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TV Shows you've watched recently

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erotic butter maelstrom
So, I've just started the Lost series for the first time. I've wanted to watch it for awhile, but when I get into a show I prefer to have as much of it available to watch in succession, I enjoy a good show much more that way. Now that Lost seasons 1-5 in glorious HD are on Netflix streaming, I decided it was time to give it a try. I'm 3 episodes into the first season, but I love it already. It's just so interesting, entertaining and mysterious & I like a lot the characters already. Sawyer and the old man (Locke?) are probably my favorites so far. Oh, and Evangeline Lilly is so hot, want to touch the hiney. Something seems fishy about the old man, I think he's magic or something. Anyways, I'm very pleased with the show and I can't wait to make my way through all 5 seasons. I've somehow managed to not see any major spoilers over the last few years so I don't know what to expect.


Snuggler said:
So, I've just started the Lost series for the first time. I've wanted to watch it for awhile, but when I get into a show I prefer to have as much of it available to watch in succession, I enjoy a good show much more that way. Now that Lost seasons 1-5 in glorious HD are on Netflix streaming, I decided it was time to give it a try. I'm 3 episodes into the first season, but I love it already. It's just so interesting, entertaining and mysterious & I like a lot the characters already. Sawyer and the old man (Locke?) are probably my favorites so far. Something seems fishy about the old man, I think he's magic or something. Anyways, I'm very pleased with the show and I can't wait to make my way through all 5 seasons. I've somehow managed to not see any major spoilers over the last few years so I don't know what to expect.

You haven't seen episode 4 (Walkabout) yet? Thats the episode that'll get ya.

It's up there will the best 4 or 5 episodes of the whole show.

Hold your balls tight.


erotic butter maelstrom
That is next in line, can't wait.

I probably should stay off the internet for the next month or so, I'm sure spoilers are everywhere.


I am in love with Flight of the Conchords. Some of these exchanges are killing me:

Murray: I've told you. When you are in a band, you don't get with your bandmate's girlfriend. Past or present.
Jemaine: Yes, well, thanks for that.
Murray: You get a love triangle, you know, a Fleetwood Mac situation. Although there was four of them, so more of a love square. But you know, no-one gets on.
Jemaine: Ok, I see.
Murray: Mind you, they did make some of their best music back then.
Bret: "Rumours."
Murray: No. No, it's all true.

Murray: [Referring to record producer Quincy Jones] What are some albums that he's done, Bret?
Bret: Michael Jackson's "Off The Wall".
Murray: I'll say he is...he's off the planet. Wants to freeze himself, doesn't he?

Jemaine: Are you and Lisa gonna get married now?
Bret: I wish, but I don't know. She's got to go to war.
Jemaine: What?
Bret: Yeah, Iraq.
Jemaine: Iraq?
Bret: Yeah.
Jemaine: Lisa?
Bret: Yes, she's in Delta Force. She's been deployed to Fallujah.
Jemaine: But she works in the croissant shop.
Bret: Yeah well, she's got two jobs. She's a pastry chef and a sniper.
:lol :lol


Jealous Bastard
Snuggler said:
So, I've just started the Lost series for the first time. I've wanted to watch it for awhile, but when I get into a show I prefer to have as much of it available to watch in succession, I enjoy a good show much more that way. Now that Lost seasons 1-5 in glorious HD are on Netflix streaming, I decided it was time to give it a try. I'm 3 episodes into the first season, but I love it already. It's just so interesting, entertaining and mysterious & I like a lot the characters already. Sawyer and the old man (Locke?) are probably my favorites so far. Oh, and Evangeline Lilly is so hot, want to touch the hiney. Something seems fishy about the old man, I think he's magic or something. Anyways, I'm very pleased with the show and I can't wait to make my way through all 5 seasons. I've somehow managed to not see any major spoilers over the last few years so I don't know what to expect.

you're generally safe on gaf. that shit is POLICED.


Snuggler said:
So, I've just started the Lost series for the first time. I've wanted to watch it for awhile, but when I get into a show I prefer to have as much of it available to watch in succession, I enjoy a good show much more that way. Now that Lost seasons 1-5 in glorious HD are on Netflix streaming, I decided it was time to give it a try. I'm 3 episodes into the first season, but I love it already. It's just so interesting, entertaining and mysterious & I like a lot the characters already. Sawyer and the old man (Locke?) are probably my favorites so far. Oh, and Evangeline Lilly is so hot, want to touch the hiney. Something seems fishy about the old man, I think he's magic or something. Anyways, I'm very pleased with the show and I can't wait to make my way through all 5 seasons. I've somehow managed to not see any major spoilers over the last few years so I don't know what to expect.

My suggestion, don't make/enter a LTTP thread because it will be filled with spoilers within 10 post.


Snuggler said:
That is next in line, can't wait.

I probably should stay off the internet for the next month or so, I'm sure spoilers are everywhere.

You're fine in general threads, Lost spoilers are serious business around here (thanks Duckroll!), but don't make a LTTP thread until you're done. One or two people will try to be funny and ruin something for you.

Catch up!


Snuggler said:
That is next in line, can't wait.

I probably should stay off the internet for the next month or so, I'm sure spoilers are everywhere.

THe 4th episode is like one of the best if not the best Lost episode ever imo.

Have fun :).


Started watching prison break, and finished the first season last night. So far im addicted, but ive heard it really goes downhill.
So a couple of my friends are forcing me to watch Supernatural, I'm currently up to episode 7 of season 2.... I'm beginning to wonder If I should get new friends. >_>

They told me I would hate season 1, so I know its gonna get better blah blah, and it has shown moments of greatness, but they've been fleeting. We'll see, I guess.


Still Alive
I've recently finished all 5 seasons of Peep Show. I basically started watching it because people seemed to like it and I needed a funny time waster at the time, and it really grew on me even though I didn't think i'd like it. Each season is really short, so i'd definitely recommend it. It's just really 'down to earth' and funny, in a crude/depressing sort of way.

The Storyteller said:
So a couple of my friends are forcing me to watch Supernatural, I'm currently up to episode 7 of season 2.... I'm beginning to wonder If I should get new friends. >_>

They told me I would hate season 1, so I know its gonna get better blah blah, and it has shown moments of greatness, but they've been fleeting. We'll see, I guess.
I used to watch that show on TV waaay back with my sis... I don't know when or why I stopped watching, but it doesn't hold a fond memory in my head tbh. I remember it having great moments though.

I might consider picking up where I left off if it's gotten better, but only when all these live shows (*cough*LOST*cough*) come to an end.
Since Chuck is on a break, I decided to see what other stuff Josh Schwartz has done, and that lead me to The OC. At first I was a bit skeptical, but I really enjoyed the first season. The characters would frustrate me at times, but most of them showed good development and the plot wasn't all that contrived. There were quite a few great episodes. The second season was a definite step down, I still enjoyed it, but the plot was getting a little hard to believe. The last scene in the second season's finale I couldn't stop laughing because I once saw an SNL skit on it. Now I'm on to the third season, and really I should stop watching, but for some reason I can't. Should I stop, or does it stay at least decent throughout the whole show?

What frustrates me the most about the show is Marissa. Of course the writers can't have her and Ryan stay together forever because that would make bad TV, but the whole on again off again relationship is worse than Chuck and Sarah. Whenever I see her or Ryan developing new relationships, I just have to grimace as I know it's going to lead to bad things. Whenever Marissa gets into a relationship with anyone other than Ryan, it always ends badly or evokes past problems for her. End of S3 spoiler:
This is especially true with her relationship with Volshik, which obviously kills her. I just wanted to punch her in the face throughout that whole ordeal. I'm almost glad she's gone for the fourth season, but I'm not sure I can watch all the angst that the aftermath of it is going to cause.
Just finished the second season of Burn Notice, very cool. The show is pretty formulaic but I can live with that, the acting is great (Donovan plays very, very well) and the writing is pretty decent too. The overarching plot is okay, although
it's a bit over the top that Carla's organization goes to such extreme means just to recruit one guy
Overall, it's just fun to watch. My favorite episodes were probably "Hot Spot", the one with the bank robbery and the finale.


Was watching Spooks until season 3. Really cool show when Tom
killed that ex-CIA
guy it was so crazy. Stopped watching when he left the show.

Also, it was so wrong how they handled the whole Tom situation. At least leave him his dignity. They wrote him off as a crazy man.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Just finished S1 of Breaking Bad over the weekend. It was a bit short, only 7 or 8 episodes total and kind of slow going. Still enough to keep me interested in S2 though since the last couple of episodes picked up a bit.

Next I'm going to dig in to The Wire. Never watched a single episode of it, and I want to see what all the hype is about.


Totally lost on Torchwood at the moment. So fun, doesn't take itself too serious but do have it's deep moments.

And ofcourse Doctor Who (Tennant era).

Have too throw out a tip about Reaper too. Try it, you might like it.


Started watching Skins yesterday. About 4 episodes in. Not sure what I think just yet as I really like some characters while hating others, which I guess is the point but I shouldn't want to actually FF through scenes to skip to the parts I care about.


thestopsign said:
What frustrates me the most about the show is Marissa. Of course the writers can't have her and Ryan stay together forever because that would make bad TV, but the whole on again off again relationship is worse than Chuck and Sarah. Whenever I see her or Ryan developing new relationships, I just have to grimace as I know it's going to lead to bad things. Whenever Marissa gets into a relationship with anyone other than Ryan, it always ends badly or evokes past problems for her. End of S3 spoiler:
This is especially true with her relationship with Volshik, which obviously kills her. I just wanted to punch her in the face throughout that whole ordeal. I'm almost glad she's gone for the fourth season, but I'm not sure I can watch all the angst that the aftermath of it is going to cause.

Definitely watch the 4th season. The OC seasons are ranked 1>4>2>3. I think this is pretty much fact.
Hopped on the Archer train.

This show is amazing.

It took a few episodes for me to warm up to it, but once it has it's been cracking me up every week. FX is having a marathon tomorrow (Thursday) night, if you're looking to check it out. It's basically a good Adult Swim show on a higher budget.


finowns said:
Was watching Spooks until season 3. Really cool show when Tom
killed that ex-CIA
guy it was so crazy. Stopped watching when he left the show.

Also, it was so wrong how they handled the whole Tom situation. At least leave him his dignity. They wrote him off as a crazy man.
Don't stop watching, season 3 onwards has a different feel to the first two seasons but i'd say it's better
once you get over the shock of Tom leaving
. I used to think the first two seasons were the best but I rewatched them recently and while they had their moments I think S3-5 are my favourite now.

The fact that the main character has left the show makes for some unbelievably tense scenes as now you know that Spooks can and will kill off main characters at any time. So whenever a gun gets pointed at someone it's not like 24 where you know Jack Bauer is safe, there is real tension and you believe characters are in real danger
:lol :lol Was just watching the latest episode of Burn Notice.

Bruce Campbell undercover as a crime scene tech.
"Looks like murder is in style this season"


whatsinaname said:
:lol :lol Was just watching the latest episode of Burn Notice.

Bruce Campbell undercover as a crime scene tech.
"Looks like murder is in style this season"

[ IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/2vjomm0.png[/IMG]
[ IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/2valhm8.png[/IMG]
I noticed that too. :lol The episode as a whole wasn't that great but this scene and the other one where Sam impersonates a crime scene investigator were priceless. ("The killer's plan is coming apart...at the seams.")


I just ordered a bunch more season sets, so lets round up what I'm watching right now.

Babylon 5 Season 5
The Sopranos S2
Mad Men S1
Dollhouse S1
Flight of The Concords S1
Battlestar Galactica S1
Six Feet Under S1
Curb Your Enthusiasm S1

Just ordered:

Six Feet Under S2/3
The Sopranos S3
Breaking Bad S1

All of those are rewatches, minus Dollhouse and Flight of the Concords.

Plus all of the currently airing shows I'm watching.

Big Love
Modern Family
Cougar Town
Parks And Recreaction
The Office
30 Rock
Smallville (sometimes, and even then I'm still on my laptop).

I think thats it.


Cornballer said:
*"Breaking Bad" (March 21, AMC): The Emmy-winning drama about a teacher-turned-drug lord (Bryan Cranston) returns for a third season.
*"Treme" (April 11, HBO): The creator of "The Wire" is back with a new drama about jazz musicians trying to rebuild their lives in a post-Katrina New Orleans.

Do want.


erotic butter maelstrom
So I finished Season 1 of Lost. So glad I decided to give it a try.
Loved it, one of the best seasons of television that I've seen It's up there with Simpsons season 5 and Sopranos season 3, especially the first half. It's just so additively entertaining to begin with, one episode is never enough. I also love most of the characters so far, Sawyer and Locke are still my faves. I'm a few ep's into season 2 and it's still just as good. I'm a little curious as to how they're gonna stretch this out for another 5 seasons but I guess I'll find out soon when I watch them all.

Lost season 1: 5 Snuggles out of 5.


Snuggler said:
So I finished Season 1 of Lost. So glad I decided to give it a try.
Loved it, one of the best seasons of television that I've seen It's up there with Simpsons season 5 and Sopranos season 3, especially the first half. It's just so additively entertaining to begin with, one episode is never enough. I also love most of the characters so far, Sawyer and Locke are still my faves. I'm a few ep's into season 2 and it's still just as good. I'm a little curious as to how they're gonna stretch this out for another 5 seasons but I guess I'll find out soon when I watch them all.

Lost season 1: 5 Snuggles out of 5.

Each season is about even in quality, ESPECIALLY if you're watching episodes back-to-back. The slower/meandering points of the middle of S2 and the 1st half of S3 won't bother you at all.

For reference, my favorite season is S5, while S2 is the weakest S1 IMO. But really, trust me, you'll dig them all more or less the same the way you're watching.
I've been making my way through the first season of Gilmore Girls and my early trepidation is resolutely over. The wit and verve of the dialogue - especially when things are Lorelai-centric - is brilliant. Some of the best I've seen since The West Wing, in fact. Hopefully, the quality lasts much longer.

I've also recently finished the first two seasons of Farscape. A very good show, at the start, which morphs into one of the sci-fi greats by its second season - from mind-frell episodes like Out of Their Minds and Crackers Don't Matter to the absorbing Scorpius-focused main-arch episodes. As for the main plot, it's like a perfect brew of BSG and Firefly, and I'd certainly place it above the latter at this point. But there's still two more seasons and a miniseries to go, and add to that my worry over some of the plot decisions they've made going into S3. There's been a noticeable decline of alternation with the lighter tone seen in earlier seasons. However, even if it hurts, it hurts so very wonderfully, and the writers have my full trust, although it's getting a bit sad to know that you're already halfway through a series that will never find continuation. The finale had better be worthy.
icarus-daedelus said:
Ha! Crackers Don't Matter is probably my favorite standalone episode of Farscape.

Heh, it's probably my favourite standalone at this point too.

icarus-daedelus said:
You shouldn't have much to worry about, Tim, as season 3 is absolutely superb, and although the tone is definitely darker from that point on (see episode "Eat Me"), there's still a ton of crazy going around to keep things somewhat less serious than it otherwise might be.

That's good to hear. The show needs some cheering up, especially
after Zhaan dies. Is it true they wrote her out because the blue paint was messing with her health?

icarus-daedelus said:
I will also say that it's got some of the best execution of melodrama I've seen on any show - in many shows that don't go for overt soapiness, romance and the like often just don't work at all, but that's not the case in Farscape.

Agreed. They handled the romance very well in this show. Whereas it's often contrived on other sci-fi shows, it always feels natural in how it progresses here. The other big point they really nailed on this show is the aliens being, well, alien.

icarus-daedelus said:
Season 4 is darker and, if you're as thoroughly invested in the characters and their situation as I was, even cruel at certain points. :lol However, it's still pretty fantastic even if it ends on a positively *evil* cliffhanger that is wrapped up in the [understandably] rushed-feeling miniseries.

Rushed but satisfying, I pray?
Heading towards the end of Supernatural season 2 now, god this show is so stupid, yet I cant stop watching. :lol

Tim the Wiz said:
That's good to hear. The show needs some cheering up, especially
after Zhaan dies. Is it true they wrote her out because the blue paint was messing with her health?

That's the official story, I believe.

Tim the Wiz said:
Rushed but satisfying, I pray?

I found it pretty satisfying, some of it didn't work, but the last 20 or so minutes are pretty great.

Aeryn and John's relationsip is proabably my favourite ever, things get a little soapy between them in season 4, but they retain that unbelievable chemistry. <3 them.


Just (re)watched the Breaking Bad pilot---man I'm glad to be back in the groove of this show. FUCKING AWESOME pilot.

Also, there's the F word and nudity in it, kinda odd considering it's basic cable. Did it air that way?

S2 comes out this Tuesday IIRC, it'll be here then.

Edit: Next Tuesday...and Mad Men S3 comes out the week after!


gdt5016 said:
Just (re)watched the Breaking Bad pilot---man I'm glad to be back in the groove of this show. FUCKING AWESOME pilot.

Also, there's the F word and nudity in it, kinda odd considering it's basic cable. Did it air that way?

S2 comes out this Tuesday IIRC, it'll be here then.

Edit: Next Tuesday...and Mad Men S3 comes out the week after!

wat nudity? walts ass?


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm still working on Lost (<3), almost to the end of Season 2, but I just put the season 1 blue rays of Mad Men at the top of my queue. I've heard good things so I'm looking forward to giving it a go.
MI-5/Spooks may very well be the most engaging show I've seen, or followed, this century. It's not without its share of odd gaps and weird character transitions, but god damn. Scenario front and center, strong characters without ever becoming dependent on them, genuinely strong content, this is absolutely brilliant.


Tim the Wiz said:
I've also recently finished the first two seasons of Farscape. A very good show, at the start, which morphs into one of the sci-fi greats by its second season - from mind-frell episodes like Out of Their Minds and Crackers Don't Matter to the absorbing Scorpius-focused main-arch episodes. As for the main plot, it's like a perfect brew of BSG and Firefly, and I'd certainly place it above the latter at this point. But there's still two more seasons and a miniseries to go, and add to that my worry over some of the plot decisions they've made going into S3. There's been a noticeable decline of alternation with the lighter tone seen in earlier seasons. However, even if it hurts, it hurts so very wonderfully, and the writers have my full trust, although it's getting a bit sad to know that you're already halfway through a series that will never find continuation. The finale had better be worthy.

Wish I felt the same. I do like some episodes (cracker & mind episode are great) but it's pretty inconsistent. The episodes that deal with the main arc are usually good but I really don't care for the stand alone episodes which seem to be the main bulk of the show. Also, I don't like John. I don't know if it's the actor or how he's written, but I can't stand him.. The show defiantly needs more Rygel and Dargo. Scorpius is great too. I'm about two episodes into season 3 btw.
Started watching White Collar last week, I really like it. The two main characters work really well together, the writing is pretty decent. The chemistry between Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay really makes the show. I've heard people calling it bland but I don't really see it.
Honestly, I'm also pretty easy to please when it comes to TV, I enjoy watching shows that are flawed in one area but are still entertaining to me (e.g. The Big Bang Theory)
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