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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Just finishing another rewatch of The Wire, and I'm about to finish Season 4. It's way to fucking brutal to leave, so I'm going to try to watch the last two episodes tonight.

Season 4 is soul crushing.

big ander

Spire said:
Well hold on to your ass because season 5 is out of control. Shit is about to get real.
That's what I kept hearing. And it was completely true. Holy fuck. That right there is a perfect season of television.
I accidentally spoiled myself when I started the series.
I liked Lem's actor. I looked him up. Before I thought about it, I had added the years in my head and figured out when he would be gone.
That didn't make his death any easier. I bawled like a baby. It made me cry more than nearly every episode of a show I've watched. I think the only one that can match it is the Lost finale.
The arc of every single character is spectacular. David's makes you see how twisted and self-serving he is. Vics shows how deep he's dug himself. Shanes shows that he needs the team more than anything. And he'll do anything for it and his family. Lem's shows that how key he was to the team. It'll fall apart without his balance. And Kavanaugh is the perfect counterpart. Like Gilroy was, he's unbalanced, zealous, and extremely smart. That kind of crazy plus intelligent is frightening.
I can't rave enough about this season. Amazing.


erotic butter maelstrom
starting the last episode of season 1 of The Wire. Man, the last few episodes have been incredible. Fucking tragic, too. "That" scene was just brutal.


... : (


Watched episode 3 of Terriers. Goddamn this is amazing,
the suicide of the insurance guy had me
. Was unconvinced till episode 2, but now will continue watching.
icarus-daedelus said:
I watched Sherlock season 1 over again. Still not sure how I feel about Moriarty being revealed to be
a gay Irish psychopath
but otherwise the series is amazing. What kind of name is Benedict Cumberbatch, though. Poor guy. It's the polar opposite of Moon Bloodgood.
I liked that twist, but I thought overall the ending was pretty goddamn terrible. But as you said, the rest was fantastic.


I've been watching a lot of series the last month or so. Without cable Netflix has become my best friend.


Over the last couple weeks I have watched all four seasons of 30 Rock. It is pretty darn funny. Alex Baldwin cracks me up big time!!


I just watched Survivors Season 1 and 2 on Netflix this weekend. I enjoyed it. Something about BBC dramas that are more human then US dramas.


element said:
I just watched Survivors Season 1 and 2 on Netflix this weekend. I enjoyed it. Something about BBC dramas that are more human then US dramas.

Have you seen Being Human ?

If not, gogogogogogogogogo.

big ander

element said:
I've been watching a lot of series the last month or so. Without cable Netflix has become my best friend.


Over the last couple weeks I have watched all four seasons of 30 Rock. It is pretty darn funny. Alec Baldwin cracks me up big time!!
30 Rock was one of those shows that I kinda-sorta-followed for a long time. I would watch it when I felt like it, so over 4 seasons I only caught maybe half the episodes. Glad I did the same as you and watched every episode a couple months ago. It's a great show.


I finished Sports Night, after a rough start, it really got quite good, certainly not comparable to the West Wing, but you can see the seedlings of Sorkin's genius planting.

Next is Firefly, then Weeds.
finally finished Chuck season two. Kicking off S3 tomorrow. Gaf thinks it's woeful but I don't care; the finale for S2 was some heart thumping jar full of awesomesauce that made me so damned pumped for all things Chuck

jesus, really. Chuck's season two finale is one of the BEST EVER
element said:
I've been watching a lot of series the last month or so. Without cable Netflix has become my best friend.


Over the last couple weeks I have watched all four seasons of 30 Rock. It is pretty darn funny. Alec Baldwin cracks me up big time!!
Liz Lemon: "Why are you wearing a tux?"
Jack: "It's after six, what am I, a farmer?"
Great show, still probably my favorite sitcom currently on air. Community comes close, I think, but the sheer amount of 30 Rock there is right now makes it superior in my eyes. They've been pretty consistent too, imo. (there were some not-so-great episodes in S4 but overall it was very funny)

I finished Dexter Season 1 today.. wow.
I did not see Rudy aka Brian being Dexter's brother coming. Great acting too, especially the scene in which Dexter kills him. The scenes in which the little brothers sit in the container, full of blood made me very uneasy.
The last few episodes of the season were pretty amazing.


A recent post finally convinced me to give Friday Night Lights a try, and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. I'm still on the first season, but it's clear that this show is a winner.


Krowley said:
A recent post finally convinced me to give Friday Night Lights a try, and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. I'm still on the first season, but it's clear that this show is a winner.
Hell yeah, man. Welcome to the party.


Krowley said:
A recent post finally convinced me to give Friday Night Lights a try, and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. I'm still on the first season, but it's clear that this show is a winner.


One of the best shows ever. Waiting to get season 4 for christmas. Cant believe its nearly over :(

But seriously 'What would Riggins do?'
Anasui Kishibe said:
finally finished Chuck season two. Kicking off S3 tomorrow. Gaf thinks it's woeful but I don't care; the finale for S2 was some heart thumping jar full of awesomesauce that made me so damned pumped for all things Chuck

jesus, really. Chuck's season two finale is one of the BEST EVER
Personally, I think the premiere is the only episode of Chuck I have outright disliked. The rest is good, with some truly great episodes along the way (spoilered if you'd rather not know the episode titles in advance)
(versus Operation Awesome, versus the Beard, versus the Tic-Tac, versus the Honeymooners, versus the Tooth, and the two part finale is also good)
It is still a great show in Season Three, in my opinion at least.

I'm in the middle of Season Six of The West Wing right now, and it is absolutely great right now. I cannot understand why people say to quit after Season Four. Right now, I'd say that this is just as good as the Sorkin era episodes. In fact, the current storyline of candidates emerging and coverage of the primaries is infinitely more interesting and entertaining than how similar events were presented in Season Three. The addition of Mary McCormack's character doesn't really bring anything to the show, and the season is a little slow starting off, but since the episode where
CJ was named Chief of Staff
the show has been completely excellent. The introduction of Santos, and the race between him, Hoynes, and Russell, as well as the Republican candidate that Josh met with whose name escapes me right now has breathed new life into the show. This might be the first time where I am genuinely looking forward to the next episode like I would with my favorite television shows. The West Wing has always been good, but to a certain extent has some inconsistent episodes in every season. This stretch (episodes 3-11) has not had that, and as a result I am simply loving the show.


lordoftherink said:
I'm in the middle of Season Six of The West Wing right now, and it is absolutely great right now. I cannot understand why people say to quit after Season Four. Right now, I'd say that this is just as good as the Sorkin era episodes. In fact, the current storyline of candidates emerging and coverage of the primaries is infinitely more interesting and entertaining than how similar events were presented in Season Three. The addition of Mary McCormack's character doesn't really bring anything to the show, and the season is a little slow starting off, but since the episode where
CJ was named Chief of Staff
the show has been completely excellent. The introduction of Santos, and the race between him, Hoynes, and Russell, as well as the Republican candidate that Josh met with whose name escapes me right now has breathed new life into the show. This might be the first time where I am genuinely looking forward to the next episode like I would with my favorite television shows. The West Wing has always been good, but to a certain extent has some inconsistent episodes in every season. This stretch (episodes 3-11) has not had that, and as a result I am simply loving the show.

I stopped because of all the people on gaf saying it gets shit after season 4. But my love of Martin Sheen might get me to go back.


Krowley said:
A recent post finally convinced me to give Friday Night Lights a try, and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. I'm still on the first season, but it's clear that this show is a winner.
yes indeed. I was hooked on the show couple of months ago, got to the end of season 2 and then stopped for some reason. Think i went on a vacation somewhere.

Anyway i just returned to it after seeing Netflix put season 4 on instant watch. Forgot how amazing the show was. So much emotion in it. Pretty much every actor is incredible.
I want to sex up the coach. What a manly man.


So I made my way through Avatar: The Last Airbender through the last few weeks. It was actually pretty good. Obviously a kids show through and through, but a good one.

Then I decided to try watching Shamalamadingdong's movie version of it despite hearing how terrible it was and had to turn it off less than 30 minutes in. Holy shit the internet wasn't exaggerating how terrible something was for once.
KevinCow said:
So I made my way through Avatar: The Last Airbender through the last few weeks. It was actually pretty good. Obviously a kids show through and through, but a good one.

Then I decided to try watching Shamalamadingdong's movie version of it despite hearing how terrible it was and had to turn it off less than 30 minutes in. Holy shit the internet wasn't exaggerating how terrible something was for once.

Seriously, I absolutely adore the show so I thought surely it can't be that bad.

But it really is, I mean it's not just a horrible adaption of the show it's just a straight up awful film. Very poorly made in every possible way.

I hope he isn't allowed to make anymore, I'd hate to see him ruin Toph.


The last West Wing update. CONTAINS END-SHOW SPOILERS

I've finished it, season five was, for the most part, pretty bad, early season six continued that, but it got to speed, and although it's a quite different show than the one Sorkin ran, it is really excellent, and that continued until the end.

My last comment was seemingly after Here Today, the episode with the reveal of who leaked the story about the military spacecraft. So the Al Smith Dinner was next, the real raise of the stakes in terms of the race for office. From this point on, the focus is really gone from the west wing itself, which had it's benefits and downsides. Although I didn't see Bartlet as the main character at all, he was the catalyst for everything earlier in the show, his presence was always felt, and when he was ever in the room, they did an excellent job of making him appear lordly. This was really taken away in the last season, he only really appears as a boss to CJ who we don't see delegate anything, it actually feels like two people work at the white house towards the end.

The focus is firmly on the race, and it's for the better, the Al Smith Dinner episode is the first real indication (at least to my recollection) of the relative positions of the two both in terms of their politics and popularity. We're told Vinick is fairly liberal for a Republican, and that Santos is the underdog because he was an unknown for the longest time, other than that, until this point I didn't really feel informed about their positions.

I'm certainly not going to go into a debate about the morality of abortion, we all have our views and it's certainly a topic many people feel strongly about, but this episode did an interesting thing, it's unusual in entertainment media for us to really only get one side of a debate. This episode does that, it's not a case of abortion even being considered wrong, it's just the degrees of reasons seen as legitimate.

The Debate is an interesting experiment. It worked, I'd love to see the other version (which reminds me, I want to see the other version of the live 30 Rock episode). Ultimately, it didn't move the show at all, it just even more attempts to put the candidates on a even keel. The show was brutally left wing until the sixth and seventh season, and this episode really stood out as preparation for having Vinick win, ultimately that was a misreading, it was more likely to prepare the audience for Santos' offering to Vinick at the end.

Undecideds I felt tried a little too hard. Bartlet is portrayed as a genius, the smartest president for a long time if not ever. And yet he needed a number of speech writers, as one might expect. This episode has Santos display a silver tongue while improvising alone that rivals Bartlet's staff at their best.

The Wedding episode was okay, the weakest of the season for me.

Running Mates on the DVD set I have starts with an announcement that John Spencer who played Leo had died. I wasn't aware of this till I saw the episode. Earlier in the thread I mentioned that I thought Santos might drop out and Leo would be elected in his place. This might appear to be a wacky idea, but it's not more wacky than CJ's career ladder jumping, at least, it didn't appear to me that way, knowing very little about American politics as I do. The reason I thought that was in the flashforward at the start of season seven, Leo isn't seen, but Josh says the president is coming, and he appears to be in the president's staff. I also assumed this scene would be revisited and completed at the end of the show, however it was not. I can't find any claim either way, but I think there is a chance that was the original intention. They also set up Santos as having some secrets that could be used to make him end the race around this time, I thought that might come into it.

I'm not going to detail every episode, but for the rest of the season, I enjoyed it all (except some lame celebrity bits).

The final episode was good, it tries hard to get the lump in your throat, and although final 'gift' from Leo is probably intended to be the crusher, for me the big one was the book Bartlet gave Charlie. Their relationship throughout the show has been really special, and it was a beautiful conclusion.

I should mention the Donna/Josh relationship, it was a big thing thru the show. I didn't like the way it ended. Like all of those potential couples in TV shows, the second they give in, and allow it, it's never the magical thing it appeared to potentially be. Much like in real life, but with TV and film romanticizing depictions of love, with all the additional build up, I expect that much more over the top happiness, and yet it all felt very comfortable but not at all surprising.

As a whole, the show has been phenomenal. Certainly among my favorites. One thing that is so bittersweet, is there isn't anymore. It feels like this is the first time a real reboot has been done, paced correctly, and we don't get the results. They spend literally two years putting it together, and we don't get Santos' reign, and I wanted that at the end.

Two Cathedrals remains the shows high point, it was incredible and I believe even as a stand alone piece of television, people should check it out. It's strangely far far better than Sorkin's The American President. He is a strange writer. He could write forty minutes of TV alone in a week, and it's as high a standard as the film scripts he spends years on. It was great to see him in the final episode too actually, felt very respectful for lack of a better term.

I loved the show, and am very glad I didn't abandon it at season five, it would have been a mistake for sure.


Watched the first episode of "The Walking Dead". Wasn't too interested in it before I found out it takes place in Atlanta/surrounding area, but so far so good.

Also finished Code Geass recently (loved that) and starting Gurran Lagann (heard great things)


Anasui Kishibe said:
finally finished Chuck season two. Kicking off S3 tomorrow. Gaf thinks it's woeful but I don't care; the finale for S2 was some heart thumping jar full of awesomesauce that made me so damned pumped for all things Chuck

jesus, really. Chuck's season two finale is one of the BEST EVER

S2 is one the greatest seasons of television ever. S3 IS woefully bad though for a large chunk of the season. The premiere is literally the most janky episode of the entire series. S4 is better than S3, but I dunno, I feel that the magic has gone out of the show and the formulas and tropes it relies on no longer feel as fresh as they did the first two seasons.

To be succinct: Chuck was my favorite show in TV in S1 and S2, but now it doesn't hover anywheres near such a place. Also, the budget cuts. *sigh*
ouch. Thanks for that Solo and lordoftherink. I was already thinkin "how are they going to ever top THIS (insert basically any random scene from S2 finale)", and then I remembered Gaf talking about S3 as being quasi-disappointing. I'm personally not that bothered, since it will be impossible to reach such highs. I'll be content with S3 being just good.


Anasui Kishibe said:
I'll be content with S3 being just good.

Well, in my eyes (and I tend to be a lot more negative than most of Chuck-GAF, so YMMV) it doesn't even reach that plateau on a consistent basis in S3. There are several really great individual episodes, but they never reeled off a string of great ones like S2 managed to do for an entire season.


Snuggler said:
season 2 of The Wire

surprised by the change of setting, they're after docksmen now

good show

McNulty and Bunk eating crab and drinking beer together is so fucking right :lol

just got offed. Good riddance.


The Equalizer.


Started watching from the start and it will take me some time to get done with it.

It is an awesome TV series from the second half of the 1980s with some campy and cheesy stuff mixed in with some nice thriller moments.
glaurung said:
The Equalizer.


Started watching from the start and it will take me some time to get done with it.

It is an awesome TV series from the second half of the 1980s with some campy and cheesy stuff mixed in with some nice thriller moments.
My mum loooooved this show. Oh Edward Woodward


Been watching Sopranos for the first time recently.. half way through season 2, one or two episodes after
christopher gets shot

amazing show, loving every minute of it

finished this recently

really fun stuff if cheesy. someone said in another thread the best episodes are the creepier ones and i would agree with that.

i cant help but find the daleks really silly :lol .. their design is just wtf

i thought Christopher Eccleston was great as the doctor why did he get such a short run?

tabsina said:
Been watching Sopranos for the first time recently.. half way through season 2, one or two episodes after
christopher gets shot

amazing show, loving every minute of it

good man


Serenity Now

I've just watched the pilot of Firefly, I have mixed feelings about, as I do almost everything. I don't think the larger scale stuff worked in this episode, and the mix between Cowboys and Star Wars is not a good gel so far. I hope going forward the show leans more towards on ship drama and less on interplanetary Deadwood. Another issue is the CG is dog shit terrible.

Some great material in this episode though, the introduction of the woman in the box was awesome. The captain is awesome as well. There's some cool writing in there too:

"You're just gonna scare him."
"Pain is scary."

Overall it was pretty good, I think it's a little too lofty maybe, too ambitious, but maybe they'll ton that down as it goes on.

It's good, thanks to GAF for getting me to watch it.

big ander

StuBurns said:
Serenity Now

I've just watched the pilot of Firefly, I have mixed feelings about, as I do almost everything. I don't think the larger scale stuff worked in this episode, and the mix between Cowboys and Star Wars is not a good gel so far. I hope going forward the show leans more towards on ship drama and less on interplanetary Deadwood. Another issue is the CG is dog shit terrible.

Some great material in this episode though, the introduction of the woman in the box was awesome. The captain is awesome as well. There's some cool writing in there too:

"You're just gonna scare him."
"Pain is scary."

Overall it was pretty good, I think it's a little too lofty maybe, too ambitious, but maybe they'll ton that down as it goes on.

It's good, thanks to GAF for getting me to watch it.
I questioned the Space Western setting at first too. Soon you'll be in love with it.
Is the CG really that bad? I watched the series off the BD set and I thought it was fine. Nothing amazing, but I never looked at it and thought it stood out because it sucked.
Also, that show has so many good lines it's not even fair.


big ander said:
I questioned the Space Western setting at first too. Soon you'll be in love with it.
Is the CG really that bad? I watched the series off the BD set and I thought it was fine. Nothing amazing, but I never looked at it and thought it stood out because it sucked.
Also, that show has so many good lines it's not even fair.
The CG is pretty bad yeah, but it's not enough to detract me at all, it's just a shame. I'll watch another one later I think. I don't know anything about the show going forward, except that it ends with a film, but I'm surprised at how the captain treated the hooker in the first episode. I feel like it's a prelude to some larger arc between the two.
Just finished the first season of Misfits. I think I've found my new favourite obsession. It's been a while since I've so quickly slipped into loving every character in a cast, but this show has managed it quite easily. Even when half the characters are massive douchebags, quite an achievement. Love the darkly hilarious tone too.


The Storyteller said:
Just finished the first season of Misfits. I think I've found my new favourite obsession. It's been a while since I've so quickly slipped into loving every character in a cast, but this show has managed it quite easily. Even when half the characters are massive douchebags, quite an achievement. Love the darkly hilarious tone too.

Your avatar and name means I am going to trust you on this :lol


Arrested Development :lol
Back when the show started I only watched the pilot and for some reason I didn't like it. But now only after 4 episodes this ranks among my top 10 tv shows.


I've finished episode six of Firefly.

The show is pretty incredible at this point. Hendricks just showed up and was crazy awesome (I also finally know where one poster's awesome avatar is from). The captain fucking up the final encounter with the whore on board was a real shame.

The show has really gone in the direction I'd hoped, it's a lot less 'grand', and at this point I'm pretty comfortable with the space cowboy dichotomy. It was GAFs very own Trent Strong who recommended it to me, and he was right, it's really very much what'd have hoped from a sci-fi show. I kind of liked TNG, I've seen quite a bit of that, but this is far more my cup of tea.


CiSTM said:
Arrested Development :lol
Back when the show started I only watched the pilot and for some reason I didn't like it. But now only after 4 episodes this ranks among my top 10 tv shows.
I've been marathoning this for Thanksgiving. So good to watch it again.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Just have to say, Avatar: The Last Airbender is pretty goddam amazing. Barely starting Book 3.

Quite frankly, I'm in love.
Catalix said:
Just have to say, Avatar: The Last Airbender is pretty goddam amazing. Barely starting Book 3.

Quite frankly, I'm in love.

One of my favourite shows of recent years, so bloody good!

Just be sure to stay well clear of the movie adaption, even out of curiosity. It really is as bad as people say it is.

Favourite character? The correct answer is
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