My DVR backlog includes 3 episodes (each) of Dexter, Californication, Fringe, and Flashforward from the past few weeks. Any advice on how I should prioritize those?
Cornballer said:My DVR backlog includes 3 episodes (each) of Dexter, Californication, Fringe, and Flashforward from the past few weeks. Any advice on how I should prioritize those?
If that's the case, I might just wait for dvd's on that one. I haven't heard a lot of good things about it yet.gdt5016 said:Sprinkle those FF episodes in---don't watch them straight. The show hasn't had a genuingly good episode yet. It's riddled with problems.
okay, that's it. too long have i stood on the sidelines of AVATAR. going to try and find the first season dvd today.
Brian Fellows said:Getting near the end of Dexter season 2 and holy shit its good. Its blowing season 1 away in every way. Seasons 3 and 4 are going to have their work cut out for them.
Coop said:It's good, I was reclucant because it was on Nick but it exceeded my expectations a lot. Speaking of...
I finished Avatar a couple days ago. The third season started off slow (the episode at the beach was awful) but it really picks up near the middle. I do have to say the recap episode was absolutely hilarious. So many great moments in that episode. HONOR!, Katara (IT JUST GAVE ME SO MUCH HOPE!), great divide joke (episode was bad),,etc.Jet's death
Overall it's probably my favorite animated series. I was kind of disappointment with the finale, but it was good overall. I do have one major complaint about season 3.. WHERE WAS IROH!? He's in like 4 episodes.
Up next Sons of Anarchy... I might start that in 10 minutes because I have a couple of hours to kill.
Zeliard said:So I'm currently on Season 5 of The Shield.
.... Forest Whitaker is one crazy motherfucker.
Can't wait till the "Kavanaugh" episode, which I'm about 2 or 3 eps from. Heard that it's one of the series' premiere episodes, if not the best one.
beelzebozo said:FRANK LUNDY
Whoa. I had no idea.Brian Fellows said:I just realized it was the same actor that played Wild Bill in Deadwood.
NimbusD said:Just got into Doctor Who. Finishing up the second season now. Dum da Dum... looking for a new show, preferably serialized and sci fi ish if anyone has any suggestions. As far as sci fi goes all I've ever really gotten into has been BSG and I loved it.
DS9 and B5.NimbusD said:Just got into Doctor Who. Finishing up the second season now. Dum da Dum... looking for a new show, preferably serialized and sci fi ish if anyone has any suggestions. As far as sci fi goes all I've ever really gotten into has been BSG and I loved it.
If you want highly imaginative and, at times, completely bizarre sci-fi, i'd go with Farscape. It starts off standalone-ish, but becomes serialized to a degree by the end of season 1 and delivers some of the most satisfying story arcs i've watched. It's rather Buffy/Doctor Who-esque in its weaving of story arcs and standalone episodes.NimbusD said:Just got into Doctor Who. Finishing up the second season now. Dum da Dum... looking for a new show, preferably serialized and sci fi ish if anyone has any suggestions. As far as sci fi goes all I've ever really gotten into has been BSG and I loved it.
THR Live Feed said:Yet another network to air 'Arrested Development'
October 19, 2009
IFC has picked up the rights to air "Arrested Development" and plans back-to-back airings on Sunday and Tuesday nights starting Oct. 25. The former Fox comedy has previously aired on HDNet and G4, in addition to being offered online via MSN.
'Arrested Development' is one of the smartest and funniest shows of the last decade with a hilarious presentation of absurd family dysfunction. Its a perfect fit for IFC, which viewers recognize as an authority on whats new, next and relevant in television, film, music, gaming and online, and more recently comedy, said IFC GM Jennifer Caserta. With the addition of shows like 'Monty Pythons Flying Circus' and our original series 'The Whitest Kids U Know,' IFC continues to be a destination for unique and unconventional comedies. Adding 'Arrested Development' to our schedule is the next natural step for us in that direction.
Darkness said:Almost done season 3 of Battlestar Galactica. Time to move on to season 4! I don't want it to end![]()
Cornballer said:IFC is going to show Arrested Development reruns. Didn't want to bump the Arrested D movie thread for fear of angering people since I have no movie news.
CiSTM said:X-Files Season 4. It had a very slow start but when it started it was quality all the way down. Tempus Fugit and Max were really awesome episodes and this season had one of the best season cliffhangers ever made in TV. Probably my favorite season. Going to watch season 5 asap.
beelzebozo said:my favorite episodes from this season:
"unruhe" - this is so creepy. just the polaroid mulder uses to find the guy is weird enough to warrant a watch, and the photography manipulation strikes me as a really nice sequence of what appears to be a real police procedure (though it's probably not). and how does that guy do that with his eye!?
"synchrony" - time travel is awesome. that's all you need to know going in.
"small potatoes" - darin morgan, my favorite writer on the series, guest stars as a sleazy janitor loser with an interesting power.
there are several others i like, but these three stand out. it's probably among my least favorite seasons of the show (among the ones i like anyway [1-7]), but it's still incredibly awesome. you're about to hit my favorite two seasons in 5 & 6. we'll have much to talk about when you do my friend.
roosters93 said:So someone mentioned Deadwood on the previous page and it made me remember I own Season 1. Should I watch it? I watched the first episode when I bought it but didn't find it that interesting and had other great TV on DVD to watch so just left it.
roosters93 said:So someone mentioned Deadwood on the previous page and it made me remember I own Season 1. Should I watch it? I watched the first episode when I bought it but didn't find it that interesting and had other great TV on DVD to watch so just left it.
Coop said:Caught up to Sons of Anarchy, great show. It started off kind of slow and was all over the place, but onceit really picked up. If you are a fan of The Shield I'd highly recommend it. Anybody know how the ratings are? I'll be pissed if this show gets canceled.Dutch got killed.
Zeliard said:Just finished up the series finale of the The Shield.
I don't even know what to say. That final episode was equally depressing and fulfilling.
When the final credits rolled, all I could think was "well... fuck."