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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Drewsky said:
Finished up Season 6 of Buffy. God, that was terrible. Total waste of time, does Season 7 get any better? Or should I have just stopped after Season 5?

Also finished up Season 1 of The Wire. It's awesome. The second to last episode, think it was called "Cleaning Up," was one of my favorite episodes of any TV show ever. Can't wait to start the next season.
And Omar coming back at the end, "I'll take 3 or 4 hundred," then pulls his gun out. :D
Not really, nothing in season 7 compares to the bad-ass
dark willow plot
or that musical episode.

It's worth watching for the ending i guess, which has a interesting set-up for the buffyverse, i haven't read much of the season 8 comic series, but what i read, i kinda liked.

Still, i'm one of the people, that thought season 5 of buffy was the perfect ending for the show. Season 6 & 7 are just so bad. I can't even bear to re-watch them. All my re watches of buffy, usually end at season 5.


Lafiel said:
Not really, nothing in season 7 compares to the bad-ass
dark willow plot
or that musical episode.

It's worth watching for the ending i guess, which has a interesting set-up for the buffyverse, i haven't read much of the season 8 comic series, but what i read, i kinda liked.

Still, i'm one of the people, that thought season 5 of buffy was the perfect ending for the show. Season 6 & 7 are just so bad. I can't even bear to re-watch them. All my re watches of buffy, usually end at season 5.

I agree with you about Season 5 being a good way to leave the show. Season 5 was a really great season I thought. But you liked
Dark Willow as the big bad
? I thought that was pretty lame. I mean
Xander defeated her by saying he loved her over and over again in a really hokey scene
, come on.


Started watching The Prisoner and it's alright so far. Certainly a dated show, and man, McGoohan can play one seriously pissed off guy :lol


I just started watching the West wing. Only 4 episodes in, but I think I'm onto a good thing here.

The bit where the president was in the room with all those military guys and rejected their "proportional response" saying he wanted a response that didn't seem like they were docking someone's allowance was intense! When he later allowed himself to have his decision reversed suggested to me that this is a different kind of program - not cheesy or predictable at all. I haven't seen tv like that since The Wire, which I had previously blamed for ruining television for me (due to everything seeming cheesy and formulaic in comparison).

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I'm re-watching Deadwood. Its cool to go back and see people you didn't know at the time that are now on shows you enjoy.

Two examples would be Lassie from Psych who played Brom Garrett and Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec who played the first guy to try to kill Wild Bill.


Watch Deadwood while playing the "people who are also in lost" drinking game!

Here's hoping Al Swearangen appears soon.
InaudibleWhispa said:
Watching the first few episodes of Breaking Bad. Really enjoying it! Does it stay this good or get better or worse?
It gets better. S1 was cut short due to the writer's strike, and S2 is indeed an improvement.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
moojito said:
Watch Deadwood while playing the "people who are also in lost" drinking game!

I'd probably have to rewatch Lost again. Off the top of my head I can only think of Sol, Joannie, and Jane.

Plus I don't need another case of alchohol poisoning. :D

Here's hoping Al Swearangen appears soon.

That would be TITS!


InaudibleWhispa said:
Watching the first few episodes of Breaking Bad. Really enjoying it! Does it stay this good or get better or worse?

It's a steady rise in quality, and thats awesome because it's starts pretty high.

S2 finale would be the first (kinda) misstep, actually. And even then it's arguable.

God I can't wait, S3 starts up soon.


I'm watching the second series of Green Wing at the moment. It's a funny show, but the constant "wackiness" gets a bit tiresome after a while.

Jay Sosa said:
Watching Father Ted right now and my god it's hilarious, any more UK shows that are as funny? (Besides IT Crowd, Office and Peep Show)
If you like Father Ted, I'm almost certain you'll like Black Books.


InaudibleWhispa said:
Watching the first few episodes of Breaking Bad. Really enjoying it! Does it stay this good or get better or worse?

It's a good show but I stopped watching half way through season 2. I just couldn't get into for some reason. I still have it on my dvr so I can always finish it one day


God, I am totally in love with Flight of the Conchords. I wish I had gotten into this show a year earlier, I could have seen them live! =\ They haven't announced another US tour yet have they?

Also finished The Prisoner and thought it was a disappointment. It gives you a lot of interesting ideas to chew on after it's over, but the show itself was pretty boring (the exceptions being "The Schizoid Man", "Checkmate", and the ending of "The Chimes of Big Ben" which were all pretty interesting). Also thought the ending was pretty trite, though it was kind of unsettling to see the way Number Six was sitting in that chair, acting like royalty. Probably the creepiest thing in the whole series imo.


Jealous Bastard
i'm so late to this for no good reason, but i've been watching episodes of MILLENNIUM on the chiller horror channel, and it is really wonderful. lance henriksen is a fantastic lead, terry o'quinn is interesting and solid, and episodes have that great "hook" factor that the best X-FILES eps did: you read the one sentence summary and think, "ok, i've gotta see that."

i saw the opening for this episode called "goodbye charlie" at 6am as i turned my tv on when my tivo was catching it, and it was one of the creepiest things i've ever seen half-awake.


it makes me really wish chris carter would do another show.

or that they would reboot X-FILES and put james franco in as the lead. and yes, i mean this.
been watching The O.C. lately.. kind of a guilty pleasure

Season 1 was good, Season 2 was OK, Season 3 was shit, Season 4 is good so far

seth + summer <3
brianjones said:
been watching The O.C. lately.. kind of a guilty pleasure

Season 1 was good, Season 2 was OK, Season 3 was shit, Season 4 is good so far

seth + summer <3

Season 1 of The OC is honestly some absolutely brilliant TV, I love it. Season 2 is good but just not the same, everything after that is awful. Maybe it picks up in Season 4 I don't know, I stopped watching during Season 3 it was just so bad.
Just started watching Burn Notice. The first two episodes are pretty good so far, I'll keep watching. I kind of imagined it to be more serious and dark but that's not really the case at all. I like the actors and the voice-overs are pretty cool.
I also got myself season two of The Big Bang Theory. It's not the greatest show ever but I like it for what it is.


close to the edge said:
Just started watching Burn Notice. The first two episodes are pretty good so far, I'll keep watching. I kind of imagined it to be more serious and dark but that's not really the case at all. I like the actors and the voice-overs are pretty cool.
yeah, it's just a lighthearted, fun action show with a fucking awesome lead.


Water is not wet!
beelzebozo said:
i saw the opening for this episode called "goodbye charlie" at 6am as i turned my tv on when my tivo was catching it, and it was one of the creepiest things i've ever seen half-awake.

Goodbye Charlie was an interesting episode. The opening is very creepy as you said :lol Definitely made me want to watch that episode.

Millennium is one of my favorite shows. The acting is great.. the stories and characters are very interesting.. the mythos for the show is much better than X-Files imo.


Jealous Bastard
i agree that the mythos is MUCH more interesting.

i also caught "somehow, satan got behind me" which was excellent, and "jose chung's doomsday defense" which was great but not as good as the X-FILES jose chung episode (still, i wuv you darin morgan). also saw one of the mythos episodes called "in the hands of saint sebastian" which was decent but not as good as the other three i've seen. this is probably just because i caught it out of sequence and haven't seen the rest of the story to be led into this.


Spartacus: blood and sand

Watched episodes 1-4 over my friends house. At first I thought "Ugh, a low budget 300/Gladiator with one too many Matrix slo-mo shots and digitized blood." But it's actually pretty decent.

So now I'm hooked, and unfortunately I don't have Stars to follow the series ;-/
nilbog21 said:

Just saw this, fucking WOW! absolute work of genius, all around. Only TV show that comes anywhere close to this is Rome.
Oh, thanks for the reminder, I wanted to buy this a while ago already but then Chuck came up and I was kind of occupied. :)

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Epcott said:
Spartacus: blood and sand

Watched episodes 1-4 over my friends house. At first I thought "Ugh, a low budget 300/Gladiator with one too many Matrix slo-mo shots and digitized blood." But it's actually pretty decent.

So now I'm hooked, and unfortunately I don't have Stars to follow the series ;-/

I only saw the pilot but there was nothing decent about it. The acting was terrible and the dialogue was even worse. It was so bad it was almost like a well made spoof.


Need some recommendations. I just don't know what to watch anymore.
I already follow :

Desperate Housewives
The Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
Fringe (but i stopped in the middle of season 1)

...and already saw :

The Shield
The Sopranos
Battlestar Galactica
Mad Men

...and many more that i cant think of right now.

I noticed that a lot of you guys are watching Chuck. Is it that good ?
A friend of mine managed to get me to watch Gilmore Girls for the first time - she's quite persuasive - and, wonder of wonders, I actually liked it. But I still declined borrowing the first season DVD.

Is this show worth the investment or do all the characters remain static and remain in the same town doing the same thing for seasons going on seasons? I can already see the mother and the shop owner guy being a will they/won't they item that stretches throughout the show. It just strikes me as a show which might populate great dialogue and good characters in an ultra-cozy, in-authentic world. Basically, I'm wary of it being "lifestyle porn" - the navigation of the small petty middle-class problems of pretty white people who predominately have it more than good.

Otherwise, I'm working through The X-Files and Farscape again. I left off the former at the start of S4 and the latter somewhere amidst S1 despite really enjoying both. It was a case of them drifting off my radar, I suppose. Both are as excellent as I remember, of course.


whoa whoa, people on GAF are actually starting to criticize chuck? i think the show is great fun but never thought it deserved the hype that it gets. nice to see some people feel the same.

^ Watch Life Unexpected instead. said to be very similar to Gilmore Girls and just started so you dont have a lot of catching up to do.


Tim the Wiz said:
Is this show worth the investment or do all the characters remain static and remain in the same town doing the same thing for seasons going on seasons? I can already see the mother and the shop owner guy being a will they/won't they item that stretches throughout the show. It just strikes me as a show which might populate great dialogue and good characters in an ultra-cozy, in-authentic world. Basically, I'm wary of it being "lifestyle porn" - the navigation of the small petty middle-class problems of pretty white people who predominately have it more than good.

I will say this: the show has some fairly big problems in terms of presenting a world which feels a bit too dream-like, a bit too cozy, and at times a little bit too quirky for its own good.

But Lauren Graham sells the hell out of every single one of those types of scenes, and the dialogue is almost always enough to get you through. Yes, there are times when the show can become a bit complacent, but Rory's progression through school and Lorelai's professional advances mean that the show doesn't keep rehashing the same storylines in the same way, and even if the show is playing with some cliches (you read Luke and Lorelai's relationship correctly, for example) it has a great cast and up until the end of Season 6 the show is in fine form.

Yes, the end of the 6th Season is a let-down, and yes the 7th Season struggles under the weight of the creator's departure from the show over financial consideration. But personally, I dislike this idea that a show isn't worth watching if it isn't 100% great, or if it tails off towards the end: the show is at the height of its genre (the comic hour-long drama series) up until that point, so writing it off for that reason alone is petty.

That said, you raise some good points that are occasional knocks against the show, but personally I find that the show either calls them out on it (especially in Rory's case), develops them into great characters (Emily and Richard, Lorelai's parents, are very narrow characters early on but become in many ways the heart of the show in later seasons), or has Lauren Graham to effortlessly guide their way through it.


gdt5016 said:
Blader is a weirdo in some respects.

Chuck is awesome.

I said that without even looking at the poster. I wouldnt have said that if I knew it was Blader :lol dude doesnt like Saracen!
Memles said:
I will say this: the show has some fairly big problems in terms of presenting a world which feels a bit too dream-like, a bit too cozy, and at times a little bit too quirky for its own good.

I always love the quirky, but yes, I feel the coziness might soon become a problem for me.

Memles said:
But Lauren Graham sells the hell out of every single one of those types of scenes, and the dialogue is almost always enough to get you through. Yes, there are times when the show can become a bit complacent, but Rory's progression through school and Lorelai's professional advances mean that the show doesn't keep rehashing the same storylines in the same way, and even if the show is playing with some cliches (you read Luke and Lorelai's relationship correctly, for example) it has a great cast and up until the end of Season 6 the show is in fine form.

I have to agree with your praise of Lauren Graham. She makes everything work. And the supporting cast are quite good, too. I'm somewhat disappointed to know that I've predicted that relationship ahead of time, but at least Luke seems like a good foil to Lorelai's personality. Good to know that the complacency doesn't overwhelm it.

Memles said:
Yes, the end of the 6th Season is a let-down, and yes the 7th Season struggles under the weight of the creator's departure from the show over financial consideration. But personally, I dislike this idea that a show isn't worth watching if it isn't 100% great, or if it tails off towards the end: the show is at the height of its genre (the comic hour-long drama series) up until that point, so writing it off for that reason alone is petty.

That said, you raise some good points that are occasional knocks against the show, but personally I find that the show either calls them out on it (especially in Rory's case), develops them into great characters (Emily and Richard, Lorelai's parents, are very narrow characters early on but become in many ways the heart of the show in later seasons), or has Lauren Graham to effortlessly guide their way through it.

Okay, that puts some of my fears to rest. I was leaning towards it already, but I'll certainly be watching the first season soon-ish.
I have been on a UK binge as of late.
Watched all of skins up to date and loved it.
Watched Misfits and loved it.
Started watching Shameless and so far it is decent but quite repetitive. Also watched the first season of the Inbetweeners and it is okay, but the main kid annoys me.
Can anyone recommend me any other good British shows?


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Just finished Season 4 of Dexter, and holy shit.

Overall, it is my 2nd favorite season behind season 1. Despite some silly sub plots and forgettable characters, S4 delivers thanks to Hall and Lithgow, they were amazing. I can't even begin to imagine what S5 holds in store.
Ashhong said:
whoa whoa, people on GAF are actually starting to criticize chuck? i think the show is great fun but never thought it deserved the hype that it gets. nice to see some people feel the same.

This blog - by an Israeli sf/f "critic" - addresses a few of the problems (note: I am not moved to thoroughly dislike, or even merely dislike, the show as she does, despite her quite valid points) I have with the show:

Chuck is silly because so little about it actually makes any sense--not its premise, which relies on a definition of spying that out-Bonds Bond for unreality but continually denies its own campness, insisting that the spy characters Chuck meets represent the world's real workings; not in its characters, whose behavior and choices seem motivated mainly by the writers' need to maintain the show in its status quo of Chuck as a hero with a pathetic life and his handler Sarah as his perpetually unresolved love interest; most of all, not in the reactions it seems to court from its audience. This is a show whose writers, in their second season premiere, sent Adam Baldwin's Casey, the heavy in the lead trio, to kill Chuck, only for him to turn back at the last minute not because of loyalty but because his orders were rescinded, and apparently do not expect us to draw any negative conclusions from this about Casey, nor to care that his actions were never addressed or brought up again[2].


And, if on the race front the worst that can be said of Chuck is it is depressingly in line with most of the other shows on TV--the only non-white characters in the main cast are one-note comic reliefs, the spy world is almost uniformly white, and people of color show up mostly in guest roles, which usually means that they are villains--when it comes to gender Chuck may very well be the most regressive genre series of the last few years.


Chuck's writers would presumably try to spin the absence of female geeks--and the bewilderment and exasperation that most of its female characters display when confronted with geekish interests--as a compliment. This is a show that laughs at geeks as much as it laughs with them, and it portrays women as being 'above' that pathetic state. The problem is that that elevation is only skin-deep. Ultimately, Chuck is the geek's story, and though it may mock them, at the of the day it is on the geeks' side--to the extent that it often seems to equate geekishness with humanity, as opposed to the spy characters' inhuman detachment from normal life and normal relationships. This leaves women who aren't spies with no roles to play except the supporting, caretaking ones.


In more than two seasons, Chuck's writers have done precious little to develop Sarah beyond this type. Her sole defining characteristic is that she's in love with Chuck and he with her, though it's not entirely clear why beyond the fact that he's the male lead and she's hot and saves his life a lot. They've had hardly any conversations that don't revolve around their work or the thinly disguised fact that they love each other. Beyond wanting to be together, they don't seem to have any interests, wants, or desires in common, though that's mainly because Sarah doesn't seem to have any interests, wants, or desires at all.


The opening episodes of the third season take some small strides towards giving Sarah a personality (albeit one that still revolves around her love for Chuck) when they have her express a desire--she asks Chuck to run away with her--and then freeze Chuck out when he refuses her, but it's a rather nasty, selfish personality. After two years of mixed signals and stalling, Sarah says 'jump' and is furious that Chuck doesn't ask 'how high?', and seems genuinely affronted that Chuck, who turns her down because he wants to train as a spy, wants to make something of himself instead of spending a life on the lam with her, cut off from his friends and family. There is, of course, a story to be told here, about a person who has spent her life tamping down her true self and sublimating her desires to the needs of others, who suddenly finds herself wanting something and possessing power over someone, and has to learn in a hurry how to use that power and express that desire honorably, but Chuck doesn't seem interested in telling that story. It won't even pay Sarah the respect of recognizing how flawed she is and giving her room to address those flaws.


Again, there's a potentially interesting story to be told here, but instead the show keeps piling artificial obstacles in the characters' path--she lies about her feelings, he breaks up with her because he wants a real relationship, an ex-boyfriend or -girlfriend shows up. The implication being that as soon as Chuck and Sarah cast off their inhibitions and the fraternization rules that are keeping them apart, their happily ever after is assured. This is insulting to Chuck as well as Sarah, but he at least has a storyline and a purpose on the show that don't involve her. Sarah's sole function is to be Chuck's love interest--a task to which she is apparently perfectly suited despite the fact that he doesn't know her, or that there may not be anyone there to know.​

Ultimately, it has more than enough charm about it to skate by with me, but I certainly can't pretend it's free of significant problems or somewhere near the top of cheesy fun on television for me - to specify, that means I think it's good cheesy fun, not great cheesy fun, although it does edge towards that bracket from time to time. It certainly has the ingredients, though, to morph into something better. The treatment of the relationship between Chuck and Sarah, and its failure to embrace the campness of its spy sections at times or provide convincing consistency with them are what's holding it back. (
Why did Hannah not mention anything about Sarah and Shaw who were hugging each other on the floor of the museum within a very short distance in a long drawn-out scene where both couples had survived near-death experiences?
That type of stuff just grates on you, breaking even an indulgent suspension of belief.) The best thing about it, I've concluded, is its amazing cast. From the leads to the supporting roles, some great turns there.

Ashhong said:
^ Watch Life Unexpected instead. said to be very similar to Gilmore Girls and just started so you dont have a lot of catching up to do.

Already watching it. Liked every episode so far except the latest.

arts&crafts said:
I have been on a UK binge as of late.
Watched all of skins up to date and loved it.
Watched Misfits and loved it.
Started watching Shameless and so far it is decent but quite repetitive. Also watched the first season of the Inbetweeners and it is okay, but the main kid annoys me.
Can anyone recommend me any other good British shows?

Have you watched Life On Mars? If not: Run. Don't walk.

Another great drama-slash-thriller: State of Play (by the same writer who created Shameless and wrote for the excellent Cracker). Some comedies: Black Books. Peep Show. The IT Crowd.
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