ever seen a tv show as emotionally draining as The Shield's finale.


The show seriously fucks with your character loyalties by the end of it, much moreso than any show I can recall.


Memles said:
Ratings for S2 are comparatively through the roof - its Season 2 premiere was up like 95% over the Season 1 premiere, and the ratings have held steady (it even beat Jay Leno/The Forgotten head-to-head on Tuesday night). The show will be getting a third season at least, if not more, as it has turned into an FX success story.

And agreed on your observation - that episode was when things really kicked into high gear.

That's awesome, especially beating Leno too.

Zeliard said:
Just finished up the series finale of the The Shield.

I don't even know what to say. That final episode was equally depressing and fulfilling.

When the final credits rolled, all I could think was "well... fuck."

Yeah, it's without a doubt my favorite series finale for any show. It's near perfect. I can't think of anything wrong with it.


Subconscious Brolonging

The show seriously fucks with your character loyalties by the end of it, much moreso than any show I can recall.

The confession scene is one of the most remarkable scenes ever. It's so simple but invokes such complex emotions in the audience, it makes you look at the entire series from a different perspective.


I recently finished Curb Your Enthusiasm season 1, which was awesome, but right now I'm finally starting to watch Battlestar Galactica and I'm gonna give Mad Men a shot in the near future.

I'm currently following 30 Rock, Community, Dexter, Dollhouse, FlashForward, House, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and the Office. Shows that are off season at the moment: Burn Notice, Lost, and Psych.

I watched the premiere of White Collar on Hulu yesterday and liked it quite a bit, so I'll be following that from now on too.


I love how they took no easy out whatsoever, either.

Vic ends up getting away at the end, but at the expense of almost literally everything else. And about the character loyalties... while the viewer usually sides with Vic throughout most of the series since he is our focal point for the show (and is frequently shown to be conflicted), by the end of it Shane becomes a vastly more sympathetic figure, which I found fascinating.

Still, it was undoubtedly sad to see Vic reduced to a suit and a tie and working a dull desk job, though that's certainly much better than what happened to the rest of the Strike Team.


The interrogation scene before the finale, when Vic had to lay out all his crimes was one of the best scenes I've ever seen.

Of anything.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Has anyone watched the River Cottage series?

I grabbed a bunch of them recently. Its a lifestyle/cooking/gardening/DIY sorta show, pretty fucking amazing actually. The host grows his own fruit, veg, meat and anything else he can find in the wild n stuff. Its a UK series but damn is it good and if your even remotely interesting in food n stuff you should check it out.

Besides that, all current seasons.

Bored to Death, incredibly brilliant.

Modern Family, amazing.

Sons of Anarchy, good ramping up to great.

Stargate Universe, great,

Californication brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT.

Dexter, good but seems to be ramping up, has me excited.

Venture Bros, BEST.

Southpark, last 3 eps have been good!

Curb Your Enthusiasm, EPIC.

Community, good.

How I Met Your Mother.... goodish.

Think thats bout it.


Will QA for food.
icarus-daedelus said:
Season 3 of Avatar has more standalones than season 2, and consequently there's a little dip in quality, at least in the first half. The story does get back on track, though, and from about halfway through it's great. I loved the finale, and I think most did.

However, don't expect it to be quite as good as season 2. They really knocked it out of the park for that one.

Season 2 was the most complete, and by far the best in my opinion, but the conclusion of the third season (the last four episodes, or so) are maybe the best episodes of the entire series.



Just finished this today. Great show. Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson are an epic duo, and the actor who plays Marc Antony is brilliant. Hell, the acting in general is just great, even from the younger ones.

Looking forward to watching season 2. Shame that this was cancelled, though I can see why; the show must have cost a fortune.
Blader5489 said:
Looking forward to watching season 2. Shame that this was cancelled, though I can see why; the show must have cost a fortune.
The first season cost $100 million. I'm waiting for the Blu-ray to watch it for the first time.
EvilMario said:
Season 2 was the most complete, and by far the best in my opinion, but the conclusion of the third season (the last four episodes, or so) are maybe the best episodes of the entire series.

I'd agree with that, the finale eps are amazingly epic, the fight between
Zuko and Azula
gives me chills.

I've been rewatching The OC the last week or two. Not everyones cup of tea I'm sure but I have to say the first Season is just brilliant, I really can't quite place what it is that makes it so good but I feel compelled to keep watching. The majority of the characters are just greatly written and there's some really good drama constantly, it's basically a soap opera but I love it.

Just started Season 2 and it's already started to go downhill a bit, I'll probably watch it till the end of this Season then stop, it's a shame that after such an awesome first Season it went to shit after a while.
Just started watching Friday Night Lights, due to Explosions in the Sky doing alot of the soundtrack and I am loving it so far (about 7 episodes in). Who would have thought that a show about high school football could be so addictive.


Blader5489 said:
Looking forward to watching season 2. Shame that this was cancelled, though I can see why; the show must have cost a fortune.
The cost was mostly for the sets and costumes. Even the HBO execs admitted they shouldn't have canceled the show. HBO has cancelled more than their fair share of awesome shows :(


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Bored to Death, incredibly brilliant.
Venture Bros, BEST.
I heard Bored to Death was off to a terrible start. I take it the show turned itself around?

Also, what is Venture Bros? Kids show?


Decado said:
The cost was mostly for the sets and costumes. Even the HBO execs admitted they shouldn't have canceled the show. HBO has cancelled more than their fair share of awesome shows :(

I just looked into this and ended up running into a massive spoiler. =\ fuck.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Decado said:
I heard Bored to Death was off to a terrible start. I take it the show turned itself around?

Also, what is Venture Bros? Kids show?

Eh i liked Bored to Death from the get go, it has good characters, is well shot, story/concept is great.

Venture Bros is an animated show but is by no means a "kids" show. Smart, funny, clever and has its fair share of action. Good characters, excellent plots and character arc's make it probably my favorite show at the moment.
Hellion said:
First episode of Lost on stream.... I did not like.

Should I keep watching?

first episode of Lost is probably the worst of the entire serie. Stick with it, once the mysteries start piling up you won't be disappointed


Hellion said:
First episode of Lost on stream.... I did not like.

Should I keep watching?

I actually think the first ep of lost is one of the strongest pilots ever made. You should definitely keep watching because everybody obviously doesn't agree and the show does rely heavily on mysteries that take time to build up, but that was a pretty good episode overall.


Anasui Kishibe said:
first episode of Lost is probably the worst of the entire serie. Stick with it, once the mysteries start piling up you won't be disappointed


The first episode of Lost is probably one of the best tv pilots ever.
I thought it was really dull and with lots of obligatory and unimpressive oh shi- moments, like the dude swallowed by the turbine. A airplane crashing on a island isn't really that gripping of a premise, to me; real show doesn't start until the flashbacks and the various weird stuff happenin on the island AFTER the pilot

I'd like to point out that it's not like I'm sayin the episode is bad or something, it's that i find what happens next absolutely awesome

Ford Prefect

Been watching Season 2 of 30 Rock on Netflix... I'm beginning to put it up there with the likes of Seinfeld and Arrested Development. Always consistent, and endlessly clever. All that AND fucking Captain Beefheart references?


Yeah, Lost is probably my favorite show ever.

But if the Pilot didn't do anything for you, maybe it's just not your thing.


Started watching X-files season 5 \o/

Four episodes down and so far not so impressive. Redux I & II were mainly boring. Only thing that could have shaken me would have been the
shooting of Cigarette Smoking Man but I do remember that he survived.
I skipped Unusual Suspects because I hate the Lone Gunmen guys. Haven't seen Homicide: Life on the Street so didn't really care for the crossover. Detour was pretty decent stand alone case. Nothing special but wasn't bad either. Goign to watch The Post-Modern Prometheus right after this post :)


gdt5016 said:
Yeah, Lost is probably my favorite show ever.

But if the Pilot didn't do anything for you, maybe it's just not your thing.

you dont deserve a Saracen avatar =P

Friday Night Lights has to be one of my top pilots ever. So many emotions...so little time


Did not ask for this tag
While waiting for the last Lost season, I've started watching Sons of Anarchy, How I Met Your Mother, Mad Men and Bored to Death. Watched one season of Dollhouse as well.

SoA is brilliant, up to the 2nd season now. HIMYM and Bored to Death are hilarious, and Mad Men I reserve my judgment on til I've seen more of it.

Watching House and Heroes (I know.. I'm still seeing if it's ever going to be good again) weekly, as well. Entourage's latest season was too short.


Solo said:
12 episodes > 22-24 episodes

I feel that way more and more these days.

Very few shows/seasons can do 22 (tight) episodes. The pacing is (pretty much) always better with a 12/13 episode season.


Its the only reason that cable TV shits all over network TV (sure, they can push more controversial content too, but I dont think that makes them inherently better). Shorter seasons = tighter narrative = little to no filler.
There's way too much time for monkeying around and losing focus in a 22 episode season. I'm trying to think of any 22-ep season of a network show that had me riveted from start to finish. There's always at least a couple throwaway episodes, a bad story arc, etc...


Cornballer said:
There's way too much time for monkeying around and losing focus in a 22 episode season. I'm trying to think of any 22-ep season of a network show that had me riveted from start to finish. There's always at least a couple throwaway episodes, a bad story arc, etc...

There are very few of them. Even great recent TV seasons like Veronica Mars S1 or Chuck S2 each had some filler, throwaway stuff in there.


Subconscious Brolonging
22-24 episode seasons are just too creatively draining to ever maintain the level of quality a 13 episode season can. I can only think of a couple seasons that have ever pulled it off, and even those don't stack up against the best 13 episode seasons.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
gdt5016 said:
I feel that way more and more these days.

Very few shows/seasons can do 22 (tight) episodes. The pacing is (pretty much) always better with a 12/13 episode season.

Me too. I feel that going to longer season killed both BSG and The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Both shows has such tightly paced stories when things were kept shorter.


Still watching X files season 5 and just finished episode 12 Bad Blood. Fucking loved it :lol It was first really good episode from this season. There has been a lot of Scully episodes and I have found them to be rather boring. Dana just doesn't work without Fox :(

Halfway through s5 and at this point I would give this season 6/10. I hope it gets better.
CiSTM said:
Started watching X-files season 5 \o/

Four episodes down and so far not so impressive. Redux I & II were mainly boring. Only thing that could have shaken me would have been the
shooting of Cigarette Smoking Man but I do remember that he survived.
I skipped Unusual Suspects because I hate the Lone Gunmen guys. Haven't seen Homicide: Life on the Street so didn't really care for the crossover. Detour was pretty decent stand alone case. Nothing special but wasn't bad either. Goign to watch The Post-Modern Prometheus right after this post :)
Wha- ...How? I LOVED The Lone Gunmen.

I've been going through the entire series of Stargate SG-1. I'm currently on season nine, but I'm going to list my favorite seasons and episodes and such up until season 8.

This list is incomplete for now. I'll update when I'm done with season ten.


Best Season
Season 7

Best to Worst
1. Season 7
2. Season 8
3. Season 6
4. Season 5
5. Season 4
6. Season 2
7. Season 3
8. Season 1

It's good to know that the show got better overall, at least up until season 8.


Best Season Finale

Lost City, Season 7

My Favorite Episodes (in order of season)

- The Nox, Season 1
- The Fifth Race, Season 2
- Pretense, Season 3
- Chain Reaction, Season 4
- Window of Opportunity, Season 4
- Disclosure, Season 6
- The Other Guys, Season 6 <-- Being a Trek fan certainly helps the quality of this episode.
- Enemy Mine, Season 7
- Heroes Parts 1 and 2, Season 7
- Lost City, Season 7
- Citizen Joe, Season 8


I have now finished X-Files season 5... All I can say is "meh". I would give it 5/10

Simply to put it: Not enough conspiracy and alien stuff.

Bad Blood was first great episode of the season and after that there were two somewhat good episodes (Patient X and The Red and the Black) but I found the
alien invasion
plot to be bit too much. After these two episodes there was only one good episode left and that was Folie a Deux. I love William Gibson's books but Kill Switch is probably the worst episode of X-files so far (I think he also wrote FPS which is the worst episode of x-files). Technical jargo is something that Gibson usually does well but in this episode it was just laughable. And what about Chinga ? I mean evil
? C'mon, you should be able to do better than that. Even the last episode was boring as a fuck. Terrible season.

edit: Here is my top 8 episodes from this season... Why to list 8 episodes ? Well because there were only 8 good episodes in this season.

1. Bad Blood
2. Patient X
3. Folie a Deux
4. The Post-Modern Prometheus
5. Redux
6. Detour
7. Redux II
8. The Red and the Black

I have decided to put X-files season 6 on hold. Will watch it eventually but after fifth season I really don't have the energy to go on with this show... Well actually I did watch the first two episodes of season 6 and while the first episode was just dumb the second one "Drive" was really good. I had seen it before but didn't remember it that well and certainly didn't remember it was that good of an episode... Still I'm gonna watch something else for now on.

edit: after some thinking here is season order from best to worse:

2 > 3 > 4 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5

Seasons 1-4 are all great while season 5 is just terrible. You could see the decline of quality in season four's stand alone cases but it had very solid mytharc and alien mythology episodes and they saved a lot.
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