Drewsky said:
Finished up Season 6 of Buffy. God, that was terrible. Total waste of time, does Season 7 get any better? Or should I have just stopped after Season 5?
I'm a huge fan of the show, and I'm one of the fans that actually liked season 6 a lot. I enjoyed the gloom and angst of that season, although I thought the final conclusion (how things were resolved) was a bit weak. Even though I enjoyed season 6, I definitely understand where you're coming from, and it certainly has some problems.
Season 7 is easily one of the weakest seasons, but the very end of the show is fucking awesome. The last few episodes kick a lot of ass, and with repeated viewings, I've been able to appreciate it more. After about 3 viewings, I find season 7 quite tolerable now, and I actually admire a few elements. It's absolutely better than season 4, which is the show's low point, and if you can soldier through that, you should be able to tolerate 7.
The post above me was correct about them introducing a bunch of annoying characters in season 7. It's a huge problem with the season, and that aspect hasn't gotten any better with repeated viewings.
I would say that if you've made it this far, you should finish the show, but be aware that season 7 has a very bad run from about episode 5 to about episode 12 (Somewhere in that range). After that, it gets a bit better, and it finishes very strong. The final 3 or 4 episodes of season 7 are among Buffy's best climaxes, but you have to wade through a very weak middle. The season has some really dark elements and a fairly strong villain, but the weaker parts are a distraction.