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TV Shows you've watched recently

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it's ok, you're all right now
Strange Luck. I remembered it as a kid and somehow found it. It's so awesome, but we were such dorks in the mid 90s. :lol

I thought Mullets went away then but I guess they were still popular.


gdt5016 said:

That's a good question.

On-topic, I finished season 4 of The Wire last night. I saw Bubbles'
hot shots killing Sherrod coming a mile away
, but not the
attempted suicide
. Given how much time was focused on
character, I should have seen
Bodie's death
coming, too, but I honestly thought
arc would extend into S5.

I could go on for pages, probably, but The Wire's greatest strength comes from its willingness to give us unhappy, fucked-up, unjust endings for its characters and situations. More than that, though, it's content to just let its storylines stew for an episode at a time, with no real movement except for a few minutes spent with the characters in question. Bunny Colvin's special class goes for a good few episodes without showing us any meaningful change in the kids, Cutty and his gym provide a setting/excuse for some action, but the
dynamic basically stews in its own juices until it finally comes to a head, etc. In any other show, all of that would be wasted airtime, but The Wire gets away with it because it keeps up the tension throughout; you know something's going to happen, and you have no idea when that's going to be.

Probably the best show I've seen. At the very least, it's the most ambitious by far, and I can already tell that the end of S5 is going to be bittersweet as fuck.


Started out with season 3 of Mad Men, and it seems to be getting better and better. Also watching the final season of Whose Line Is It Anyway?(US version) and this show never gets old to me! Stated out on community as well after seeing Allison Brie in people's avatars all around the forums, and its pretty awesome.


Subconscious Brolonging
CiSTM said:
X-Files Season 5 stuff

Season 6 is hit or miss. It's the first season shot in LA instead of Vancouver and drop in quality is pretty evident. There are still episodes worth watching though and it wraps up the mythology well. Seasons 7, 8, and 9 are all mixed and probably not worth your time. After they wrap up the syndicate mythology line in season 6 they never find anything good to replace it, and the occasional good MotW episode is not enough to make up for the general lack of quality.
Spire said:
Season 6 is hit or miss. It's the first season shot in LA instead of Vancouver and drop in quality is pretty evident. There are still episodes worth watching though and it wraps up the mythology well. Seasons 7, 8, and 9 are all mixed and probably not worth your time. After they wrap up the syndicate mythology line in season 6 they never find anything good to replace it, and the occasional good MotW episode is not enough to make up for the general lack of quality.
I thought season 7 was quite good judging from the last time I watched it.

Season 7 spoiler ->
The episode in which Mulder finally finds out what happened to his sister
had me teary-eyed.
Maxrpg said:
Started Supernatural with the woman. Any opinions on the show?

It's good. Starts off very monster of the week but as the show progresses into season 2+ it has very good season arcs as well as comedic aspects slipped in. One of my favorite shows in the last few years.


Maxrpg said:
Started Supernatural with the woman. Any opinions on the show?

Season 1 is kind of rough
Season 2 is very good
Season 3 is great
Season 4 is ok, but a pretty big step back. Too many awkward and mediocre stand-alones

Haven't watched any of the current season yet.

The best thing about the show is the overall vibe, and the characters along with the humor and the show's general uniqueness. It's biggest weakness is that it can be very inconsistent and occasionally it panders a little too much to teenage girls that are hot for the dudes that play in it.


Maxrpg said:
Started Supernatural with the woman. Any opinions on the show?


It gets better each season and the 5th season (current) has been really good so far. Unlike other shows, the stand alone episodes in Supernatural are pretty damn good. I do have to say that the first season is kind of rough, but if you can survive that youre in for a really good time.
I owe this thread a huge debt. I was doing some lurking and started watching Chuck based on all the recommendations, and I LOVE it!! I am 6 episodes into season 2.


My girlfriend (who I've been dating for about a month now) has already gotten me hooked on two shows I would have never even known about; Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and Deadliest Warrior.

Deadliest Warrior is so scripted it's not even funny, but the production values are surprisingly strong, and then end fights are almost always worth it :D Although the IRA versus Taliban episode was rather tasteless. Either way, definitely looking forward to the second season.

Kitchen Nightmares is surprisingly fun, I'd had limited exposure to Gordon Ramsay up until I watched this show. Everything I'd seen before hand (as well as everything I'd heard) was that the guy was an absolute tyrant and an unlikeable prick. That does come off a lot during Kitchen Nightmares, but he also comes off as a pretty stand-up guy. He makes great television that's for sure :lol This show is like House to me, it's the same goddamn thing every episode, but the guy who is the focus of the show is the reason to watch.


Well, lets see...

Babylon 5 S2
Lost S3 (in the rewatch thread)
24 S5
Sopranos S1
Dexter S3

I think thats it.

Plus all the weekly stuff.


Coop said:

It gets better each season and the 5th season (current) has been really good so far. Unlike other shows, the stand alone episodes in Supernatural are pretty damn good. I do have to say that the first season is kind of rough, but if you can survive that youre in for a really good time.
Actually me and her enjoy the first season already - seems like it's going to rise to heaven after the first season. Being a good arc story buff, I was happy to see more dealing with their dad and the demon chick in the latter half of the season. We're almost done now.
[sarcasm]So I took a long shot and watched FNL season one even though it gets so little support here on GAF [/sarcasm] and it was amazing just like everyone said. The episodes didn't really even have cliffhangers at the end but the strength of the story pretty much compelled a marathon.

If I recall the general consensus is s2 is kind of bad but s3 makes up for it?


evilpigking said:
[sarcasm]So I took a long shot and watched FNL season one even though it gets so little support here on GAF [/sarcasm] and it was amazing just like everyone said. The episodes didn't really even have cliffhangers at the end but the strength of the story pretty much compelled a marathon.

If I recall the general consensus is s2 is kind of bad but s3 makes up for it?

S2 starts off weak, gets better, and then S3 blows everything away. S3 is absolutely perfect.

Best season of TV ever. And S4 (so far) is on the same track.


I've been going through The Wire again. In the middle of Season 3 now.

Don't think there's really anything more that needs to be said about this show. Other than, if you've gone through it and haven't seen it again, you should do so at some point. It's immensely re-watchable, and when you know what the progression for season plots and characters will be like, you can concentrate on some of the other things and pick up stuff you might have missed the first time. There are a lot of layers to peel back.

And obviously, if you haven't seen it, seriously. Do yourself a favor already.
Californication Seasons One and Two: For the first time. Instant-top-ten material. Absolute and wonderful vitriol that feels like Hunter S. Thompson filtered through constant sex with great heart behind the madness. Can't get enough of it, definitely a feel-good show to relax with.

Boondocks Season One: Finished it for the first time. Too good to avoid - super smart and outright hilarious.
Anasui Kishibe said:
started Tru Blood. Please tell me it gets better

I wish I could, but I've seen the first season and about half of season 2, and its just a show I don't see the appeal of. The only reason I have seen so much of the show is due to my friends loving it.

I can't get past the constant corniness that graces nearly every scene like some bad rejected adult version of a WB show.

as for what I've been watching, a lot of It's Always Sunny, and Community


Water is not wet!
dorkimoe said:
i was gonna start watching the x files, because fringe is awesome. Should i?
As someone who is not a die-hard X-Files fan, i say give it a shot. Start with the first season and dont be dissuaded by the pilot. It is really rough and not indicative of the quality of the episodes that follow.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
I wish there was a Sci Fi show on as good as the X-Files was :'(

Give Outer Limits (1995) a chance. It's not like X-Files but it is a dam good sci-fi show. There are 7 seasons of it. I really don't remember how many of 'em were good but at least the three first seasons were solid sci-fi. Show is all about stand alones but every now and then there are stories that connect and are part of a bigger story arc. One thing why I like the show so much is the fact that the bad guys usually win :lol. Destruction of mankind isn't an unusual ending for Outer Limits episode :)

Only thing is that you can't buy them on DVD. First season is available on dvd (US release) so you have to figure another way to see the rest of the show... Actually Canada has rest of the seasons released but they are censored (nudity,gore) so the Canadian sets aren't really worth of buying.

edit: now that I think of it the first season isn't really that great. It still has some must see episodes (Alyssa Milano nude, and the one with Spock, and the other with T1000). The show got great when they started to focus more on extraterrestrial stuff. War of the worlds kind of plots and etc.

Some of my favorits from S1:

Dark Matters
A cargo ship is forced from hyperspace into a strange region of "dark matter" where some of the normal laws of physics seem not to apply - even the dead linger, unable to find their reward. Worse, contact with these specters is fatal to the living. If the crew can't escape quickly, they'll join the current residents, human and alien, eternally denied whatever lies beyond death

Quality of Mercy: (the one with T1000) This was first episode I ever saw and untill today it is one of my favorites from S1.
Major John Skokes has been captured by the seemingly unbeatable aliens currently warring on Earth. His companion is a young Cadet captured on a training flight, Bree Tristan. Skokes must find a way out of the dank prison for himself and his fellow prisoner before the aliens succeed in converting her to one of their own species!

The Voyage home
Three astronauts exploring Mars discover a mysterious canister. When they open it, they are struck unconscious. Awakening nearly an hour later, they must hurry back to their ship to make their launch window. But on the way home, Ed becomes convinced that fellow astronaut Alan is not what he appears to be, and murders him by forcing him out the airlock. Now Ed and his remaining crew member Pete must decide what to do.

Caught in the Act
really stupid episode but it has nude Milano so it pays off.
Hannah Valesic wants to wait until after she and her boyfriend graduate and get married before they have sex. Then a strange bullet falls to earth and grounds itself in the floorboards of Hannah's room. The bullet carries a cargo that changes Hannah's perspective and threatens any man near her with death - by sex! Hannah's boyfriend must figure out what has happened to the woman he loves before she kills again.

I, Robot
Spock is in da house. Great episode.
Late at night, Dr. Link works on his creation, a powerful robot named Adam Link. Adam goes berserk and murders Dr. Link! Law enforcement issues an order for the robot's destruction, but the dead man's daughter Nina Link hires retired lawyer and full-time curmudgeon Thurman Cutler to defend the machine's rights as if it were a man! Cutler takes the case as much to mock the legal system that has made him a cynic as for any other reason, but can even his brilliant mind save Adam Link from destruction?

This is one helluva conspiracy episode. Second best of the season.
Senator Richard Adams finishes a speech and gets into his car. En route to his next appointment he gets into an accident. When he wakes up, the doctor shows him his lab results that suggest something very strange: a four-lobed brain! Over time he realizes he's dying - until he finds a strange medicine, poisonous to normal people, that restores his health! What is Richard Adams, really, and who are the people trying to find him?

There were other good episodes too but that is pretty much my top 5 of the season. Caught in the Act doesn't really belong in there :D

You can also try Millennium. It is a show from the creators of X-files. Only three seasons long and only first two of 'em are good. Even the quality of S2 is under debate but I did like it and so did many others. Frank Black is awesome character and he makes the show well worth of watch. Frank Black has even cameo roles in X-files.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Currently (as in right now) watching the pilot for "White Collar".

Bryce from Chuck being in it helps.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
CiSTM said:
Give Outer Limits (1995) a chance.

Cool might check it out. Im on ther internets so i might be able to rustle something up.

White Collar...... hrmm watched the first ep and kinda enjoyed it, have the other 2 but havnt been compelled to watch them, dunno why but yeah.


Watched the first episode of 'V'.

Not bad... missing the iconography of the original though - the cool alien typography and the snazzy red outfits. Dissapointed there was no rat being chomped as well.

Saving Vampire Diaries & FlashFoward for the spring drought. Or should I not bother with Diaries?


CiSTM said:
Quality of Mercy: (the one with T1000) This was first episode I ever saw and untill today it is one of my favorites from S1.
This and the sequel were pretty awesome episodes. The second one's ending actually made my jaw drop.

Come to think of it this series as a whole was pretty damn brutal to it's protaganists.

The one that freaked me out most was the ep with the nanomachines, I could see a movie being made out of that premise.
GodfatherX said:
I wish I could, but I've seen the first season and about half of season 2, and its just a show I don't see the appeal of. The only reason I have seen so much of the show is due to my friends loving it.

I can't get past the constant corniness that graces nearly every scene like some bad rejected adult version of a WB show.

as for what I've been watching, a lot of It's Always Sunny, and Community

yeah, same feelings here. I just can't get sucked in, it's too corny


Odoul said:
This and the sequel were pretty awesome episodes. The second one's ending actually made my jaw drop.

Come to think of it this series as a whole was pretty damn brutal to it's protaganists.

The one that freaked me out most was the ep with the nanomachines, I could see a movie being made out of that premise.
The nanomachine ep creeped the hell out of me when i was a kid. Especially the
extra eye scene.
One reason why the show got my attention was the brutality against protaganists. Very few cliche happy endings and it was always a pleasure to see how fucked up the endings were :D


I bought the first season of Psyche last week and finished it last night. It was pretty good. I was a little disappointed that in one of the later episodes it seemed they were going to team Shawn with Lassiter for a case but ended up bringing Gus back into it.

I also bought the first season of Doctor Who, the one with the first Doctor. I've only watched a few episodes so far, but damn its really old school.


Grandma's Chippy
My wife and I heard that Flashforward may be interesting so we watched the pilot episode on Saturday. Now we have watched all 7 episodes so far to catch up and will be watching it from this point on. Great show. Kind of like a cross between Lost & Fringe.


Been watching the entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer series with my girlfriend (she has never seen it). I had always considered Angel to be the better show, but I'm not so sure anymore. We just finished season two and I had forgotten how powerful some of these moments were.
Todd VanDerWerff over at the Onion A|V Club put out a list of "The best one-season wonders of the ’00s". I'm pimping this out because he puts Sons and Daughters on it. Did anyone else watch this? The show was hilarious, but got poor ratings and was quickly canceled. I saw most of it when it originally aired, and HDNet showed all the episodes later a couple years ago. It's too bad it'll never be seen on dvd because of music licensing issues. :(

Couple clip compilations of the show posted by the writer/director here and here


Varna said:
Been watching the entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer series with my girlfriend (she has never seen it). I had always considered Angel to be the better show, but I'm not so sure anymore. We just finished season two and I had forgotten how powerful some of these moments were.

I've always thought Buffy was a little stronger.

It's got more low points, but of course it ran longer, so it's pretty natural that there would be more ups and downs. It deals with a wider emotional spectrum than Angel, with more humor/romance and a bigger contrast in mood between episodes. It can go from Melrose Place to lord of the rings from episode to the next. Angel was also prone to changes in tone, but nothing compared to Buffy.

I also think they were more concerned about making sure that Angel was "cool". I think they wanted it to be an acceptable show to watch for people who where embarrassed to watch Buffy, or thought it was too girly or whatever. Buffy on the other hand, was an incredibly geeky show, with more inside jokes and little things for longtime fans, and there was absolutely no concern about trying to make it cooler or make it appeal to people who didn't naturally dig it. In that sense it was more true to itself and it feels more honest and less manufactured to me.

Also in a purely generic superhero sense, Buffy is more like Spider-man, or Superman, and Angel is more like Batman. I've always been more of a Spider-man/Superman guy. Brooding, overly depressed heroes just don't appeal to me in quite the same way for some reason.

edit// and also a final thought... Sarah Michelle Gellar is just incredibly hot on that show. Just being able to drool over her is enough reason to watch it for me. One of my favorite TV chicks of all time.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Just started watching Sons of anarchy after all the hype boiled over about tonights ep. I'm about 4 epsi into the first season. I like the direction and the acting,but it doesn't feel like a whole lot of major, unexpected things are in motion yet. I've liked everything short of the junkie girlfriend thing getting drawn out. I'm gonna try and get all the eps down before Season 2 is over so I can watch it live with you guys.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Just started watching Sons of anarchy after all the hype boiled over about tonights ep. I'm about 4 epsi into the first season. I like the direction and the acting,but it doesn't feel like a whole lot of major, unexpected things are in motion yet. I've liked everything short of the junkie girlfriend thing getting drawn out. I'm gonna try and get all the eps down before Season 2 is over so I can watch it live with you guys.

I started watching the show about a month ago. I thought the same thing as you, that it really didnt have any direction. But the show begins to pick up in a couple of episodes (7th or 8th, i forget) and has not slowed down since.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Coop said:
I started watching the show about a month ago. I thought the same thing as you, that it really didnt have any direction. But the show begins to pick up in a couple of episodes (7th or 8th, i forget) and has not slowed down since.
Sounds cool. Yea, bunch of TV critics I follow were raving that tonight's episode put it in the highest echelon of TV out there, so I figured I'd jump in headfirst. 5 episodes in and I'm calling it quits for tonight, pick it up tomorrow. Pretty good, but it seems apparent the show is still demonstrating the rules and code of the gang right now rather than having some heavy plots. but, it's good to know it'll ramp up soon.

I'm not a big fan of the mom or the junkie mom, and these other girl is kind of aimless right now, but things are coming together. I like how the series begins in the middle of the gang's run, it was an unconventional place to begin their story. I'm looking forward to hearing a little bit more of Jax's dad's story and how ron Perlman fit into all of it. All the characters are pleasantly distinct and pretty enjoyable insofar. Looking forward to the tension ramping up.
Just started watching The Shield from the beginning. So far I like it so far and will probably stick with it till the end. Which is good because all my shows seem to be going off season. I always love coming into a show late when it is over and just being able to have marathons and not having to wait weeks or months till the next season.


Been watching Season 5 of Buffy. Way better than Season 4 in my opinion, thankfully. Just watched The Body though. Absolutely amazing. My favorite episode so far, and makes me think Joss Whedon is even more of a genius than I already did.
GrumpyAlien said:
Just started watching The Shield from the beginning. So far I like it so far and will probably stick with it till the end. Which is good because all my shows seem to be going off season. I always love coming into a show late when it is over and just being able to have marathons and not having to wait weeks or months till the next season.

Ever seen The Wire? It's like The Shield, but good.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Just started watching Sons of anarchy after all the hype boiled over about tonights ep. I'm about 4 epsi into the first season. I like the direction and the acting,but it doesn't feel like a whole lot of major, unexpected things are in motion yet.
It takes a while (almost all of S1) to pick up momentum and really get going, but the latter half of that season is good and S2 is fantastic.
funkmastergeneral said:
Ever seen The Wire? It's like The Shield, but good.

The Wire is next on my list. I have the whole shows set, but have only seen one episode so far. Will probably start in a day or two. If I already think The Shield is good, I can't imagine how great The Wire will be. Can't wait to get into that one. :D


The 'Red Riding' adaptation from BBC4.

God damn. David Morrissey is amazing as a tortured policeman, Sean Bean is equally good as a boorish and sinister tycoon, Andrew Garfield is brilliant, just brilliant, as the crime journalist.

It is like 'Life on Mars' with the flippant atmosphere shorn away. Loved it.


Cornballer said:
Todd VanDerWerff over at the Onion A|V Club put out a list of "The best one-season wonders of the ’00s". I'm pimping this out because he puts Sons and Daughters on it. Did anyone else watch this? The show was hilarious, but got poor ratings and was quickly canceled. I saw most of it when it originally aired, and HDNet showed all the episodes later a couple years ago. It's too bad it'll never be seen on dvd because of music licensing issues. :(

Couple clip compilations of the show posted by the writer/director here and here

Kings :'( you have opened the wounds once again!

and Jack and Bobby! :'(
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