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TV Shows you've watched recently

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erotic butter maelstrom
I probably do prefer Curb, it's just funnier, but Seinfeld is timeless to me. I've seen every episode a million times but I can still stop and watch it any night it's on TBS and have a good time.
My wife and I have been going through a TV series watching binge lately and we are constantly discussing the "tiering" of the various series we've seen in their entirety (most are finished, a couple are still ongoing). Here's where we currently land (keep in mind, this is based only on series we've seen and is simply our opinion). Also, this is only for dramas. Comedies will need their own list. :D

Tier 1

The Wire
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
Mad Men

Tier 2

The Shield
Battlestar Galatica
West Wing

Tier 3

Lost (seasons 1-4 could have been Tier 2, but most of season 5 and ALL of season 6 sullied this once great series *flamesuit activated*)

Popular series we haven't seen yet: Rome, Carnivale, In Treatment, Tru Blood, Sons of Anarchy, Fringe.

We tried Supernatural and Rescue Me, but couldn't make it past the first seasons. Oz was great, but fell apart after the first few seasons.

Boardwalk Empire would be a Tier 2 right now and has potential to move up depending on future seasons. Treme also has the potential to make the list. Nurse Jacky could be a Tier 3 as it had a weak first season, but a great second.


erotic butter maelstrom
good list (you got wire, sopranos and mad men in the right spot), I would stick Breaking Bad into tier 2

Lost is a tier 1 for me, but that's just me
nice.. i would agree with that for the most part.

gaf seems to like angel more than buffy but the best of buffy is superior i think.

rome and carnival are tier 2

sons of anarchy and true blood are tier 3

oz as a whole is tier 3 but the first 3 seasons are tier 2

treme did nothing for me. i watched all of it and it was well made but i can barely remember anything interesting happening aside from one character.
I would stick Breaking Bad into tier 2

I've seen the first season which I enjoyed, but that alone wouldn't get it into the list. My wife saw most of season 2 and thought it was ok. I should probably re-engage with the show and see where it lands.

gaf seems to like angel more than buffy but the best of buffy is superior i think.

I acknowledge that Buffy is superior in the long run, but yes, there are some eps of Angel which I really love. It definitely has one of my favorite series finales (as does Six Feet Under).

treme did nothing for me. i watched all of it and it was well made but i can barely remember anything interesting happening aside from one character.

I agree for the most part. This series is very slow and hits you over the head with "Katrina and Government are bad!", plus I'm not a huge fan of the music, but by the end of the season (particularly the last few eps), it really started clicking and I could see it's quality.
Snuggler said:
I still gotta watch Deadwood, I guess that shall be next in line after I'm done with Tha Wire.

you have so much good TV ahead of you

i feel like im running out :(

im just getting my feet wet with west wing.. thats about the biggest show i have left to watch i think

i think enough time has passed for me to rewatch Deadwood


erotic butter maelstrom
kanugo said:
Finished Dexter's Season One. In general opinion, second season is best/worst? Anything I need to know beforehand? :p

for me, it was the best season the first time I watched it

it's not as good on a rewatch without any of the surprise or suspense, but overall it's still a good season

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
icarus-daedelus said:
Which is even more jarring, in a way, like watching a filmed version of a play or somesuch. Doesn't change the point much in any case.

I actually enjoy the audience laughter on a lot of older sitcoms - Seinfeld in particular - before most TV production moved to prerecorded tracks. The spontaneity of their reactions is a wonderful addition to what's happening on screen (I especially love that you can pick up on various crew members' laughter throughout the run of a series) and when rewatching episodes, I often find my own anticipation building when I know there's a great punchline coming up that, at the time, had never been unleashed onto the viewers before.


My bad with Community, completely forgot it had 24 episodes and not 12.

Definitely interested in justified, not least for the cast including the dude from The Shield, one of my favourite shows ever.

Lights out, meh, not the most exciting idea for a show, a dementiafied boxer collecting things.

I'll check out Parks and Recreation, never seen it.

Interested in Game of Thrones of course, but that's not out until April so doesn't plug the gap, also The Killing, not until march.

I really need to watch Deadwood, seems like one of the big hitters I haven't seen.
Burli said:
My bad with Community, completely forgot it had 24 episodes and not 12.

Definitely interested in justified, not least for the cast including the dude from The Shield, one of my favourite shows ever.

Lights out, meh, not the most exciting idea for a show, a dementiafied boxer collecting things.

I'll check out Parks and Recreation, never seen it.

Interested in Game of Thrones of course, but that's not out until April so doesn't plug the gap, also The Killing, not until march.

I really need to watch Deadwood, seems like one of the big hitters I haven't seen.
I see you ignored Archer. Your loss.


CajoleJuice said:
I see you ignored Archer. Your loss.

Sorry man, was quite a lot of posts to wade through, I love Archer and will definitely be watching - when does season 2 air?

EDIT: Stopped being lazy and looked myself, end of January = awesome.


Glad to see gaf not eating me alive about Seinfield :)I was thinking maybe I'm being a snob about it being old but not at all. I recently finished Twin Peaks, and by Allah, its up there as one of the best shows I've seen.

Was really tempted to do a lttp thread on it but spent that time reading on theories of the show. Loved it.

After Fringe I'll watch Carnivale I heard that's the closest to TP.
Just a reminder that AMC is rerunning all of Breaking Bad on Wednesday nights starting tonight. The first two episodes are on this evening. Check your local listings.
Burli said:
Sorry man, was quite a lot of posts to wade through, I love Archer and will definitely be watching - when does season 2 air?

EDIT: Stopped being lazy and looked myself, end of January = awesome.
It's ok, I'm just very defensive about my Archer love. It's so good.


Whifflebat said:
Tier 1


You're goddamned right! Also, from your list of potential next series to watch, go with Fringe, and know ahead of time that both the first and second seasons start out on kind of a bad foot, but the back end makes it worth the struggles.


Cornballer said:
Just a reminder that AMC is rerunning all of Breaking Bad on Wednesday nights starting tonight. The first two episodes are on this evening. Check your local listings.
Oh sweet! I can finally get into it! :)


I've started my first watching of LOST. Halfway through Season 1. Suffering from some information overload at this point, but definitely going to stay with it. I don't know how people watched this show on a regular broadcast basis. Would have driven me nuts.


Breaking Bad Marathon begins tonight. They're airing the first two episodes. I believe they're showing all three seasons leading up to season 4. Feel like creating a new thread for this but I don't know... Someone else do it. I can't recommend this show enough. Was wrong to ignore it for so long. First episodes of season 1 were good but it really hits its stride towards the end. Again, I highly recommend it.

big ander

Started Flight of the Conchords last night. I'm really loving it. The 3rd episode was fantastic. I had been looking forward to the show because, like everyone, I've heard "Hiphopopotamus vs Rhymenocerous" and "If You're Into It" before. But I had been told that the actual show didn't live up to the music. Well it sure as hell does so far.

After that, I just got Bored to Death season 1 in the mail. And once I finish that, I'll have a bunch of series that I need to finish/catch-up on:
-Bored to Death
-Extras (seen only series 1)
-Office UK (I only need to watch the special, who knows maybe I'll even do it tonight)
-Eastbound & Down (seen only season 1)
-Flight of the Conchords
Askani said:
I've started my first watching of LOST. Halfway through Season 1. Suffering from some information overload at this point, but definitely going to stay with it. I don't know how people watched this show on a regular broadcast basis. Would have driven me nuts.

The early seasons were horrible with repeats as well. We'd go two episodes and a repeat, another new one, then a repeat. Maybe it's just looking back but it always seemed like a gamble if there was a new one on or not.


Askani said:
I've started my first watching of LOST. Halfway through Season 1. Suffering from some information overload at this point, but definitely going to stay with it. I don't know how people watched this show on a regular broadcast basis. Would have driven me nuts.
I started watching it 'in real-time' during season five, and there were benefits to ripping thru it real fast before then, and watching it as and when it came out, it was a very different experience though.


Just as a heads-up:

Spaced: The Complete Series, is part of the UK boxset deal at Barnes and Noble . com. It's $29.99 on BN.com which is the cheapest it is anywhere right now and the cheapest it's been for a while. With the 15% coupon (enter code CCABINBN at checkout) it came to $27.22 including tax. I've been following the prices closely for this set and it pretty much has never been on sale since it came out. I believe it's only 14 episodes long but they are all great and the set is chock full of special features. Each episode comes with 2 commentary tracks and their is a dedicated disk to other special features. I cannot recommend this series enough. If you are a fan of Simon Pegg or Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, you will love this. It stars Pegg and Nick Frost and was directed by Edgar Wright.

Here is the DVDtalk review:


big ander

YagizY said:
Just as a heads-up:

Spaced: The Complete Series, is part of the UK boxset deal at Barnes and Noble . com. It's $29.99 on BN.com which is the cheapest it is anywhere right now and the cheapest it's been for a while. With the 15% coupon (enter code CCABINBN at checkout) it came to $27.22 including tax. I've been following the prices closely for this set and it pretty much has never been on sale since it came out. I believe it's only 14 episodes long but they are all great and the set is chock full of special features. Each episode comes with 2 commentary tracks and their is a dedicated disk to other special features. I cannot recommend this series enough. If you are a fan of Simon Pegg or Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, you will love this. It stars Pegg and Nick Frost and was directed by Edgar Wright.

Here is the DVDtalk review:

I've already seen the whole series and that's still very tempting.
anaron said:
Cornballer said:
Just a reminder that AMC is rerunning all of Breaking Bad on Wednesday nights starting tonight. The first two episodes are on this evening. Check your local listings.

Oh sweet! I can finally get into it! :)

There's lots of great stuff in store for you, but make sure to avoid the promos. They have huge spoilers for the entire series (especially season 3).

Jay Sosa

Trying to remember the name of a US show..It's about some talk show host (at least I think it is) and afair is called "The .... show", was televised in the 90s and was cancelled after a few (or one) season. I know it's very vague but maybe someone knows which show I'm talking about. Just to be clear it was show about a talk show host, not a real talk show.

EDIT: Nvm, found it..was talking about the Larry Sanders show

Thanks anyway.

kanugo said:
Finished Dexter's Season One. In general opinion, second season is best/worst? Anything I need to know beforehand? :p

Huh? Just watch it and make your own opinion. Geez..


Got my hands on Deadwood on only two episodes in now I can tell it's going to be something really special. Helps that I'm such a massive fan of westerns, love most of the cast and HBO shows in general.

Also the opening music is fantastic and reminds me of Firefly, probably my favourite show ever.


Jealous Bastard
DEADWOOD, like THE WIRE, was a real slow burn for me. it's funny, they had a very subtle effect on me; the point at which i was sort of not sure what to think of them and the point at which i became totally obsessed with continuing to the next episode is very hazy. but, i think perhaps because of that slow burn, of the fact that they're so unwilling to give you everything at once or ingratiate themselves to you with bombastic, huge events in the first episodes, they are much more rich as you go on, and i reflect on them really fondly for having the guts to be this way.


beelzebozo said:
DEADWOOD, like THE WIRE, was a real slow burn for me. it's funny, they had a very subtle effect on me; the point at which i was sort of not sure what to think of them and the point at which i became totally obsessed with continuing to the next episode is very hazy. but, i think perhaps because of that slow burn, of the fact that they're so unwilling to give you everything at once or ingratiate themselves to you with bombastic, huge events in the first episodes, they are much more rich as you go on, and i reflect on them really fondly for having the guts to be this way.

I felt this EXACT WAY about The Wire, so I can safely say I'll feel the same about Deadwood. I'm excited!
- James Poniewozik weighing in with his Top 10 episodes of 2010
Now, the short version of the list (but please read the full version for my explanations and praise):

1. Friday Night Lights, "The Son" (DirecTV/NBC)
2. Mad Men, "The Suitcase" (AMC)
3. Community, "Modern Warfare" (NBC)
4. Breaking Bad, "One Minute" (AMC)
5. Fringe, "Peter" (Fox)
6. Louie, "Bully" (FX)
7. Lost, "The End" (ABC)
8. Treme, "Do You Know What It Means" (pilot) (HBO)
9. The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, final episode (NBC)
10. Justified, "Fire in the Hole" (pilot) (FX)

And finally, a very incomplete--more or less off the top of my head--list of honorable mentions, in no particular order:

The Walking Dead, pilot
Treme, "Wish Someone Would Care"
Party Down, "Party Down Company Picnic"
Glee, "Dream On"
Breaking Bad, "Fly," "Half Measures," "Full Measure"
Boardwalk Empire, "Nights in Ballygran"
Parks and Rec, "Sweetums," "The Master Plan"
Rubicon, "Look to the Ant"
Friday Night Lights, "I Can't"
Terriers, "Hail Mary"
Dollhouse, "Epitaph Two: Return"
Mad Men, "The Summer Man"
Community, "Mixology Certification"
Modern Family, "Manny Get Your Gun"
More via the link. Good list overall, and it's nice to see so many of my favorites (including Terriers and Party Down) get a shout out.

EDIT: Here's his list of shows, too:
1. Breaking Bad
2. Mad Men
3. Parks and Recreation
4. Louie
5. Boardwalk Empire
6. Party Down
7. The Pacific
8. The Good Wife
9. Rubicon
10. Terriers

And here's my (incomplete) list of honorable mentions:
Friday Night Lights
Men of a Certain Age
Modern Family
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
The Walking Dead
Sons of Anarchy
Bored to Death
The Venture Brothers
In Treatment

Again, that's not the sum total of all worthwhile on TV, but a selection of those that I thought had a particularly good 2010. (The "particularly" being one thing that makes it hard to compare a consistent long runner like The Daily Show, which I still love.)


Parks and Rec his number 1 comedy? I approve



Cornballer said:
- James Poniewozik weighing in with his Top 10 episodes of 2010
Now, the short version of the list (but please read the full version for my explanations and praise):

5. Fringe, "Peter" (Fox)
10. Justified, "Fire in the Hole" (pilot) (FX)

Love that both shows got a mention, but I wouldn't go with either episode for either show.
Also, the WGA released their writing award nominations yesterday. More info via the link.

Boardwalk Empire, Written by Meg Jackson, Lawrence Konner, Howard Korder, Steve Kornacki, Margaret Nagle, Tim Van Patten, Paul Simms, Terence Winter; HBO

Justified, Written by Dave Andron, Wendy Calhoun, Benjamin Cavell, Fred Golan, Gary Lennon, Benjamin Daniel Lobato, Chris Provenzano, Graham Yost; FX

Men of a Certain Age, Written by Bridget Bedard, Warren Hutcherson, Rick Muirragui, Jack Orman, Ray Romano, Mike Royce, Lew Schneider, Mark Stegemann; TNT

Treme, Written by Lolis Eric Elie, David Mills, Eric Overmyer, George Pelecanos, Tom Piazza, Davis Rogan, David Simon; HBO

The Walking Dead, Written by Frank Darabont; Charles H. Eglee, Robert Kirkman, Jack LoGiudice, Glen Mazzara; AMC


Boardwalk Empire, Written by Meg Jackson, Lawrence Konner, Howard Korder, Steve Kornacki, Margaret Nagle, Tim Van Patten, Paul Simms, Terence Winter; HBO

Breaking Bad, Written by Sam Catlin, Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, Gennifer Hutchison, George Mastras, Tom Schnauz, John Shiban, Moira Walley-Beckett; AMC

Dexter, Written by Scott Buck, Manny Coto, Charles H. Eglee, Lauren Gussis, Chip Johannessen, Jim Leonard, Clyde Phillips, Scott Reynolds, Melissa Rosenberg, Tim Schlattmann, Wendy West; Showtime

Friday Night Lights, Written by Bridget Carpenter, Kerry Ehrin, Ron Fitzgerald, Etan Frankel, Monica Henderson, David Hudgins, Rolin Jones, Jason Katims, Patrick Massett, Derek Santos Olson, John Zinman; NBC

Mad Men, Written by Jonathan Abrahams, Lisa Albert, Keith Huff, Jonathan Igla, Andre Jacquemetton, Maria Jacquemetton, Brett Johnson, Janet Leahy, Erin Levy, Tracy McMillan, Dahvi Waller, Matthew Weiner; AMC


30 Rock, Written by Jack Burditt, Hannibal Buress, Kay Cannon, Robert Carlock, Tom Ceraulo, Vali Chandrasekaran, Tina Fey, Jon Haller, Steve Hely, Matt Hubbard, Dylan Morgan, Paula Pell, John Riggi, Josh Siegal, Ron Weiner, Tracey Wigfield; NBC

Glee, Written by Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk, Ryan Murphy; Fox

Modern Family, Written by Jerry Collins, Paul Corrigan, Alex Herschlag, Abraham Higginbotham, Elaine Ko, Joe Lawson, Steven Levitan, Christopher Lloyd, Dan O'Shannon, Jeffrey Richman, Brad Walsh, Ilana Wernick, Bill Wrubel, Danny Zuker; ABC

Nurse Jackie, Written by Liz Brixius, Rick Cleveland, Nancy Fichman, Liz Flahive, Jennifer Hoppe-House, Mark Hudis, Linda Wallem, Christine Zander; Showtime

The Office, Written by Jennifer Celotta, Daniel Chun, Greg Daniels, Lee Eisenberg, Brent Forrester, Amelie Gillette, Charlie Grandy, Steve Hely, Jonathan A. Hughes, Mindy Kaling, Carrie Kemper, Jason Kessler, Paul Lieberstein, Warren Lieberstein, B.J. Novak, Peter Ocko, Robert Padnick, Aaron Shure, Justin Spitzer, Gene Stupnitsky, Halsted Sullivan, Jon Vitti; NBC


Junior Member
The Office, really? I'm one of the few on here that still like the show, but I can think of tons of comedies that deserve the nomination more than it does.

big ander

Cornballer said:
- James Poniewozik weighing in with his Top 10 episodes of 2010More via the link. Good list overall, and it's nice to see so many of my favorites (including Terriers and Party Down) get a shout out.

EDIT: Here's his list of shows, too:
Very good list.

WGA noms really are shit, just like all awards shows. The only top-tier comedy on that list for me is 30 Rock, which is still amazing. Never seen Nurse Jackie, Office is still great but nowhere near as good as it used to be, Glee is...I'm gonna move on, and Modern Family has just gotten tiring, personally.
I know it gets a shitton of hate on here, but Community has some damn clever writing.


Anyone else from Canada watch Being Erica? The third season just finished and I think it'll be airing in the US in January or something. Just a completely fantastic show. The season finale was such a tease.


Has Weeds greatly improved this season? I've heard only negative things post something like s2.

StuBurns said:
Cougar Town is good? I would never even think to check it out.

I don't normally watch it but they retooled the show really early in the first season and it's not that bad.


Ceres said:
Has Weeds greatly improved this season? I've heard only negative things post something like s2.

I don't normally watch it but they retooled the show really early in the first season and it's not that bad.
Yea Weeds S6 is much better than the previous two, with S4 being the only stinker.

StuBurns said:
Season three was much better than season two.
Disagree, but they're definitely the two best seasons.
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