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TV Shows you've watched recently

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I've been going through King of the Hill again for the last few weeks because the first ten seasons are on Netflix instant streaming. Just watched one of my favorite episodes yesterday in season three: the one that features a suicidal Bill on Christmas because he still misses his ex-wife, Lenore. Seeing Bill crash the Hill's annual Christmas party dressed up in full drag, doing his best Lenore voice, and simultaneously getting gasps from all the attendants is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
Watching Curb Your Enthusiam right now. This show is damn funny. Larry David is great and knowing that its improv, makes it even better.


Im re-watching Battlestar Galactica again. Show is so emotional. Im really not a big fan of all the religious bullshit they try to push on you, but i do pretty much love everything else about the show. Nothing better then when some crazy disaster is happening and Adama gives his inspirational speeches with that awesome music playing.



(peep show)


deadbeef said:
How is Bones? Worth watching? I only ask because there are 4 seasons on Netflix streaming.

It's one of the better procedural shows I think and it really focuses on the forensics side. They don't go nuts with techno music like CSI does to make all the lab stuff seem cool. Instead they just have Hodgins and Zack do crazy experiments all the time. Some of the latter seasons have more arching story lines but you could easily watch the first couple of episodes to get a feel for the show and decide whether you like it or not. I really like the cast which I think elevates it above the rest of the shows.


Brian Fellows said:
I've been on a Home Movies kick lately.

Great show, I watched a couple of my favorites recently as well (featuring junior and ken adelberg).

Along with that,

Ugly Americans - Friend showed this to me, pretty funny. It only has 6 episodes but it was picked up for a 2nd season I believe.

Top Gear - 15th season is going strong, has been thoroughly entertaining.

Yesterday I caught an old (2001) episode of Junkyard Wars on TV. It was the show I watched before Mythbusters came along.


I've mostly been watching Prison Break on DVD lately. I'm part way through Season 2 right now. Very cool so far and addicting. It's got that "I'll watch one more episode" kind of thing going for it.

Also, they are reairing Freaks and Geeks on IFC once a week and have been recording them. I've only watched the first two eps. It's alright so far.

Before I got into Prison Break, I was working through Burn Notice Season 2 and The X-Files Season 1. I watched The X-Files when it first aired, but haven't watched back through it since then. I'm not very far though. But I'm enjoying it and Burn Notice. I just need to make sometime to get back to them.

I think that's about it.


Unconfirmed Member
I just finished Friday Night Lights Season 3. It was way better than Season Two even though two of my favorite characters had smaller roles in the season. Now I'll have to wait for Season Four to be put up on Netflix.

The first disc of The Wire will be coming this week and I'll start watching it. I hope it lives up to the hype that it gets here.

excellent plots and superb actors. D'Onofrio in particular is monstrous. Serioously, this guy's got some of the best acting I've ever seen on television


Keyser Soze said:
With Chuck. Human Target, and now Covert Affairs I think my spy show fix is very much full :)
I don't see burn notice on that lisz

m'kay ex spy, but still

oh and the covert affairs pilot was good imo, not burn notice great, but still good, will watch

and the first episode had Florence and the Machine, yay :D

it was also nice to see the main character who is new to the whole spy thing not beating a lifelong master assassin in hand to hand combat by virtue of being the main character

And the concept of her closest CIA ally being blind seems awfully artificial. What's the point in having a blind character that might as well not be blind due to their use of technology and ridiculous powers of hearing and deduction? Well, apart from that one episode where you take the technology away from them, obviously. OOOO, PERIL!
meh, I like him, he is a lot better than blind people are usualy presented in tv and movies, mostly being whiny bitches who are now compleatly asocial, these guy here is fun, goes out to get drunk with friends and hits on hot chicks

being blide is a part of him in contrast to other tv shows or movies where someone being blind is his entire characteristics


So I just finished watching The Wire - Season 1 for the first time.. I'm really liking it so far, but I was wondering whether the story starts to drag out a lot as the seasons continue? Because right from the first few episodes it didn't feel like the story had 5 seasons worth of material.. but I'm going to keep watching for now


tabsina said:
So I just finished watching The Wire - Season 1 for the first time.. I'm really liking it so far, but I was wondering whether the story starts to drag out a lot as the seasons continue? Because right from the first few episodes it didn't feel like the story had 5 seasons worth of material.. but I'm going to keep watching for now
Keep watching. All i'll say.


I'm coming up to the end of True Blood Season 2, and very much enjoying it. More so than Season 1? Hmm...maybe, I'll have to think about it! I've heard Season 3 has been great so far!

Shall give Breaking Bad a watch afterwards, I've heard from many people that it is excellent! :D


tabsina said:
So I just finished watching The Wire - Season 1 for the first time.. I'm really liking it so far, but I was wondering whether the story starts to drag out a lot as the seasons continue? Because right from the first few episodes it didn't feel like the story had 5 seasons worth of material.. but I'm going to keep watching for now

don't worry.

it only expands as a show. s2 looks at an entirely different part of the city by looking at the labor union in the docks. s3 returns to the streets, changes up the dynamic there [spoilers of storyline ideas:
new gang, drug amnesty operation by police
) , but introduces politics as a main story-arc as well as doing the police. s4, education and the streets re: the kids in the education system, and the barksdale stuff development and politics. s5 newspapers and the conclusion to the stories so far. it's a huge show with a massive scope, it doesn't drag at all.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Anasui Kishibe said:

excellent plots and superb actors. D'Onofrio in particular is monstrous. Serioously, this guy's got some of the best acting I've ever seen on television

This is a joke post right?

D'Onofrio's character is the absolute worst character on TV right now. Its so funny when the fat fucking schlub tries to act like a hardass because he is such an obvious pussy. Not to mention they make his an expert on every subject on the planet.

Then every episode ends with him getting in the bad guys face with no real evidence and annoying them until they confess. Such great writing.
Brian Fellows said:
This is a joke post right?

D'Onofrio's character is the absolute worst character on TV right now. Its so funny when the fat fucking schlub tries to act like a hardass because he is such an obvious pussy. Not to mention they make his an expert on every subject on the planet.

Then every episode ends with him getting in the bad guys face with no real evidence and annoying them until they confess. Such great writing.

diff strokes. I love his antics


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I've been on a Mike Judge binge lately and decided to watch some Beavis and Butt-Head for the first time in years. I remember finding this show as funny back in early highschool as I find KotH now. I couldn't believe how retarded it was. I can maybe see its appeal to a stoned 14 year old (or hell maybe even a stoned me) but damn, let's just say Mike Judge has since come a long way. I did laugh a few times though..
The other day I bought the first season of Firefly, Friday Night Lights and Twin Peaks in a buy 2 get 1 free sale.

I starting watching Firefly first and having already seen Serenity I kind of knew what I was in for and am loving it so far. I'm already up to the 3rd disc. Can't wait for it to end! :(

big ander

roosters93 said:
The other day I bought the first season of Firefly, Friday Night Lights and Twin Peaks in a buy 2 get 1 free sale.

I starting watching Firefly first and having already seen Serenity I kind of knew what I was in for and am loving it so far. I'm already up to the 3rd disc. Can't wait for it to end! :(
Firefly is so good man. Enjoy it.
Twin Peaks is also awesome. I'm almost done with it, myself. Great series.


Net_Wrecker said:
Much, MUCH better. Keep watching.

Ill take your word for it.


This dude`s cliche puns and "im such a badass i listen to zeppelin and i LIKE GIRLS" stuff bothers me, and he`s kinda one of those guys with a face id like to punch :lol but i guess/hope ill be able to deal with it.


Avatar. The first season.

So good. Thanks GAF.

The Kyoshi are so cool.

Edit: Dean Winchester is fucking awesome. How dare you.
SalsaShark said:
Ill take your word for it.


This dude`s cliche puns and "im such a badass i listen to zeppelin and i LIKE GIRLS" stuff bothers me, and he`s kinda one of those guys with a face id like to punch :lol but i guess/hope ill be able to deal with it.

NO way, that's what makes him so badass :lol He only gets better and better at it, and the writing starts playing towards the fact that he acts like that as the show progresses.

DeathNote said:

I'm on episode 10 season one. So far it's
paranormal entity and cute girl of the week. Very little main storyline progression.

The show changes quite drastically from Monster of The Week to more serialized in season 2, and does it more and more in each of the next seasons. The MoTW stuff never goes away, but that's not a problem because some of those are the best episodes in the series. Just keep watching. A lot of people felt like you at the beginning.

Salazar said:
Avatar. The first season.

So good. Thanks GAF.

The Kyoshi are so cool.

Edit: Dean Winchester is fucking awesome. How dare you.

Another show that only gets better and better. If you like Season 1, you're in for a treat.


Net_Wrecker said:
NO way, that's what makes him so badass :lol He only gets better and better at it, and the writing starts playing towards the fact that he acts like that as the show progresses.

The show changes quite drastically from Monster of The Week to more serialized in season 2, and does it more and more in each of the next seasons. The MoTW stuff never goes away, but that's not a problem because some of those are the best episodes in the series. Just keep watching. A lot of people felt like you at the beginning.

Another show that only gets better and better. If you like Season 1, you're in for a treat.
MoTW isn't my biggest concern.
But that, combined with never showing how they exit a building they sneak into and there always being a new cute girl was getting very formulaic. Since I was a big fan of LOST, I know a minor spoiler about the latest season. The actors playing a good vs evil role. I can only assume it's a recurring threat which seems like it'd be better.
DeathNote said:
MoTW isn't my biggest concern.
But that, combined with never showing how they exit a building they sneak into and there always being a new cute girl was getting very formulaic. Since I was a big fan of LOST, I know a minor spoiler about the latest season. The actors playing a good vs evil role. I can only assume it's a recurring threat which seems like it'd be better.

It all starts to come together during Season 2, and the mythology gets more and more expanded upon with more serialized episodes thereafter.
Five episodes of season 5 of The Wire left. I'm torn between watching them quickly and finding out what happens and spacing them out so it doesn't end as soon...
Enosh said:
I don't see burn notice on that lisz

m'kay ex spy, but still

I heard of Burn Notice a few times, but never bothered to check up on it... I never knew the exact premise until, well, until just right now. Will add it to the list. :D

Please dont read this:
I though it was a show about firemen for a while, silly name confusing me!!

I think I have too much to watch now though:

Supernatural: At episode 10 of season 1
Califorincation: Have all of season one ripped to iPad. Will watch soon!
Farscape: Mid-Season 2 on a run through (I looked at it scattershot on TV over the years, and want to rewatch in order)
Babylon 5: Watched on TV a bit, and have an unopened complete collection on my shelf
The West Wing: Want to watch, but seems like a huge commitment to get though all 7 seasons
Spartacus: Loads of episodes sitting on my DVR wating to be watched

Keyser Soze said:
I heard of Burn Notice a few times, but never bothered to check up on it... I never knew the exact premise until, well, until just right now. Will add it to the list. :D

Please dont read this:
I though it was a show about firemen for a while, silly name confusing me!!

I think I have too much to watch now though:

Supernatural: At episode 10 of season 1
Califorincation: Have all of season one ripped to iPad. Will watch soon!
Farscape: Mid-Season 2 on a run through (I looked at it scattershot on TV over the years, and want to rewatch in order)
Babylon 5: Watched on TV a bit, and have an unopened complete collection on my shelf
The West Wing: Want to watch, but seems like a huge commitment to get though all 7 seasons
Spartacus: Loads of episodes sitting on my DVR wating to be watched

That one first.


On a 1-10 scale how awesome is the first season of Fraggle Rock, and the first season of The Muppet Show for someone 18+ that has never seen them before but has seen all the Muppet movies as a kid and has seen two of the Muppet movies recently and still finds the comedy and originality top notch?


Net_Wrecker said:
NO way, that's what makes him so badass :lol He only gets better and better at it, and the writing starts playing towards the fact that he acts like that as the show progresses.

Ok, that could be good.

i liked the fact that
he was afraid of flying, lol


Just finished watching Tru Blood season 1. Great great show. I love it. I'm one of the few women left who have no idea what is Twilight or what it's about ( beside that there is a vampire) But I loooove Bill&Sookie and the all the rest. And the twists!!!

All kind of crazy things are going on!
Going through Season 1-3 of The IT Crowd. :lol VERY funny for British comedy and I'm really diggin' Maurice's afro. Looking forward to season 4 & 5.

edit: oh, yeah. and True Blood, Being Human, Doctor Who, Leverage, Breaking Bad and many more. Probably a lot more once Fall rolls around.


hamchan said:
Just finished a marathon of Mad Men season 3.

Fuck me, this season was so damn good, better than the past two which I also thought were excellent. I am literally shaking in excitement for season 4 in a weeks time. I fully expect Mad Men to win Outstanding Drama again at the Emmys because it fucking deserves it. They just nailed everything perfectly this season. Everyone who hasn't seen this show needs to watch it now. Holy shit it's good.

i'm gonna watch mad men season 1 episode 1 later tonight :D


Saw all of Spartacus Blood and Sand. It rocked my world!

Trying to watch the 3rd season of Buffy. :( I have to take a break, it's both boring and irritating atm, I used to enjoy it so much. Oh well, I'll find that place, the Buffy-place, in the future again

Also True Blood. Jesus, ep 5 was goOD


ilikeme said:
Saw all of Spartacus Blood and Sand. It rocked my world!

Trying to watch the 3rd season of Buffy. :( I have to take a break, it's both boring and irritating atm, I used to enjoy it so much. Oh well, I'll find that place, the Buffy-place, in the future again

Also True Blood. Jesus, ep 5 was goOD
This is how I am with Buffy now. I burned through so much of it so fast and really enjoyed it, but then I watched stuff like FNL and The Wire, and more recently Breaking Bad and I don't know if I could go back. I still think it's a good show though.


I watched the first 10 episodes of Buffy on Netflix. Never gave it a chance in the past.

Wanting the upscale the DVD set. Expensive as balls.


DeathNote said:
I watched the first 10 episodes of Buffy on Netflix. Never gave it a chance in the past.

Wanting the upscale the DVD set. Expensive as balls.
Definitely watch the second season. It's my favorite.
Watched the first episode of Rome. Mmmmmm good stuff. Coming off of the abrupt ending of Deadwood, it's nice to have something of high quality to wash the feeling "too soon" from my mind.


Net_Wrecker said:
Watched the first episode of Rome. Mmmmmm good stuff. Coming off of the abrupt ending of Deadwood, it's nice to have something of high quality to wash the feeling "too soon" from my mind.

I just bought the second series, having watched the first a long time ago.

I will talk with my friend who's writing a book about Deadwood. Milch apparently gave him copies of the fourth season stuff he'd prepared - but never, alas, got to use.

I am just about finished Book 1 of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I am stunned. Iroh is so god damned beautiful a character. The romance between Katara and Aang reminds me of Fone Bone and Fern. The faces are so expressive, the dialogue is so humorous, the bending is so terrifically conceived.

Can't wait to start on the next book. Hyped beyond controllable levels.


DeathNote said:
I watched the first 10 episodes of Buffy on Netflix. Never gave it a chance in the past.

Wanting the upscale the DVD set. Expensive as balls.
It's not easy to get hold of either (bought the set as a gift for someone and it took quite some tracking down).


Post Count: 9999
I did a quick google search, and Covert Affairs was listed in this thread. Not sure if anyone is watching it, but I've enjoyed it so far. Kind of a less retarded Alias :p

I'm watching the 2nd ep right now, and burst out laughing in the middle of it. Arthur introduced two members of the Finnish Intelligence Service; Teppo Kuivo and Riku Numminen.

Now I'm not sure if the names are that common, but if you switch the first and last names you get Teppo Numminen, an NHL player (and former Sabre), and Riku Kiovu. While the latter isn't an technically an pro hockey player, there are a several of Finnish NHLers with Riku as a first name and Kiovu as the last.

I'd be surprised if the names weren't plucked from hockey players :D
Covert Affairs is definitely one of the better new programme on TV. Yeah, I can see people hating it for a number of reasons, but it seems to nail what it is trying to do. Think I will be with it for the season - or however long it stick around
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