[KoRp]Jazzman;41730624 said:Just got half way through New Girl Season 1 and I hate myself to say it, but my god this show is good. Out of principle I swore I wouldnt watch the show after seeing how the network was promoting it, but im glad I gave it a chance in the summer.
Her quirkiness was too much for the first few episodes, but its really moved past that quite well into an awesome buddy comedy. No idea why they tried to sell it like they did, but looking forward to the rest and next year.
So I watched the Buffy movie the other day. Liked it, though you could tell which parts were Whedon and which were...not. Anyway I've been planning on jumping into the show soon, and I was wondering: does the pilot make the transition from the film to the movie pretty explicit? Or will I need a breakdown?
hm.was he really doing that for Jesse? (it's Jesse by the way, not Jessie. Jessie is a girls name) or was he doing it because Jane was in his way? Spoiler, it's pretty damn clear it's the latter. him killing Jane was not tough love, it was skittish and rash murder of someone who threatened Walt's drug operation.
What did you think of theplane crash? It seems to be the most divisive part of season 2.
Didn't mind it.
However, after having seen 2 seasons, I believe I'm now somewhat qualified to say, at this point, while a great show, BB is NOT an absolute top tier show ala Deadwood or Mad Men. I would say that BB is amazing entertainment, but I would put it firmly in the next echelon below MM/DW. The writing just isn't at the level of those two shows.
Didn't mind it.
However, after having seen 2 seasons, I believe I'm now somewhat qualified to say, at this point, while a great show, BB is NOT an absolute top tier show ala Deadwood or Mad Men. I would say that BB is amazing entertainment, but I would put it firmly in the next echelon below MM/DW. The writing just isn't at the level of those two shows.
Interested to see if your opinion changes at all after catching up with the next 3 seasons, but I agree completely. I do think season 3 and 4 are higher in quality though
Right now BB is on the level of Justified or Homeland for me. Awesome television, just shy of brilliance.
Right now BB is on the level of Justified or Homeland for me. Awesome television, just shy of brilliance.
I watched the first season of Game of Thrones last weekend. It's pretty good and i love the world(characters, cities, villages, forests, the big wall, etc.) they created. Some of the scenes are a bit too violent for my tastes, but the rest is good enough for me to continue watching it. I was very surprised that theykilled what i assumed was going to be the main character of the show. That little fucking piece of shit of a prince(or rather king now) better die someday.
When is the 2nd season going to be released on Bluray/DVD? Really want to see what happen next. And when will the 3rd season starts?
I still won't forgive the book publishers for delaying the paperback edition of A Dance with Dragons by 7 months so they can tie it into the season 3 hype3rd season starts on march 31st, so the second season should be coming out end of february/early march probably. thats how they usually do it anyway, date hasn't been announced yet
However, after having seen 2 seasons, I believe I'm now somewhat qualified to say, at this point, while a great show, BB is NOT an absolute top tier show ala Deadwood or Mad Men. I would say that BB is amazing entertainment, but I would put it firmly in the next echelon below MM/DW. The writing just isn't at the level of those two shows.
cool, cool. I'll start it up sometime soon then.The show is something completely different, you don't even have to watch the movie. It's a million times better, the only weakness that BTVS has is that a few episodes are weak. I like Season 1 the least, Season 2 is amazing and the rest is too. Unfortunately season 1 is missing the best character of the show.
mhm, it's truly a universal show, despite seemingly being about such a specific subject. In fact I think football fans might be prone to liking it less because of how much the sport is marginalized in the show, especially in the later seasons.3 episodes away from the end of Friday Night Lights which I've been blazing through. I love the way they portray Texas, all I'd heard about Texas was that it was a hellhole with nothing to do around there and although the show doesn't deny that it kinda is there's still a charm and beauty to it that I think the show manages to capture really well. As a european growing up with soccer I never saw the appeal in American Football but the toughness of the sport and the strategic element with everybody playing a very specific role really started to appeal to me and actually made me look if there are any american football clubs around. The show obviously romanticizes and dramatizes the sport but I'll probably still buy my first Madden game due to this.
It made me think about the differences in sports education between Europe and the US too because both have P.E. with watered-down versions of sports you play with everybody in class but the US has this culture of sports being played on a serious level too with coaches and everything. Is that still true even outside of Texas or is it made a bigger deal than it really is in the show? I also really like how the show throws a couple of curveballs and is kind-of offbeat in it's writing with examples like:Matt Saracen not really becoming a star quarterback in college and fumbling the ball during one really important match that they lose because of it, Tim not going to college and the Lions not immediately winning their first season.
Can't believe this show bombed in the US but I think they didn't really need more seasons anyway, although a couple more episodes per season might have rounded it out a little better.
I've only seen the 1st season and maybe a 1/3 of the second, but I found the family drama somewhat unpleasant to watch. It was well done, but there was too much of it (something I have difficulty caring about; just personal preference). Does that still take up a lot of screen time?While I don't agree (with most people) that Breaking Bad is as good as something like Mad Men, the show does get quite a bit better IMO. While the second season is indeed great, and not top tier, I think a case could be made for seasons 3 and 4. I don't want to over hype it though.
I've only seen the 1st season and maybe a 1/3 of the second, but I found the family drama somewhat unpleasant to watch. It was well done, but there was too much of it (something I have difficulty caring about; just personal preference). Does that still take up a lot of screen time?
I will say that the first half of Season 3 and first half of Season 4 feel like filler
Just about to start 3.06. Seems like shit might be about to get real.
Right now BB is on the level of Justified or Homeland for me. Awesome television, just shy of brilliance.
Okay, done for the night, but just finished 3.06. Goddaymn.
As a part of Justified-GAF, Breaking Bad is freaking brilliant. Looove both shows.
As a part of Justified-GAF, Breaking Bad is freaking brilliant. Looove both shows.
Solo going through BB? Excellent.
Oh yeah.
He's approaching theepisode. Let's see which side he's on.____Fly__
Watching Parks and Rec season 4. Hilarious thus far.
Thinking about doing Louie season 2 with my GF next. Not sure what else there is after that. Any ideas of what to watch on Netflix guys? Would prefer something pretty recent.
Yeah, I've seen AD. Party Down, Spaced, and AD are my favorite comedies for sure. Thanks though.Def Louie season 2. Some of the best comedy I've seen. Have you watched Arrested Development? Not sure if it's on Netflix, but that's an amazing comedy as well.
Worst episode ever.
You'll probably watch the rest of the season tomorrow yeah? I imagine once you start getting into the back half you won't be able to stop.![]()
I would imagine I'll do 3.07-3.10 today, then 3.11-3.13 + 4.01 tomorrow. 4 eps each day.
This is good. I won't point out which, but one of 3.07-3.10 is the series' most divisive episode, but I know already that you'll like it! 3.12, 3.13, and 4.01 are absolutely ridiculously intense. You're in for a treat.
Lame, and kinda strange considering that after some googling, it had higher ratings than both Gossip Girl and 90210 (lower than Supernatural though).Low ratings, which isn't much of a problem on CW normally, but also didn't fit into CW's target demographic. Reaper arrived shortly after the UPN/WB merger, and was picked up before they decided to be a teen girl network. Supernatural was established enough by then to still get away with it. It's actually kind of a miracle they even gave Reaper a second season.
I totally dropped the ball with Justified. Was loving the new season and then somewhere in the middle I missed an episode and I haven't caught up since. Did it finish well? Worth finishing the second half right? Anywhere I can catch the eps online?