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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Just finished season four of The Wire. I'd put it on par with season three. I like season three and four equally, and I really like them as much as the other for different reasons.

So... Season 3=4>1>2.


dmshaposv said:
So I was just gifted "The Wire" boxset, seasons 1-5. Specifically, this:


I'm actually looking forward to this a lot. I've heard there is an enormous pay-off around season 4. Besides that, I have no clue what to expect going in (haven't even bothered reading a summary about the show!).

Lets see if it lives up to the enormous GAF hype. :D

Do you know where the person who gave that to you purchased it? I wish I could have gotten a set like that, as the complete box set I have has these irritating cardboard sleeves that make me feel like I'm going to scratch the disks.


CajoleJuice said:
Oh and I see Weeds mentioned -- I recently watched the first two and a half seasons and had no urge to go any further. There were plenty of funny parts, mostly involving Kevin Nealon, but I feel it never quite hit the right mix of comedy and drama. Also, I'm not quite sure who's supposed to be likable. I just couldn't be bothered anymore halfway through the 3rd season when there's better TV to be watched.
I stopped after season 1. Like you said, it never got the right mix of comedy and drama. For me it also went to much into the drama zone, it took itself too serious at times.
Just finished the first episode of season five of The Wire. It was pretty good. Now, when GAF says it's the "worst season" out of all five, does that mean it sucks or does that mean it's not as good as the other four but still good?


Dax01 said:
Just finished the first episode of season five of The Wire. It was pretty good. Now, when GAF says it's the "worst season" out of all five, does that mean it sucks or does that mean it's not as good as the other four but still good?

The latter.


I must get around to watching it someday. For whatever reason, Ive seen about every other HBO show except for The Wire. Deadwood is still the king.


Incidentally, I just finished season 3 of The Wire. Fucking great, definitely the best of the series so far.

Might dig into S4 over the weekend.

Solo said:
I must get around to watching it someday. For whatever reason, Ive seen about every other HBO show except for The Wire. Deadwood is still the king.


haven't seen Deadwood or The Sopranos, lol


beelzebozo said:

yeah, dax, give it a go. i watched the first season and i just couldn't do it. i find the shaky-cam aesthetic of the show really off-putting, all the characters seemed locked into a constant state of being angry at each other. . . i don't know. i felt like even though it's okay for characters to not have a lot of redeeming qualities, that i couldn't find anything to like about anybody.

but your mileage may vary, obviously. people love it. i stand alone.

Watch season 2.

I love The Shield and it's easily one of the best TV dramas of all time, but even I found season 1 hard to get through. If S2 doesn't have you hooked, then you're probably right in that it won't be for you, but give it a shot anyway. S2 is where it really took hold of me and just did not let go.


Can't wait to add The Wire to my rotation (just got my shipping confirmation from Amazon for the Complete Set. The ugly one, not the one a couple posts ago :/ ). Really itching to re-watch it.

And I have to order The Shield soon...
gdt5016 said:
Can't wait to add The Wire to my rotation (just got my shipping confirmation from Amazon for the Complete Set. The ugly one, not the one a couple posts ago :/ ). Really itching to re-watch it.

And I have to order The Shield soon...
Ugly? I have that boxset and I love it.


I have the box with the cardboard sleeves, it sucks. Scratched up one of my disks (that I know of), made the ending of one episode and the beginning of another unwatchable. =\


Blader5489 said:
I have the box with the cardboard sleeves, it sucks. Scratched up one of my disks (that I know of), made the ending of one episode and the beginning of another unwatchable. =\

Yeah, it seems like thats mine :/.


I pretty much only watch stuff when it comes on Hulu, except for Survivor.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, House, Lost, Community, The Office.


CajoleJuice said:
Oh and I see Weeds mentioned -- I recently watched the first two and a half seasons and had no urge to go any further. There were plenty of funny parts, mostly involving Kevin Nealon, but I feel it never quite hit the right mix of comedy and drama. Also, I'm not quite sure who's supposed to be likable. I just couldn't be bothered anymore halfway through the 3rd season when there's better TV to be watched.

i think you either hit the exact moment the show jumped the shark, or are very close to it. don't look back.
I can't get into Rome or Deadwood. I loved The Wire but I can't seem to get through an episode of either of those two.

And it's nothing to do with me thinking the shows are slow or boring or whatever (I love Mad Men, and that show is "slow" as hell sometimes), and the subject matter is really interesting to me but I can't do it. I think there's something wrong with me.


Just finished the Babylon 5 series finale (which I've never seen before).

This might just be my favorite final episode ever. It was beautiful, and a real tear jerker.

No Londo or G'Kar :(?

Yeah yeah, I know they got their endings in late S5, but still!

An incredible end to an awesome series.

gdt5016 said:
Just finished the Babylon 5 series finale (which I've never seen before).

This might just be my favorite final episode ever. It was beautiful, and a real tear jerker.

No Londo or G'Kar :(?

An incredible end to an awesome series.

...Huh? I thought you finished the series awhile back?


Dax01 said:
...Huh? I thought you finished the series awhile back?

I got to the first few episodes of S5, then I had to stop watching.

I just finished re-watching S1-4, and then watching S5.


Jealous Bastard
WyndhamPrice said:
I can't get into Rome or Deadwood. I loved The Wire but I can't seem to get through an episode of either of those two.

And it's nothing to do with me thinking the shows are slow or boring or whatever (I love Mad Men, and that show is "slow" as hell sometimes), and the subject matter is really interesting to me but I can't do it. I think there's something wrong with me.

i didn't like ROME either.

DEADWOOD i feel compelled to push you to stick with, however.


Subconscious Brolonging
Rome is alright, but falls on its face every time it bends over backwards to force Titus and Lucius into major historical events. Having some everymen that the audience can relate to is fine, but coming up with the most forced and contrived ways they can interact with historical figures is fucking annoying. I thought it couldn't get any worse than when they deus ex machina'd there way into Pompey's little caravan, but then Titus secretly impregnated Cleopatra and I almost stopped watching the show.


I'm watching a bonus doc on the Babylon 5 fans right now (in the S5 special features)...

...this does not make us look good :lol .


I am revving up to start my bi-annual X-Files watchathon.

Now, this is blowing my mind right now, but visiting Frank Spotnitz blog and looking around the net has revealed an X-Files 3 movie about the 2012 alien invasion might be getting green-lit.

Holy shit! Im a X-Files fanatic, and just the idea of the 2nd X-Files movie coming true after waiting for so many years was a dream come true. Of course, there was heartbreak after seeing it as the whole event was a severe lost opportunity to reboot the franchise. It wasnt even a good episode plot, let alone a movie.... But i still loved seeing the characters again in the roles.

Anyway, im gonna be on the X-Files 3 hype bandwagon soon enough. That shit would be bonkers. They still have X-Files conventions..
gdt5016 said:
Well, I haven't seen it yet, but lets just say I prefer this one from the pics:

Seriously I've been holding off on buying the complete series cause I can only find it in the ugly box. I would buy this set in a second if I could find it somewhere online :(


Subconscious Brolonging
~Kinggi~ said:
I am revving up to start my bi-annual X-Files watchathon.

Now, this is blowing my mind right now, but visiting Frank Spotnitz blog and looking around the net has revealed an X-Files 3 movie about the 2012 alien invasion might be getting green-lit.

Holy shit! Im a X-Files fanatic, and just the idea of the 2nd X-Files movie coming true after waiting for so many years was a dream come true. Of course, there was heartbreak after seeing it as the whole event was a severe lost opportunity to reboot the franchise. It wasnt even a good episode plot, let alone a movie.... But i still loved seeing the characters again in the roles.

Anyway, im gonna be on the X-Files 3 hype bandwagon soon enough. That shit would be bonkers. They still have X-Files conventions..

It is my greatest wish that this happens. I need closure on this series, the last few seasons and movie haunt me. And not because they're totally awful, if that were the case I could just excise them from my mind, but because they're kinda awful with bits of the show I love sprinkled throughout. If they can create one more good movie and end it on the right now, I might finally be able to die in peace.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
I have been watching Justified on FX the passed 3 weeks, and I am enjoying it. Waiting for the later episodes in the season because that is when it is supposed to pick up more of unified story instead of being so episodic right now.
I watched the first episode of Flash Forward last night. Pretty good. One question though, does it get better as the season goes on? Also, John Cho is a pretty serious guy in it. I kinda miss his goofy Harold persona.


Hydrogen Bluebird said:
I watched the first episode of Flash Forward last night. Pretty good. One question though, does it get better as the season goes on? Also, John Cho is a pretty serious guy in it. I kinda miss his goofy Harold persona.

Dear god no. It gets worse and worse and worse.

Fuzz Rez

FilthyLies said:
Goddamn UK gets all the cool packaging :( Can't import either cause they'll be PAL DVDs I guess.

Oh well :(

If you own stand alone DVD player you can usually make it region free easily. Just google following "DVD-player brand and model, region free" and you will find instructions. If you have some cheap brand dvd player then most of the times all it takes is to insert 4 numeber code with your dvd remote to your player and that's it. Your player is region free.
Had Season 1 of Arrested Development for ~2 years and watched it a couple of times and found it hilarious. My friend lent me all 3 seasons so I've been getting back into it and I am loving it. Don't want to finish it lol


roosters93 said:
Had Season 1 of Arrested Development for ~2 years and watched it a couple of times and found it hilarious. My friend lent me all 3 seasons so I've been getting back into it and I am loving it. Don't want to finish it lol
Season 2 is the pinnacle, 3 is still great but not as good.

Best short-running comedy series of all-time.


Neo Member
Just finished season 3 of the wire. I think it's a great show; but overrated. I prefer Breaking Bad's 3 seasons to almost anything on television. Bryan Cranston's definitely one of the best actors on tv.


Watched some MS3K it seems pretty hit or miss I watched Laserblast, which was a riot (ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?) but then I watched the Blood Waters of DR Z, which was pretty awful. The bad thing about MS3K is that it's not just hit or miss, but if it's a miss you're stuck watching a really crappy movie...


watched season 5 of Weeds last night. Season 4-5 weren't even bad -_-. Sure they don't compare well to the first 3 but like everyone and their brother told me watching 4-5 and I found them enjoyable
Originally Posted by WyndhamPrice: I can't get into Rome or Deadwood. I loved The Wire but I can't seem to get through an episode of either of those two.

Truth of the matter is, those two shows don't even come close to comparing to the Wire. Don't let anybody ever tell you different.


Doing a marathon of the Office. I just finished the Hilary swank episode and I can't stand Jim. He kind of goes out of his way to make the show bland and unfunny by wagging his finger at the lunacy that makes shows like this interesting. He's constantly beating you over the head with how normal he thinks he is. fuuuuuuck that Jim & Pam nonsense.


BlackClouds said:
Truth of the matter is, those two shows don't even come close to comparing to the Wire. Don't let anybody ever tell you different.

Deadwood beats Wire any day and night :) It's just a dam shame that they never finished Deadwood :(

I'm gonna start watching Deadwood again.


CiSTM said:
Deadwood beats Wire any day and night :) It's just a dam shame that they never finished Deadwood :(

I'm gonna start watching Deadwood again.

Deadwood beats everything. Where the fuck is my Bluray set, HBO? You give ROME and BOB the treatment, but not Deadwood?
CiSTM said:
Deadwood beats Wire any day and night :) It's just a dam shame that they never finished Deadwood :(

I'm gonna start watching Deadwood again.
Dude... come on. In what?

I sooooo don't want to enter a "debate" on this, but it's just urgh.

I'm on Deadwood S03E05 right now and there's just no comparison. The Wire is such a complex yet tight system of compelling characters with real motivations and relevant outcomes.

Deadwood is just good television. There's so much slack, though, just as in most shows. Elsworth witnesses Alma's husband get murdered for gold and is generally ok with Al and Co., but he can't contain himself for a moment over Hearst's murders? I get that Hearst is more "evil," but it's still a really weird discrepancy. And right after Elsworth talks to Alma and she's not convinced Hearst is as bad a man as he says, she goes over to him and sees for herself? Too perfect.

I like the show, but it's much more finite in scope, contrived, and arbitrary than The Wire (which is not perfect, but in a class of its own).


Jealous Bastard
Battersea Power Station said:
Dude... come on. In what?

I sooooo don't want to enter a "debate" on this, but it's just urgh.

so don't :lol

you only confuse and infuriate yourself by even trying to compare the two. what does it matter if you prefer one a small gradient more than the other? life is so much more enjoyable if you just split things into "like it" or "don't like it" and move on.
beelzebozo said:
so don't :lol

you only confuse and infuriate yourself by even trying to compare the two. what does it matter if you prefer one a small gradient more than the other? life is so much more enjoyable if you just split things into "like it" or "don't like it" and move on.
It's good advice, and it's why I don't try to split things into firm categories. I like both. But the "Deadwood beats Wire any day and night :)" comment is what got to me. OK, I'm good now, though. I promise I'll ignore the next one.
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