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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Snuggler said:
I'm just a few episodes into The Shield. I know it's too early to judge, but it hasn't hooked me in yet. It just feels like a typical edgy cop drama with the only twist being that the lead is crooked.
I'm not sure how to feel about him shooting the new guy in the face. Maybe they're just trying to establish that he's a bad dude, but it felt a little too extreme. I'm hoping there might be a bit more to it.

I'll try to soldier my way through the first season since it still has potential but I'm not sure if it'll be my next show.

I also watched the first 2 episodes (technically 3&4 on Netflix) of Battlestar Gallactica. It seems very promising, but the religious stuff from the invisible red dress lady is really turning me off.

I'll still keep working on both since I really need something new to watch.

The Shield is one of them rare shows that get better with every season, stick with it


Finished up with the Wire the other day.. the fourth season was definitely the best.. but I liked how unconventional the entire series seemed compared to what I'd expect from a TV show..

or at least, they caught me off guard, for the most part

examples: (there are plenty more)
being forced to take avon in with small charges
d'angelo killed off in a horrible way and the case is never 'truly' solved
the main port guy, don't remember his name now, is killed off just as he decides to make the case for them
greeks pretty much 'win' at the end, the fbi leak isn't caught
finally getting dirt on stringer, after a whole season of investigation, only to have him get killed by omar in the next scene
s4: funny i can't think of anything now which fits into this, but the entire development of this season was fantastic
mcnulty and freeman -- everything they did throughout the entire season, most notably kidnapping the homeless man
omar getting killed out of absolutely nowhere in the corner store
I still can't believe Showtime pushed it back 'till January. How anyone can sit on episodes of Hank seducing, charming, trouble-finding and otherwise not-writing for that long is beyond me.


Tim the Wiz said:
I still can't believe Showtime pushed it back 'till January. How anyone can sit on episodes of Hank seducing, charming, trouble-finding and otherwise not-writing for that long is beyond me.

It covers so many GAF themes.

"You can have the ass if you want"
"You can keep it. Last time we tried anal during the light of day - not pretty, remember ?"


Salazar said:

Californication is fucking amazing. Hank punching assholes who deserve it = the work of a God.

S1 is excellent. S2 a little less so. S3 is pretty bad outside of one or two episodes, but I might be in the minority.
S1 of Psych. Very entertaining, lighthearted show. I will continue watching through netflix.

S1 of American Dad. I had enough laughs to continue watching, but I don't know if I will go beyond 5 episodes of S2 if I don't start liking it better.


My host family got me into a telenovela (the spanish soap operas), called "¿Dónde Está Elisa?" or "Where is Elisa?". I have to watch it every night. I´m kinda addicted, to the point where I´ll put off a paper that´s due the very next day to watch it.

Wow. Just looked it up on Wikipedia and it´s orginally from the U.S.


icarus-daedelus said:
Not really, but it's kind of ok if you're really bored and don't mind terrible cg all over the place.

I watch it and I like it, but it's a guilty pleasure fo sho.
Yeah that's pretty much how I am with it. If it's on and there's absolutely nothing else I want to watch, I might give it a shot. It's not terrible but it's not something I would seek out.
THE WIRE. I got tired of people making faces at me when I said I'd never seen it so I got the box set and have been working through it. Two seasons down, just starting on the third.

Yeah, when people say it's one of the best TV shows ever made, they weren't kidding.


I started watching Eureka on Netflix IW..now on season 2. It's a funny, sometimes tense show. I can't believe I haven't gone out of my way to watch this before.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Just finished Chuck (S1-3) and Sherlock. Sherlock ended way too soon, I was trying to find another series like it and can't really find anything so now I'm watching Justice League.
icarus-daedelus said:
Telenovelas are awesome, especially because I can't really understand most of what they're saying except for random words like agua and casa and whatnot. This forces me to guess what's going on, and soap operas are always crazy nonsense so it's kind of a fun little game to play.

I remember watching the entirety of Betty la fea (Ugly Betty comes from this). It was well done, kind of. And girls were hot


Just started watching the first season of Supernatural. I'd watched it on TNT a few times and thought it was surprisingly good, so decided to check it out.

First episode was pretty decent.


Are there any Spanish TV shows out there that aren't soap opera-y?

I'm not well versed in that stuff at all, but I'd be interested in it.

As for what I've been watching currently:

-I finished watching Louie a few days ago.
-Watched the Mad Men season finale last night (and enjoyed it)
-Watched the most recent episodes of Dexter, How I Met Your Mother, Chuck, Modern Family and Community.
-Watched the 2nd season premiere of Eastbound and Down but nothing past that.

Currently watching the 3rd series of The IT Crowd and about to start watching Sons of Anarchy. Also, I'm on the 4th series of Peep Show but haven't watched it in a while. Probably should get back to watching that.

Stoked for the return of Friday Night Lights and the series premiere of The Walking Dead (I read the 1st volume and thought it was alright but still feel that the adaptation will be great).
Finished viewing Human Target a couple days ago. Frakking LOVE this show. It pretty much nails the old fashioned action adventure vibe and the chemistry of the cast is terrific. "Salvage and Reclamation", in particular, was quite memorable to me. I felt like i was watching an Indiana Jones tv show, what with the overt references in Winston subplot. Some of the location work and action sequences are simply stunning. Plus the music... MY GOD the music.

Bear McCreary's score was such a defining feature of the series, so i was enormously disappointed to learn that he was replaced for season 2. I'm completely baffled by the decision, as his score elevated the show to a level unmatched by pretty much anything currently on the air. I'm still looking forward to next season, but learning that Tim Jones (composer for Chuck) has taken over the role kinda dampens my enthusiasm a bit. I have never been a fan of his work on that show. His style often distracts rather than enhances. Such a giant step down from McCreary. I also heard they're going to be using songs. *sigh*

Of interest for Chuck fans: Matt Miller (writer of fan fave Chuck vs. the Colonel) has taken over show-running duties for season 2.
Drewsky said:
Just started watching the first season of Supernatural. I'd watched it on TNT a few times and thought it was surprisingly good, so decided to check it out.

First episode was pretty decent.
First and second season are very Monster Of The Week-esque, so if you don't like that, you can skip a few episodes in season 1. It gets more and more of an overarching story as the show continues. (and in my opinion, it also gets better)

Started watching Fringe today, watched the first three episodes. I like it. I just hope it doesn't fall into that trap of asking way too many questions and not answering any.

aka "The Kingdom"

created by Lars von Trier

very good series.. would recommend for fans of Twin Peaks.. it's got quirky humor and is quite creepy as well.

it's only 8 episodes.. and is available on netflix streaming
How good is The Good Wife this season? It's an understated show, but the writers have been clever about understanding what makes it work. It's really not often you see writers able to swallow their pride, see the problems and eliminate them after only one season. They've jettisoned the homestead melodrama, made the cases as much about personalities as the law and nursed along enough conflicting relationship dynamics to fill a bucket. They've turned an above average concept into a fluid, highly entertaining series. A truly impressive writerly feat.
Onto Californication Season 2.

Still good.
I'd even say better than Season 1. Very consistent show that sometimes tricks you into thinking everything is okay and represents the hyena-laughter highs. But when its low it's loooooow. But that's all in hindsight I guess. One of the few shows I laugh out loud every single episode.


I've been going back and watching episodes of Gunsmoke from the first few seasons. It has aged a million times better than most shows from that time period. It's still an amazing show by any standard, with a lot of surprisingly dark elements, along with great characters.

They actually had the guts to end episodes with unresolved storyline elements, and there are plenty of unhappy endings as well. It has a lot of stories that deal with minor little things that happen in town, and episodes that are primarily humorous.

One interesting thing to note... It's an action/drama show, but the early episodes are all 30 minute, and somehow they still manage to pack in plenty of character development and everything else you would expect. The episodes don't feel short, rather they are just perfectly paced with no wasted time. Later on they went to a one hour format, but these episodes feel totally complete at 30 minutes.

The only thing that modern TV viewers will miss is the element of an ongoing storyline. Gunsmoke is basically "bad guy of the week", but they do manage to establish running jokes and other things for people who watch every week. they also manage to create a sense of progression as the show advances, but I'm not sure how they do it.


Been watching the first season of Supernatural. I'm hooked. I'm usually not into procedural, and so far this has been about as formulaic as you can get, but for some reason I'm really digging it.

Just finished up watching Faith, really great monster of the week episode. Can't wait to get down to the end where the real storyline eps are, I hear that's when it really finds its footing.


watched Journeyman and I really enjoyed it

watched Battlestar Galactica mini series and found it pretty good, then I watched the first 5 episodes of season 1 and got bored and realised this show is not for me

I am now thinking of getting into The Wire but the show looks so boring when I previewed the first episode. The wierd thing is I like crime dramas, urban gansta shit but this show just looks boring and outdated.
KAL2006 said:
watched Journeyman and I really enjoyed it

watched Battlestar Galactica mini series and found it pretty good, then I watched the first 5 episodes of season 1 and got bored and realised this show is not for me

I am now thinking of getting into The Wire but the show looks so boring when I previewed the first episode. The wierd thing is I like crime dramas, urban gansta shit but this show just looks boring and outdated.

The Wire is paced very methodically (read: slow), especially in the beginning, but it's completely worth it. There's just a lot of characters and factions and shit that need to be set up Things get real around episode 6 of season 1 and it only gets better as it goes on.


Subconscious Brolonging
KAL2006 said:
I am now thinking of getting into The Wire but the show looks so boring when I previewed the first episode. The wierd thing is I like crime dramas, urban gansta shit but this show just looks boring and outdated.

Outdated? In the way it's shot maybe, it looks paltry next to the cinematography of something like Mad Men or Breaking Bad, but it excels in every other category. And if by crime dramas you mean the typical cop procedural where they wrap up the case at the end of every episode, well The Wire is nothing like that. It's essentially a televised novel and it is superb, but don't expect it to follow any of the formula's network tv does.


KAL2006 said:
I am now thinking of getting into The Wire but the show looks so boring when I previewed the first episode. The wierd thing is I like crime dramas, urban gansta shit but this show just looks boring and outdated.

As others have said, The Wire is really slow to get started. In fact, the first season isn't actually the best, and it doesn't even seem like you're watching something great until near the end of the first season.

Also, it works very differently than other shows. The whole entire series from beginning to end is like one big story. With each passing season, it becomes more compelling. Each season tells a separate story too, but it takes the full context of everything for its true greatness to shine through.

Also, seasons 3 and 4 are the best seasons.


fuck it I'm gonna watch The Wire even though I don't like the look of it, I am going to force myself to watch at least 6 episodes to give the show a chance.
CajoleJuice said:
Finally got around to checking out The Thick of It after loving In The Loop. Holy fucking shit, that first episode was goddamn incredible.

You're in for something special. But don't fucking blink, or Malcolm will take your optic nerve and strangle you with it.

KAL2006 said:
watched Battlestar Galactica mini series and found it pretty good, then I watched the first 5 episodes of season 1 and got bored and realised this show is not for me

I am now thinking of getting into The Wire but the show looks so boring when I previewed the first episode. The wierd thing is I like crime dramas, urban gansta shit but this show just looks boring and outdated.


Honestly, though, I've always thought the equivocations were overstated. You could feel it was different from the first episode - "You got to, this America, man", Rawls chewing Jimmy out - but it took the rest of the season to believe that it was actually going to be sustained. Then, of course, you get four more stellar seasons of the stuff.
How is the 6th season of How I Met Your Mother so far? I kinda stopped watching midway through the 5th season.. it wasn't really great and it sort of fell off my radar. Thinking about maybe catching up with it again.
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