The first episode is awful and easily the worst of the first season. The show starts out pretty bad and grows in quality with every single episode. It "grows the beard" around episode six and seven.Jay Sosa said:Watched Vampire Diaries few days ago, think it was the first episode. Damn this show is even more boring than True Blood. I know I shouldn't judge a series based on one episode but I already wasted precious minutes of my life tryin to get into True Blood. Seems that Twilight ruined Vampires forever. I mean they do know that Vampires aren't supposed to beall cuddly and nice and cry about that they have to stay virgins forever (That scene was the final reason for me to stop watching True Blood). Buffy atleast did a good job explaining why Angel and then Spike were kinda good and even those two had a hard time not going all psycho and slaughter people..
But hey, teenage girls need some shows to watch too.
The writing and pacing is also leagues more consistent than True Blood.