I just use my DVR. Has a queue/to do list.Messi said:Does anyone know of a site that lets you create a list of shows you like and it then tells you when the next episode of each is airing.
Like tvcountdown.com but with more shows.
I just use my DVR. Has a queue/to do list.Messi said:Does anyone know of a site that lets you create a list of shows you like and it then tells you when the next episode of each is airing.
Like tvcountdown.com but with more shows.
Don't let anyone tell you the last three seasons (5, 6, and 7) aren't worth viewing. They are. The last three seasons are really good.Zabojnik said:I just finished watching the last episode of the 2nd season of The West Wing. That was ... stunning, simply stunning. I'm still in awe. Amazing television right there.America, fuck yeah! And I'm not even american.The whole final part, where Brothers In Arms starts playing in the background, with the storm raging outside, right after the president's immaginary talk with his secretary, who died earlier in the day. The flashbacks to his youth, to his father and to the then still young Mrs. Landingham. To walk to the podium in front of the journalists, the question, the silence. Leo's "watch this" line and then the president's hands that go into his pockets, the looking away and the smile. Amazing.Fantastic series, I can't believe I ignored it for so long.
Dax01 said:Don't let anyone tell you the last three seasons (5, 6, and 7) aren't worth viewing. They are. The last three seasons are really good.
I wouldn't say that, actually. Yeah, Seasons 5-7 have their bumps and hurdles, but having recently re-watched the entire series, I don't think I could place any 1-4 over 5-7 (except maybe 5). Each season of The West Wing, to me, is about the same in quality. Nothing engaged me more in the entire series thanMessi said:Just nowhere near as good as 1-4![]()
JetBlackPanda said:I want to start watching DEADWOOD can anyone let me know if that show is quality?
Breaking BadCorky said:I loved :
First season of lost
Arrested Development
Curb your enthusiasm
What would you recommend me?
I tried watching the first episode of the wire, but it didn't really feel like "my kind" of show.
big ander said:Breaking Bad
Party Down
Maybe Firefly?
Maybe Fringe?
And upcoming shows you may be interested in:
Boardwalk Empire (crime show with a star-studded cast+crew)
running wilde (Will Arnett and Mitch Hurwitz and David Cross)
Walking Dead (AMC series about a zombie apocalypse, but more about the characters who try and survive it)
I finally started Breaking Bad. Flew threw season 1 over about 2 days. Loved it. Just have to find season 2.
Watched the first 4 episodes of the Pillars of the Earth miniseries and I love it. Great acting and some fun characters, a cool setting, and the whole idea of a political thriller in 1100 draws me in.
Corky said:Arrested Development
Curb your enthusiasm
What would you recommend me?
big ander said:Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
Net_Wrecker said:Just finished ROME.
That's how I was, hooked right after the pilot. I want season 2 so bad, haven't been able to get my hands on it.Corky said:omg thank you soo much for this, only seen the pilot as of yet but I'm hooked! Seems like one amazing show!
Salazar said:Eastbound and Down SUCKS. So goddamned tedious. Badly written. Uninterestingly shot. Poorly acted.
I am disgustedly amazed that anybody likes it.
brianjones said:aw thats disappointing.. i got the series coming from netflix.
I haven't seen much of Alias, WW, or Dr. Who, so I can't speak to those. As for the others, they're all good choices - just depends what sort of tone you're looking for. Sons of Anarchy is like a lot of FX - takes some time to get going and the action is pretty brutal, but it all comes together towards the end of S1. Damages is well acted and pretty complicated, but S1 holds up very well on DVD (it's better suited for marathoning that watching week-by-week.) Chuck is one of my favorites - fun action/comedy with likable leads, good soundtrack, etc... I haven't finished Life on Mars, but I enjoyed what I've seen so far through about 4 episodes.brianjones said:any thoughts on which to prioritize?
brianjones said:aw thats disappointing.. i got the series coming from netflix.
im trying to figure out which series i should watch next.. i feel like ive seen pretty much all the greats.. was thinking
sons of anarchy
dr. who
west wing
life on mars (uk)
any thoughts on which to prioritize?
gdt5016 said:Listen you beautiful bitch I'm bout to fuck you up with some truth.
Eastbound fucking rocks.
brianjones said:haha i have to agree.. i liked it
"Sure, I've been called a xenophobe, but the truth is I'm not. i honestly just feel that America is the best country and all the other countries aren't as good. That used to be called 'patriotism'. "
Boardwalk Empire (crime show with a star-studded cast+crew)
running wilde (Will Arnett and Mitch Hurwitz and David Cross)
Walking Dead (AMC series about a zombie apocalypse, but more about the characters who try and survive it)
Eastbound and Down SUCKS. So goddamned tedious. Badly written. Uninterestingly shot. Poorly acted.
I am disgustedly amazed that anybody likes it.
Watched all 3 series of IT Crowd that were on Netflix Instant this weekend. The show is hilarious. I hope series 4 gets a US release soon and it goes up on Instant.
I think I'm going to watch The Misfits next before all the fall shows are back.
brianjones said:aw thats disappointing.. i got the series coming from netflix.
im trying to figure out which series i should watch next.. i feel like ive seen pretty much all the greats.. was thinking
sons of anarchy
dr. who
west wing
life on mars (uk)
any thoughts on which to prioritize?
Jay Sosa said:Can anyone recommend me some crime/drama like Sopranos/The Wire.
*thumbs up*hamchan said:So I spent the entirety of today watching season 3 of Friday Night Lights, start to finish.
You people who recommended this show to me.... *thumbs up*
nacire said:Just finished Seasons 1 and 2 of True Blood and just started Dexter (only 2 episodes in). I actually liked True Blood quite a bit, but it's extremely campy. Dexter seems like it's going to be great as well. I also want to start watching Breaking Bad soon as I hear it's great.
starting the sopranos.. can't believe I was missing this. just finished "College". that rat travel agent got what was coming to him
Boonoo said:So I've been binging on 24 lately, and now I just finished the 3rd season. Is it worth it to watch through the end, or is this a good place to stop.
Boonoo said:So I've been binging on 24 lately, and now I just finished the 3rd season. Is it worth it to watch through the end, or is this a good place to stop.
Blader5489 said:Watch through to the end of S4, then stop.