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TV Shows you've watched recently

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StuBurns said:
So is CJ's new position used as a catalyst to move Josh and possibly others onto something else? That would make it much less irritating, although it's still illogical within the show's fiction.
CJ's new role is quite a stretch. I remember scoffing at it as well. It was an obvious ploy to give Allison Janney some more meaty material worthy of an "emmy nominated" lead actress. They do raise the question of whether she is fit for the position and there are a few times where she is a bit out of her depth. The trade-off in realism for CJ's character development is ultimately worth it. The fourth episode was so damn entertaining, though, that i honestly didn't care how contrived it was. Kristin Chenoweth's introduction is an absolute hoot too.

You will definitely love the direction they take Josh, StuBurns.


Spotless Mind said:
CJ's new role is quite a stretch. I remember scoffing at it as well. It was an obvious ploy to give Allison Janney some more meaty material worthy of an "emmy nominated" lead actress. They do raise the question of whether she is fit for the position and there are a few times where she is a bit out of her depth. The trade-off in realism for CJ's character development is ultimately worth it. The fourth episode was so damn entertaining, though, that i honestly didn't care how contrived it was. Kristin Chenoweth's introduction is an absolute hoot too.

You will definitely love the direction they take Josh, StuBurns.
I think Janney is awesome in the show, amazing actually, although so far all the episodes that have focused on her primarily I've been let down by. The new girl I'm a little concerned about, I had flashes of the Blonde republican they had in an earlier season who I never liked, but I'm looking forward to seeing what her role exactly will be, I wasn't clear on it from the episode. And I look forward to seeing the fate of Josh, it's an ensemble cast of course, but he is who the audience is paired with when the show begins, and I knew the actor from Studio 60 so at first I kind of assumed he was the lead. I'm a little confused how the show can really sustain a long term fractured setting if he and others literally go elsewhere. Will and the VP pop into the show, but they're never really key at the moment, and Sam was still in a little after he went elsewhere, but it always felt desperate to get back. If the show kind of splits, and spends it's time between the current administration in the West Wing and what I can imagine would be a new democrat running for office, I can't really imagine how that's going to work at all, but I look forward to seeing if that's the case, and if so, how it works out.


StuBurns said:
I think Janney is awesome in the show, amazing actually, although so far all the episodes that have focused on her primarily I've been let down by. The new girl I'm a little concerned about, I had flashes of the Blonde republican they had in an earlier season who I never liked

Ainsley was great.


I just caught up with Terriers a bit more -- and though still terribly behind -- I implore everyone to check it out. Easily the best new show of the season.

And to any fans of "The Shield" & "Angel", Shawn Ryan + Tim Minear are writers. :)
What ever happened to Ainsley? I'm having trouble remembering. Did Sorkin "Mandy" her?

StuBurns said:
I think Janney is awesome in the show, amazing actually, although so far all the episodes that have focused on her primarily I've been let down by. The new girl I'm a little concerned about, I had flashes of the Blonde republican they had in an earlier season who I never liked, but I'm looking forward to seeing what her role exactly will be, I wasn't clear on it from the episode. And I look forward to seeing the fate of Josh, it's an ensemble cast of course, but he is who the audience is paired with when the show begins, and I knew the actor from Studio 60 so at first I kind of assumed he was the lead. I'm a little confused how the show can really sustain a long term fractured setting if he and others literally go elsewhere. Will and the VP pop into the show, but they're never really key at the moment, and Sam was still in a little after he went elsewhere, but it always felt desperate to get back. If the show kind of splits, and spends it's time between the current administration in the West Wing and what I can imagine would be a new democrat running for office, I can't really imagine how that's going to work at all, but I look forward to seeing if that's the case, and if so, how it works out.
I'm interested to see how you react over the course of the season. They introduce quite a few story threads that last for what's left of the shows run. Some characters, most notably President Bartlett, become a little underused as a side effect, but ultimately i found the juggling of the ensemble and shifting perspectives to be handled quite well.

Talking about it right now is actually making me itch for a rewatch.

anaron said:
I just caught up with Terriers a bit more -- and though still terribly behind -- I implore everyone to check it out. Easily the best new show of the season.
I'm still catching up too, so i've been avoiding the official thread. I'm around episode 7 now and i couldn't agree more with what you said. Brilliant show.


Salazar said:
Ainsley was great.
Her voice irritated me. Which oddly, I've just heard the new blonde talk again, and it's Karen from Will and Grace level brain poking.

Spotless Mind said:
What ever happened to Ainsley? I'm having trouble remembering. Did Sorkin "Mandy" her?

I'm interested to see how you react over the course of the season. They introduce quite a few story threads that last for what's left of the shows run. Some characters, most notably President Bartlett, become a little underused as a side effect, but ultimately i found the juggling of the ensemble and shifting perspectives to be handled quite well.

Talking about it right now is actually making me itch for a rewatch.

I'm still catching up too, so i've been avoiding the official thread. I'm around episode 7 now. I could not agree more with what you said. Brilliant show.
I believe Ainsley just disappeared. I didn't even notice till Josh said Matt Perry would need to look like her to be a Republican they'd hire.

I'm sure I'll keep updating the thread with my impressions when whatever is going to happen, happens.

Josh just crashed a big red car, bad PR is gushing into the office. I feel like something is going to kick off soon.
Spotless Mind said:
What ever happened to Ainsley? I'm having trouble remembering. Did Sorkin "Mandy" her?
She made an appearance in the last episode. I think she wanted the job of White House Chief Counsel or something like that.
I'm interested to see how you react over the course of the season. They introduce quite a few story threads that last for what's left of the shows run. Some characters, most notably President Bartlett, become a little underused as a side effect, but ultimately i found the juggling of the ensemble and shifting perspectives to be handled quite well.
Indeed. They were able to steamroll it until the very end. I mean, some of the character were duds, but the great characters that came along more than made up for it. When I read your paragraph, the quote about a certain character came into mind: "Is it possible to be shocked but not surprised?"
StuBurns said:
Josh just crashed a big red car, bad PR is gushing into the office. I feel like something is going to kick off soon.
You're one episode away from where things start to kick off.


First episodes from Arrested Development and Freaks & Geeks. I'm gonna stick with Freaks & Geeks and maybe later I will check rest of the AD. And I didn't know Seth Rogen was in Freaks & Geeks :lol So I guess the guy has been in something good :O


Things are starting to happen in the West Wing.

The President had an MS thing on the plane to China, he can't walk, and can barely function in terms of the office. CJ is irritating me more and more. Leo is kind of back in which is great. Josh is half out the door with his Obama figure, which I was concerned about because for an episode they seemed to be alluding to him going to support the Republican who's running which after CJ's job jumping would have been enough to have me give up on it.

It's coming together now, I'm looking forward to it.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Cornballer said:
You should all watch Terriers tonight on FX at 10pm ET. It's too bad that the viewership numbers are so low because a lot of people (including me) think that it's the best new show this Fall.

- Alan Sepinwall: Why you should be watching 'Terriers' - and why FX should save it
- Maureen Ryan: 'Terriers' Is the Best New Show of 2010: Why You Should Be Watching
- CNN: 'Terriers': The best new show you're not watching
- Salon.com: "Terriers": One of this fall's only gems
- Watch ‘Terriers’ while you still can
- TV Guide: Give Terriers a Chance

I only watched the first episode and was generally: 'meh'. Will later episodes change my mind?


Watched the entire The Office UK. Didn't like it too much. It's grounded more in reality compared to the US version but it was little too dry. Plus, David Brent is a totally unlikeable wanker. I know, it's his character, but he's not one you love to hate. You just hate to hate.

Rewatching The Office USA. Season 2's The Fighter episode is so damn hilarious. One of my favorite episodes. You can really start to see the level of disrespect Michael has for Toby. :lol

big ander

Started The Shield last Tuesday. Been hard to fit it in with school and everything but I'm 4 episodes into season 4. Damn good show. So far I'd say my season rankings are 1>3>2. 4's okay so far.
Can't decide whether I like Glenn Close. I like that Shane has basically transformed into a Vic-type character whose priority is his family, but he's still being pretty douchy to people who just want peace (Vic, Ronnie, sort of Lem). Also, I love that Ronnie's getting more action. David's character is turning super weird. Claudette needs to stop being a baby; though I'm sure she'll only throw a bigger tantrum when she finds out Dutch bowed down to the DA.
And lastly, Corrine and Vic are dick parents. Their children are autistic, and they're helping them with that, but they seem like they don't love who their kids are. "They weren't supposed to be this way"? Get over yourself and be a good mother.


Jealous Bastard
y2dvd said:
Watched the entire The Office UK. Didn't like it too much. It's grounded more in reality compared to the US version but it was little too dry. Plus, David Brent is a totally unlikeable wanker. I know, it's his character, but he's not one you love to hate. You just hate to hate.

i didn't like it, either. i was surprised.

big ander

beelzebozo said:
i didn't like it, either. i was surprised.
I've only seen series 1 and 2 so I've never watched the special :p
But yeah, I didn't love the UK version. It just made you hate like 7 different people. I don't remember thinking "well this character's a douche because of this, but they also did this." All that went through my head was "this guy's a jackass with zero redeeming qualities. So's that guy. and that girl. and that guy." Just got tiring.
Funnily enough, I loved Series 1 of Extras, though. Still need to see the rest of that.


West Wing update.

The source of the military spacecraft leak has been revealed, and I was really impressed with how it was handled. Since CJs promotion I've been wanting to see her trip up, and the way they dangled the implication it was her was wonderful, then the actual reveal itself was great. It's not what expected at all, and yet it made complete sense and actually felt obvious in retrospect.

At this point the show's direction has really surprised me, and pleased me. Josh was my favorite character and he's pretty much leading the ensemble at this point, when I had suggestions the show was going to form a duality, I never expected it to actually be a three way split with the Republican race as well. It's really working well.

As for the new characters, Kate, the former CIA, now White House Advisor, is really great. I believe I got her confused with another new blonde when she was mentioned earlier in the thread, she's very attractive too, has a Busy Philipps' sultriness to her.

Annabeth, was at the White House, now working on the Santos run, this was the character I was critiquing earlier, there's almost a hint at a romantic relationship with Leo at this point. I still don't like her.

Lou, the actress played Seinfeld's fiance, it took me a while to place her, which can be an irritant when watching TV, seeing vaguely familiar faces that send my mind running. She's good, a nice cold counter point to Josh. Doesn't compete with the earlier Toby/Sam/Josh machine gun banter, but someone was required for some rhythmic exchanges.

Santos, at first I didn't care for him, his clashes with Josh irritated me, but at this point, their relationship has solidified and it's really working well. He's trailing a little, but there is no way they'll end the show with a Republican leader, so he's either going to win or back out and Leo is. His wife is yummy too.

Season five was bad, early six was rough, since then, it's been awesome again. I was in real doubt it'd be worth watching, and it took some pushing past, but it's great at the moment. Still not as good as 1-4, but really excellent. I still really believe the CJ thing was a mistake. It was positioning, I understand that, but I really believe they should have tied it to Josh leaving and have him and Toby both turn down the position first. It might have added weight to her struggling to stand up to the job.
y2dvd said:
Watched the entire The Office UK. Didn't like it too much. It's grounded more in reality compared to the US version but it was little too dry. Plus, David Brent is a totally unlikeable wanker. I know, it's his character, but he's not one you love to hate. You just hate to hate.

Rewatching The Office USA. Season 2's The Fighter episode is so damn hilarious. One of my favorite episodes. You can really start to see the level of disrespect Michael has for Toby. :lol

beelzebozo said:
i didn't like it, either. i was surprised.

big ander said:
I've only seen series 1 and 2 so I've never watched the special :p
But yeah, I didn't love the UK version. It just made you hate like 7 different people. I don't remember thinking "well this character's a douche because of this, but they also did this." All that went through my head was "this guy's a jackass with zero redeeming qualities. So's that guy. and that girl. and that guy." Just got tiring.
Funnily enough, I loved Series 1 of Extras, though. Still need to see the rest of that.



Still watching freaks & geeks. What an wonderful show :lol Among the best shows I have seen in a while. I'm halfway through and every episode so far have been good from greate. I love the guidance counselor Jeff, great character :lol











y2dvd said:
Watched the entire The Office UK. Didn't like it too much. It's grounded more in reality compared to the US version but it was little too dry. Plus, David Brent is a totally unlikeable wanker. I know, it's his character, but he's not one you love to hate. You just hate to hate.

This was my problem with it as well. I just couldn't stand most of the characters. The US version has much more likable people overall.
Tim the Wiz said:
Perfect. :lol

I have to wonder about the fixation on having likable characters, though. Is it an American thing?

I believe so.
But I also think that for us English it's just something we're used to watch or read (unlikeable bastards).
Anasui Kishibe said:
I believe so.
But I also think that for us English it's just something we're used to.
People being totally unlikeable? :lol

I didn't like the UK version much the first time I watched it (before the US version came out), as I didn't even bother to check out Series 2. Then I watched it again recently and ended up ripping through it all. I really appreciated and enjoyed it much more. Peep Show is my UK comedy of choice, though.
CajoleJuice said:
People being totally unlikeable? :lol

I didn't like the UK version much the first time I watched it (before the US version came out), as I didn't even bother to check out Series 2. Then I watched it again recently and ended up ripping through it all. I really appreciated and enjoyed it much more. Peep Show is my UK comedy of choice, though.

LOL I edited, son :lol

glad Office was a slow burner for you
Anasui Kishibe said:
LOL I edited, son :lol

glad Office was a slow burner for you
There's definitely a difference, because I even stopped watching Peep Show for a while because it was just so awkward and painful to watch. When I picked it back up a year or two later, I wondered what the hell I was thinking originally. Maybe a flip switched in me
I got laid


erotic butter maelstrom
Been watching season 2 of Parks and Recreation. I've watched it on and off before the Office and 30 Rock but I never really payed it much attention, I thought it was just 'OK'. Season 2 has converted me. It's a very funny show and I love all the characters. I consider it among the best comedies on TV right now, so good.

Also watching The Wire for the first time. Almost done with season 1.


Snuggler said:
Been watching season 2 of Parks and Recreation. I've watched it on and off before the Office and 30 Rock but I never really payed it much attention, I thought it was just 'OK'. Season 2 has converted me. It's a very funny show and I love all the characters. I consider it among the best comedies on TV right now, so good.
Another fan converted! :)

Easily my favourite comedy on TV. I really hope It can return with strong ratings in January.

big ander

Tim the Wiz said:
Perfect. :lol

I have to wonder about the fixation on having likable characters, though. Is it an American thing?
I'm pretty sure it's a universal thing, for the same reasons that I have personally: if nobody is likable there's not much going on. If, like in the Office UK, you hate every character on screen, you don't care too much what happens to them. And that's how I remember feeling. Granted, I sped through the 12 episodes and revisiting them could change my opinion. But saying zero likability is a good thing on a show is ridiculous. You just like the characters for different reasons.

I also went through Parks recently. Had seen season 1 and about 5 episodes of 2, but seeing it all was fantastic. I hope season 3 starts strong (I'm sure it will). Then Thursdays will be spectacular between Community, a resurging 30 Rock, and consistent Office.

Shield season 4, just finished episode 10. Shane's arc in this season is fantastic. It's brought be from simply pitying his character to seeing the value in him.


big ander said:
I'm pretty sure it's a universal thing, for the same reasons that I have personally: if nobody is likable there's not much going on. If, like in the Office UK, you hate every character on screen, you don't care too much what happens to them. And that's how I remember feeling.

Jesus Christ. Even Dawn ? Even Tim ? That can't be a universal thing, I'm afraid. A part of you is just cold :lol


Sym-Bionic Titan is awesome.

For those not familiar, the it's the newest show from Genndy Tartatovsky (Samurai Jack, Star Wars: Clone Wars). Describing it is kinda hard, since it sounds like it's made just to sell toys. It's about refugees (a princess, Ilana, a guard, Lance, and a robot, Octus) from a far off planet that have made it to Earth. Lance and Ilana can activate and power robotic armor, and the three together form the Sym-Bionic Titan.

The first few episodes are about establishing the characters, which is actually a pretty wide cast. Not only do you have the three main characters and the main villain from their home planet, there's supporting cast members in the form of US Army, Galaxy Police (or something), and high school students. So there was a lot of groundwork to be laid, but recently, the show's been focusing on the characters and their backgrounds. Episodes are episodic, but there's an overarching story as well. I haven't looked up all the writers, but one of them is Paul Dini, who worked on Batman: The Animated Series for a very long time.

The last four episodes have been pretty great in particular, and last night's really sent it rocketing into "Holy fucking awesome."

I know not everyone likes watching cartoons, and Genndy's shows tend toward the dull side (at least to start), but it's a lot of fun to watch.

big ander

Salazar said:
Jesus Christ. Even Dawn ? Even Tim ? That can't be a universal thing, I'm afraid. A part of you is just cold :lol
:lol I dunno, everyone says they hate Jim and Pam. But in the early seasons, I loved Jim and Pam. In the UK version, I feel like the jerkiness in both Tim and Dawn comes out a lot more easily and I couldn't make myself like them :p

Just finished the Shield season 4. Christ. So good. For me, 1=4>3>2. I loved
Glenn Close's character. Monica was fucking awesome. But her being so awesome is what forced her to leave. It's awesome that they took a murder that impacted the entire department and showed that it was just a politics game for everyone above the chief. Like David and that Assistant Chief, scumbags. Especially David. Hope he dies sometime soon. Oh, and Lem's in deep shit. The absence of the Strike team this season made me appreciate just how awesome those characters are. Even Ronnie.
I hope we get to see Anthony Anderson/Antwon get the lethal injection down the road.


Not an asshole.

Can't recommend this show enough. For me, it was amazing how closely it hit home in a lot of places. He's just so brutally open and honest with his identity. It's also god damned hilarious and surprisingly really dark.

Walking Dead has also been pretty good, but It's a really mixed bag in terms of performances. I usually have a high tolerance for that sort of thing, but I expected better casting from an AMC show, especially by darabont. However they nailed Rick, his Buddy Cop Guy, and Dale - so I can't complain too much.

I also love the cinematography and pace of the show - each image is thoughtfully composed and really takes its time to tell the story.


Kodiak said:

Can't recommend this show enough. For me, it was amazing how closely it hit home in a lot of places. He's just so brutally open and honest with his identity. It's also god damned hilarious and surprisingly really dark.
Yep, Louie is fantastic. Really glad it got a second season.


erotic butter maelstrom
I like The Wire so far. It's very smart, very authentic - just as I've heard. I like Omar, he's one badass dude. My only complain, which isn't really a knock on the show, is that I'm kinda lost at times. I get the overall idea of what's happening but if you were to quiz me on the smaller details I'd probably fail horribly.

2 left in season 1, definitely gonna do the whole series


Subconscious Brolonging
big ander said:
Just finished the Shield season 4. Christ. So good. For me, 1=4>3>2. I loved
Glenn Close's character. Monica was fucking awesome. But her being so awesome is what forced her to leave. It's awesome that they took a murder that impacted the entire department and showed that it was just a politics game for everyone above the chief. Like David and that Assistant Chief, scumbags. Especially David. Hope he dies sometime soon. Oh, and Lem's in deep shit. The absence of the Strike team this season made me appreciate just how awesome those characters are. Even Ronnie.
I hope we get to see Anthony Anderson/Antwon get the lethal injection down the road.

Well hold on to your ass because season 5 is out of control. Shit is about to get real.


Snuggler said:
I like The Wire so far. It's very smart, very authentic - just as I've heard. I like Omar, he's one badass dude. My only complain, which isn't really a knock on the show, is that I'm kinda lost at times. I get the overall idea of what's happening but if you were to quiz me on the smaller details I'd probably fail horribly.

2 left in season 1, definitely gonna do the whole series

That's just how it goes. You'll get better with the show. A rewatch helps picking up all that little stuff in S1.

"The half I understood got me through the half I didn't."

"Kinda like Season 1 of The Wire?"



Sports Night

Just seen the pilot, I really don't like it, it's cheesy crap, I'm very surprised. Anyone seen it? Does it get better?

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
StuBurns said:
Sports Night

Just seen the pilot, I really don't like it, it's cheesy crap, I'm very surprised. Anyone seen it? Does it get better?

It's the only Aaron Sorkin project that I like. No one should judge any show by a pilot episode, but SN is absolutely wonderful practically from the get-go, although it's unquestionably better once they ditch the laugh track. West Wing borrowed some story arcs from Sports Night, as well, so perhaps that would be some incentive to continue.


Cosmic Bus said:
It's the only Aaron Sorkin project that I like. No one should judge any show by a pilot episode, but SN is absolutely wonderful practically from the get-go, although it's unquestionably better once they ditch the laugh track. West Wing borrowed some story arcs from Sports Night, as well, so perhaps that would be some incentive to continue.
I certainly wasn't going to give up on it after the first episode, but I was pretty surprised, the pilot of the West Wing and Studio 60 are both pretty awesome. The laugh track is irritating, it feels like it should be like the other two shows, it has that dryness to it, but the laugh track implies it should be a more traditional comedy. The only time I really laughed was when one guy (he played Will in the West Wing, and was in the the American President too) went to sit down and there wasn't a chair.

Hopefully the laugh track ditching comes sooner rather than later.

Out of interest, what was it you liked about SN but didn't find in his other shows (or films if that applies)?
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