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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Larson Conway said:
Considering watching True Blood. Should I?

It is a story about vampire's having relationships in a very anti-Twilight way, but still Vampire's want to get together and do stuff. If you like that idea, but Twilight makes you cringe, then you will like this.

It's fun too.


ilikeme said:
Saw all of Spartacus Blood and Sand. It rocked my world!
Watching this atm, it's brilliant! I didn't really notice when it upped it's game, but damn the writing is really good, and the characters are excellent.
Spartacuss what with it's colourful language.
Osietra said:
Watching this atm, it's brilliant! I didn't really notice when it upped it's game, but damn the writing is really good, and the characters are excellent.
Spartacuss what with it's colourful language.

Just got done with spartacus and loved it but come, the writing is shit. Almost every other phrase is Jupiter's cock


nyprimus2 said:
On a 1-10 scale how awesome is the first season of Fraggle Rock, and the first season of The Muppet Show for someone 18+ that has never seen them before but has seen all the Muppet movies as a kid and has seen two of the Muppet movies recently and still finds the comedy and originality top notch?

I saw no one answered this so I'll try to answer it for you. We'll start with Fraggle Rock. While very good, I find it to be kind of a bizarre show and not quiiiite as good as the Muppet Show. Still though since you find the quality and originality of the Muppets top notch..I do too...then you'll probably love Fraggle Rock. I'd start with Season 1 of that and see how you like it. If you do like it get a hold of the rest of that series. If not then at least you'll have seen Season 1. I know you wanted it rated on a 1-10 scale. As for Fraggle Rock I still think it's a solid 8.

The Muppet Show I can't recommend enough! Go to the store, order it online, whatever you need to do to get it! The comedy and originality in The Muppet Show is as top notch as it is today. The theme song is very very catchy too. 3 of the 5 Seasons of the Muppet Show are out on DVD right now so if you can get a good deal on the first 3 Seasons at once I'd do that. Honestly though it sounds like you'll love the Muppet Show and want to get Seasons 2 and 3 right after seeing 1 so I'd just go ahead and get them all now. Season 4 is supposed to be coming sometime this year but keeps getting pushed back. The Muppet Show has sold very VERY well so it's virtually guaranteed the final 2 seasons will make it out, just no one knows when. I'd give a perfect 10 to the Muppet Show.

As a side note I strongly recommend Muppets Tonight as well..that came after the Muppet Show. Some but not all of the episodes are up on Youtube (Least they were last time I checked) if ya wanna check it out. Hope this helped a bit!


Now for my own question..the first episode of Battlestar Galactica was free on iTunes last week so I grabbed it. Been wanting to check out BSG for a while anyway. I couldn't understand the big deal surrounding that series the first half of the episode but holy crap the 2nd half was intense! I walked away wanting to see more so I'll probably just get the entire show once I can get it for a good deal. My question though is: At the very beginning they talk about stuff that happens before the start of the series. Is all of that told in a movie before the actual start of BSG and if it is, is it in the first season DVD set? I've a feeling it will be very helpful to watch that before I go much further into the series. I spent a lot of that first episode piecing things together and connecting dots. I managed it but still seeing what happens before the start would probably be a good idea.
bh7812 said:
My question though is: At the very beginning they talk about stuff that happens before the start of the series. Is all of that told in a movie before the actual start of BSG and if it is, is it in the first season DVD set? .
Did you watch the mini-series? That's where you should start. Not sure if that was the episode up for free on iTunes.


bh7812 said:
Now for my own question..the first episode of Battlestar Galactica was free on iTunes last week so I grabbed it. Been wanting to check out BSG for a while anyway. I couldn't understand the big deal surrounding that series the first half of the episode but holy crap the 2nd half was intense! I walked away wanting to see more so I'll probably just get the entire show once I can get it for a good deal. My question though is: At the very beginning they talk about stuff that happens before the start of the series. Is all of that told in a movie before the actual start of BSG and if it is, is it in the first season DVD set? I've a feeling it will be very helpful to watch that before I go much further into the series. I spent a lot of that first episode piecing things together and connecting dots. I managed it but still seeing what happens before the start would probably be a good idea.

The premiere miniseries is on the S1 set. That should be watched before the first episode.
Brian Fellows said:
Its so funny when the fat fucking schlub tries to act like a hardass because he is such an obvious pussy.
Not fat, but I feel this way about Dennis Leary on Rescue Me. I cannot accept him as a rough-n-tumble hard-ass.

One look at him and you can tell when intimidated he'll just roll up in a ball and cry for mommy. Also, maybe it's the whole beef with Bill Hicks that's making me biased, but Leary just looks like a slimy weasel that would make him stand out from his "bros," not become one of them.

Anyway, I'm just about done with season 1 and will keep going, but it's already getting kinda repetitive. Most of the women on the show are horrible actors. Their acting "horny" always puts me off.

/negative nancy post
big ander said:
Firefly is so good man. Enjoy it.
Twin Peaks is also awesome. I'm almost done with it, myself. Great series.
Yeah Firefly was great although I thought the finale was a little underwhelming. Was this because it got cancelled? I know with Rome they knew in advance it was finishing so had to condense a lot of plot into a few episodes. Did S1 of Firefly finish and it just wasn't renewed?

I decided to watch Friday Night Lights next and it's pretty awesome so far. 22 episodes in one season seems like heaps. :)


roosters93 said:
Yeah Firefly was great although I thought the finale was a little underwhelming. Was this because it got cancelled? I know with Rome they knew in advance it was finishing so had to condense a lot of plot into a few episodes. Did S1 of Firefly finish and it just wasn't renewed?

I decided to watch Friday Night Lights next and it's pretty awesome so far. 22 episodes in one season seems like heaps. :)
Yeah but then season 2 has 15. 3 and 4 both have 13 episodes.
Slowly making my way through The West Wing. I cannot emphasize how good an idea it is to skip Isaac and Ishmael. The cast even comes out at the beginning saying how it has zero connection to the rest of the series, and there was nothing but negative reaction to it, so I have no idea why I didn't just avoid it. Aside from that, Season Three has been great. "On the Day Before" is definitely one of my favorite episodes from what I've seen so far.


Started watching season 3 of Mad Men yesterday, and chewed through the first 4 episodes. Pretty good start, although I don't remember this show ever being so uneventful or plain 'slow'. I hope it'll pick up soon enough, or that something with bigger repercussions will happen.
been catching up on South Park lately.. it's a show i watched sporadically when i was younger and laughed at little kids swearing but watching it now i'm founding the humor a lot more clever than i thought it'd be.
BeeDog said:
Started watching season 3 of Mad Men yesterday, and chewed through the first 4 episodes. Pretty good start, although I don't remember this show ever being so uneventful or plain 'slow'. I hope it'll pick up soon enough, or that something with bigger repercussions will happen.
Season Three is the best season of Mad Men. Just keep watching.
saw the latest true blood. I am getting bored. Bill needs to die, bad now. Please kill of some of these characters. they get off the hook way to easily all the time. it makes it so much better. its becoming to much like days of our lives with fangs!!! this crystal girl is nice.

halfway through season 2 of Fringe... does it get more interesting? My interest peeked towards the end of season 1. Now its been in decline, and I dont know whats going on. A certain characters just reappeared without any explanation, and the show acts like it's normal.. I must have missed something. I dont know if I can make myself go on.

I still have Spartacus laying around... I dont know if I should... it will probably be either that or breaking bad season 2! Breaking Bad was pretty fun!


Vigilant Walrus said:
saw the latest true blood. I am getting bored. Bill needs to die, bad now. Please kill of some of these characters. they get off the hook way to easily all the time. it makes it so much better. its becoming to much like days of our lives with fangs!!! this crystal girl is nice.

halfway through season 2 of Fringe... does it get more interesting? My interest peeked towards the end of season 1. Now its been in decline, and I dont know whats going on. A certain characters just reappeared without any explanation, and the show acts like it's normal.. I must have missed something. I dont know if I can make myself go on.

I still have Spartacus laying around... I dont know if I should... it will probably be either that or breaking bad season 2! Breaking Bad was pretty fun!


The random appearance of a character is an episode shown out of order. It was shit. You should have skipped it. The rest of the season after that episode, though, is the highlight of the entire series.


Watch it.

Breaking Bad:

What? You watched S1, but not S2 yet? No, watch that instead!


I've recently watched Damages Season 1 and 2 and now starting season 3. It's a good series and I'm happy that 1 and 2 are on dvd and 3 is on itunes. I can't imagine watching one episode each weeks, I would forget some important plot elements. I like they way they use the flashforward each seasons. Patty Hewes is truly a great character. She is corrupted, cruel, egoist but in the end she stills wins the case and help people in the process (she totally destroys the bad guys though).

Season 1 was awesome in the beginning, boring in the middle of the season but pretty awesome in the end.

Season 2 was ZZZ in the beginning. Especially the whole murder plot. But the rest was pretty good. One of the downside is the resolution of the 6 months later events in the season's finale. It was so dumb. Also Ellen ''assassin glare'' every time she spoke with Patty was kind of abused. Every single time she makes that killer glare.

I'm on the fifth episode of Season 3 and so far I think it's the best season. The relationship between Patty and Ellen is starting to get interesting. The weak willed son of the Tobin family seems like he will be a great villain. He started like he innocent guy that wanted to get away from the corrupted image of his father but when he learn he can get the fraud money he starts to really lose it. I hope the resolution of the 6 month later events won't be as cheesy as in Season 2.

Really a great series I had no idea was existing. I got season 1 and 2 for 25 $ in a clearance sale and bough the season 3 pass on itunes. I have no idea if this was broadcasted in Canada and on which channel but it's awesome. Also heard that the series was renewed for 2 seasons :D .


I've watched the first 4 seasons of The Sopranos and I've enjoyed it a lot. The final 2 episodes of S4 were superb. I'm going to take a break from it a while though. I've watched too much in a short space of time and its blending together too much. Events stick out but I cannot place some of them in a timeline when I think back on it.

I need to watch the finale of Doctor Who S5 this weekend, then get started on season 1 which I'm borrowing off a mate.

Need to start S3 of True Blood but not feeling any motivation to do so. I may give it up.


gdt5016 said:
The premiere miniseries is on the S1 set. That should be watched before the first episode.

Thanks Gdt and Cornballer! I was thinking there was probably a mini-series before the first episode but wanted to ask to be sure. I'll watch the mini-series and then re-watch that first episode once I get the series set, it will make a lot more sense that way and I won't be trying to connect dots or piece things together I think but thanks for answering my question guys :D


erotic butter maelstrom
I have been watching Mad Men as well.

I'm on disc 2 of season 2 at the moment, I really like it. It's definitely a slow burn, it isn't as relentlessly entertaining and addictive as some of the series I've watched over the last year like Dexter and Lost but it has a rare quality that is unmatched by almost any other TV show that I have seen. The plots, the characters, the setting, the writing...it's all so refreshingly sophisticated and mature compared to 99.9% of television.

My only complaint is that sometimes it moves a little too slow for my monkey brain, I'll lose interest and not watch it for a week and then when I go back I'm lost. I'll finish the available blu rays of the series through Netflix but I am kind of tempted to switch over the Breaking Bad for now since it seems much more fast paced and fun to watch.
Keyser Soze said:
Stumbled into watching Covert Affairs a few nights ago. Never heard anything about it before it aired, and actually just watched in cause Piper Perabo was in it -
I liked Coyote Ugly back in the day
- and she has not been in anything in years.

I really liked it, and it seems like it could be heading somewhere decent too. I kinda thought the buddy who was blind, and the marriage-problem boss couple were a bit contrived, but kinda grew to like them and did not mind them after the hour was up.

With Chuck. Human Target, and now Covert Affairs I think my spy show fix is very much full :)
Watched the first two episodes tonight and enjoyed it. I'm not sure on how much I'll like the overarching plot but judging from what I know of USA network shows it won't be the biggest part of the show anyways. (Burn Notice, White Collar both don't have that much in this regard)
Yaweee said:

The random appearance of a character is an episode shown out of order. It was shit. You should have skipped it. The rest of the season after that episode, though, is the highlight of the entire series.


Watch it.

Breaking Bad:

What? You watched S1, but not S2 yet? No, watch that instead!

Mate, i fucking love you.

I make my post, and basically I am being engrish and dimwitted as a candy crusted asshole. I smear my lack of commitment to what I want to try, to reduce myself to ask; "tell me people what shows to watch because im so stupid".

and then you just plow in, and just lay down the law, and now I feel purpose, and have an idea of what to watch, and in what order. THANK YOU!:)

So many TV Shows and movies and games, that I loose perspective. It's so... insane how much there is that, Literally I sometimes end up not watching anything due to the extreme selection.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Does anyone know the name of a show, think it was on the BBC or Channel 4, all I can remember about it was that it contained fake kids science experiments.

Edit: Nevermind found it, was Look Around You.


Been watching Rookie blue. I really really like it so far. Only 5 episodes in, but i love the characters.

I heard it didnt get great reviews but meh. Anyone else watching this?


Finished season 1 of Friday Night Lights, great show.

Started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender because it's quite recommended on GAF. Pretty decent so far, will keep watching.


dork said:
Been watching Rookie blue. I really really like it so far. Only 5 episodes in, but i love the characters.

I heard it didnt get great reviews but meh. Anyone else watching this?
watching episode 1 and 2 on abc.com now and gonna watch the remaining ones on my DVR later today


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I finished watching all three available seasons of Chuck a couple weeks or so ago. I hadn't heard much about the show so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. So much so, I was done with the show in the space of about a week. The fantastic mix of action and comedy with a dash of romance blended together to create something that's best described as "fun". Also, it doesn't hurt that Yvonne Strahovski is a stunner (and a fellow Aussie! Totally surprised me when she spoke in her true accent in s02e06).

More recently I watched the first season of Eastbound & Down. Absolutely hilarious as long as you don't take it seriously, which is exactly what I was expecting from a TV series produced by Will Ferrell's company. Can't wait to see what the next season brings Kenny fucking Powers.

Most recently I watched all two available seasons of United States of Tara for no particular reason at all. :lol It's hard not to enjoy the show when Toni Collette does such a fantastic job. It's arguably the only good thing to ever come from the mind of Diablo Cody.
DeathNote said:
Not really liking true blood so far. On 7. Does it get better?
If you're not digging it by episode 7, I'm not sure if there's much reason to continue. You pretty much know what you're getting at that point.
Krauser Kat said:
Season 4 of Mad Men started out ace.
Im nearing the end of the fourth season of Six Feet Under.

Such an amazing show, cant believe I missed it.

Peter Krause and Michael C Hall are by far the highlights. Some of the best emotional acting ive ever seen on a tv show.

The Parodies :lol
Season one of Breaking Bad was quite enjoyable, though pulpier than I expected. I'll get around to season 2 when I can, not really a priority at the moment though.
I'm finishing up Defying Gravity. I think the show actually had some potential. Not the greatest acting going on, but the premise was somewhat interesting to me.
Started watching Friday Night Lights a few days ago. I didn't know the show and don't like American football. Nevertheless consider me hooked. Great cast, great acting, great show.
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