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TV Shows you've watched recently

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Don't worry guys, Sex and the City 2 is coming!


I recall Rome ending fairly well, I don't a need for more story there. Much like Arrested Development...


24 S7 (rewatch)
Supernatural S1
Flight Of The Concords S1
Lost S4 (in the rewatch thread), getting S5 in the mail on Tuesday!
Babylon 5 S3 (rewatch)

I think thats it...
Finished The Wire about a week ago after marathoning it from the very beginning. Absolutely lived up to all the hype, and I feel almost ashamed I waited so long to see it. Season 4 was fantastic. Such a drastic change of pace, but it worked so well.

Last night I finished season 1 of the Shield. Pretty good, but I am curious when the show becomes balls-to-the-wall amazing. I have the rest to watch, but for now I am going to start Rome Bluray tomorrow. So excited as I know nothing about the show. :D


Ive been watching Angel off and on for about two months now. Currently on season 3... I really hope that
Darla is dead for good. such a horrible character and the reason season 2 sucked. She wasnt too bad in season 3 though..
Pretty good show, it has its up and downs but the reason I keep watching is because of the characters. Its a huge difference from Dollhouse where every character sucks.

GrumpyAlien said:
Last night I finished season 1 of the Shield. Pretty good, but I am curious when the show becomes balls-to-the-wall amazing.

It starts picking up in the second season. The first season is probably the worst season but its still good.
Finished Smallville s8 and catching up on s9. I actually enjoyed season 8 quite a bit more than 7 (and possibly 6 the seasons are kinda beginning to blur [har-de-har-har])

Also watched the new V, it was pretty decent but I think the 4/5 month break will kill all momentum.

Also mostly caught up on Friday Night Lights and, let me tell you something, the overall quality of that show is outstanding.

Think that sums up most of it, I might rewatch Supernatural to deal with the fact that most of the airing shows I watch are on mid-season break.


GrumpyAlien said:
Finished The Wire about a week ago after marathoning it from the very beginning. Absolutely lived up to all the hype, and I feel almost ashamed I waited so long to see it. Season 4 was fantastic. Such a drastic change of pace, but it worked so well.

Last night I finished season 1 of the Shield. Pretty good, but I am curious when the show becomes balls-to-the-wall amazing. I have the rest to watch, but for now I am going to start Rome Bluray tomorrow. So excited as I know nothing about the show. :D

Starting with season 2 :D


well not really...yet
I just watched Supernatural season 1 after getting it on the cheap last weekend.

Really enjoyed it. For some reason, I thought the show was supposed to be pretty lame, but I guess I was wrong. Great creepy atmospheres and lots of cool episodes.

Just ordered season 2 and 3 off Amazon too
Blader5489 said:
Starting with season 2 :D

Thanks. Glad you didn't say "towards the end of season 4" or something. That's 6 seasons of The Shield I have to look forward to with Christmas break a few weeks away. Can't wait!
Dead said:
I just watched Supernatural season 1 after getting it on the cheap last weekend.

Really enjoyed it. For some reason, I thought the show was supposed to be pretty lame, but I guess I was wrong. Great creepy atmospheres and lots of cool episodes.

Just ordered season 2 and 3 off Amazon too

Honestly, it only goes uphill from there. The season spanning arcs and general mythos get more and more interesting, and they start inserting more (well done) comedic moments eventually culminating (thus far) in a few episodes that had cracking up in s5.

Despite being on The CW and having its fair share of Sam topless to meet the quota demanded of a show on a girl orientated network it is definitely a belt-worth of notchs above pretty much anything else on there and at least on par with heavy hitters from other broadcast channels in my book.

Edits to make it not sound like I'm promoting CW cause I really have no need or want to.


well not really...yet
evilpigking said:
Honestly, it only goes uphill from there. The season spanning arcs and general mythos get more and more interesting, and they start inserting more (well done) comedic moments eventually culminating (thus far) in a few episodes that had cracking up in s5.

Despite being on The CW and having its fair share of Sam topless to meet the quota demanded of a show on The CW it is definitely a belt-worth of notchs above pretty much anything else on The CW and at least on par with heavy hitters from other broadcast channels in my book.
Thats good to hear, looking forward to watching the rest.


Dead said:
I just watched Supernatural season 1 after getting it on the cheap last weekend.

Really enjoyed it. For some reason, I thought the show was supposed to be pretty lame, but I guess I was wrong. Great creepy atmospheres and lots of cool episodes.

Just ordered season 2 and 3 off Amazon too

Yeah I thought the same thing. On the CW, two pretty boy leads, crazy fangirls (really crazy) ,etc. But it turned out to be one of my favorite shows. The way the show mixes drama and comedy is just incredible

btw, it gets better each season. Seasons 3 through 5(so far) havent had one bad episode IMO.


well not really...yet
Coop said:
Yeah I thought the same thing. On the CW, two pretty boy leads, crazy fangirls (really crazy) ,etc. But it turned out to be one of my favorite shows. The way the show mixes drama and comedy is just incredible

btw, it gets better each season. Seasons 3 through 5(so far) havent had one bad episode IMO.
yeah, those were my thougts as well :lol
Starting on the 3rd season of Friday Night Lights. Really amazing show, however Lyla, for all her hotness, is incredibly aggravating and always has been.


Lyla's fine in S3. She doesn't play a huge part, more behind you-know-who.

FNL S3 is one of the best seasons ever, and my favorite S3 of TV. It's perfect in every way. I can only think of one single (small) nitpick.


Started watching Friday Night Lights after reading about it a bunch of times in this thread. I'm on the 3rd episode of Season 1 now, so it's early to start talking about it, but I really love this show. Matt Saracen is probably the most relate-able and likeable character that I've seen in a TV show since Jim Halpert in the first few seasons of The Office. I don't know what it is but I just love that dude. But again, I'm just two episodes in, so things could change.


Drewsky said:
Started watching Friday Night Lights after reading about it a bunch of times in this thread. I'm on the 3rd episode of Season 1 now, so it's early to start talking about it, but I really love this show. Matt Saracen is probably the most relate-able and likeable character that I've seen in a TV show since Jim Halpert in the first few seasons of The Office. I don't know what it is but I just love that dude. But again, I'm just two episodes in, so things could change.
I think I can safely say they won't. :)

minus SOME of season 2


Think I'm gonna start up Friday Night Lights soon. Heard way too many good things about it and I've been putting it off for too long.


Zeliard said:
Think I'm gonna start up Friday Night Lights soon. Heard way too many good things about it and I've been putting it off for too long.


Just finished up 24 S7 (rewatch), much better on DVD than airing live. Really excited for it's return in about a month.


X-Files season 6. I have to say I really like it. I didn't have much hope for it 'cos I loathed S5 but this season has been amazing. I still don't like the whole
alien invaders
plot, it just too much. But even the
episodes have been good so far.


Finished X-files S6. Towards the end it lost some of it's momentum but it was still a good season. I wouldn't say it was among the best seasons but the overall quality was really good. Far better season then the 5th season. I'm probably going to stop watching X-files for good now. I remember not liking the 7th season back in the days and I hated the last two seasons with T-1000 so there isn't really anything left for me.

Also been watching It's always sunny in Philadelphia. Just watched "The Gang Gets Held Hostage" episode and while I wasn't big fan of it I did love the Die Hard spoof parts. And I totally lost it when
Frank pushed down one of the McPoyle borthers from the roof with 2by4

After Philadelphia I'm out of tv shows, yet again :( Well with good luck I will get my Farscape box in December and it will be my new project.

Jay Sosa

Finshed the first season of dollhouse. Not as awesome as Buffy and Angel (yet?) but still good.

And Dead Set, a nice english miniseries.

Oh and finished the whole 3 30 rock Season (much better then the first 2) and Curb your.. SE6, maybe my most favorite comedy on TV at the moment, Larry David is just too awesome.
Currently making my way through a (already cancelled) show called "Defying Gravity" I randomly saw it on the BBC iPlayer and the description of it sounded really cool so I quickly looked it up. Despite finding out it had already cancelled I thought I'd watch the first episode at least, it's a nice little sci-fi drama, really enjoying it.

Also watching the recent The Prisoner remake, I never did see the original but this is really good. Some great mystery to it that's keeping me interested, really looking forward to seeing where it goes.


Just started watching Burn Notice, awesome show!! Watching LOST S2 right now as well as The Office S4



Got first three seasons of Rescue Me:

Such an awesome show. Hillarity with mix of drama, really great show so far and I'm only in episode 6. I have already seen second season but I really don't remember it that well but if my memory servece me correct it's even better than first season so I'm really waiting forward to it. Also I got the 3rd season on BD so kinda expecting to see how good the PQ is.


Bought Veronica Mars S1 from Target on their Black Friday deal. I got 4 episodes into it before throwing it in the trash. Awful.

Starting The Wire now.


Defcon said:
Bought Veronica Mars S1 from Target on their Black Friday deal. I got 4 episodes into it before throwing it in the trash. Awful.

Starting The Wire now.

Why didn't you like VM?


Blader5489 said:
I only watched the first episode of Veronica Mars a while back, and I didn't really like it either.

It's basically Buffy-esque noir, so people either love it or they hate it, but S1 is still one of the best season-long story arcs for any show I've seen.


Blader5489 said:
I only watched the first episode of Veronica Mars a while back, and I didn't really like it either.

Well, the first two episodes of the show are the weakest (especially the second with a Paris Hilton cameo, yuck), but if anyone can make it to episode 5 and not be hooked, then that is a person I dont want to know.

Anyone comparing it to 90210 either hasnt really watched the show, or has heightened memories of 90210. VM is much better written and acted than 90210 ever was, and its got a dark undercurrent and noirish tones that 90210 never even approached.
Been getting into Lie To Me. Has me to the point that I walk around looking for micro expresisons/gestures so I can call people liars.


Solo said:
Anyone comparing it to 90210 either hasnt really watched the show, or has heightened memories of 90210. VM is much better written and acted than 90210 ever was, and its got a dark undercurrent and noirish tones that 90210 never even approached.

I respect your opinion. My personal view is the show is geared towards 15 year old girls. Just not my bag.


I strongly recommend pushing through with Veronica Mars. The first few episodes are its weakest, but it eventually builds into one of my favorite first seasons of any show.


Just finished breaking bad season 1 and watched the first episode of season 2. This show is really great, i'm surprised they have managed to make a rather "silly" premise and make it feel believable with it's fantastic acting and writing.
I also find the show to be intense at times, the way it uses "silence" to increase the sense of tension is really well done. Looking forward to watching more later, especially since episode 1 of season 2 ended on a really intense moment.
One thing to note - i really like the use of chemistry in this show.:lol

Defcon said:
I respect your opinion. My personal view is the show is geared towards 15 year old girls. Just not my bag.
How is it geared towards 15-year old girls? are you only saying that because the show's protagonist is a teenage girl? that's incredibly jaded. Since there's much more to the show then that.


picked up the battlestar galactica bluray set a month ago, and finally got around to watching the show in the past week or so, i've finished the first 2 seasons, and have to say that the show is pretty damn good

definately one of the better shows i've watched, i have some minor gripes, i can't really stand the guy who plays the chief, not a big fan of starbuck either

from a bluray standpoint, the show is a mixed bag, some stuff looks great, and other stuff not so nice, pretty sure the heavy grain is intended, but i dont care for it


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Better Off Ted, 9 episodes in. The early episodes were the best, with Racial Sensitivity as the high point. After that the show gets really stale, have to force myself to finish it. The infomercials are the only consistently funny parts of the show


Defcon said:
My personal view is the show is geared towards 15 year old girls.

Couldnt be further from the truth though. Its aimed firmly and women AND men a LOT older than 15. A teenage girl wouldnt catch ten percent of the references made in the show.

Oni Jazar

Watched the first episode of "Men of a Certain Age" (Bakula, Ray Romano) and I really enjoyed it. Very funny scenes and seems like it'll be worth watching. I've added it to my season pass.


Currently watching,

Lost S5*
Babylon 5 S3*
Supernatural S3
Flight Of The Concords S2


Plus all of the currently airing weekly shows.
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